KENCOVE FARM FENCE 111 Kandall Una, WalravUla, PA 15717 free GUIDE 1.800-245-6902 "TENSILE FENCE" 412-459-8991 Crimp Taal - 4 Mot _ I ). u | ; 12% Game Crimp Sleere $9/Per Hundred ESCH’S FENCING 215-857-1676 QUALITY FENCING FOR HORSES; CATTLE; DOGS; CHILDREN AND PRIVACY. All Types Fencing Including P.V.C. Fencing R.D. 1 Box 227 Gap, PA 17527 NO FENCE CONTRACTOR IN PA KNOWS MORE ABOUT ROTATIONAL GRAZING THAN I DO AND THAT’S A FACT! JOSEPH H. HICKS X / 814-632-8489 V S Spider Fence Pac fTemp Fence) Python (Water System) 1 (800) 866-FENC HU CATTLE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT SAWDUST & SHAVINGS & HOG WOOD Bags & Bulk Bulk Can Be Picked Up IN Downingtown, PA ED VOGT & SON. INC. Southampton, NJ 08066 410-928-3276 H LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 1981 Circle J, 2 horse trailer, new floor, new rear ramp door. Must Sell!! $1,500. 717-272-5452. '93 Stock trailer, H.D., le'xG’xe’S". 2 rubber tor sion axles, radial tires, 4W brakes, $3500. 215/868-0186. . Class 111 Trailer Hitches. $69-$119.00. 10-12,000 Lb. Capacity/Lifetime War ranty. Inspection -Service -Parts, tow Dollies. "CLICKS* 717-656-7027. FREE GUIDE -TENSILE FENCE, Strong -Lasting -Economical; also portable electric fence. Phone Or der Supplies 1 -800-245-69028 (412-459-8991). Free Spreader. Oliver 281, Needs Body Work or Use for Parts. (717)949-2616. Weaverline 430 hydrosatic silage cart, 367 hrs., excel lent condition. LAR-ANN FARMS 814-793-3982. 2 Reg. Holstein Heifers due Sept. Good production records. (717)258-6203. 3 Charolais cows w/heifer calves; 4 year old reg. stock Charloais bull. Col umbia Co. 717-784-9321 After 6PM. (4) Large Holstein Spring ing Heifers, $llOO/Each, Due October Through November; (2) Holstein Jersey Cross Springing Heifers Due October 1 7 0 0 /Each . (301)898-7426. 50 Registered Holsteins, 16 Springing Heifers, Clas sified from Excellent to Very Good, Rolling Herd Average 19,000 M, 700 F. (717)436-5454 or (717)527-4785 Evenings. 5 Texas Longhorn steers, approx. 600, 700 lbs. All in excellent condition. Best Offer. Call 717-658-6541. Angus Bulls ready for ser vice. Stump Acres 717/792-3216 York County. Angus X 12% Chianina Breeder Cows w/calves, rebred, heifers, bulls. 717/872-5655. Attention Cattle Feeders! I provide order buying ser vice & trucking. Denzil Heishman, 703-465-5785. Beefalo Herd, 1 Herd Bull 4 Years Old, 12 Bred Cows, 1 Open Heifer, 10 Yearling Calves ‘7 Bulls and 3 Heif ers*. (814)367-5607. ‘ Bull for sale. Southwind son, born 6/8/92, dam VGBB, excellent memory, 4 years, 365 days, 29,050 m, 4%. 1174 f, 3,4%p, 991, JUNGE FARMS, INC., 8490 Sechler Rd, New Tri poli, PA 18066. 215-298-2334. Buyers - Sellers of Lives tock - Be sure to check the advertisements for cattle in the Lancaster Farming. You'll get results) 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. Canadian Dairy Herds, re- gistered or grade. For further information call 410/679-7485. Canadian Jersey herd, ap prox. 55 head, high pro duction herd from popular sires. 613-967-1015 evenings. Eleven bred Simmental Cross Cows: (2) bred heif ers, (1) purebred bull, (8) heifer calves. (1) bull calf. 609/935-0613. FOR SALE OR LEASE: Reg. Holstein Bulls sired by Blackstar, Leadman, Aerostar, Wister and others. Dams w/records to over 30,000 m. Many to choose from. Also 1 red & white and 1 red carrier. Berks Co. Stumpland Farms 215/488-1965. FOR SALE: Service Age Bulls. Dam 2-4, 26,750, 3.8%, 1029 f, Gr-dam VGB6, 6md, DOM, 40,520, 4.3%, 1725 f. 3rd G-dam VGBB, 47,281, 4.4%, 2104 f. 4th Dam VGBS, 38,593, 4.1%, IS7Bf. sth Dam, 28,043, 4.5%, 1261 f. 717-285-7426. Lancaster. We deliver. i FOR SALE: Texas long horns, 400 to 600 lbs., steers and heifers, never roped. 717-648-2003. HEREFORD COW/CALF PAIRS, purebred, not re gistered, calves dropped since 6/1/93. Western NJ near Easton, PA. , 906-537-4230. Herd of 31 Holsteins, Year Round Freshening w/Good Udders, $lOB5/Each. (717)673-5991. Hereford Cow w/Calf, $9OO. (717)872-2747. Hereford cow w/3 month black/WhUe (ace calf, $B5O. 717-626-6194. Holstein Service Bulls, (717)942-6557 between TPM and 10PM. Holstein Heifer, dose, very nice. 717/766-2839. If you like beautiful Reg. Holsteins that milk their hearts out, you’ll love our 8 Heiffers due Sept.-Nov. Superb individuals. Great pedigrees. Several show prospects. Kross Farms *BAAIOB.2%* Ellenville, NY* (914)434-4389. Jersey and Guernsey bulls ready for service. STUMP ACRES. 717-792-3216 York Co. Jersey Heifers, Regis tered, Al Served, Available at All Times. 