Sale Reports PETERSHEIM ques and farm items SALE was held May 29 by A Public Sale of anti- Malinda Petersheim, Public Sale June 18th, 1993 i2:oop.m. Location: Wolgemuth Auction, Green Dragon Farm'er’s Market, State St., Ephrata, Pa. Selling House Full Out Of Lancaster Old Early 1900’s Baby Carriage Wood Wheels, All Wood Baby Crib, 5 Piece Bed room Suit, Book Case Bed, Cherry Bed, Recliner, Child Roll Top Desk, Night Stands, Cedar Chest, Microwave, Chest Freezer, File Cabinet, Martin House, Machine Tools, Air Conditioner, Pots, Pans (Cast), Depression, China, Nippon, German Pieces, Crystal. Sale Order: Machinist Tools, Produce, China, Dishes, Furniture @ 8:30. Wolgemuth’s Auction & Dennis #2357 Bob (717)733-8192 ' PUBLIC AUCTION QUALITY ANTIQUES/ FURNITURE, DECOR. PENNA. DUTCH DOUGH BOX, CRANBERRY HANGING LIGHT, FANCY BRASS CASH REGISTER, CURVED GLASS CANDY CASES, PORCELAIN ADV. SIGNS, LGE. ASST. PRIMITIVES, LEHIGHTON/MAUCH CHUNK PAPER MEMORABILIA, MINING ITEMS, DISHES/GLASSWARE & POLITICAL BUTTONS 3 P.M. TUBS., JUNE IS, 1993 Location: 20 Mi. N. of Allentown. 6 Ml. West of Lehighton off Route 443 In the Mahoning Valley Fire Hall, Carbon Co., Penna. FURNITURE/ANTIQUES: Penna. House Buffet-Chest of Drawers-Dresser with minor (exec, condition), Antique WOOD DECOR ATED PAINTING (Flowers-horses buildings-people) PENNA. DUTCH DOUGH/PEE BOX, Cranberry Hanging light with prisms (excellent cond.). Fancy brass cash register, 2 curved glass country store can dy cases, porcelain bus stop-Tamaqua-USAF and tin signs, Mauch Chunk/Lehighton Fair & paper memorabilia, punch boards, roll-up maps, catalogues & German Society books, tin courting finger lamp, chimneys, Donald Duck- Duck- Hop a long Cassidy & local milk bottles & creamers, Lehighton & Tamaqua seltzer bottles-1 amber color, poison & labeled whi skey bottles. Indian & Blue decor, pottery, Yuengling-Lehighton & Pottsville souvenir pcs., political buttons, post cards, pocket knives, tin items, mining items, bayonets, pis tols, Confederate canteen, R.R. torch, J.C. Higgens decoy, flail, crocks/jugs, baskets, fer nery, wooden measure & dove tailed egg box, fireplace kettle, bell, brass oilers, spittoon, fire box-measure & wood adv. boxes, metal adv. stove board, cast iron wheels & seat, N.Y. World’s Fair Seat, foot warmer, shoe lathe, horse shoe box, etc. MISC. ITEMS: Doll Carriage & stroller, golf carts, sled, pictures, wet/dry vac, glass jars, croquet set, fluorescent lights, squirrel cage heater, elec, motors, saws, records, con crete park bench, 2 wheel bikes etc. THIS IS ONLY A PART LIST- MUCH MUCH MORE - MANY FINE COLLECTABLE ANTIQUES. OUSER Doug/Tlm Houser Aucts. AU-000446L 215-799-2396 or 717-386-2191 2956 Church Road, Bird-in-Hand, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 187 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices were: horse carriage $950, market wagon $6OO, troweling machine TWO DAY PUBLIC SALE ANTIQUES, COINS, BAND & STEREO EQUIPMENT, GARAGE & BODY SHOP EQUIPMENT, H.H. GOODS FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1993 4:00 P.M. SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1993 10:00 A.M. Located Two Miles Off US 30 At The Ironville Fire Co., Ironville, Pa. From Lancaster Take U.S. 30 To Prospect Exit Turn Right Up Hill Two Miles To Sale. Also Only 4 Miles Off 283 From Harrisburg Take 283 Towards Lancas ter Get Off At Salunga Exit Turn Left Approx. 