816-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993 Please see Section D for additional Mail Box Markets ' MAILBOX MARKET ’ FOR SALE Cabin & building on 55 ac. elec., phone, well, on state road, good hunting, Juniata Co. $55,000. Dau. Co. 717-545-2086. Case 870 tractor $5OOO, large hunting cabin, excel, hunting, 30 min. to Lake Raystown, $22000. Hunt ing. Co. 814-542-4235. Fiberglass cap & bedlines for Dodge Dakota longbed, charcoal grey, slider, tinted windows w/screens $350 for both 080. Lane. Co. 717-464-9271. Ram, Hampshire reg. 3 yr. proven breeder of twins tractor JD M w/equipt. g.c. Camden Co. 609-561-4618. 2 Papec silage wagons single row Int. #l6 forage harvester, silo unloader for 14' silo. York Co. 717-292-2830. 4 holstein heifer calves age 3 wks. to 3 mth. pick 4 out of 12. Dau. Co. Lloyd S. Stoltzfus, RD 1 Box 275, MiHersburg, Pa. 17D61. 91 Ford Ranger standard 15' wheels w/hubcaps 4 pieces like new, 5150 080. Lane. Co. 717-687-8392. LP gas refrigerator fair cond, $4O stair glide 18' like new, $800,12' cultimul cher Bnllion $2500. Leb Co. 717-273-6018 Axeman Anderson hard coal hot water furnace 130,000 BTU auger fed water coil, very good cond , $l2OO Cambria Co. 814-344-8185 MF 760 combine, hydro, fresh engine, NH 1495 hay bine, self-propelled gas, 1968 Int 1800 tandem, 18' gram bed, 76,000 mi. all clean & shed kept. 410-329-6842. Int. model 62 combine $lOOO. Hampshire Co 304-496-8143. Farmec bale elevator 32' $925, 1 Behlen 16' com cribs $875 ea Franklin Co 717-597-9896. Ford. FISO, 4x4, XLT Lar iat, all power 8' bed dual tanks 50,000 miles, exc. cond., asking $B5OO Westmd. Co 412-539-8691. Reg. Highland calves 2 bulls, 1 heifer. Lehigh Co 215-967-1012. 4 heifer calves beef stock half Brahma very nice. Per ry Co. 717-582-4635. eves, or wknds. 3 gang crow-foot cultipack er endgate for 214 Nl spreader, JD 4-row front end cult.,, Patz chain feed er. 717-626-5555. 4 yr. old ultimate command son bay stallion, will geld 14 hand morgan. York Co. 37 Telegraph Rd., Airville, Pa. 17302. IV4 * glass pipeline & receiving jar for 40 stanch ion bam $lOO or best offer. Adams Co. 608 Crooked Crk. Rd., Gettysburg, Pa. 17325. Polled Hereford first calf heifer, w/heifer calf & 2V4 yr. old herd bull, easy color, good bloodlines, can deliv er. 717-689-2158 ‘66 Chev. PU 3/4 ton $lOOO, '39 Buick 6 special fine cond , $BOOO, brother knitter $9O. butcher kettle $B5 York Co. 717-235-3706 Beautiful rare lilac teddy bear, guinea pigs $25 Lane Co 717-898-7086 Empire 50,000 LP gas hea ter $265, warm-morn , 20,000 BTU, $lOO, Gas Boy elec fuel pump $lOO Lane Co 717-687-7336 nights 3 JD gas r ■ < s Used wooden calf hutches cond, 2 130 fvr cond .bestoffer,2-550 CID fit 2020, 252 n 45 com- J used fuel tanks, 1- 350 bine Warren Co Call Bob, "gal Cumb. Co. 908-362-8 131 717-776-3690. beautiful breeding bull, younger bull, & adorable calf, friendly fancy breeding Pair of lovebirds, blue-pied rooeters, must see. Hunter, male & penchface female, Co. N.J. 908-782-5304 I'4 yrs. old, cage included w/accessories, books & toys extra. Dau. Co 717-469-7248 Surplus equip., must move' MF 760 combine w/heads, '73 Freightlmer COE, 1250 Oliver parts tractor offer/ equip. trade 717-530-8250 AKC English Springer Spa niel liver 5 white, born 7-14-93, female, ideal hunt er or pet, shots wormed, $225. Schuyl. Co. 717-648-4434, Jersey heifer calf started direct cut grass head fits NH 616 $5O. Col. Co. 717-672-2416 or 717-672-2202. 