703-869-2622 or 703-669-4276. LIMOUSIN/ FULL BLOODS: 2 yearling bulls, Seven-Forty-Seven blood lines; 1 open heifer. West minster, MD (410)857-0176. Now buying entire dairy herds and springing heif- ers. Highest cash price paid. Call Reuben Green berg, Inc., Columbus, NJ (609)298-1021. Purebred Angus Bull, 4 Year Old Proven. (717)536-3336 After 4. Reg. black Angus, cows w/ calves, $1,050; yearling heifers, $650. 717-434-2658. Registered Polled Here ford bred heifers and bull, $BOO and up. Stone Ridge Manor, Adams Co. 717/642-9199. Registered Polled Here ford, Herd Dispersal Sale. Open heifers from $6OO, bred cows from $BOO. Frame 7.5 First Property yearling bull, top quality bloodlines. Transportation available. 215-756-6011. Registered Holstein bulls, any age. Dams records up to 30,000 milk, 1,200 fat. Stump Acres, 717-792-3216, York County. Registered Polled Here ford yearling bull, heavy muscled, good breeding, sired by BBMSU Wisdom. 717-866-4185. Simmental cattle, quality polled heifers, bulls & club calves 410/442-1546 eves. STARTED HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and multi-type bulls from $2lO. 301/432-8973, 301/432-5070. Two Purebred polled shor thorn cows, five years 01d,,. excellent calvers $650. Montgomery County. 215/679-9226. WATTS LOGAN SPRING ANGUS -Pasture-exposed Yearling heifers -growthy, good frames and confor mation. Pasture-exposed cows w/spring calves. Rea sonable prices. Health and registration certificates. Come see or call. 814-742-8118; 814-742-7476 Box 10. Bellwood, PA. 16617. Buffalo Calves (717) 222-9815 WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 CALVING EASE SALORN BULL Hybrid breed created for calving ease. 1445 lbs, 2 yrs. old, 600#w.w. Vigorous breeder with good disposition. $l2OO 080. 717-677-4706 Down Cow & Horse Removal (For Pet Food) LEBANON, BERKS, LANCASTER AND CHESTER COUNTIES 1-800-234-2697 215-286-9400 -100 Cow Herd For Sale - 22,500 RHA, 33 Freshen in Fall. % Reg., % ID Grade, Milked in Parlor, Housed in Tie Stalls, 41 2-Year Olds Ave. 23,800 ME. Closed Herd - All Home Bred/Raised, Big Cows. Can Split Into 2 - 50 Cow Herds For 2 Buyers Call 215-582-2741 ~ GRIST MILITHILL FARM Reg. Polled Herefords Young Cow/Calf Pairs, Bred Back ★ Weaned heifer calves ★ Weaned bull calves ★ Bred heifers Calves are from A.I. sires such as: FORECASTER, DELIVERANCE SOU ASCENDANT Heifers and cows bred back to sires such as; ASCENDANT, AIRBORNE. DELIVERANCE SOU 717-563-2322 Wpet Vi rtf in In Jackson Mills 4-H Camp, (1 west v iigiiua Weston. West Virginia )\ Livestock Roundup jS \s 400 calves groomed and halter broken, steers and heifers. . A large percentage of show quality calves with club calf genetics, complete health requirements on grain. f / Saturday. September IS: V V \ J 4 H/FFA Steer and Heifer show plus showmanship ■/ Sunday. September 19: Farmer and Overall Champion Show phis Grooming contest Nw^r Monday. September 20: Sale. 10 00 am A family oriented program planned for the benefit of the beginner as> well as the professional FOR SALE Herd of SO Holstein cows. Will sell 35 choice. Tested 8c ready to go. Also fresh 8c springing cows 8t heifers 8c service age bulls. 717-653-5408 Home-Raised Holstein Feeder Steers 350 lb. available every 8 weeks. (717) 568-8921 Martin’s Beef No Sunday Calls WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades. (215) 286*9096 (717) 656-8420 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993-C25 BUT DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop S WOOD SHAVINGS/ J } SAWDUST S J for bedding S 2 3Vi Ton Truck Loads $125.00 k 5 717-299-6288 J Free Delivery In k Lancaster County k CLUB CALVES Viewing & Selection by Private Treaty FRIDAYS, SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS DURING OCTOBER 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM 15 specially selected, competitive calves For information or appointment, call: YEO FARMS 2704 BEDFORD ROAD LOWELLVILLE, OHIO 44436 216-536-6531 Days J.W. Asbill or Ken Cole 216-536-8843 evenings 216-536-6014 HIGHLAND CATTLE Grass fed, organically raised, docile, prime regis tered breeding stock. Unrelated bulls, heifers, and occasionally cows. Acclimated to people and term equipment. Three generations of brood cows on farm for inspection. The Highland Breed still retains its special traits from its ancestors. Our herd is organically raised - excel lent beef producers. Brucellosis, TB, BVD free herd and innoculated against rabies. Transportation avail able. Visitors welcomed. Breed information available upon request. Call Joe or Sue 908-303-0798 For mm latomatkMi caatactT. Phil Osborne. WVU Ext 304-293-3392 Sandy Smith, President 304-538-2397 Mike McCUntlc, V President 304 392-5648 Meals and Lodging 800-287-8206
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