A26-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, August 14,1WQ Pennsylvania MANCHESTER (York Co.) —The Pennsylvania State Rowing Contest that was started in 1952 will take place again this year in conjunction with the ninth annu al Olde Tymc Days and the 120th Great Grangers Interstate Fair and Agricultural Exhibition. These events will be August 26 to 29 on the Rentzel Farm, north of Man chester. just off Pennsylvania Route 181. In addition to the plow ing contest, a flea market and craft tent will be in place. New equip ment, as well as antique tractors, cars and gas engines, will be dis played at the show. Field activities include both the operation of modem and horse power equipment. State plow matches will take place in small plow, large plow, and’ contour plow. The event has been growing Let Your Crops Dine On Alpine Tha Company That Offara You | High Quality Plant Food J At CompatMva Prieaa * Talk To Us About Seed Banded Plant Food And Foliar Feeding Place Phosphorus Where It Does Most Good (Seed Banded) 6-24-6 9-18-0 3-18-18 5-15-15 Check Early Order & Quantity Price Zimmerman Lime & Fertilizer, Inc. (717) 733-7674 235 W. Burkholder Dr. Lititz, PA 17543 + * I \ \ ¥i>iir pw iwHBMBt JWKBE® Self-Priminj Centrifugal Pumps • 3 H.P. ‘S’ Series IV4 " Or 2” Ports Reg. $212.00 SPECIAL $185.50 • 5 ttP. 'S’ Series 2” Pons Reg. $252.00 SPECIAL $220.50 .‘S’ Scries Pedestal Pump Only l'/i" or T ■ Rej. $138.00. Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks iso Stock A Complete Line Of: Hypro* DAppn 'Sprayer Hose Pump, -Ball Valves . AwT PUMPS • Nylon Fittings Accessories , poly Tanks We A Teejet Sprayer Nozzles And Accessories PAUL B. ZIMMERMA [ tfe i 50 Woodcomer Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 i-X j 1 Mile West of Ephrata (UPS] (717) 738-7350 . HARDWARE -FARM SUPPLIES - State Plowing Contest Set Orle Gemmill won the large plow division of the state plowing contest in 1992. This year the event is scheduled for August 26 to 29 at the Rentzel Farm in York County. each year, and winners of the state tests. The national plowing contest contest arc eligible to compete in will take place in Pennsylvania in the national and international con- 1995, PACER PUMPS • S H.P. ‘S’ Serltt With I/C Briggs Engine 2” Port* Reg. $332.00 SPECIAL $290.50 • SPRAYER TANKS - ALL SIZES For New Or Replecemenl AVAILABLE FROM • STATIONARY TANKS - For pai Liquid Fertilizer Storage •««« « * to 2500 GAL. Featurei; • Self-priming to 20 feet • Total heads to 120 feet • Capabilities to 200 U.S. GPM • Built in check valve • Equipped with IVi ” or 2” female threaded connections, NPT • 5 H.P. 'S’ Senes With Honda Engine, 2” Ports Reg. $482.00 SPECIAL $421.75 .SPECIAL $120.75 , INC. HOURS]' Man, Than, Ri. 74:36 'Man. WoS.: 7-3:30 7-4. 00 Ag Progress Stays “Conserving Our Resources Through Science ** (Continued from Pag* A 1) Two costumed characters. Big fool and Itchy the Mondo Tick, will hand out helium balloons to youngsters while disturbing infor mation about Lyme disease. Big foot and Itchy have appeared in educational videos and public ser vice announcements on Lyme dis ease prevention and will be at Ag Progress Days to answer questions about the ailment Homeowners and gardeners can ask Penn State experts questions about plants and insects and leant more about backyard composting at the Landscape, Lawn and Gar den Tent. Consumers can learn more about food safety and other topics at the Mealing Place, which pro vides information about nutrition al labelling of meats, proper meat handling and the role of meats in a healthy diet Workshops and demonstrations for farmers will cover nutrient management, soil conservation, on-farm composting and other practices. Guided tours will detail cutting-edge research that helps producers to grow crops with few er pesticides and fertilizers. Other exhibits, will focus on career options for women in agri culture, using computers, and how crafts such as quilts, woodwork ing and pottery reflect Pennsylva nia’s rural heritage. And if all this makes you hun gry, don’t worry a variety of civic and commodity groups will be on hand to sell food, including steak sandwiches, breaded mush rooms and the famous University Creamery ice cream. Penn Slate’s Ag Progress Days features more than 500 acres of educational and commercial exhi bits, tours, and machinery demon strations. The research center is located nine miles southwest of State College on Route 45.
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