See What’s New From Surge At Ag Progress Days On E. sth St. With Non-Stop Cow Traffic Using less stalls at maximum efficiency lowers the total cost of your automation and improves labor efficiency. Comparison shows it takes as much as 50% fewer AutoFiow stalls to achieve the same as v|flth similarly automatei|herringbone and parallel systems. As milking equipment becomes more sophisticated and more expensive, the investment per stall becomes an important factor. The Surge Auto Flow parlor maximizes efficiencies'per stall with out sacrificing cow throughput. Put The Cow-Activated Auto Flo- System To Work For You... See These Dealers For Details! BRANDT’S CHUCK PLACE FORSHET’S, FINDER SERVICE CO. FARM SUPPLY SURGE INC. PO Box 7 601 E. High St. Balaa * Sarvlea no Forahay St Kannadyvilla, MO Elizabathtown. PA ■ Rd. 1 Box 176 Martlnaburg, PA 301-348-8283 717-387-1221 Lacayvllla, PA 814-793-3701 717-380-1884 HOSTETTBR JUTS SURGE SALES SURGE ft SERVICE Rd 2, Box 749 215 Oak Bottom Rd. Annvlllo, PA Quarryvllla, PA 717-887-2898 717-788-1838 LONGACRE BHARTLEBVILLE ELECTRICAL FARM SERVICE SERVICE, INC. Rf t Box 1392 Bally, PA Hamburg, PA 218-948-2881 918-499-1028 SURGE, MILKING STALLS MARYLAND SHANK SURGE Hagaratown, MD 301-790-1228 301-447-MHJC (Emmltburg) ISURGE* Farmers, Homeowners Can Learn About Composting ROCKSPRING (Centre Co.) crs, we hope to display ones suit- Whether you Uve on a 500-acre able for smaller farms,” said Obcr farm or a small lot in town, you heim. “Displays will show how can compost organic wastes, manure composts when mixed Learn about materials and tech- with different kinds of animal niques for composting at Penn bedding.” State’s 1993 Ag Progress Days. A demonstration of composting August 17-19. green bean byproducts will pro “ Farmers often get complaints vide information for farmers who from suburban neighbors about can purchase wastes from food manure handling and disposal,” processing plnats. Homeowners said Robert Oberheim, Ag Prog- also can learn about composting ress Days coordinator in Penn kitchen scraps from this demon- State’s College of Agricultural stration. Sciences. “Composting manure Related displays and demon can be the answer to odor and pol- strations will be at the same loca lution problems.” tion, including a basin constructed Farmers interested in compost- for collecting sediment from inn ing manure and other agricultural off and a portable recycling ma wastes can visit the on-farm com- chine that chops triple-rinsed plas posting display above West tic pesticide containers into one- Twelfth Street, past the horse area, fourth-inch squares. The Wagons leaving every half hour Pennsylvania Soil Conservation from the Special Events Building Society will show a variety of will shuttle visitors to the display, mulches for farmland and homes. Featured will be concrete man- The Landscape, Lawn and Gar ure bunkers, compost turners and dent Tent also will feature com a manure composting pad. “The posting displays and demonstra composting pad will demonstrate tions. what is approved by the Pennsyl vania Soil Conservation Society and the Pennsylvanai Department of Environmental Resources,” said Oberheim. The compost turners will han dle a variety of materials, such as food processing 1 waste, animal manure. leaves and grass clip pings. Experts will be on hand to explain compost mixture and pro cedures. “In addition to showing large, commercial-sized compost tum- Northeastern Exceeds $2OO Million In Assets LEWISBURG (Union Co.) Robert T. Reich, president and chief executive officer of North eastern Farm Credit, ACA, an nounced that his institution reach ed a milestone ending the second quarter with $201,074,180 in- as sets. Reich stated that Northeas tern Farm Credit (one of four Farm Credit ACA’s in Pennsylva nia) continues growth in agricul tural and rural community lending and financial services to its cus tomers. Northeastern Farm Credit, a private cooperative credit cor poration serves more than 3,900 customers in 21 counties of north eastern Pennsylvania through a network of eight branch offices. At local service club and busi- Excellence in Biological Agriculture xg* We offer complete Soil & Livestock Management Programs using products formulated to produce healthful food' supplies at reasonable cost without toxic chemicals. Agßestore, Inc. LowMwrg, Friday, August 20 Noah Yoder, Johnaon Mllla Road 717-524-79 U Uvl and Nathan BtnfchoMar, 102* Morooraburg Road 717-321-25(7 Wadnaaday, Auguat 21 Stephan Q. Untz, MS iana Road No phonafeaH Agßaalora afflea Ennla Heovar, (71 Qrtal MIN Road 7174M-641S Nalaan ft Don Waavor, Waavar Homaataad Farm, 245 While Oak Road 7174M-43N , Hmwibuif Tuaaday, August 24 Lebanon Now Holland Thursday, August 20 Now Holland Thuraday, Sapt. 30 Writs or eaO far our fits iMraduotory vtdso. ♦l*"W®-2404 or ACRestore. Inc. 04 East trsmar Avwmw, Wavarty, loom 50077 JWHjW Mf’J’Vt'H*-'* - t*\ *♦»r « ' * LancaaMr Farming, Saturday, Auguat 14,1993-613 Penn State’s Ag Progress Days features more than SOO acres of educational and commercial ex hibits, tours and machinery de monstrations. It is held at the 1,500-acre Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Rockspring, nine miles southwest of State College on Route 4S, August 17-19. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, with extended hours of 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday. Admission and parking are free. Farm Credit ness meetings, Reich said that Northeastern Farm Credit contri butes nearly $2OO million to Northeastern Pennsylvania’s eco nomy. “Funds are derived through Wall Street investors and injected into our local economy through loan products and services.” said Reich. “Most of the funds loaned to local farmers and rural housing customers are spent in the local area. Unlike loan funds that go elsewhere in the state or out of the state, most of our customers deal with local businesses. “We deal with farmers who are excellent business managers,” said Reich. “They understand that farming is not only a chosen way of life but also farming is a busi ness.” Tours in your area: T
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