832-Lancast*r Fuming, Saturday, Juna 12,1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M of each week’s publication TUES. JUN. 22-4 PM, Val uable Real Estate, 10 Acres w/Custom 2 Story Home, Personal Property. Located From Wrightsville Take Rt. 624 South Approx. 9 Mi. Through Town of Craley To Hakes Hollow Rd. Turn Left To Auction On Left. Lower Windsor Township, York County. Terms By, Ken neth M. & Arlene Shirk. Randal Kline, Lloyd Krekfer & Roy Good Jr, Aucts. WED. JUN. 23 - 3:30 PM Selling a nice selection of household goods and anti ques at 11 11th ave. Sha mokin Dam Rd., Selins grove, Pa. Elsie Bailey, owner. Hassinger/ Courtney, aucts. THURS. JUN. 24 - SPM Liquidation of School & Kitchen Equip, and Sup plies. Located at Robeson Elementary School, White Bear Road, Robeson Twp., Berks Co. Terms by Twin Valley School Board. FRI. JUN. 25 - SAM, Valu able Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles & Personal Property. Located At Springetts Fire Co. Social Hall, 3013 E. Market St., York, Pa. Gilbert & Gilbert, Aucts. FRI. JUN. 25 - I:3OPM, State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Located At Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 13. South Off 1-81, Left Onto Alexander Spring Road. 717-249-4511. FRI. JUN. 25 & SAT. JUN. 26 2 Day Estate Auction. 107 Birie St., Coudersport, Potter co„ Pa. For Thetig Hauber John & Tom Gol den, auct. SAT JUN. 26 - BAM, Anti ques, Furniture, Glass ware, Radios, Fishing Equipment, Tools, Mowers, Train Sets, Bicycles & Bicy cle Parts Located Lisburn Comm Fire Co , 1800 Main St, Lisburn, Pa If Travel ing 1-83 North Or South Use Exit #lB, Take Rt. 114 West For 5 Miles, Or Traveling On Rt. 15 Use Bowmansdale Exit, Take Rt 114 East For 6 Miles To Sals. Sign Posted. Owner, Mrs. Evelyn McGuire. Little Ike Eichelberger Auct. SAT. JUN. 26 - B:3OAM, Power Tools, Few House hold Goods. Located At 311 E. 7th Ave., Trappe, Montgomery County, Pa. Owner, Ruth Buckwalter. Nelson C. Weidenbaugh, Auct. SAT. JUN. 26 - B:3OAM Antiques, collectibles, household goods, toys, antique classic car & misc. tools. Held for Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Travis in the Chanceford Comm. Center 8 miles southeast of Red Lion, turning off Rt. 74 at the Brogue Post Office & proceed 1 block to building on left. SeChrist aucts. SAT. JUN. 26 - B:3OAM, Farm Equipment & House hold Goods. Located Off Interstate 83, York, Pa. At Exit 7, Go East On East Prospect Road (Rt. 124) Approximately 3V4 Mile To Grace Baptist Church, Turn Right On To Millers Mill Road. Go 114 Mile To White Oak Road On Left, Go 'A Mile To Lane On Left Watch For Signs. Sell er, Lester & Edna Holtzin ger. Rentzel's Auction Service SAT. JUN. 26 - 9AM Keehn Lumber & Supply Inc. Oley, Pa. Just off Rt. 73 between Reading & Boyertown, along Main St. in Berks Co., Oley, Pa. David S. All gyer & Kenneth Heffner, aucts. SAT. JUN. 26 - SAM, Sell ing The Personal Property & Real Estate Of Alice Mill er & The Late John Miller. 3 Bedroom 2 Story Home Nice Selection Of Antiques & Collectibles, To Include 2 Oak Bedroom Suites & Oak Bow Front China Closet. Located Main St, Richfield, Pa. Hassinger/Courtney Aucts. SAT. JUN. 26 - 9AM, Valu able Real Estate, Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods. Located 508 Ware house Road, Manheim, Pa. From Rt. 72 Take Auction Road At Manheim Auto Auction, Go To Warehouse Road, Turn Left. Auction Is On Right. Auction For, Estate Of Amos Enterline. E.M. Murry Associates. PUBLIC AUCTION LIQUIDATION OF MILLERSTOWN TRUE