BBH Have You Beware Of Food Triggers Temptations to eat are every where ... Tv ads that lake you to fast food restaurants, alluring smells from cookie shops in malls and bakeries in supermaikets. If these weren’t enough, research suggests that even the colors on your cereal box and the wall decor of your favorite restaurant may be designed to rev up your appetite. Psychologists have long recog nized the impact color can have on human behavior. Several studies suggest that color can also impact appetite. In a study conducted at Johns Hopkins, simply changing the color of food carts and cups from orange and yellow to black Teen Attends 4-H Ambassador Conference UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Tanya Hofler, daughter of John and Ellen Hofler of Glen moore, recently participated in the fifth annual Penn State 4-H Ambassador Conference held at the University Park Campus whore she attended workshops on interviewing skills, public speak- Ingersoll Anderson Tractor Sales Shrewsbury, PA 17361 717-235-0213 Burchfields, Inc. Martinsburg, PA 16662 814-793-2194 Lenhartsville Garage Lenhartsville, PA 19534 215-562-2901 A.L. Herr Quarryville, PA 17566 717-786-3521 Holtry’s Roxbury, PA 17251 717-532-7261 Lawn Care Of PA Martindale, PA 17549 215-445*4541 Anderson Tractor Sales Bill’s Lawn Mower Glen Am, MD 21057 Fredrick, MD 21701 410-592-7422 301-662-8684 800-457-5705 Baer’s Garage Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-733-8226 B Ingersoll The Buy of a Lifetime. By Doris Thomas Lancaster Extension Home Economist and white decreased the amount ot food sold during coffee breaks in a company cafeteria. Warm hues like orange, red and yellow tend to make food look better and diners hungrier. The story is told that when Howard Johnson’s first opened, the Color scheme was light blue; People complained of the cold and food sales did not go well. After a color expert advised changing to bright orange, food sales went up 134 percent. Music also appears to affect food intake, particularly the speed of eating. Research suggests that lively fast-paced music moves people to eat more and to put 1 it ing and marketing. These Ambas sadors will serve as spokespersons for the more than 120,000 4-H members throughout Pennsylvarti a. State 4-H Ambassadors prom ote the 4-H youth development program and the land-grant uni versity system and are available to speak to groups about Penn State Cooperative Extension and 4-H. HB a a Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll PENNSYLVANIA J.L. Peachy Winfield, PA 17889 717-966-0465 R & W Eq. CO. Carlisle, PA 17013 717-243-2686 Raffensberger’s Dallastown, PA 17313 717-244-7941 O.C. Rice Inc. Biglerville, PA 17307 717-677-8135 Rockwood Hwd. Rockwood, PA 15557 814-926-2735 Route 45 - S & S Spring Mills, PA 16875 814-422-8805 MARYLAND Taneytown Farm & Hwd. Taneytown, MD 21787 410-751-1500 Van Fleet’s Mower Shop Remington. NJ 06822 908-782-2689 S. Johnson Horff Pole Tavern Circle, NJ 08343 609-358-2565 609-769-2565 Steve’s Lawn Mower St Mary's, PA 15857 814-834-6749 Stouffer Bros. Chambersburg, PA 17201 717-263-8424 T & H Equip. Harrisburg, PA 17109 717-545-2051 C.H. Waltz Logan Station, PA 17728 717-435-2921 All Season Enterprise West Ellioott City, MO 410-531-3419 WEST VIRGINIA Adams Eq. Co. Ft. Ashby, WV 26719 304-298-3726 NEW JERSEY Mayberry Sales & Svc. Port Murray, NJ 07665 away faster. Without music, parti cipants in the study averaged 3.9 bites per minute and took about 40 minutes to finish a typical lunch. About one-third went back for second helpings. When the “Stars and Stripes Forever” or some other spirited music were played, people sped up to about 5.1 bites per minute and finished their meals in a re cord 31 minutes. In addition about one-half went back for second helpings. Soft classical music, in com:- parison, had a calming effect on diners. The eating pace slowed to 3.2 bites per minutes and partici pants took almost one hour to fin ish the same lunch. Perhaps most important, no one went back for seconds and several did not finish their meal. Rock music seems to have con tradictory effect Young people eating to rock music almost