1855 Oliver rebuilt engine new tires $5,200, 1855 w/ cab $5,200, 67 Int. 190 w/20' alum, van dump tan dem $1,400. North'd. Co. 717-286-0650. 1980 Int. 584 D, 8 spd., good rubber 1275 hrs. runs well, $9500 1949 Ford F-6, flats, 4x2, runs $4OO. Mon tour Co. 717-437-3587. 1 pair 16 9-;?6 tires like new $3OO. Montour Co. 717-437-2811. Rear tires M/rims new Goo dyear DTI I 11.2x24 6 ply CACL filled fits IH $350 pair. Warren Co. N.J. 908-689-1433. Reg. young Alpine milkers, freshened May- delightful white Alpine-Cashmere doe kid. North'd. Co. 215-253-8951. 1000 Austrian pine 8’ to 10' you dig $ 15, white pine 5' to 8' $l2. 717-864-2527. 1975 Dodge D6OO 14' stakebody 72,000 miles, 24,000 GVWR, highway gears, no rust, well main tained, big block gas, nice $lBOO. 717-652-8676. Restored old town canoe 17' grade AA, model OTCA, built 2-5-23, real nice, asking $3OOO cash. Pike Co. 717-588-6350. 1993 Dodge 4x4 diesel 8K $21,000, Cletrac tractor $BOO. Tioga Co. 717-724-3474. 3 wagons, 2 gravity, 1 bale 28' elevator, JD right left plows, 110 gal. 3 pt. spray er, MH 7 mower, MH rear wheel weights. Luz. Co. 717-864-3373. 1968 Ford Mustang 6 cyl. auto, very nice car, new red paint $3500. Cumb. Co. 717-766-6758. Int. model 540 4x16 semi mounted plow very good $650, needles for Case bal er $35 ea. Perry Co. 717-834-3882. MH 782 chopper com & pickup heads, Gehl 960 tandem forage wagon both like new. Montg. Co. 215-287-9769. Laminated glass 34“x63"x1’ other large pieces of glass approx, se'xse" 80. Perry Co. 717-582-2730. 1986 Buick Century estate wagon, 81,000 mins new transmission, new exhaust loaded $3BOO. Somerset Co. N.J. 609-466-2959. Smoker bin wagon $575, JO 3-14 3 pt. plow needs one moldboard $375. Dau. Co. 717-469-7351. Hobart welder potable L & R old mounted on trailer w/ torch heli-arc air compres sor gang box vise $2600. North'd. Co. 717-275-4252. 2 yr. old Hampshire ram by reg sire. Leb Co John Lapp, 370 King St., Myer stown, Pa. 17067. IH 555 forage harvester both heads, Fox Custom 90 forage harvester both heads, also 1973 Ford open-road camper. Cumb. Co 717-776-5459. Lineback breeding stock 2 new hyd. valves w/Detent & ’/<' parts good for log splitter, $45 both, SRI 12* digital height gauge, $135. Leb. Co. 717-866-4203. 200 qt. strawberry flats like new, .35 ea„ also pint flats .10 ea. North'd. Co. 717-648-4972. 