VALUE HARDWARE Thurs. Eve., June 17 and Friday Eve., June 18, 1993 Starting at 5:00 P.M. each evening Sale held at Juniata Markets, Jet. of Rts. 75 & old 22, at the blinking lights, 1 mile north of Port Royal, Pa. Juniata Co. SELLING THE FOLLOWING ITEMS at 8 p.m. Thursday Eve., June 17 Whirlpool microwave; Stimpson store scales; Random orbitol waxer and sander, 25 lb. capacity scales; Red Devil paint condition er; Sharp, electronic cash register; display racks and bolt bins. ALL OTHER ITEMS SOLD AT RANDOM BOTH EVENINGS 1/3 hp. Master mechanic jigsaw; 3/8 cord less drill driver; lawn sprayer, lawn seeder; lawn spreader; (3) rubber tire wheelbarrows; (2) computerized utility sump pumps; nail bin; 12 volt air compressors; 2 1/3 hp sump pumps; Poulan 2000 cahin saw; Remington, 12” electric chain saw; garden cultivator, (2) Tri- Power battery chargers; 7% ”, 2 hp circular saw; (2) 100 amp load centers; Master Mechanics 45 pc. socket set; 3” bench vise; 30 pc. screwdriver and bit set; 62 pc. metric set; (2) electric staple guns; Master lock sets; nails, spikes and staples; 4 drawer file cabinet; smoke detectors; fire ext.; IS’ escape ladders; lighting futures, inch indoor and out; plumb ing supplies; welding helmets and goggles; spray paint; paint brushes; furnace and air con ditioner filters; 150 gal. paint, in pints, quarts and gallons; stove pipe; com poppers; pipe wrenches: full line of garden tools; box lots of brass fittings; lot of fuel cans; Mason caps & lids; bolt cutters; C clamps & glueing clamps; Stanley sockets and box end wrenches; Stan ley, metric wrench sets; Stanley wood chisels; 5 and 8 ft wooden step ladders; spray gun; elec, weed cater; mail boxes; tree trimmer; roof coating and driveway sealer, anti-freeze; dry gas; windshield washer fluid; motor oil; B&D recharging lights; cement trowels; brooms, soap and trash bags; gas camping stove; pressure cooker. Ashing rods and lures; power pull; Stanley tapes, 20 to 100 ft; plumb 6 master mechanics hammers & hatchets: 2 & 4 ft. levels: series 200, smart level; complete tap & die. threading center, Hanson drills; hole saws; drill bits incl. dual-auger & wood bits; metal & plastic tool boxes; chain & cable; complete spring center; Diston hand saws; Romex wire w/ground, 10-12 & 14/3; all sizes nuts, bolts, screws and washers; other misc. items not listed. Note - doors open at 4:00 p.m. each evening. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK, NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS. DOUGLAS KAUFFMAN , Owner Long’s Auction Service Ph. 717-527-2405 or 4458 AUOOI7O2L Book & Stongs, Clerks Not Responsible for Accidents Lunch Stands • Fanner’s Market and Rea Market Open Friday Eve., During Sale Sale held in building, but please bring your own chairs SAT. JUN. 26 • 9AM 2% story dwelling, real estate, antiques, household goods, tools. Located at 10 W. Main St., Brownstown, Lane. Co., Pa. By Ellen E. Murr. Horst aucts. SAT. JUN. 26 - 9:3OAM, Real Estate, Outstanding Antiques & Household Goods. Located In The Borough Of Blain In Perry County. Directions; From Loysville, Follow RL 274 West To Blain. Upon Enter ing Blain, Turn Left. Sale Will Be Held At the Last House On The Right. Watch For Signs Day Of Sale. Estate Of Lottie M. Shambaugh. Ed Shull, Auct. SAT. JUN. 26 - 9:3OAM Real estate, household goods, tools, masonary equip. 