3 Miles To Stop Sign. Straight Ahead 2 Blocks To Sale. Watch For Signs. Selling A Lots Of Good Antiques & H.H. Goods- Including 5 BRs, Oak Mahogany & Primitives Furn. All Kinds Of Small Anti ques Collectibles. Complete Sell Out Of John Dommel Garage & Body Shop Tools, Including Snap-On, Mateo Craft New & Others, Torch Set, Plasma Cutter, Jacks, Battery Charger, All Kinds Of Hand Tools, Body Shop Supplies, Good Quality Tools, Most See Tools To Be Sold, Saturday, June 19,10:00 a.m. For Sale Flyer Con tact Auctioneer. Sale By Sholly’s Auction Service William Sholly Auct. AU-002181 (717) 684-8226 No Out Of State Checks Not Responsible For Accidents Good Food MACHINE TOOL ACCESSORIES, PRECISION INSTRUMENTATION & PERISHABLES OPEN HOUSE - TAG SALE THURSDAY, JUNE 17 FROM 12 NOON TO 7 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 18 FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. AND SATURDAY, JUNE 19 FROM 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. AT 1130 A CHAMBERSBURG RD. (DOERSOM AIRPORT), GETTYSBURG, PA. (The Airport Is On Rt. 30, 3 Miles West Of The Gettysburg Circle) Sierra Victor Industries Is Currently Liquidat ing Another Precision Machine Shop And Is Offering A Qty. Of Machine Accessories Which Must Be Sold Such As Milling & Drill ing Vises, Right Angle Plates, Parallels, Steel Rules, Letter Punch Sets, Demagnetizer, Hold Downs, Knurling Tools. Steel & Granite Sur face Plates, Tapping Heads, Indexing Fixture, L.S. Indexing Head. Precision Instrumentation Includes Microme ters, Height, Depth And Bore Gauges. Gauge Blocks. Screw Gauges, Dial Indicators w/ Magnetic Stands, Pin And Go-No-Go Gauges, Thread Gauges. Precision Square, Caliphers, Etc; Perishables Include End Mills, Drills, Taps, Reamers, Lathe Bits, Grinding Wheels, Misc. Machinists Hardware And More. We Also Have Hand Tools, Dbl. End Bench Grinders, Lassy Tapper, Polishing & Finishing Machine, Belt Sander, Band Saws, Sheet Met al Items And Many Other Small Tools. Make Plans To Attend This Liquidation And Take The Additional Opportunity To Visit Our Showroom Of Fine Machine Tools And Fabricating Equipment SIERRA VICTOR INDUSTRIES 1130 A CHAMBERSBURG ROAD GETTYSBURG, PA. 17325 717 334-6700 $375, air compressor $350, jelly cupboard $3OO, grained cupboard $175, Depression bed $lOO, No. 7 mower $lOO, 4 chairs $l3O, single-door cupboard $l5O, brake cart $OO, 2 milk cans $4O and iron plow $7O, Other items sold were: 2 oak chairs $75, 3 chairs $l5O, bed $l5O, wheelbarrow $l6O, chainsaw $55, hand pump $32.50, kitchen cabinet $2OO, sewing machine $7O, com shelter $6O, stain less steel bread warmer $5O, clock $55, sewing basket $5O, kerosene lamp $4O, two-man saw $2O, vegetable slicer $32.50, single-shot .22 AUCTION SALE KITCHEN CABINETS, APPLIANCES, FLOORING, PLUMBING, PRE-HUNG DOORS, WINDOWS TUESDAY, JUNE 15 - 10 A.M. ON PREMISES LITTLE ED’S SURPLUS 34TH & GRAYS FERRY AVE., PHILA., PA. LIQUIDATION OF MCELLAN KITCHEN A BATH DISTRIBUTORS • MANAHAWNN NJ. KITCHEN CABINETS, APPLIANCES, FLOORING A PLUMBING Asst. Kitchen Cabinets Units Comprising of; M. Base & Wall Cabinets w/Counter Tops, Range (Gas & Electric), Dis hwasher, Asst. M. Base & Wall Cabinets & Counter Tops, 8”x8" Glazed Floor Tile, 12"x12” Glazed Floor Tile, Manning ton Hardwood Plank flooring, Kennle 12"x12" Vinyl Flooring, 12"x1 2" Marble Tile In: Rose, Crystal & Almond, Asst. Broad loom Carpet, Asst. Oak & Brass Light Bars, Bat Wall Light Sets, Mirrored Bath Cabinets, Oak Bath Cabinets, Double & Triple Mirror Medicine Corner Mirror Cabinets, Metal Cablnet/Light Units, Asst. Oak