Bao-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, Juna 12. 1993 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication FRI. JUN. 18 - 10:30AM, Tomak Farms, Farm Machinery Dispersal. Located Ulysses (Potter Co.), Pa. Rt. 49 3X Mi. West Of Ulysses. Turn On Kibbieville Rd. '/> Ml. To Farm. Owners, Anthony J. & Roxanne M. Tomak. Shaylor Auctioneers. FRI. JUN. 18- 11AM Com plete liquidation Block & dump trucks, skid loaders, block machines & remain ing inventory. Valuable real estate. Exit US Rt. 340 in Bolivar/Harpers Ferry at Union St. at the Comfort Inn sign, turning left onto Washington St. J.G. Cochran, aucts FRI. JUN. 18- I:3OPM State graded pig sale. Westminster Livestock Auction, Westminster, Md. FRI. JUN. 18 3PM & SAT. JUN. 19 B:3OAM 211-213 Spruce St., Sunbury, Pa. Northumberland Co., 60 miles N. of Harrisburg. Household items, lawn and garden tools, material, anti ques, collectibles For Ruth A. Reader, Ernest C. Read er. Mark J. Jones, Auct. FRI. JUN. 18 - SPM & SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM Naomi E. Denlinger and the late John K. Denlinger, fine collection of Glassware & China, Flor ida China, furniture, guns, quilts, violions, hooked rugs, office furniture, toys, books, Thunderbird Memorabilia. 2505 Old Phi ladelphia Pike. Smoke town, PA Approx. 5 miles East of Lancaster on Rt. 340 & Rt. 896. Miller & Sle grist, aucts. FRI. JUN. 18 - 6PM, Cus tom Butcher Shop Auction, Real Estate Plus Complete Contents J&B Meat Plant, Plus Mobile Home. Located Rt. 267, 10 Miles N. Of Lawton, Pa. Or 2 Miles S. Of St. Joseph, Pa. Only 15 Miles From Triple City N.Y. Population Of 150,000 +/- Susquehanna Co. Owners, Shirley & Bill Stewart Shamrock Auction Service FRI. JUN. 18 - 7PM, Kish Valley Dairy Sales. Located On The Corner Of S. Wal nut Street And The Front Mountain Road, Belleville. Owner, Sherman Glick Bryan D. Imes, Auct. FRI. JUN. 18 -7:3OPM, 100 Reg. & Grade Holstems. Located At The Ben K Stoltzfus Farm On Rt 340, First Farm East Of Inter course, Pa Stonehurst Farm & Cattle Exchange SAT. JUN. 19. Located 75 Acre Farm At The Intersec tion Of Route 74 & 174, Cumberland Co., Pa. Maxi mum Road Frontage. Prin cipals Only Contact: Far mers Trust Company, Trust Department, PO Box 220, Carlisle, Pa. 17013, 717-243-3212. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM Real Estate and collecti bles & furnishings, 334 Dover St., Manheim, Pa. Mary Kiel Estate. E.M. Mur ry Assoc., Aucts. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM 655 Hartman Station Rd., east on 340, left Horseshoe Rd. pass C.V. high school, left at traffic light to sale. China & glassware, anti ques, furniture, tools & equipment, guns, silver coins. For E. Earl Latschar. Bechtold & Papara, aucts. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM, Valuable Real Estate & Personal Property. Located At 334 Dover St., Is Between Fulton And South Penn Streets, Manheim Borough, Pa. Auction For, Mary B. Kiehl Estate. E.M. Murry Assoc. SAT. JUN. 19 - B:3OAM, Misc. Items. Located Off PUBLIC AUCTION Amish School Benefit Saturday, June 19 at 9:00 a.m. Located in Snyder County at the School Turn North Off Route 522 at McClure, Pa. Travel to Crottgrove, 1/2 Mile Beyond Intersection, Turn Right on Fultz Road, 2 Miles to School LIVESTOCK and MACHINERY Grey Horse, 12 Years