inhal ed their food in the study. In con trast, some older people complain ed they could not eat because of the racket Changing seasons and work shifts also may mean a weight shift for many. People who strug gle with their weight typically gain during the winter months and lose during the summer months. Part of this is due to the differ ences in physical activity. How ever, research also shows that the shorter days of winter trigger de pressions and subsequent overeat ing in some people. With the many influences that drive us to overeat it is easy to conclude that weight management is a never-ending struggle we are destined to lose. Interestingly, control lies neither in totally suc- Yoder Equip. Boswell, PA 15531 814-629-6505 Zimmerman’s Bethel, PA 19507 717-933-4114 908-689-3310 cumbing to, nor in ignoring the physically. Rather, the key is to be urge to eat especially since satis- aware of environmental food trig fying die desire to eat often makes gers and then to indulge the urge us feel better emotionally and to eat —in moderation. (Continued from Pago B 2) where between 9,000 to 12,000 pounds. Interior of the coach is compar able in size to a compact car, with bench seats facing the center from front and back. Original coaches had an additional front-facing cen ter seat, cramping knee space for riders in all three scats. The Seig fried’s two-seat design allows rid ers more leg room, along with the luxurious finish of tufted, black leather seats, crushed red velvet ceiling and headcovers and black fringe finish around the upper edge. Even the black leather side curtains are lined with matching velvet. And a sliding glass win dow drops down into each door panel for more open-air riding. Painting the coach proved to be a major challenge. Several paint mixes were tried - and sanded off - before the bright-red, enamel shine finish was achieved. One mix promised red - and turned a bright pink. But their satisfaction with the finished product has been well worth the headaches, sleep less nights, scraped paint and crumpled sketch designs generat ed by this talented and inventive pair. “Wc think this is how Abbott and Downing would build them today,” the Seigfrieds are con vinced. B Ingersoll Ingersoll Looking For Tractors With lifetime Warranties? TOP \ You're Looldiig At AM Of Them. Ingersoll 3000- and 4000-Series Garden Tractors are the ozones with the exclusive HYDRIV® hydraulic operatingsystem, a system so dependable it allows us to offer a lifetime warranty, the TOP™ Total Owner Protection Lifetime Warranty. See them and the rest of Ingersoß's line of premium lawn and garden equipment at Dealer Inquiries Invited Interest Call Payments 90 Days Jim Broggeman 414-582-5015 NO r 1991 ingersoll Equipment Co Inc "Sec a copy ol Ibis Limned Lifetime Warranty at your Ingersolt dealer Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. August 7,1993-83 Stagecoach Ingersoll “It’s given me a lot more appre ciation for how they used to build things,” admits Alex, Sr. “We have easier methods we can adapt today.” Two local artists added their talent touches to enhance the fin ished coach's shiny-red beauty. Gleason Crumling painted the gold-leaf-finished, spread-winged eagle on each side of the boot, Siegfried Woodworking’s signa ture logo which will authenticate and number each coach built. Chuck Farrah added the ornate black and yellow pin-striping de tail. Through friends and word-of mouth, the Siegfrieds estimate they have five to 10 visitors most days slopping by to admire the stagecoach. And when it was haul ed by trailer to Lancaster for the upholstery and interior work, the surprised and delighted reaction from passing automobies was readily visible. “No, we don’t really mind hav ing to part with Number 1,” philo sophizes this falher-son pair when asked about parting with their first completed coach, which is prob ably and fittingly headed West. Later, they do hope to keep one for themselves. With a team hitch ed to the front, it will be a great way to advertise their business; Siegfried Woodworking - Stage coach Builders. Ingersoll v TOP N.
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