3 purebred Suffolk spring ram lambs from twin & trip let births $65, 3 pt. broad cast seeder PTO driven V/t bu. capacity $4O. Dau. Co. 717-896-8349 after 3 p.m. 20' sweep arm unloader for harvestore, good cond. Cumb. Co. 717-258-6414. White automatic reset 5 btm. plow 16* to 20’ btms. needs some work $1275 make offer. Lane. Co. 717-738-2258. Ford Series 601 mounted cornpicker for parts or repair barn kept decent shape $250 080. Montour Co. 717-275-2199 eves. While *285 18' field cult., excel, cond., all new shovels, $lBOO neg. Leb. Co. 717-469-0356 after 5 p.m. Pennco barley certified last years $5.50 per bushel cleaned & treated, also Tyl er seed wheat certified last year. Dau. Co. 717-921-2842. 7x42 mobile home trailer, also dog runs & boxes & single dog kennel, best offer. Leb. Co. 215-589-2787. Troy Bill horse rototiller 7 HP Kohler engine like new cond., $550. Morris Co. N.J. 201-694-0834. IH snapper head fit IH 720 thru 881 forage harvesters ex. cond., w/N row. Som. Co. 814-634-8850 after 7 p.m. 12 hole Schmitz hog feed er, good cond., $lOO, Glen wood 1250 wood heater w/ water jacket new coils, $795. 215-286-9343 Meadowbrook cart, small horse size, almost new, fenders, rein rack, equip ment box, patten leather shafts $B5O. Berks Co. 717-933-5888. Gas water heater $75, gas 4 burner stove apt. size $75, dog pen $5O. Berks Co. 215-488-1365. 30 Acres good quality com for silage or HML AC-D-17 tractor w/plow, sickle mow er $2900 plasson fountains $4. Quarryville. 717-786-9070. JD 1050 4x4 586 HR’s like new w/loader $10,500 firm. Lane. Co. 717-484-4767. Cletrac model AG 4 cyl. completely restored oper ating cond. Seward Hutton, 717-938-2000 leave message. Used driving harnesses, used driving bridles, 1 used English saddle, used riding bridles, used heavy driving harness. Lane. Co. 215-445-4709. NH silage cutter w/pipe $lOO, Jamesway litter carri er w/track & switch $2OO. Lane. Co. 717-354-9151. 126 2'xlo‘ hog slats 18 ton chore time bin, 10 ton feed bin, 7 modem ag stainless double 6 fence line feeders. 717-665-5187. Parting out. 83 Subaru GL low mileage parts, birch, cherry & walnut lumber, insulated dog house. Berks Co. 215-777-4579. 10 ewes & 1 ram $5O ea., also 69 Gran PRI for parts make offer. Pat. Schuyl. Co. 717-875-2519. Purebred boxer pups fawn colored very playful excel, pets, shots & wormed, 7 wks. old. Lane. Co. 717-664-2618 eves. Ford truck w/mounted sil age box, good cond., Big Dutchman chicken feeders 500' trough & chain Lane. Co. 717-665-3865. Ml 768 wide narrow silage head, Nl 767 super chop per, Ml 313 wide row pick er. Leb. Co. 717-865-4813. Case 930 comfort king steel wheels pulley No. 6 McCormick new knives shredder bars all in good cond. Lane. Co. 1646 Georgetown Rd., Christia na. Pa. 17509. All steel 4 headblock Frick sawmill M-M gas power unit Cornell cutoff saw w/ elevator VG4D Wis. engine excel, cond. Fred. Co. Md. 1-301-473-5076. IHC 91 combine A-1 cond. except for rasp bars used 1993 season shed kept best offer. York Co. 717-244-0770. 12 good used Terre Hill silo lids $l2 ea., 7 Fickies Mar ietta. Lloyd Homing, 781 Center Church Rd., East Earl, Pa. 17519. Reg. Jerseys 4-H projects ‘Legend* due in Feb. ‘Dun can* due in March blue rib bon winners. Susq. Co. 717-756-2757. Hardie orchard sprayer good Ford motor tandem s steel new fan housing. York Co. 717-292-7651. Nl 709 uni w/838 husker nice, also, NH 962 4 row wide comhead. York Co. 717-456-7375 or 993-6423. Fiberglass storm front car riage w/back lid speedome ter, brown interior, excel, cond., 2 yrs. old. Country Lane Coach Shop, 700 Country Lane, Paradise, Pa. 17562. St. Bernard pups AKC shots, wormed, nice mark ings 7 wks. old 9-2. Lane. Co. 215-464-4085. 