(Continued from Pago C 4) 82% dry matter, 59% TON, 11% crude protein, priced at $7O per ton. • Grass hay: 3rd cut, 82% dry matter, 38% TON, 10% crude pro tein, priced at $5O per ton. The purpose of dry forages like these is normally to supply energy, so we are most interested in the TON values. Differences in pro tein value are minimal, and dry Table 1. Nutrient composition of hard and soft wheat Crude protein % Crude fiber % Ether extract % Ash % Digestible energy Kcal/kg Total phosphorus Sodium % Magnesium % Potassium % Copper ppm Iron ppm Manganese ppm Selenium ppm Zinc ppm Vitamin E mg/kg Biotin mg/kg Choline mg/kg Niacin mg/kg Thiamine mg/kg Riboflavin mg/kg ..V PROMOTIONS, Thursday* September 9th* 4 9m - a pm Friday* September 10th* 7 am - a pm Saturday* September 11th, 7 am - 4 pm LEROYS HARDWARE • 52 Queen Rd., Intercourse, PA • (717) 768-3681 LEROYS REPAIR • 48 Queen Rd., Intercourse, PA • (717) 768-8788 Beef Briefs matter contents are the same, so the easiest way to compare dollar value is by dividing the TON val ues of one hay by the other (in this example, 38/59= 0.644) and then dividing the price of the second hay by this number(sso.oo/.644=577.63). This is the equivalent per-ton value of the two hays, so the grass legume hay, at $70.00/ton, is the cheaper feed. Hard Wheat 13.5 3.0 1.6 2.0 3402.0 0.41 .06 .11 .50 10.6 50.0 62.2 .06 2.0 3402.0 0.30 .06 .11 .50 10.6 43.0 51.3 .06 14.0 15.5 100.0' ' 778.0 48.4 4.8 1.2 14.0 15,5 100.0 778.0 56.1 5.2 1.1 UNDREDS OF ITEMS ON SALE! Join In On The Fun!! Free Popcorn For All!! Alternatively, the value of the grass hay relative to the other cal culates out at only $43.08 ($7O x ,644)/ton. If the dry matter con tents of the hays under comparison differ, we must determine the val ue per unit of TDN. If the grass legume mixture was 82% dry mat ter, and the grass 88% dry matter (and all other things as before), the value per unit of TDN for each of the hays is calculated by first cal culating the pounds of dry matter in a ton (multiply 2,000 by-dry matter percentage), and then tak ing this figure times each hay’s TDN percentage. This gives the total pounds TDN in the load and the price per unit is the price per ton divided by this factor. The grass-legume mixture above contains 1,640 lbs DM (2,000 x .82 = 1.640) and 967.6 lbs TDN (1,640 x .59). The per-pound price is $0,072 ($7O/967.6=5.072). Similar calculations for the grass hay show the TDN price to be $0,074 (2,000 x .88) x .38=668.8; $50.00/668.8=5.074. This method can be used to compare any two feeds, whether for TDN, crude protein, or mineral content, as long as the nutrient of interest and the drymattcr contents are known. Soft Wheat 10.8 2.8 1.6 These methods are useful in comparing two feeds for a particu .lar nutrient It should be remem bered. however, that a feedstuff contains a unique combination of many nutrients. Least-cost compu ter ration formulations are avail able through feed dealers, exten sion agents, and home software programs. They will help to "fine tune” the ration and account for all of the nutrients in the feed and their ability to meet a particular set of animal requirements. SAVE 40-70%! Benefit Pig Roast for Donald Milter Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 4, 1993-C5 Dry Nutrient Factor Matter Energy Protein Dry forages (standard value; mid-bloom alfalfa hay at $lOO per Ion) alfalfa hay early bloom mid-bloom late bloom brome hay orchardgrass hay timothy hay Feed early bloom mid-bloom late bloom oat straw clover hay 89% 107 Grains (standard value; dry shelled com at $lO7 per ton) shelled com ear com wheat barley potato chips popcorn pasta whole potatoes 23% 90 100 $ 96 Wet forages (standard value; com silage (35% dry matter) at $2O per ton) com silage alfalTa haylage Sorghum Sudan haylage apple pomace potato silage 25% 117 94 $l7 Protein feeds (standard value: soybean meal (44% crude protein) at S3OO per ton) soybean meal whole soybean whole cottonseeds distillers grains (dried) barley com brewers wheat mids dried bean canning waste com gluten feed feather meal fishmeal poultry litter —• 89% 104 108 89% 100 100 89% 96 97 89% 94 66 88% 102 57 88% 88% 88% 89% 89% 89% 89% 89% 89% 97% 94% 94% 35% 73 193 S 17 40% 30% 99 99 $ 17 21% 77 53 $ 9 90% 90% 90% 90% 78 90% 97 90% 74 90% 78 35% 75 50 45% 93 102 90% 71 198 90% 82 152 89% 67 66 FRANK A. FILLIPPO, INC. - WANTED - DISABLED & CRIPPLED COWS, BULLS & STEERS Call: Frank Fillippo - Residence - 215-666-0725 Steven Fillippo 215-666-7976 SOYBEAN ROASTING ON YOUR FARM 9 - FULL-FAT ROASTED SOYBEANS For Maximum Feeding Value * High energy, by-pass protein and payability * Toxic enzymes and molds destroyed * Peak performance with retained oil and lecithin - • Improved Total Dlgestable Nutriants * Ultimate rich peanutty flavor and aroma * Dried as roasted * Roast own grown beans - Avoid trucking and docking ■ Economical and efficient for lower feed costs * Ready for use or storage Custom Roasting to PA and Surroundlni States David N. Groff RD 3 Lswlsburg, PA (717) 868-1420 Horst Grain Roasting Roast-IMlatie 3040 Psnns Grovs Rd. nr.in Unsold Untv., PA INS 2 Sslss-Ssrvies (Chsstsr Co.) Custom Work (218) 869-8834 RosM-Cool Unit AvsllsUs Factor Protein Value Energy SlO4 $lOO $ 96 $ 94 $lO2 $lO6 $lOO $lOO $ 94 $lO7 50 49 48 26 $lO7 SlO6 $lO4 $ 90 $ 96 $ 87 $ 86 $ 89 S 20 $3OO $309 $324 5234 $291 $222 $234 204 156 174 192 $ 88 $l4O $213 $246 $203 153 593 457 200 Schnnpp's Grain Roasting, Inc. RD 6 Lsbanon, PA 1-800-482-4004 717-8686011
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