Old; 2 Holstein Bulls, 6 to 7 Mo. Old; 3 Steers and Some Heifers; 3 Lambs and 10 Pullets Laying Age. Case 22 in. Threshing Machine, I.H. No. 7 Silo Cutter, I.H. Manure Spreader, N.I. Rebuilt Spreader, 3 Section Harrow, 8 ft. Single Cultipacker, 12 in. Lathe Stand, 1-1/4 in. 5 ft. Flexible Shafts w/Auger, Some Tin Roofing, Neck Yokes, Double Trees and Other Items Not Listed. QUILTS and HOUSEHOLD Columbia Cook Stove, Perfection 3 Burner Oil Stove, Kitchen Cabinet, Washing Machine, Trip Around The World Quilt, Other Different Pattern Quilts, All Cotton Quilt, Crib Quilts and Wall Hangers, Jars, Some Dishes and Other Consignments Not Listed. Terms CASH Amish Lunch Stand ♦ Baked Goods ♦ Pig Roast SALE COMMITTEE: Jeff J. Hostetler ❖ Eli E. Yoder John A. Speicher AUCTIONEERS: MARK and BRIAN CLICK 349 L Rt. 30 At Taco Bell North On Susquehanna Trail IX Mile To Stillmeadow Lane, Turn Left - Ist Farm Or Off Interstate 83, Exit 11, Off Ramp, Turn Right Go To Light On Susquehanna Trail, Go South 1 ’/• Mile To Stillmeadow Lane, Turn Right - Ist Farm. Seller, Mr. & Mrs. William Sprenkle. Rentzel's Auction Service. SAT. JUN 19 & SAT. JUN. 26 - 9AM Keehn Lumber & Supply Inc. Oley, Pa. Just off Rt. 73 between REading & Boyertown, along Main St. in Berks Co., Oley. Pa. David S. Allgyer & Kenneth Heffner, aucts. SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM, Anti ques, Guns, JD 40 Crawler, Household Goods, Tools, Other Tractors & Farm Machinery. Located 321 Bobcat Rd., Newville- Bloserville, Pa. 17241. Property Of, Sylvia Mentzer And The Late John H. Mentzer. Don Hamsberger/ Pro Auction Service. SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM, Advance Notice- Equip ment Sale. Located At Mill er’s Auction Center X Bk. East Of Sq. In Bethel On Old 22 Turn Right At Ist Alloy To Auction. Dwight D. Miller, Auct. SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM, Amish School Benefit. Located In Snyder County At The School, Turn Norm Off Route 522 At McClure, Pa Travel To Crossgrove, 1/2 Mile Beyond Intersec tion, Turn Right On Fultz Road, 2 Miles To School. Mark & Brian Glicfc, Auct. SAT. JUN. 19-9 AM, Sport ing Goods Business Liqui dation. Located From The East End Of Duncannon, Follow Rt. 849 West 7.5 Miles To Sale Location Or From Newport Follow Rt. 849 East 2.3 Miles To Sale Location. Watch For Sale Sign Day Of Sale. Owner, William R. Kimmich. Ed Shull, Auct SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM Anti ques & household goods located along Rt. 625 mid- PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, June 18, 1893 8:00 am. Baling Real Eatata and tha Panonal Pmptrty d tha Ma Burnt A Shamory, TnxdvUa, PA DIRECTIONS; From Harrisburg travel North on Routes 11&15, Just North el Liverpool turn left onto Routs 104, Into Mlddleburg. At Junction ol Route 822, turn South West toward Lswlstown. Continue to Beaver Springs, then turn toward Troxalvllla onto Routs 235. Proceed Into Troxalvllla, auction on the left. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES Fantastic Oak Bow Front China Closet with Animal Feet and Carved Lions on Posts; Large Oak Buffet with Mirror, Oak Bedroom Suite; Oak Ornate Bed, Cut; D.T. Blanket Cheat; Oak Dreaaer with Minor, Grained Wardrobe; Single Drawer Night Stand; Idly Cupboard; Parlor Stands; 6 Decorated Plank Chain alto Rocker, Cedar Chest; 4 Caned Chain; Pressed Bade Chain; 2 Arrow Back Chain; Pressed Back Rocker, Mantel Clock; Braided Ruga; Sewing Stand; Miac. Chain; Wood Floor Lamp; Single Bed with Carving; 2 Hail Trees; Miac. Wood Benches; Sample Sad Iran and Trivet; 2 Round Counter Jan; Cat and Sheep Cookie lan; School Bench; Eacclsion Stamp Set; Wood Spools; Wood Cash Bos; Bear Bulk; Ranger Joe Bowl; Graniteware; Kero Lamps; Hubley Dump Track; Ice Cream Scoop #33; WWI Gas Mask; Childs Chalk Board; Brass Faced Scale; 1/2 Bu. Measure; 2 Wash Boards; Wood Med. Cabinet; Reverse Painting; Basket; Apple Cookie Jar; McCoy Vase, Pitcher and Flower Fdla; Peanut Butter Glasses; Fire King; Sandwich Glass; Pressed Glass; Salt Dips; Oak Wainscot; Steieopdc on Stand; Zinc Lids; Aero Flyer Wa gon; 1948 Bean Soup Kettle; White Treadle Sewing Machine; Paper Holder and Cutter, Crockery Bowls; Savory Roaster, Paper Rabbit and Peep Candy Ccntainen; Elgin Gold Pocket Watch; China Face and Other Dolls; Soda Thermometers and Other Advertisements; Zeno Porcelain Chewing Gum Dispenser, A-l; Coffee Can, Gearhart Lancaster, Fetterolf Beavertown; Horlick's Malt Jar, Stroh’s Bakery; Letteiman Bread Stand; Wood Ad Boxes; Tin Smith Bros. Display Rack; W.S. Shamory Match Holder, Bear Brand Hosiery Box; Middleburg Bakery, O.D. Peters; C.R, Klingler, Benfer Feed Mill; and Much More; Com forts; Quits; Applique, Butterfly and Others; Stand-Up Valen tines; Buttons; 1954 Athletics Baseball Program; 1919 Ist Batta lion Print; Christmas Birds; Ladies Cape; Fruit Still Life; 2 Cook Stoves; Prizer and Renoun. Lot of Costume Jewelry; Lg. Selection of Post Cards. 2 CIVIL WAR DISCHARGES Levi Gill, 1163-1165, Snyder County, Participated in 21 Battle* and Emerged Unwounded; Levi Gill Birth Certificate; Wedding Certificate*. EXECUTORS: Elmer and Lee Shamory KENNETH E. MASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY (717) 658-3536 (717) 539-8791 AU-001532-L AU402651-L A PUBLIC SALE JUNE 19, 1993 9:30 A.M. SHARP The Sale Is To Be Held At The Quarryvllle Fair Grounds In The Farm Show Building Located In Quarryvllle PA Along Route 472. This Sale Is Of Private Toys And Milk Bottles Collected By Marvin Miller Of The Former Brookmead Dairy Farms, Strasburg, PA. •TOY TRUCKS* Trucks of all kinds, trucks for the young and older people who collect toys. Hess, Winross, Ertl etc. •FARM TOYS* Toys of all different kinds consisting of implements used on the farm today. A collection of bottles from many local milk distributors who have not been in business for many years. Also bottles from California to Maine. A beautiful selection of Lancaster County Hand Sewn Quilts. All different sizes and patterns. *Come To This Sale For That Special Milk Bottle Or Toy* *With The Size Of This Sale. It Must Start Promptly At 9:30* Terms By: Snyders Auction Service Paul 717-733-7052 AVB73L Michael 717-872-1844 Out Of State Checks Need Current Bank Letter Of Credit •REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE* OSSSOSSQSSSSOSOOSOi way between Bowmanevii le & Reading, Brecknock Twp, Berks Co. By Estate of Verna M. Gray. SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM, Val. Real Estate, Household Goods, Antiques, Collec tors Items, Tools, Etc. Located On Premises In Village Of Rauchtown, Pa. 6 Miles S Of Jersey Shore, 12 Miles