1000 gal. fuel tank $lOO, 300 gal. tank $5O, 275 gal. tank $5O, all w/hand pumps, free kittens. 717-229-2082. Rissler conveyor 54' long, Rissler slantboard feeder 60', Patz conveyor 50', Patz adjustable bunk 60'. Hunt. Co. 814-669-4175. Hagy highboy sprayer 6' row clearance 12 row, JD #llO sidemount mower. Lane. Co. 717-354-2412. 2 matching tractor tires 18.4x38, 1 tube Vi tread work (or fuels, $l5O. Ches ter Co. 215-932-8208. 84 Int. diesel truck 16' flatbed, dump & sides $7,200 or best offer, must sell. Lane. Co. 717-733-7458. Int. 234 MID picker front parts rear works 826 brack ets 1000 PTO $4OO. York Co. 717-292-2926. 30 sq. of alum, roofing, 200 pcs. ’/«' plywood 4'xB' sheets, 70 sections chicken house side walls, made from 2x4's, 4' wide 90* high. John S. King, RD 2 Box 64-1, Honey Brook, Pa 19344. Ride & drive pony, cart, harness, 2 Jenny donkeys, 1 grey other chocolate. Schuyl. Co. 717-345-3984. NH 1895 4 wheel drive for age harvester 3RN & hay pickup 900 hr. vary good oond. 412-530-7418. IH 1050 grinder mixer extra screens, ready to go, $llOO. Lane. Co. Jonathan Beiler, 1663 Noble Rd., Kirkwood, Pa. 17536. Galv. square elbows 2*x3', 3’x4", 50« half round gutter miters galv. 4"-5"-6’ brun ing white bam paint $9.70. Lane. Co. 215-445-6865. Underwriters Laboratories Vy Approved Master Labeled t- VV S Lightning Rod Systems TEATES PROTECTION L.P.I. Certified Master Installer Farm, Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES TIM SHAFFER P-O. Box 136 (717) 374-7090 Freeburg, PA 17827 Ear com & Speltz combine run, also will feed heifers. Lane. Co. 717-656-2847. Model 1250 AC Glenwood - broiler, bums wood or coal, complete w/controls & operator manuals. Sch. Co. 717-943-2423 after 5 p.m. 3 axle steel air slide lime trailer $lO,OOO. 717-442-4415. 10' long by 13* wide, 9‘ deep water trough, 12 doz. 1 qt. canning jar, 4 tobacco spears, ladder jacks. Lane. Co. 717-354-0616. NH 66 baler w/engine field ready $250, NH 77 baler w/ thrower field ready $2,500. Montg. Co. 215-584-6053. 3 HP 30 gal. Sears crafts man air compressor $3OO. Lane. Co. 717-731-9322. Toolbar frame for pull type 4 row com planter. Lane. Co. 717-898-1630 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Ford limited slip 31 tooth spline, good cond., $165, Pontiac 350 engine rebuilt $575. Ephrata. 717-733-6654 7-5. Mustang 1700 diesel skid loader $3675, Ford 600 tractor & loader, Nl 323 com picker, like new picked 150 A $2BOO, 3 pt. Bush- Hog like new $675, wheel rake $375. 717-354-0266. Oehl 920 chuck wagon heavy gear ext. hitch Held ready. Lane. Co. 717-626-1386. Mower 6’ rotary 3 pt. hitch. York Co. 717-292-2711. Horse drawn hay ride wagon, seats 12 passsen gers $450, also 8 yr. old rid ing, driving geld $3500. Hunter. Co. N.J. 908-996-3872. IH 8' transport disk, 8' culti packar, post hole digger 3 pt. PTO butcher heifer 900 lbs. .70 per lb. Lane. Co. 215-267-2573, 717-336-2573. 