820-Lancast*r Farming, Saturday, June 12, 1993 Water Powers (Continued from Pago B 12) Fred and Todd plan to run the entire operation themselves, at least for awhile. “It’s our dream to eventually create some jobs for this area, but with all of the government restric tions and workmen’s compensa tion, we have to take it easy finan cially for awhile. Todd was excited recently to hear from a man in Connecticut who is having a similar venture with a yam mill. “I know it can be done,” he says. All of the wool will be bought from local sheep farmers, mostly through sheep shearer, Karl Kauf- Fred checks out a part as the wool begins to take the form of batting. Water power to the mill is provided by this force of water. MILK. IT DOES A BODY GOOD. man. Sheep are not as plentiful in the area as they were in the early part of the century, but Kaufman still shears a hug number through out the state. Wool should be 3/8 to 1/2 blood, 2” to 4” staple, 50 to 58s. “We need a fine wool to make a quality product,” Todd explains. “Merinas, for instance, have a good fine wool, almost too fine, but it can be blended.” They plan to pay premium over the wool pool price, but do request that all wool be skirted. Todd or Fred can be contacted by writing to the Waterside Woolen Mill in Waterside, Pennsylvania. Winning both the G. Floyd Dye and Edward P. Shoemaker memorial trophies at the Somerset County FFA banquet was the Somerset County Agricultural Vocational Technical School team. Members are, front, left to right, Eric Fritz, Dave Creamer, and Brenda Walker* Back, Jason Swank, Jason Poorbaugh, and Christ Duppstadt. Absent were Marcia Nunez and Charles Renner. ADAMSTOWN CLUGSTON FARM EQUIPMENT INC. EQUIPMENT Mohnton, PA Naadmora, PA (near Adamatewn) 717-573-2215 215-454-4351 BARTRON SUPPLY, me. Tunkhannoek, PA 717-836-4011 CARLYLE & MARTIN, INC. Hagarstown, MD 301-733-1873 See Your Nearest Dealer! bubibi n KERMn K. CLUGSTON AG ENRELD KISTLER INC A TURF, me. ■» A.B.C. MVF.K iSSM» Ch 717-2154103 P * mSSAm *nSSSIM* DEERRELD AG & EVERGREEN LANDIS BROS II TURF CENTER, INC. TRACTOR CO., INC. GUTSHALL'S INC. LA HoJS? nf Wataontown, PA Labanen, PA RD «2 Box 74-A 717^bi-io« 717-538-3557 717-272-4*41 Loyavllla, PA SQUARE BALES OR ROUND, YOU’RE IN THE BEST SHAPE WITH JOHN DEERE ■ Stop in and look over the complete and completely advanced John Deere baler line. ■ See the 435 and 535 Round Balers that can both surface-wrap and twine-tie. ■ See square balers with the hay control to produce bales that stack like bricks. ■ Five round baler models, 750- to 2,000-pound bales. Three 14xl8-inch square balers, one 16xl8-inch square baler. Somerset Count DUNKLE & FINCH SERVICES- GUTSHAI I -s imp GRIEBINC. HANOVER INC. c,rllsl. PA Mill H *". PA Hanover, PA 717.249 2313 717-726-3115 717-632-2345 313 ACE 3 B I
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