am'uncaster runtintf.'^Murday, 1 Jury 1 24; 1993 ’ Top senlor’overall individual at the southeast livestock judging contest was awarded to Jon Harnlsh, left, who placed first In beef, sheep, and reasons. Top junior was awarded to John Hess, who placed first In sheep. 4-H’ers Prepare For ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Farming Staff MANHEIM (Lancas ter Co.) —4-H’ers from southeastern Pennsyl vania had a reason to smile on Tuesday after noon as many took home trophies from the Southeast Regional 4-H Livestock Judging Con test, a prelude to the state 4-H Achievement Days next week. Top senior team was awarded to Lebanon County, comprised of 4-H’ers Jon Hamish, Brian Kreider, and Dan Atkins. The Lebanon team placed first in three of four categories, including beef, sheep, and reasons, finishing second in swine judg ing. Overall individual came from the team, awarded to Jon Hamish, who placed first in beef, sheep, and reasons. Lancaster County was awarded top junior team, comprised of John Hess, Dean Livengood, and Travis Donough. The team captured first in every category, which included beef, sheep, and swine. Top individual came from the team, which was awarded to John Hess, who placed first in sheep. The seven counties participating included Lancaster, Lehigh, Berks, Lebanon, Dau phin, Chester, and York. All the 4-H’ers are eligi ble to compete at the Pennsylvania 4-H Activities Day, which runs from July 27-29 at State College. Judges for the event were Brian Fitzgerald, beef; Keith Bryan, swine; Kelley Shearer, sheep; and Cheryl Fair baim, referee. Following is a list of show placings. S.E. REGIONAL 4-H LIVESTOCK JUDGING CONTEST Junior Oivloon Boof 1 Denck Bollinger. 2 Heather Jasicntki 3 Man* Stoltzfur Sheep; 1. John Has*. Overall Individual: 1. John phin. Shaap: 1. Lancattar. 2. ter. 3. York. Sheep; 1. Jon Harnith. 2. Brian Hamish. 2. Brian Kreider. 3 2. Dean Livengood. 3. Bobbi Hess. 2. Dean Livengood. 3. York. 3. Berks. Swine: 1. Lan- Senior Division Kreider. 3. Jasdn Stein. Swine; Matt Sellers. Teams; Beef- 1 Myers. Swine; 1. Nathan Tics. Travis Donough. Teams; Beef: caster. 2. Berks. 3. Chester. Beef: 1. Jon Hamish. 2. Jason 1. Matt Seders. 2. John Howe. Lebanon. 2. York. 3. Berks 2. John Hartman. 3. John Hess. 1. Lancaster. 2. Chester. 3 Oau- Overall; 1. Lancaster. 2. Ches- Rankin. 3. Wendy Atkins. 3.JonHamlsh.Rsaaons;l.Jon (Turn to Page A 36) :y gei * ges! 120” and 144” Cut; 120 HP Center Gearbox; 100 HP Outboard Gearboxes; Pan Blade Carriers; Updraft Blades; Cat. 4 Driveline with Slip Clutch Protection; 540 or 1000 RPM; Lift or Pull-Type; 10-Gauge Deck; 1/4” x 10” Side Skirts; Replaceable Skid Shoes; Rated for 2” Diameter Material; Safety Deflectors Standard. See The Servis-Rhino Dealer Nearest You: States At Regional Competition Servls-Rhino Lancaster County was awarded top junior team, comprised of, from left, John Hess, Dean Livengood, and Travis Donough. A Heavy-Duty Cutter for Most Mowing Needs! “Rhino-Built”, American-Made Gearboxes; 160 HP Divider Gearbox, inter and Wing Gearboxes; (1000 RPM); Cat. 5 Main and '.lines; 7-Gauge Deck; Mechanical Level-Lift Axle, Spring -6” Blade Overlap; Heavy-Duty Pan Blade Carrier, Pull ;h; Wing Operation 90* Up and 22* Down; Replaceable Skid x 10-1/2” Side Skirts; Fully-Shielded Drivelines; Rated for iterial; Safety Deflectors Standard. “Some things are Just built tougher than others.” FLIS m Servis-Rhino® An Alamo Group Company P.O. Box 712, Seguin, Texas 78156 210-372-3080 PA DEALERS C.B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, PA (717)7614231 C.H. WALTZ & SONS. INC. Cogan Station, PA (717)435-2621 CHARLES SIEPIELA Honosdale, PA (717) 2534334 DUGAN TRACTOR. INC. Ulysses, PA (814) *4l-7575 ECKROTH BROS. FARM EQUP. INC. New Rinngold, PA (717) 943-2131 ERB & HENRY EQUIP. New Berlinville, PA (215) 357-2111 l&M MACHINERY CO. INC. Greensburg, PA (412) <6l-7850 MORRIS INTERNATIONAL INC. Everett, PA (514) 5524101 & W EQUIPMENT CO. Carlisle, PA (717)243-2600 MD DEALERS CERESVILLE FNH, INC. Frederick, MO (MO) 331-0122 GIBSON FARM EQUIP, INC. Ingleside, MD (410) 750=0212 RIO DEL MAR ENTERPRISES Easton, MO (410) 022-00 N NJ DEALERS FRANK RYMON & SONS, INC. Washington, NJ (908) 689-1464 MID-STATE EQUIP. CO. INC. Titusville, NJ (609) 737-7400 PONIATOWSKI BROS. EQUIP. CO. Clinton, NJ (201) 735-2149 RODIO TRACTOR SALES, INC. Hanmionton, NJ (609) 561-0141
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