7206 Deutz nice w/6375 hrs., serviced regularly new clutch at 5647 hrs. asking only $4725. Schuyl. Co. 717-345-2390. Civil War medals (3) framed $165, Mason Ham lin pump organ $285, spin ning wheel (small) $275. Mont. Co. 215-287-9897. Antique Edward Jules play er piano $lOOO, 1950 Chrysler 4 dr. Windsor, 1976 Cadillac 4 dr. DeVille w/tiller to restore or part only $75 ea. Montg. Co. 215-539-5045. 2 sets new patio doors alum, boxed $l5O ea, 3 wooden 1 hole com shell ers 2 signed $75 ea. 717-865-7390 after 6. 308 manure spreader 2200 gal. top working cond. will trade Fox truck of equal value. Westmin. Md. 410-848-1324. Front end loader, Dunham Lehr series 2 quick mount fits MF 65 tractor $l5OO. Bradford Co. 717-297-2882. 10 polled hereford cows, 10 open heifers, 5 breeding bulls. 717-345-2488. Cabbage plants $5- 100. Wanted 250 gal. bulk milk tank. Alex. Bucks Co. 215-343-0342. 35’ swinging hammer mower for Gravely good cond., $250, scotch & white pine xmas trees 6' to 8' make offer. “Perry Co. 717-789-3483. New reading utility bed will trade on pick-up bed to fit 1985 Ford 250 w/2 tanks, must be in excel, shape. Blair Co. 814-239-5556. Gehl silage blower w/power take-off shaft cash $6OO. Leb. Co. 717-272-0851. Open buggy, fair cond. Lane. Co. Samuel L. Seiler, 1600 Noble Rd., Kirkwood, Pa. 17536. Oblong & round pig feed ers, 355 grinder mixer good cond. used carriage wheels storm windows, good cond., used house win dows. Lane. Co. 215-266-5407. Hobart 200 amp welder generator in very good cond. on wheels. Ira J. Stoltzfus, 339 Spring Gar den Rd., Kinzer, Pa. 17535. About 10 ton ear com. Dau. Co. 717-566-0329. JD 24T baler w/ejector $4OO. Franklin Co. 717-328-5384. Hobart meat bandsaw $975, 25 gal. steam kettle $350, 3-row transplanter $l5OO, gun safe $l5OO, plate compactor $875. North’d. Co. 717-286-5306. Donkey miniature 34" proven stud reg. gentle $5OO or best offer/trade for ? Rockingham Co. Broad way Va. 703-896-7442. 1979 84IH hydro new paint 2685 hrs. 58 PTO hp $7BOO, 1985 Chevy 350 $10,500 GVW $3OOO. Union Co. 717-922-4385. Ford tractor w/Ford front end loader, model 3000 diesel motor, good running has manure bucket, reg. bucket $3700. Huntin. Co. RR 1 Box 861, Three Springs, Pa. 17264. Light duty Lister Potters 3600 RPM like new $950, steel wheels to fit MH pony $4OO. Union Co, 717-966-0875, 2 sets 19' Papec cutter knives 3' wide Just shar pened $lO a piece, also asphalt shingle $2O a bundle different colors. Lane. Co. 172 W. Black Creek Rd„ East Earl, Pa. 17519. JD No. #234 corn head field ready off of #55 com bine. Carroll Co. Md. 410-756-2828. ♦ 50 new 20 bushel apple bins white oak wood, $25 ea. 717-322-6526. 5 pc. Birdseye maple bdrm. set- pawfooted-high bed 2 beveled edge mirrors nice cond., $6OO. Carbon Co. 215-377-3054. JD 122 chuck wagon, excel, cond , flotation tires, $1250. Howard Co. Md. 301-829-1443. ' Prizer coal & wood range. Bedford Co 814-793-9634. Fox 2000 forage harvester pickup, 2RN comhead field ready. 