OBERHOLTZER’B GRAIN ROASTING on your farm 2743 Valley Vlaw Road MORGANTOWN, PA 19543 (215) 286-2062 FLuiV U SEAL .iLE iL T L& ft. a _r r*' vn CUSTOM W 2 CUSTOM Custom Combining of com, beans, and high moisture cob com. Roller mill avail able to use when combin ing. Berks Co. 6 surround ing areas, 215/887-6348. Custom Hay and Machin ery Hauling. Especially in terested in hauling to Lan caster auctions this winter. Also will buy scrap metal, cars, machinery. Call Jim 717/252-1613. Custom Silo filling in Mor- S intown area (corn or hay ge). (215)286-5638. Fall Grain Seeding w/Great Plains No-Till Drill. Franklin Co.'s. Book ing New. (717)328-2336. Hertz- Haul Liquid Manure Spreading Services. 5,000 Gal. vacuum Trk. (215)286-0706. Rent a round Claus baler, 4x4 bale, w/engine or with out engine, $4.00/bale w/ engine, $3/Bde without en- Slne. You bale or we bale, /rapper available. 717-687-0050 7-7:3OAM; Sollenberger 717-302-8023. Warner Liquid Transport. Liquid Manure Spreading, (717)464-0841 after 5:00. LIQUID MANURE HAULING (717) 284-8710 (717) 464-1344 Steve Lehman Custom Round Baling w/net wrap, wet or dry. Custom Combining (215) 273-2343 Custom , Bagging 6 and B’. Check Our Prices. Kauffman Brothers Beaver Dam Road Honay Brook 215-273-3082 Call batwaon _ PM CUSTOM S.P. HARVESTING Claas 6 Row Machine With Roller Mill. Schedule Your Com Silage Today (717) 354-8232 HELP WANTED 200 Purebred Sow Opera tion needs herdsman/ manager immediately. Must desire to work with hogs. Possible husband/ wife team. Located south of Gettysburg. Salary plus benefits. Send Resume to Box G-127, Farming, P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. $2,500/WEEK Why would anyone pay you s2,So(Mveek7 Farm or Ag related background re quired. Call 1-800-488-7570. CARETAKER (or small farm located in Dowing town, PA area. Ideal cana ditate should poceas ani mal husbandry skills, plus knowledge of (arm equip ment and general equip ment maintenance. Must live 15 minutes from Dow ingtown. This is a year-a round position w/good sal ary, plus health care bene fits. Box R-22, % Lancaster Farming, FOB 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Carpenters Construction Workers Needed. Immedi ate openings (or people with the ambition for ad vancement. Experience preferred. TRIPLE H CON STRUCTION, 1-800-874-7531 Ask for Paul or John Chicken Processing, Tues days, Near Millersville, Can Provide Transporta tion from Leola. (717)872-9570. Christian person or family preferred w/mechanical and crop experience to as sist in responsibilities on modem 90-cow dairy, crop and custom farm opera tion. Salary and benefits w/ housing available. Vista Grande Farm, RD4, Box 4176, Fleetwood, PA 18522, 215/944-0641. Dairy form helper wanted, non-smoker or drinker, pre fer for husband/wife team. (814)735-4917. EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! ASSEMBLE PRODUCTS AT HOME. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-467-5566 Ext. 8079. Employee tor dairy form. Must have experience in milking and machinery re- Kiir. References required, ousing provided. Lee A. Shaffer, 717/743-8269. Experienced help to cut to bacco. Meals and transpor tation available. (717)872-5554. Experienced and reliable herdsman for 70 cow herd, general farm work. House available. Chester Co. 215/932-2730. Experience Dairy Per son,Couple or Family, 150 Cow Frees tall Parlor Set up. Must be Responsible in AH Daily Functions, Refer ences Required, Housing, 6 Day Work Week, Health Insurance, Vacation. Call After 9PM (215)767-4827. Fence building crew (or ap prox. 2 weeks work. Please call HEMPT FARMS. 717-766-7075 between 8-SPM w/your hourly con tract rate and when avail able to start Amish teams welcome! Free Room 8 Board, single/married in exchange for 20 hours/week Central PA 717/923-0760 Christian Home. Full or part time help needed on dairy farm near Gap. Start 9/1. 717/442-4452. Fulltime stable help. Ches ter County, PA area. Gen eral barn duties. Riding and driving experience a plus. Good salary and ben efits (302)429-8902 Week days 9 to 2. Good hard working and de pendable young man w/ and driving portable feed mill. Maybe w/opportunity to buy business. Lancaster County. If interested call 717-768-8453. HELP WANTED; Agricul tural Maintenance Me chanic Needed in the Ephrata Area. Will Train. 