N. Of Loganton Along Rt. 880. Sellers, Estate Of Marvin E. Bixel. Fraley Auction Co. SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM, Trac tors, Trucks, Car, Farm Equip., Tools, Horse Drawn Equip., Antiques, 18'x28' Equip. Shed. Located ♦MILK BOTTLES* •QUILTS* Along New Smithville Rd.. Between New SmfthviHe A Stines Comer, Weisenberg Twp., Lehigh Co., Pe. Travel 1-78 To Exit 13, Rt. 863, Turn South 1 Block To Old Rt. 22, Turn Right Con tinue 1 Mile To New Smilh ville Hotel, Turn Right To Auction. Ordered By, Mary Ann Nicholas. Ralph W. PUBLIC AUCTION POWER TOOLS FEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS Saturday, June 26, 1993 Sale lima 8:30 A.M. Sharp Located at 311 E. 7th Ave., Trappe, Montgom ery County, PA. Watch for Auction Sign. DaLoaeh saw mill No. VA Atlanta w/1954 Cum mins diesel eng.; Modal 30 Caterpillar; MM Z Tractor; Model 22 Catperlllar (as Is); M&M Modal UTU tractor, partially restored; M&M Model R tractor; M&M tractor parts; 2 domestic type F gas anginas; Disc's; Cultivator; 1949 Chevrolet 6400 flat bad truck. - Power & Other Tools - Small Black & Decker table <aw; Walker-Turner radial aim law; J.A. Fay 24" band saw; L. Power 24” jointer; 24” 4 side planer; Cadillac power unit; Racine Mfg. power hacksaw; Hobart welder mounted on trailer. Extra heavy duty drill press (Champion Mfg.), 3’ Fereed Co. metal lathe, 8” Craftsman jointer. Craftsman table model drill press; 6' small lathe w/lalhe tools; Craftsman 100 table saw; Sanders, electric drill, router, Echo model 900 chain saw; Boice-Crane table shaper & cutters; Diesel & 10 h.p. gas air compressor, Misc. butcher tools; Gas powered boom winch. Assortment of large wooden pulleys, rope & tackle; Circular buck saw; Saw blades; Anvils; Shop Vac; Forging equipment; Heavy duty winches; Snow blades; Cant hooks; Axes; Sledge hammers; Hand augers; Clamps; Block & tackles; Load binder; Tree climbing spikes; Numerous belts, pulleys; Welding rods; Log chains; Heavy work benches; Wheels & tires; Air hoses; Bolts; nuts; washers; Cement mixer; 2-2 wheeled trailers; David Bradley garden tractor; Wheelbarrow seeder, Beam scales; Com meal grinder. Meat grinder; Cook stove; Shop wood burner stove; Sausage stuffer. Farmers boiler, 4' Wisconsin powered Rototiller, Piles of metal scrap; Large amount of lumber (walnut & cherry) sorted in small quantities. - Household Goods - Large oak bookcase w/glass sliding doors top & bot tom. Wicker chair, 3 treadle sewing machines. Porch rock er; Rotary push mower, Jacobsen Model 1060 riding mower & a Turfmaster 7 h.p. ORDER OF SALE: Small tools, tractors, saw mill, household goods. Proper I.D. number system used. For information or inspection of equipment prior to sale call (21S) 489-7308. TERMS: Cash, certified or approved check. Lunch Stand Ownar RUTH BUCKWALTER Nalaon C. Waldenbaugh, Auctlonaar 2635 Swamp Pika ■ Poltatown, PA 19464 Phona 215-327-2475 Pa. Auctionaar's Lie. #AU-00986*L Owner or Auctioneer Will Not Be Responsible For Accidents MARVIN MILLER Zettlemoyer Auction Co., Inc. SAT. JUN. 19 - 9AM 2 tracts real estate, antiques, household goods, tools, 1948 Studebaker Car, Dodge van. Brunnerville. Held at 414 E. Lexington Rd., Brunnerville, Lane. Co., Pa. By S. Wayne Grube Estate. Horst aucts. f^£rro^ is A
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