nM— .liar™ !»—■ bh>" ■ PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 143 ACRES M/L - 24 ACRES M/L MASSEY FERGUSON #750 COMBINE MON., JUNE 14, 1993 2:00 P.M. Both Tract* Located In Northumberland Coun ty at R.D. #1 Dornalfa, PA.' Approximately 50 ml. North of Harrlaburg. TRACT I: From the Mandata Junction of Router 147 & 225 go North on Rt 225 5.2 mi. to Creek Rd. Turn right then put Donuife Pott Office 1.7 mi. to Property on Right. Property couitti of 93 Acres in High State of Cultiva tion and SO Acres of Woodland. This Property Borders State Game Lands and has Many Desirable Features. TRACT 2: From Tract 1 Continue .6 mi. to Stop Sign. Turn Left then go .2 mi. to Stop Sign. Turn Left Then go. 1 mi. to Coal Breaker. Tim Right Then go .6 mi. to Stop Sign. Turn Right, Property 100 Yards on Right Property consists of 24 Acres in High State of Cultiva tion. Nice Country Location can Continue in Agriculture or hat Many Other Possibilities. Term*: 10% down day of sale - Balance 45 daya. Tract* Sold Separately. Auction for both tract! and equipment held at Tract I. To Inspect property call 717-425-3099 or 717-357-1800. Massey Ferguson Diesel #750 Combine with 6 Row Com Head and 14 Ft Grain Head w/TaUe Height control. Combine used last year and is in good repair. 10* Famum Pasture Renovator w/Seeder. Sal* by MARVIN & SHARON SNYDER Attorney: Roger Wleat Auctioneer*: 2097-L Harold "Aba" Shatfnor 717-653-SOO9 Mark Dlffendorfar 717-367-1080 real estate auction 82 ACRE DAIRY FARM PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JUNE 19, 1993 12:00 Noon Bachman Road, Annville South .Annville Township Lebanon County, PA REAL ESTATE: Consists of a 2'A story limestone home with cement stucco exterior, the first floor has 3 rooms & V* baih, the sec ond floor has 3 bedrooms & bath, the base ment has a stone arch cellar, attached summer house, other buildings include a 38x60 - Two story barn with limestone end walls and attached one story dairy wing 40’xl20’ w/58 stalls, tails together, Patz gutter cleaner, 400 gal.,zero tank VA inch Surge glass pipeline, cement troughs, vent-o-matic air balancer and 2 large exhaust fans, other farm buildings include a com bam, garage & storage build ings and old 20x90 frame poultry house, 2 drilled wells. The land is limestone soil in a very high state of cultivation, 51 acres tillable, possible 75 tillable, the balance is currently in pasture and homesite. There is over 2,300 feet of hard road fron tage along the east side of Bachman Road and SO feet of hard road frontage along the west side of south Spruce Street. Zoning is R-l Residential, the property is described in 2 deeds, Deed Book 9V Page 382 describes 71.1 acres. Deed Book 146 Page 9S describes 11.397 acres. The 2 parcels will be offered separately and together as a whole. INSPECTION: By calling auctioneer or Open House on Saturday, May 22,1993 from 12-4 PM. TERMS >lO% down the day of auction, balance due at settlement August 25,1993. ** ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE THE DAY OF THE AUCTION TAKE PRECE DENCE OVER ADVERTISED MATTER.** DIRECTIONS TO FARM: Go 'A mile south of Annvllle on Rt. 934 and turn left onto Royal Road, follow Royal Road 3/10 of a mile and turn left onto Bach man Road, first farm on right, follow auction arrows & signs. Conditions By: DONALD K. & ALTA T. BOMBERGER Attorney: George E. Christianson, Esquire Auction Conducted By: Nelson L. Ebersole, Auctioneer LIC#-AU-001307-L 30 WEST MAIN STREET ANNVILLE, PA. 17003 (717) 807-5221 OR (717) 867-4304 .Auction. PUBLIC AUCTION OF ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD GOODS Saturday, June 19, 1993 At 9:00 A.M. Located along Route 625 midway between Bowmansville and Reading. One-half mile south of Knauers, Brecknock Twp., Berks Co. ANTIQUES: Porcelain top kitchen table w/ pull out extensions; Ig. deacon’s bench w/3 matching chairs (painted