Vanities w/Matchlng Tops, M. Oak Comer Vanity Sets, Vanities w/Side Cabinets, Tub & Shower Doors, Asst. Toilet Seats, Laundry Tubs, Whirlpool 2o* F.G. BROWNING CRAFT INBOARD OUTBOARD 6 CYL. CHEVY ENGINE W/EIMI TOP PRE-HUNG DOORS, WINDOWS, CANNED GOODS 16 Oz. Cans of; Corn, Peas, Kidney Beans, Potatoes, String Beans, Chick Peas, 300 Pcs. Insulated Glass, Glass Door Inserts, 200 Pr. of Interior Door Frames, 1S lb. Rolled Roof ing, #6-2 Ton Ist Quality Air Compressor (In Box), Gas Hot Water Heaters, Vinyl Replacement Windows, Casement Windows, Octagon Windows, Anderson Dbl. Hung, Win dows, Picture 8 Side Windows, Pre-Hung Insulated Steel Doors, Pre-Hung Full View Doors some w/Tmted Glass, Pre- Hung Steel Doors w/Lead Glass Inserts, Pre-Hung Lead Glass Doors w/Side Liles. Pre-Huno Double Full View Doors. ifISP&YION: "MONDAY, JUNE 14 - • A.M.-4 P.M. TERMS: CASH OR CERTIFIED FUNDS - 25* DEPOSIT REQUIRED (MINIMUM $100.00) established in last Li DM 1825 East Boston Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19125 (215) 634-2500 (215) 634-0496 Fax PA AUCTIONEERS LICENSE NO. RYOOOO*7 L Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 12, 1993-823 caliber rifle $75, 2 children’s socks $34, 3 Depression glasses $25, tobacco sizer $2B, com cutter $lB and egg baskets $9 to $2O each. Gordon Ressler and Ron Funk were the auctioneers. CLICK SALE A Public Sale of toys and antiques was held May 29 by Mary S. Click, 6 Queen Road, Intercourse, Lancaster Co., Pa. There were 240 registered bidders at the sale. Some prices included: 6 three-piece Flow Blue Oxford china dishes with crown $1230, ladderback chair, Schaffer style $230, ladderback chair $230, dovetail blanket chest $180,1935 minia ture painted chest with legs $420, 1915 show towel $lOO, cushion top $42.50, 1864 songbook with Barbara Ebersol drawings 5320, Bird-in- Hand anniversary book $325, Intercourse 200th anniversary books $2OO and $2lO, Paradise 25th anniversary book $lOO, hooked rugs $4O to $llO each, and apple dryer $lOO. Toys included: Win toss Rough and Tumble (ruck $230, Intercourse Fire Co. truck $75, Hess mill truck $6O, Bird-in- Hand truck $75, toy steam-powered tractor $250, and Ertl John Deere tractor $BO. Robert E. Martin, Jeffrey R. Martin and apprentice Randall L. Ranck. LEE SALE A Public Auction of farm tractors was held May 29 by Patrick Lee, Loretto near Cresson, Pa. Some prices included: Ford 3600 tractor $6lOO, Int. 806 tractor $5200, M 371 Bobcat $2600 and Ford Jubilee backhoe & load er $2600. “Col” Brian W. Figard was the auctioneer. WENGER SALE A Public Sale of household goods and tools was held May 28 & 29 by Caleb and Esther Wenger, south of ‘The Buck” on Plum Hill Rd., Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices included: oval table $230, double bed $l6O, sofa $l6O, table & 6 chairs $523, hutch $205, desk $165, green recliner $lB5, blanket chest $l2O, sofa bed $l5O, lathe $2150, hand saw $lO5, Rockwell band saw $350 and Black & Decker saw $350. Everett Kreider, Mar tin Heaps and Stanley Bucher were the auctioneers. A Public Auction of real estate and house hold goods was held May 27 for Henry and Elizabeth Kehler, 11 Bower St., Montgom ery, Pa. A large town lot with a 14 room house was sold for $38,000. Other prices were: hutch cupboard $450, cranberry lamp $175, satin glass pitcher $95, Marlin 30-30 rifle $l4O, 12 gauge shotgun $145 and beaded purse $7O. Fraley Auction Co. managed the sale.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers