Cie-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993 B LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT RUBBER MATS for Comfort Stalls, Free Stalls, Horse Stalls, Horse & Cattle Trailers, Hog Houses. Used Belting Material Paul N. Brubacher 215-286-5298 or 215-286-0168 FREE GUIDE -TENSILE FENCE, Strong -Lasting -Economical, also portable electric fence Phone Or der Supplies 1-800-245-6902 8. <412-459-8991) Used Rubber Belting, Good for Stall Mats, 42" Wide V. "Thick, Cut to Any Length $2/Linear Foot 410-692-6028 or 6351 SAWDUST & SHAVINGS & HOG WOOD Bags & Bulk Bulk Can Be Picked Up IN Downingtown, PA ED VOGT & SON, INC. Southampton, NJ 08088 410-928-3276 COW MAT 4’x6’, 90 lb. all rubber 50 or more $3O Free Delivery Call For A Free Sample KAUFMAN’S 216 222-1856 Installation Available G&G INDUSTRIES 242 Buchanan Drive Ephrata, PA 17522 717-733-9396 Country Estate" (Vinyl) Horse Rail and Yard Fencing - Gates Warehouse: 469 N. Reading Road (Rt. 272 North), Ephrata. PA ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER TYPES OF FENCE! KENCOVE FARM FENCE 111 Kendall Una, Blairavllla, PA 11717 PHEE GUIDE 1-800-848-6902 "TENSILE FENCE" 412-459*8991 Crimp Taal 4 Mat ____________ I- | -L | - 1214 Gauge Crimp Sleeve sfl/Per Hundred JORAMA RANCH TRAILER SALES 4-Cf/S Washington St. w (dn> Turbotville, PA w 717-649-5133 A TRAILER FOR EVERY NEED CIRCLE J - BISON - HAULMARK - JORAMA - HORSE - STOCK - UTILITY - CARGO MAR-PRO AG-FISH BREWEX - For PLANT FOOD Use In Dairy Feeds FROM THE SEA BREWEX is used extensively RBMEcipiAi cr»D cucDVTuiMO complete dairy formulations to contribute DtNcrILIAL run tvtHY I nINu utilizable energy. It is aprice/perfortnance value THAT GROWS IN THE SOIL when used in dry feeds, liquid feeds and on-farm I ® MIX WITH dry FEEDS; BREWEX is Call 1-800-633-2676 found in commercial pelleted rations for dairy, t Torim um ACCITO ho 8 s » nd poultry as an energy source to replace , jrMs . • n _ com. BREWEX replaces com on a pound for s—!_Coouinerj5 — ! _Coouinerj 55 G«i. Drum or Bulk pound dry basis and provides for improved nel- DRT MOLASSES let durability, reduced mineral segregation, dust soLb.B»g« control and improved palatability in dairy CORN ft rations. SOYBEAN OILS ON-FARM MIXING FOR ANIMALS A ommercial Jersey dairy farm, having over I 5 G»i. Cooutaer. 55 g«l Dram or Bulk ten of experience in feeding BREWEX to partially replace com finds that ZOOK MOLASSES CO. * BREWEX replaced 5% to 10% com/day West Main St, Box 160 (■HP mam • BREWEX improves butterfct about 0.1% Honey Brook. PA 19344 J ■■ • BREWEX mixed with forage reduces CAIiTOLLFRERI-800-327-4406 . SSSfet'wS Over SO Jem Of Service We U.P.S. Dally 5 G»l Conuiner. 55 G«L Dram or Bulk HIGH TENSILE FI ,- , > ' ' : '..v The Beaver Fence Systems are tops! We installed 1 mile of their fence on our farm on Feb. 3,1993, full size post, 3-1/2 feet deep, excellent braces. We used 5 strand (2 elec.) high tensil, all in place in just 8-1/2 hours! The fence is as straight as an arrow-excellent equip ment-very efficient work! "I am a hard man to con vince, but after I saw how Beaver built the fence. I'm ready to put my digging iron away," says David W. Brubaker of Honey Grove Acres, RDI, Box 629 Honey Grove, PA 17035 BEAVER FENCE SYSTEMS Call Today! 717-899-7617 wholesale"! quantities ofcCA I KILN DRIED WHITE PINE Southern Yellow | WOOD SHAVINGS II Pine treated round fl a, fence posts, g'a B bagged - dust free t, 8‘ &9' lengths, B Vi or full trailer loads 30 year warranty. B Call Bob or Charlie Call or write ■ ! °' P nces | 1 (800) 433-7431 Edl»to Wood | Mid-West I Wood Shavings Olar, SC 29843 B BOX 513 803-368-3011 B Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 803-368-8026 B H fax INCE...THE FARMER'S BEST INVESTMENT
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