backs); Ig. mirror w/ wooden frame trimmed in gold (marked Italy); other mirrors; iron crib; metal beds; pictures & frames; good old Christmas decorations; toys incl. wind up bear & dog actionated by squeeze bulb; Ig. old Bibles (one like new, one in German); lamps; light fixtures; spool table, legs w/claw feet; Ig. doll lamps; Ig. crock w/lid & spigot; other crocks; linens; crochet work incl. Ig. tablecloth; Thatcher’s Dairy milk bottle (1884, green w/cork); kerosene lamp; Ig. wooden wardrobe w/drawers; sewing baskets (one full of buttons, thimbles, etc.); record cabinet; 2 trunks; quilts; cedar chest; German mug; vases; mustache cup; very Ig. crockery bowl; old mixing bowl set; drop leaf table; Baptismal cert, in wooden frame dated 1870; hinged table; 6 sets of attached folding chairs (3 in set); old pitch fork; lots of glass ware including Carnival, Depression, pressed milk white beverage set, fluted bowls, clear glass, Gufus, Blue decanter w/shot glasses trimmed in sterling; baskets; silver pieces; covered dish w/painted birds perched on lid; knickknacks; soup tureen; Planters Peanut jar; Frigidaire beverage server, agate pcs. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: Small GE chest type freezer; Maytag washer; Whirlpool dryer; 2 Frigidaire refrig/freezers; lots of kitchen appliances incl. veg. & fruit juicers & dehy drator; dinnerwarc service for 6; 3 pc. section al sofa; 2 recliner rockers (1 La-Z-Boy); end tables; misc. rugs; ext. kitchen table w/S chairs; 19S0’s (S) pc. bedroom suite; cedar wardrobe; bedroom suite; Craftmatic mattress set w/frame; Singer sewing mach.; Ig. picnic cart w/2 benches; misc. luggage; 275 gal. oil tank w/hand pump; lawn furniture; Ig. ext. lad der; 14 H.P. White riding mower; misc. tools & many items not mentioned. TERMS: Payment day of sale, cash or guar anteed funds. No out of state checks. TERMS BY: ESTATE OF VERNA M. GRAY hfFIX* HORNING FARM AGENCY. INC. Alvin Horning AU-0433-L Merle Eberly Main Street, Morgantown (215) 286-5183 Food Available Sale Reports GOSHEN SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held May 15 by Jane A. Goshen, at Juniata Mar kets, 1 mile north of Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. The town house on a lot was sold for $57,000. Long’s Auction Ser vice managed the sale CAIRNS SALE The Clara Cairns sale was held at the Com- AUCTION Tues. Eve., June 15,1993 5:00 P.M. On the premises located at 985 Camp Hebron Road, Halifax, R.D., PA (3 mile East of Route 225 • 4V4 mile Southeast of Halifax). ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Swab Two Horse Box Wagon, complete, in excellent condition with Seat and all Side boards, Original Blue Paint Stenciled (Sold by J.A. Shuey, Hummelstown, PA) - Single & Double Trees- Wagon Tongues - etc. - Copper Apple Butter Kettle - Old (Seed Cleaner) Fan ning Mill - Wooden Wagon Jack - Early Wooden Swing Crane type Lift - Wooden Pul leys - Milk Can - Com Cracker - 8 gal. Crock - Set of 4 Decorated Plank Bottom Chairs, very nice - Old Picture Frames - Tin Planter Peanut Can - Glass Planter Peanut Jar - Old Wooden Glider Chair - Old Wooden Office File - Dovetailed Chest - Iron Pump Jack & Pump - Wooden Keg - Old Pedestal type Desk Tele phone - plus other Old & Collectible items. TOOLS 6L MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Rubber Tire Steel Tub Wheelbarrow like new - Rubber Tire Wooden Wheelbarrow - 70 lb. Steel Anvil - also Smaller Anvil - Portable Air Compressor - Sears 4”x48” Belt Sander - Saber Saw -8” Table Saw - Wen Grinder - One ton and V 4 ton Chain Hoists - Log Chains 5 to 12 ft. - Small B&S Engine - Sunbeam Electric Snow Blower - Metal Tool Boxes - lot of New Hammer Handles- Four 5 gal. Glass Water Bottles - New & Used Battery type Fence Charger - Towing Mirror for Pickup Truck - Plastic (Back of Cab) toolbox for Pick up - Heavy Extension Cords - Gas Fired