215-445-8422. 250 lb. Hampshire boar, young Jersey bull, no horns, also fresh Jersey cow, milked by hand. Lane. Co. 717-354-5039. 1978 Chevy 4x4 pickup truck 350 PS, PB, class *3 hitch, good shape run great, $2495 080. York Co. 717-225-5219. JD #237 mounted 2 row com picker stored in shed, best offer. Lehigh Co. 215-756-6541. 6 nursery pons good shape $l5O a piece, hard plastic floors. 336 Osceola Mill Rd., Gordonville, Pa. 17529. Independent Herballfe Distributor Call Me For Products Or Business Opportunity 717-626-5903 1555 Oliver w/wide front diesel $3OOO. Lane. Co. 215-445-4825. NH 718 chopper 1 row com head. Bucks Co. 215-847-5606. UD good running cond., $llOO, IHQ regular com plete $BOO will consider trades unusual livestock or machinery. Reddick, Phoe nix, N.Y. 315-695-5478. JD 720 gas tractor 3 pt. sound $3900, no Sunday calls. Lane. Co. 717-684-3644. 1981 Dodge omni runs fair, inspected till 6-94 $250, wooden cattle body Bxl2, $lOO. Bucks Co. 215-679-6332 after 6 p.m Lumber for sale walnut, cherry, ash cut w/a hand mill to your size. Berks Co. 215-562-8262. Nl unit heads 762 2 row com head & 760 chopper, good cond. Warren Co N.J. 916-852-3374. JD 440 2 cyl. gas crawler dozer, outside blade for parts or restoration $l4OO. Warren Co. N.J. 908-362-8521 after 6 p.m. Plastic mulch lifter, 3 pt. hitch, used 1 yr. $350. Cumb. Co. 717-766-4523. JD 520 w/loader $2650, Case Vac tractor $6OO, MH pony tractor $l7OO, Hes ston baler w/thrower $1250, JO 320 tractor $6500, JD horse drawn mower. Hunt. Co. 814-542-4550. Rye seed, clean combine run $3.75/bushel, Christ mas trees, pumpkins, Indian com, gourds. Schuy- I. Co. 717-386-2107, price list avail. 1973 GMC motor home 57,000 miles, new engine, new tires, new roof air, pro cess of restoration $20,000 offer. Northampton Co 215-588-7503. Ford 60 HP V 8 complete engine & transmission ask ing $4OO, 79 GM (iron duke) 4 cyl. 2000 orig. miles complete engine & transmission. Bucks CO. 215-536-8768. 150 acres com (or silage or high moisture Frystowp area. Leb. Co. please rio Sunday calls. 717-933-8088. 1981 Ford pickup truck 150 V 6 $lO5O. 717-354-0338. Four 2 ton round metal 12 hole hog feeders used very little, also 16 hole wooden hog feeder. 717-336-2251. NH 718 forage harvester w/ both heads, excel, cond., w/dealer checkup. Some rset Co. 814-445-6500. ".’ailbox r.innkhi WANTED Used two way Oliver plow, Lane. Co. Sol. G. Fisher, 2655 Bachmantown Rd„ Ronks, PA 17572. Bush Hog 3 pt. hitch work ing order at reasonable price. York Co. 717-292-4444. Buying pheasant tail feath ers 25# each if dean and over 12’ long. Dave 215-983-9550 evenings. Chester Co. CUSHION Hitches * EZ Hookup Receiver Hitch * Will Accommodate 340-740 Cushion Or 2" Ball ML * Many Other Models * Cushioned Bumpers if Receiver Hitches If Ship UPS Dally * Free Catalog 1 (800) 932-8373 Weaver Distributing RD #2 Box 470 Fmdarlctobura, PA 1702 S
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