Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 17, 1993, Image 165
Com Tour Featured At Hughesville (Continued from Pago 1) In both the higher popula tion and narrower rows situa tion, machinery maintenance is very important, the machines must be working efficiently to benefit from the higher yield. In planting narrower rows, 15 to 20 inches, there may be a 5-7% advantage. It is reported in die Midwest, by going from 30 inch rows, to 20 inch rows, they received a 5% yield increase. It was due to a more evenly spaced plant population. There are some drawbacks to narrower rows, as in higher populations, weed control can be a problem, but the biggest {GROFF W me* itio Y«j CfihtfV John Deete i allots outshine turnpenny models on pet lot math e. i/aalil v ami uilue HARVESTER NOW! SAVE | HORSEPOWER, TIME AND MONEY if JOHN DEERE HAS • JD 3950 Harvester ifSafr- THE HARVESTER . i A advantage $14,300* '{( /' Wfit * OPTIONAL 6 MO. WAIVER PROGRAM OR LOW RATE V . ‘vj FINANCING IN EFFECT • ASK FOR DETAILSI • When damaged, replace only a ihort knife. When worn, replace all 40 knives-for a fraction of the coat of 12 long knivei. problem arises with the fact that most of the machinery is not set up to handle narrower rows, which makes harvesting a problem. In making com silage, the narrower spaced rows are used in European countries, where they have developed machin ery that can handle the narrow er spacing, their machinery can even cut across the rows. At this site, uniformity must be considered in evaluating the com stand. Two plots were planted, each having 27.000 ppa, one stand was uniform, and the other a non- uniform stand. Standard deviation, or difference in the distance goohouu noil abc a good sul hose you own a John Deere compact utility tractor, you’ll know how you got along without it. Simple implement ip lets' you quickly attach a variety of implements to the iwerful PTO and go. Say hello to your most dedicated worker yet, the John Deere compact utility, tractor. IN STOCK: JD 1070, 35 HP, 2 WD, . Bar Tires & Mid PTO $12,500 • Model 516, 5’ Mounted-$ 1,190 • Model 717, T Mounted-$2,350 • Model 1508,15’ Batwing-$9,195 * Harvester Prices Do Not Include Heads. between plants is used to rate the uniformity of the stand. To find this, you measure the spacings of 30 consecutive plants, this is how many inches oetween each of the com plants, then find the average, fhis should be repeated 4 to 6 times. A rating of 3 inches or less is ideal, S is acceptable, and above S indicates a prob lem. Research has shown that for every unit, or inch increase in this system, the yield is reduced 2 to 4 bushels. Pest Scouting in Com and Beans was discussed by Dave Messersmith from West Branch Crop Management Assn. He showed some West ern Com Root Worm beetles that he had found on the com plants, but mentioned that it was a little early for the beetles to be at peak amounts. The bee tles like the com silk, but can be found all over the com plant. The way to determine if there is a pest problem is to count the number of beetles per com plant, using 22 plant sam ples. If there is an average of above I.S, there is a problem. In previous years, some fields have had extreme problems, where insecticides had to be applied by air. The main pur- Maximize Tour Sayings Max Emerge Planters Until October 31, 1993 John Deere Is Giving Terrific Discounts < “In Stock ” Planters AND THAT’S NOT A. You Also Can Have Up To April 1, 199' To Pay With No Interest Charges WE RE MOVING OUT OUR '93 CALL NOW FOR BEST SELECTION! ■ More beef...more “high reliability” features for you...but value priced! ■ Easy, effective, fore-and-aft hydraulic fowling • JD 630, 12’2" - option. $6,495 • JD 635, 12’2” w/Rock Protection • $7,995 • JD 630, 20*9” Flex-Fold • $13,695 NEW 6500 SPRAYER IN STOCK NOW! ■ New, smooth hydrostatic drive matches speed JD 6500 WUh ■ AU-oeweleclrohydrauUc controls (he more Wide Front ■ Bif 420*aDon solution tank reduces refills. Axle And 47’ ■ New John Deere tubochaijed 9«ip diesel Boom, Equipped ■ New electronic monitor gives precise spray i WiihHardt ■ New hydraulically«diuatable rear Nozzles wheelt let you chute tread spacing oirthego. ■ Choose a single front axle, or a new wide front axle with spedngs from 79 to 119 inches. CALL FOR FRICE OR DEMO! JOHN DEERE 6000 SERIES TRACTORS The new benchmark for visibility and comfort I • 6200, 66 HP With Cab. Rental Tractor - Great Price New Warranty. Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 17,1993—Page 5 pose of determing to what extent the beetle problem is in the area, is to handle the prob lem for the preceding year. Doug Beegle also from Penn State, continued the tour with his session on Nitrogen Test and Rates. In studies conducted regarding nitrogen, it was found that the nitrogen should be applied just before the per iod of maximum demand, this will improve the efficiency of 600 TANDEM DISKS SIMPLE AND STRONG CALL FOR DETAILS! €®3M TPMJK NIWO ■ 6 ft. 7 in. to 32 It 4 in. When you're more comfort able, you're more productive And the new Comfort Gard cab ii the moat comfortable cab available. It'i 40 percent larger. Visibility is better. You’re mote comfortable. A new air quality system keeps you cool. the fertilizer. The use of the Presidedress Soil Nitrogen Test (PSNT) can also be used with the delayed application of nitrogen. The PSNT measures the amount of nitrogen avail able from manure. To perform the PSNT, Limit spring nitro gen fertilizer: apply manure based on crop requirements; sample fields when com is 12 inches tall; take 10-20 cores, (Turn to Page 6) And it’s the quielcit cab around.