Lead Pot - Air & Acetylene Hoses - Digging Irons, Forks & Shovels - 18"x9'/2 " Garden Tractor Tires & Wheels -8” Rubber Swivel Wheels - 2 New Van Bucket Seats - Speed Reducer Gear (40-1) w/Electric Motor - 550 lb. Butcher Scale - Metal Office Desk w/L type Extension - 20,500 BTU Sears 220 Air Conditioner - Scouts Rubber Tire Reel type Push Mower - Interior & Exterior Doors & Windows - Men Schwinn 3 speed Bicycle - several Motorcycle Helmets, Full & Open Face Grannt-Bell and others, some like new - plus many other inter esting items. SPECIAL NOTE; Large 23 ft Flat Bed for Farm Wagon, 7 ft. wide, this is professionally made w/finished wood, could be cut shorter or use as a Truck Bed or Platform - If you have need for this type of item check it out. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Vermont Casting Coal & Wood Stove - 2 Kerosene Heaters - Large Canning Pressure Cooker - several pcs. of Heavy Aluminum Cookware - some Small Appliances - Tables, Chairs, etc. LUMBER Dry Unfinished Walnut & Cherry Lumber NOTE; Lumber stored in Bam, total amount not known but at least several hundred feet. NOTE: There are many more items than listed - maybe just what you are looking for - Check it out - Sale starts w/Tools at 5:00 P.M. Lunch Stand ADAMS Al JOHN LUCAS i<AuCTIOIN SALES SERVICE Steven E. Adams AU-001705-L Mervln W. Adams AU-000002-L Ph. (717) 692-3076 Lancasttr Firming, Saturday, Juna 12,19 W-825 pass with the following results: 100 acre farm- all buildings in poor cond., $550,000.00. Wheat cradle, S6O; farm wagon, $210; milk cans, $l6 ca.; wagon wheels, $75; post hole digger, $150; old potato planter, $65; hay tedder, $460; crimper, $350; walking plow, $42.50; com planter $110; case baler, $325; elevator, $300; manure spreader, $775; Farmall A, $650; Farmall H, $650; Far mall 200, $810; Rayo lamp, $7O; Edison pho nograph & hom, $320; Majelica syrup vase, $310; 12 gauge Winchester gun, $1,450; Ithaca 12-gaugc double. $350; 30-30 Winchester, 5470; 1907-2/2 5 gold coin, $1,000; Mounlville corn cracker, 590; camel back trunk, $510; cradle, $185; piano stool, $105; copper kettle, $300; treadle sewing machine, $160; half spindle plank & bottom settee, $3,450; secretary desk, $500; rope bed, $340; School master desk, $500; oak C-drawcr, 5300; dry sink, $825; oak dresser, $235; cottage dresser, 5525; oak side board, 5525; Larkins side by side, 5325; oak table, $200; wash stand, $260; mah. wardrobe, $950; kit. cab., $190; lion head bank, $100; hang ing oil lamp, $300; cur io cab., $220; crock, $7O. Ira and Dale Slolufus were the auctioneers. COLVIN SALE A Public Sale of anti ques was held May 29 by Ruth Colvin, west end of Schellsburg, 9 miles west of Bedford on Route 30. Some prices included; Victorian clock with cherubs $1250, cast iron buffalo bank $65, cast iron kit ten bank $lOO, modem dinette set & china closet $555,1808 Bible $75, Stevens .22 rifle $lBO, old pine cupboard $5OO and old pine war drobe $3OO. Jeffrey J. Lamens was the auctioneer. BECK SALE A Public Sale of shop equipment and power tools was held May 24 by Mrs. Eleven Beck, 4 N. Stoner Ave., Shir mantown, Pa. Some prices received were: pocket knives $l4 each, 10” band saw $95, toy hit & miss engine $2OO, Tory leaf blower $5O, metric socket set $22,3 fishing lures $45, grind stone $35, Sears metal lathe $l3OO, Rockwell drill $lBO and Becker milling machine $3OO. Little IKE Eichelber ger was the auctioneer. CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Sale of col lectibles and household goods was held May 26 at the Fremont Fire Dept. Social Hall in Mt. Pleasant Mills, Pa. Some prices were: grained cupboard $B5, boat, motor & trailer $650, Lloyd’s chairs $55, tilt-top game table $6O, Roy Roger’s bank $2O, love seat $llO, and remote controlled tele vision $lO5. Hassinger & Court ney were the auctioneers.
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