717-432-8377. Help wanted on dairy farm. Milking and field work. Need references. 215/593-8026. Herdsman needed for 70 cow dairy. Husband & wife team preferred. Must be re sponsible in all diary func tions, management, breed ing, record keeping & herd health. Housing available. Lancaster Co., PA 717/354-7510. Immediate Opening for Herdsman Couple/Family to manege progressive 200 cow dairy in Central MD, modem computerized par lor with take-off/free stall set up. Herd health Al, IV necessary. Prefer full charge capabilities. Long term employment only. Housing, vacation, bene fits, insurance. No field work. References required. 301/432-2196. Lancaster County PA, Reg. 90 cow dairy looking for ex perienced person to fill the position of herdsman. We offer positive working envi ronment, attractive com pensation package and regular time off. Call 717-464-0765; 717-464-4964 for more details. Lancaster County, PA. Herdsman/Herd Manager for 300 cow herd. Must be responsible, able in all dairy functions including management, A.t. & herd health. Full benefits, hous ing, insurance, good sal ary. Write: Box J-50, Lan caster Farming, P.0.80x 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Lancaster Co., PA: Moti vated, responsible help wanted to operate combine and trucks on grain form. Experience and references a plus. Housing available. 717/464-5131. Milking position -expan ding dairy herd seeks per son to milk nights, 40-45 hr*, per week. Work w/1 other person, large her ringbone parlor, up-to-date Bou Malic equipment Earn over $B/hour after training. Hospitalization and other benefits. Lancaster Co. 717-872-6071. Call be tween 8-4 PM Mon.-Sat. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September A, 1993-C33 Person needed to milk part-time, general field and farm work, 230 cow free stall dairy, salary 6 day week, paid sick and per sonal time, vacation, health insurance, pension, hous ing, utilities and other ben efits. 914-651-4398 7PM-9PM. I Take charge ofl * jour future... j I Competitive I I compensation, X ■ advancement i | opportunities, I X full-time, direct selling, X I full benefit package, I * complete training, » I livestock experience, i f Contact I i Agri-King, Inc. x I Phono I HERDPERSON For 300 cow dairy. Must be responsible and experienced in all dairy functions and knowledgeable of A.I. and herd health. Salary, benefits package, housing and insurance provided. Call (215) 274-8710 (Day); (215) 274-2032 (Evenings) EXPERIENCED MECHANIC FOR CASE IH DEALERSHIP Send Resume To: Bckroth Bros. Farm Equipment RD 2, Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 Experienced Crew Foreman: For Poet Frame Builder. Travel Required. Above Average Compensation with Health Insurance Retirement Plan, and Profit Sharing. Reipond To: R-21 % Lancaster Fanning FOB 609. Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Fertilizer and Chemical Applicator Wanted Large progressive Co-op serving Chester Co., PA, Cecil Co., MD, has a full time opening. Job includes field application, truck driving and maintenance. Must be 21 and able to get Class B CDL. Reply to: Southern States Co-Op PO Box 399, Rising Sun, MD 21911 410/658-5518 NUTRITION ASSISTANT Immediate opening to assist and provide computer support to Brown’s Nutritionist and Sales Manager. Full time with good benefits. BS in Dairy/ Animal/ or Ag Sci and working knowledge of computer and DOS required. Reply to: Carl Brown, F.M. Brown & Sons, Inc. Box 67, Birdsboro, PA 19508 215-582-2741. HORSEMAN Experienced for broodmare farm Balt. Co. Maintenance, riding New house. Reference re quired. Box 68, Butler, 21023 or 410-771-4580 Lane. Co., PA Herdsperson/ Herd Manager for 300 cow herd. Must be responsible, able in all dairy functions including management, Al & herd health Full Benefits, Housing, insurance, good salary Writ*: Box R-14 Lancaster Farming, PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522
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