2175 W. Rt. 697, Denver, between Rein 'holds & Kleinfeltersville, West Cocalico Twp. Terms; Richard & Donna Heck. Aaron E. Martin, aucts. SAT. JUN. 26 - 9:3OAM, Outstanding 2V4 Story Brick Home With An Apart ment, Large Bank Bam On 11/4 Acre Lot, Boat, Tools, Furniture, Equipment. Located 439 Mt. Sidney Rd„ Witmor, Lane. Co., Pa. East On Rt. 340, Left On Mt. Sidney Rd. (At Dauphin Bank), 1 Mite To Auction On Right. Auction For, Mrs. Kathryn E. Groff. SAT. JUN. 26 - 9:3OAM forklifts, Farmall 140 trac tor, powwer & air tools, shop equip, draft tables, etc. Located at the former PUBLIC SALE "SPORTING GOODS BUSINESS LIQUIDATION” Dim to Retlramant, tho Owner of San- Dee’s Place will be sellng his entire Inventory of Hunting. Fishing, Archery and Other Sporting Equipment on SATURDAY, JUNE 12 and SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1993 Beginning at 9:00 A.M. Both Days LOCATION: From the East End of Duncannon, Follow Rt 849 West 7.5 Miles to Sale Location or from Newport Follow Rt 849 East 2.3 Miles to Sale Location. Watch for Sale Sign Day of Sale. NOTE: IF WEATHER IS BAD, SALE WILL BE HELD IN TENT. GUNS The following Gone are New and will be sold on June 12th at 12:00 Noon: Rem. M#7oo-300 Win. Mag; Rem. M#7oo-30/06; Rem. M#7600-30/06; Rem. M#7600-243 Win.; (2) Rem. M#B7o Pump Guns-20 Ga„ 28” Mod.; Win. M#7o-30/06; Rem. M#7600-30/06 Carbine; Rem. M#7oo-270 Cal. Stainless; Rem. M#7600 300 Stainless; H&R 410 Ga. Single Barrel Shotgun; The following Guna and Platola will be sold on June 19th at 12:00 Noon: (Some New, Mostly Used.) Rem. M#lloo- 12 Qa. 3” Mag; M#7600-243 Win. Ruger 6MM W/3-9 Leo pold Scope; New England 243 Heavy Bar rel W/Scope; Enfield 30/06 W/3-9 World Class Scope; H& R 410 SB Shotgun; J.C. Higgins 12 Ga. Pump; J.C. Higgins 12 Ga. Semi. Shotgun; Norinco 22 Cal. Pump; Win. M#l2o Slug Barrel; Win; M#l3oo Water Fowl Barrel; Rem. Slug Barrel; Ruger 44 Cal. Redhawk W/Scope; 1861 Navy Arms BIK. Powder in 44 Cal.; Ruger 9MM P-89 Stainless (New); Amt 380 Backup (New); (2) Jennings 22 Cal. Stain less (New); Used but never fired Colt King Cobra 357 Mag. Stainless. A Mixture of the Following Items will be Sold on Both Days. Various PSE Top Of The Line Com pound Bows; Easton Arrow Shafts and Accessories; other Archery Accessories including Tips & Knocks, Arm Guards, Quivers, Strings, etc.; Reloading Equip ment of all kinds to include a large selec tion of Bullets, Powder, Primers, Shell Hol ders; Brass, etc.; Blk Powder Accessories, Powder, Molds, Round Balls, etc.; Gun Cleaning Supplies; Lots of Fishing Sup plies, New Reels, Rod & Reel Combos, Lures, Line, Creels, Mini Nets & Buckets, Tackle Boxes & Tackle, etc.; Crossman Pellet Guns; Spotting Scope; Spot Lights; Buck, Almar & Western Knives; Turkey Calls (Tuscarora, D.D. Adams and Others); Decoys; Ear Protestors; Rain suits, Ponchos & Safety Vests; Fanny Packs; Camo Paint; Holsters; Odor Elimi nator; Targets; Ice Shoes; Various Scopes; Lens Covers; Flashlights; Pach mayr Grips; Speed Loaders; Mounts; Ring Bases; Quick Sites and Many Other Items Not Listed. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is a very small list of Hems to be sold. If you’re an Outdoorsman, this Is the Sale for you! So come early both days, and plan to spend the day. I.D. Required tor Bidder’s Number. Not Responsible for Accidents. Lunch Stand Reserved. No Out-Of-State Checks. WILLIAM R. KIMMICH, owner PHONE 567-6730 Ed Shull, Auctioneer License «1935 L Phone 789-4100 Birdsboro Crop. Junction of Rt. 724 & 82, 7 mi. E. of Reading, Birdsboro, Berks Co. By Birdsboro Indus tries. Frey Auctioneers. SAT. JUN. 26 -10 AM, Farm Equipment, Sheep Raising Equipment, Shop Tools, Household Goods, Furniture, Old Quilt & Col