D3O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 24,1993 FARM EQUIPMENT iUmwKmA isb USED EQUIPMENT Ford 902 100" Rotary Cutter Bush Hog 12' Chisel Plow 3 Pt Oliver 2255 Tractor Ml 53’. 8" Auger Nl 406 Rake NH 304 Slurry Spreader NH 489 haybme (sharp) NH 495 Haybme A 6R 30" Head for AC Combine JD 220 18’ Disc Harrow JD 1240 Planter , JD 7000 12R Corn Planter JD 216 Forage Box JD 714 Forage Box JD 714 A Forage Box Gehl 960 Forage Box Hesston 1160 14' Wmdrower White 4X Rollover Plow White 80 4WD Tractor White 288 Tractor w/Cab, Sharp' White 8700 Combine White 8900 Combines Ford 118 Plow STANLEY’S FARM SERVICE RD Box 46 Klingeratown, PA 717-648-2088 WE ALSO STOCK NEW VICON FERTILIZER SPREADERS JOHN DEERE | | | F John Dooro 2755, 75 PTO, H.P., MFWD (4 Whl. Drlvo) 2 Pool Roll-Guard, Hl-Lo, Ponders Hard! Sprayers, Trailer It 3 Pt. Call I Polaris ATV, 6x6 w/Cargo Box JO AMT 626, 5 Wheeler —END-OF-SEASON— CLEARANCE Brilllon 12 Ft. S-Tlna Basket Harrow Brilllon re" 7-Shank Chisel Plow Maschlo 49” 3 Pt. Category 1 Rotary Tiller John Deere 672 Hay Rake, Pull- Type, Ground Drive John Deere 606, 3 Pt. 6 Ft. Rotary Culler Woods M 5, 3 Pt. 5 Ft. Rotary Cutler Woods DBOV, Pull-Type 80“ Rotary Cutter John Deere 272, 3 Pt. 6 Ft. Grooming Mower New Holland 24 Ft. Elevator V/* Hava Many Slzea And Makaa Of NEW TRAILERS AVAILABLE! Uaa Tha JD Flnanca Plan Inlaraat Fraa Periods Aa Applicable * Salaa Applicable To Special Co. Dlacounta And Walvara That Apply During Tima Of Purchaaa. New Arrival R 62 Gleaner Combine w/630 Cornhead & 15’ Flexhead NEW EQUIPMENT Kuhn Hay Equip. Agco-AlliS 7600 4WD, ROPS Deutz Allis DISC (2) 13’6” Deutz Fahr Hay Equipment M&W 4590, Round Baler USED EQUIPMENT Knight sllnger spreader Unverferth 3 pt. 16' tine & roller soli conditioner NH 1400 combine w/heads Vlcon KM2BI mower conditioner Kidd 4x5 bale chopper Kuhn GRS 25N rake tedder 14’ Grove forage wagon Meyers 16’ forage wagon w/roof, like new cond. Used 6150 Deutz tractor 800 hrs. DX 130 tractor, cab, AC Marllss 10’ no-till drill Used AC 6R & 4R no-tlll corn planters Artsway Sllamlx Feed Wagon ln Stock Now. COMPARE OUR PRICES ON WOODS MOWERS B. EQUIP. INC. 8422 Wayne Highway Waynesboro, Pa. 17268 rn jH 717-762-3193 hir Ihe HBvyoiifitnil loiluv 7AM-SPM Mon.-Sal. GLEANER* TPM-9PM Mon.-Frl. International Cub, Clean Intemallonal-Farmall Culllvlelon B Tractor With Cultivator Ford 9N With 3 Pt. Hltch Ford Jubilee Forklift w/48” Forks Ferguson TO-30 Tractor, 3 Pt. w/New Tires JD B Tractor w/Wldo Front... $2,600 Holmes 6,000 Lb. Trailer EZ 12 Ft. Trailer w/Front A Sides, 1,600 Gross Wood Saw Complete w/Blade To Mount On Farmed Cub AC 16 FI. Wing Disk 2 Row Potato Diggers Call! NH 489 Hayblna w/CyUnder.. $3,950 —END-OF-SEASON— CLEARANCE (2) JD 213 Grain Table For Level Land Asking $1,500 / JD 216 Grain Table For I Or Side Hill Asking $2,900 > Make JD 1219 Mower Conditioner, 9', I offer Nice Cond. Asking $6,200j King Wysa 24 Ft. Bale Elevator w/Motor NH 479 Hayblna, Aa la NH 320 14"x19" Baler w/40 Thrower, Vary Nice Ford Roar Blade, 3 Pt., 6 Ft (4) 7 Ft., 3 Pi. Sickle Bar Mowera Many Dead Lawn A Garden Tractora w/Mowera - Different Makaa NH 77 Pan Thrower NH 28 Blower NH 256 Rake Demo NH 125 Manure Spreader NH 195 Manure Spreader trailer loadL. j of manure spreaders v. call for special prices I DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. IH 806 w/fast hitch IH 784, diesel w/2255 loader IH 706, gas Ford 8N Gehl 99 blower NH 469 hayblne NH 499 12 Ft. Hydro Swing Deutz-Fahr KH 700 6 Star Tedder Pequea PTO drive tedder NH 495 Hayblne, Bad Roll NH 275 Baler w/Thrower Int. 990 - 7 Ft. Mower Cond. NH 489 Hayblne New Idea 400 Hay Rake rRAIN HARVESTIN' IH 810 15’ head McCurdy 230 gravity boxes McCurdy 275 gravity box 1 - Stoll tedder rake New Vicon Seeders In Stock We Have A Large Inventory For You To Survey When Purchasing Your New Equipment Hay t Foraga Equipment Finance Rataa: 0% - IS Montha or Cheek with ua for Big Caah Rebate Amounta East Main St., Honey Brook, Pa. (215)273-3131 or (215)273-3737 Eckroth Bros. Farm Equipment RD 2 Box 24A, New Ringgold, PA 17960 717-943-2131 7:30-5:30 Mon.-Frl. 7:30-4:00 Sat. list I 4,324 $ 4,338 $ 3,550 $ 4,146 510,219 USED EQUIPMENT IH 540 plow, 4 btm. Oliver 4 btm. mounted plow, 16” JD 845 3 btm. roll over plow IH 485 disc harrow, 18’, nice 3 pt. hitch, 9 ft. Chisel Plow Gehl 920 Forage Box w/T.A. Gear Gehl 910 Forage Box w/10 Ton Gear Artsway 475 Grinder Mixer w/Scales A.C. 1200 E-Fleld Cult, w/harrow Hesston 1071 7 Ft. Mower Cond., real nice Brlllion 10 ft. Seeder-like new Woods Model 59 Mid Mount Mower Int. 181 Rotary Hoe, 15 Ft. Case 10 Ft. Offset Disk Harrow Int. 3 Bottom Rollover Plow Ford Model 917 Flail Mower Int. 461 4 Row Front Mounted Cultivator Century 200 Gallon 3 Pt. Hitch Sprayer Brlllion 15 Ft. Cultipacker, Like New McCurdy 325 Gravity Box USED COMBINES NH TR7O Int. 1440 w/3117 Mrs. w/810-13’ grain head, nice MF 510 diesel w/graln head CaW \ e F or > s PWaI p rices
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