The June 1993 Dairy Herd Improvement information for Mary* land dairy herds is listed by herd name, county association, number of cows in the herd and the average production per cow in the herd. To be included, the herd must have 10 cows averaging 65 pounds or more of 3.5 percent fat corrected milk per cow, per day. All herds reported are on official DHI or DHIR test. Also listed are the top 10 herds in Maryland for the Brown Swiss, Guernseys, and Jerseys, and the top eight herds for Ayrshires. HIGH GUERNSEY HERDS (3.5% FCM) County Asi'n. Herd Name O. Clayton Spilth Mt. Ararat Farms Clair E. Garber Jerry Yoder Homer & Sadie Kinsinger Cletus & Janice Frey Dogwood Lane Farm Fred M. Garber Level Square Farm William B. Messix HIGH JERSEY HERDS (3.5% FCM) Herd Name Queen Acres Carroll Homer and Sadie Kinsinger Garrett Michael Forsythe Washington Paul & Naomi Pctersheim Garrett Dairy (ContlnuMi from Pag* A 36) with their participation in the Dairy Promotion Committee. He reported that a meeting to reorgan ize the committee will be announced soon. Piper invited the public to attend the 4-H Dairy Show, a feature of the Adams County 4-H Fair, 11 a.m. on Satur day, July 31, at the South Moun tain Fairgrounds west of Arendt sville. Entries for the dairy show at South Mountain Fair are due August 15. Call Mary Kay Roche WHY ARE YOU CULLING YOUR COWS?? • High somatic cell count • Mastitis • Breeding difficulties These could be symptoms of stray voltage! Have your farm checked by an independent representative who has been checking for stray voltage for 8 years. Will be in state of PA last 2 weeks of July STRAY VOLTAGE TESTING 3 Sedgewlck Park, New Harford, NY 13413 (315) 738-0952 _ . _ e Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24, 1993*30 MARYLAND DHIA (Continued from Page A3l) Frederick Cecil Washington Garrett Garrett Washington Kent Washington Queen Anne’s Queen Anne’s County Ass’n. Meeting at (717) 624-3537 for an entry blank. Michael Haines, dairy farmer from Carroll County, Maryland, officiated at a cow judging contest. Winners in the senior division included Rose Wenger and Marvin Brown. Junior division winners were Heidi King and Shannon Holtzinger. Awards, door prizes, and refreshments were provided by the supporting agribusinesses and the host family, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Deputy. Cows in Herd Total Milk Avg. FCM Total Milk Avg. FCM Total Cows in Herd Toti 135 48 13 32 (Continued from Pago Als) department, he is also looking at the relationship of the gene to mastitis. Patton says that classify ing this gene might provide a basis for selection for resistance to mastitis. Patton is an Evan Pugh Research Professor Emeritus of Agriculture at Penn State. He served the College of Agricultural Sciences for 31 years prior to his Gaywinds Farm Windy Knoll Farm P. Thomas Mason Doris & David Zimmerman Eli Swiutzentruber Stiles G. Nathan HIGH AYRSHIRE HERDS (3.5% FCM) Herd Name Patrick, David'& James Potomac St. College Vales - Pride Edgewood Farms Inc. Con-Ayr Dairy Shank, Ralph W. Seneca Ayr Farms HIGH BROWN SWISS HERDS (3.5% FCM) County Ass’n. Herd Name Tom and Joy Crothers Dublin Hills Swiss Garstlyn Swiss Fir-Thome-B Rudell C. Beall & Sons Dwayne & Miriam Bell Ryan Bell K. Scott Hood John Hostetter Fleming & Frey 58.1 57.0 55.3 54.7 Patton To Research HOST FARM FAMILY: Rodman Lott & Sons # imjmU + ROCHIITCR * <T_ii ~**~gg'>wuw.y /' " ——tT—•_f *- _ _ Wrtißi LjH»wr*SlMW 1993 EMPIRE FARM DAYS J RODMAN LOTT <■ SONS < Frederick Montgomery Kent Carroll Garrett Washington County Ass’n. Howard W. VA. Frederick Howard Washington Washington Montgomery Cecil Frederick Carroll Frederick Montgomery Washington Carroll Frederick Washington Washington retirement in 1980, first as profes sor of dairy science and later as professor of food science. Patton said he remembers when Lamartine Hood, dean of the Col lege, was a graduate student in the Department of Dairy Science in the 19605. Under Patton’s super vision, Hood designed and set up the University’s first electron microscopy laboratory. Currently housed in the College of Science, American Agriculturist • New York State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences New York Equipment Dealers'Association New York State Farm Equipment Club Cornell Cooperative Extension • New York State Electric & Gas Corporation • Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation Cows in Herd Total Cows in Herd Total present-day versions of that equip ment continue to serve the University. Patton said retirement is won derful “You are free to concen trate more on what you want to do than on what you have to do.” But he said he is one of the lucky people who has always loved his work and that he is very grateful to his friends at Penn State who grant him some space at the laboratory bench. SPONSORED BY; Empire State Potato Club, Inc. IN COOPERATION WITH; 52.9 52.6 51.9 51.4 51.4 50.6 Milk Avg. FCM Total Milk Avg. FCM Total
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