lectibles. Located On Pre mises 8044 Redstone Drive, Harrisburg, Pa., East Hanover Township, Dau phin County, Pa. Owners, Glenn & Florence Zeager. Nelson L Ebersole, Auct SAT. JUN. 26 -10 AM, Huge Bankruptcy 1 Sufp : ' Pte Aifctt ' lus Auction. Located At Warehouse Facility, 2500 Magnolia Terrace, Hbg., Pa. From 1-81 Take Prog ress Ave To Thea Drive, Turn Right Follow Signs To Magnolia Terrace. Kerry PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUES ■ TOOLS - HOUSEHOLD WED., JUNE 16, 1993 AT 4:30 P.M. Located In The Schnecksville Fire Co. Pavi lion, Route 309, Just N. Of Allentown, Pa. Planes - bamborcr - drysink - yeilowware - china - glass - antiques & modem huge sale. Two auctioneers all night Terms: No out of state checks! TIM WOTRING - AUCTIONEER - AUIS63L SCHNECKSVILLE, PA. 215-799-4843 GLENN & FLORENCE ZEAGER PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 1993 10:00 AM FARM EQUIPMENT-SHEEP RAISING EQUIPMENT-SHOP TOOLS HOUSEHOLD GOODS—FURNITURE—OLD QUILT COLLECTIBLES SALE HELD ON PREMISES: 8044 Redstone Drive Harrisburg, PA East Hanover Township Dauphin County, PA FARM EQUIPMENT: Kubota 4 WD diesel tractor Model L24sdt Approx. 1,200 hrs with loader & Arps 80 Backhoe, cattle trailer, Gehl 2,500 skid loader w/air cooled engine 54” bucket and extra wide bucket, hay & corn elevator, new idea ground drive manure spreader, 6 ft. bush hog mower, scraper blade 3 pt., 2 ton plywood feed bin metal bottom, 42" gravely 5260 riding lawn mower. TOOLS & FARM RELATED ITEMS: Stiehl gas weed eater with blade & garden hoe, 225 amp Lincoln welder, platform scale, wheel barrow, log chains, homelite chain saw, come-a-long, power tools, heavy duty bench vise, elec, buffer, hedge trimmer, fertilizer spreader for lawn, circu lar saw, locust posts, lamb self feeders, no freeze Ritchie waterers, air compressor, sheep hay racks, sheep feed troughs, many hand tools, work benches, elec, grinder, 2 propane tanks 35 lb., Coleman heater, large bird feeder, water hoses, shop tools, etc. HOUSEHOLD: Speed Queen washer, Frigidaire dryer, Sears upright freezer, Hotpoint chest freezer, microwave. 6 pc. living room suite, redwood patio set, cedar chest, 2 single beds, desk & chair, Singer sewing machine, file cabinet, dresser, rug shampooer, elec, waffle iron, pots & pans & everyday dishes, flatware, etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Fine very old quilt, Mamod toy steam engine tractor, old toys, old ABC toy blocks, 1927 issues Penna. Farmer, 1907 Gold calen dar plate S.P. Engle of Elizabethtown, Ironstone plates, fine collector plates, brass candle holders, old green canning jars, Griswolt iron skillets, Japanese fine china set, Ig. plate glass mirror, 2 coo-coo clocks, 1908 high chair, and many more items too numerous to mention. DIRECTIONS: At the intersection of Rt. 39 & Rt. 22 - go 1 mile north on Rt. 39 and turn right onto Manada View Drive, Go 1 block & make a left onto Berkstone Dr., Go 2 blocks and make a right onto Redstone Drive into the cul-de-sac & see lane simply follow auction arrows & auction signs - Easy to find. FOOD STAND SALE HELD UNDER TENT RAIN OR SHINE CASH OR GUARANTEED CHECK NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: NELSON L EBERSOLE, AUCTIONEER LIC# - AU-001307-L 30 West Main Street Annvllle, PA 17003 (717) 867-5221 OR (717) 867-4304 SAT. JUN. 26-11 AM, 2Vi Story Farmhouse, s Bdrms., 2 'A Baths, 2 Fire places. Located 3400 Scar boro Rd., Street. Harford Co. Md. O'Neills Auction Company.
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