Lebanon Names (Continued from Pago A 36) non Area Vo-Tech building located on the east end of town. Her friend, Karen Heiling, daught er of Richard and Josephine Heil ingcr, was named alternate. The dairy pageant is designed to provide a forum whereby young women of the county have an opportunity to travel and develop public speaking skills and confi dence, while at the same time help ing to promote the wholesome image and healthfulness of dairy products. The pageant is competitive in that the contestants perform skits they create to entertain and educate audiences about the qualities of dairy products. Also, contestants are judged for poise and impromp tu abilities, and knowledge of the dairy industry. In pageant competition, Bashore and her “friends” explained to the audience what they learned from “Mr. Milky the Milk Carton.” Mr. Milky is a char acter Bashore created for her skit Bashore is active in 4-H, FFA and her church’s activities, and she serves as president of the Norlebco 4-H Dairy Club, and vice president of the Northern Lebanon FFA. She is also a member of the Lebanon County Junior Holstein Club and active with the Litde Swatara Church of the Bretheren. She participates in a number of sports and works with children. She said her plans are to continue working on the family farm, where she helps milk 17S Holsteins with her two sisters and brother. Bashore was crowned princess by outgoing princess Angie Baker, during the final ceremony. Follow ing the pageant, the audience and contestants held an ice cream social. Bashore’s friend and now co worker in the effort to promote dairy products, Heiling was named alternate princess. G3SBB. BINS AND AUGERS i Jk, Take ’em Down! vjr«g»n We Will Assemble & Deliver Bins To Your Farm Bashore Heilinger lives on the family farm and helps to milk their 85-cow mixed herd with Hols teins, Brown Swiss and Guern seys. She is also active in the Gico 4-H Dairy Club and the Eastern Lebanon County FFA. With one year of high school remaining, Heilinger said she plans to attend Delaware Valley College to pursue a degree in agri cultural science. The rest of the Lebanon County dairy promotion princess court includes 7.-year-old Jennifer Maul fair, daughter of Dale and Pattie Maulfair, who was named the county’s little miss. For her talent portion of the event, Maulfair sang a song about milk, and then was interviewed by Henry Homan, loc al radio celebrity who served as master of ceremony for the event. Other contestants for the little miss position wee Chanelle Horst, daughter of Kirby and Sheryl Horst and Erin Williams, daughter of David and Christine Williams. Dairy maids selected were Stacy Krall, daughter of Glen and Linda Krall, Cornwall; and Amy Burkhart. (Continued from Pago A 32) per towel and dried with a sec ond. Attention to detail keeping the average Somatic Cell County down can earn you premiums in the milk check. PA OHIA can help pinpoint: • lost production due to subclinical (hidden) infections • improper milking procedures • milking equipment malfunction • percent & level of involvement in the herd We Stock Truckloads Of Chore-Time Bins & Miles Of Chore-Time FLEX-AUGER Northeast Agri FLYWAY BUSINESS PARK 139 A West Airport Rd. Lititz. PA 17543 (717) 569-2702 1-800-673-2580 Judges for the event were Mer ritt Marks, former senior vice pres ident of Hamilton Bank; Linda FOCUS • cows to culture for identification of bacterial cause Using the SCC program can save/make money by reduc ing: • lost production • once damaged, cells cannot be replaced until the dry period; production is lost for the entire lactation. • 70% of the cost of mastitis is lost milk production • treatment/drug costs through early detection • lost milk plant premiums due to increased her SCC Bins... Large Or Small Authorized Master Distributor Systems, KiEH mm* JWBE HP.MB QQ ISJSo raari SsL oloo*NOOn mm -!L„ ji Young participants in the Lebanon County dairy promotion pageant are Jenny Maulfalr right, last year’ little miss Janelle Zimmerman; Erin Williams, and Chanelle Horst. Put ’em Up! Custom Applications Inc. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL OUR TOLL-FREE CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER: 1-800-673-2580 Sterner, active with Montgomery County dairy promotion activities; and Clarinda Leatherman, the JULY 7-8 State Board Meeting., Erie 23,24 Technician Summer Conference, Danville AUGUST AgProgress Days, Rock Spring SEPTEMBER 29,30 State Board Mtg, State College NOVEMBER 1 SE District Mtg., Berks Ag Center S/ir-tOffA Clfttaftfcf FEhntotfr Stodrdiyi^flrit' •ft," TW3-K3fr 1987-88 Berks County dairy prin cess and state alternate dairy princess. PA DHIA Calendar of Events 2 SW District Mtg., Ramada inn, Somerset 3 C District Mtg, Family House Restaurant, Mifflintown 4 NE District Mtg., Pink Apple Restaurant, Tunkhannock 5 NW District Mtg., Bonanza Restaurant, Franklin 8 State Board Mtg, State College 9,10 NE Caucus, Ithaca, NY FEBRUARY 18,19 PA DHIA Annual Mtg. State College THE AQUA PUMP For Irrii Save Time Pump Water all night without refueling with our new pump package Features * Frame with 6.6 gal. Fuel tank (includes 1 gal. reserve) * IPT° 2”x2" High Pressure Pump * Self Priming * 85 PSI max *llO GPM max* ‘(actual per formance with engines listed) * Industrial Plus 0 Briggs & Stratton* or 5.5 Hp Honda Engine * (Note This New Briggs & Stratton Is an easy starting, longer life and also our quietest running engine * LoOII Shutdown STD * Fuel Tank Is easily removed from pump to carry tank with P “ mP W " h «»*■»-H Ideal for drip Irrigation or sprinklers Mods! Engine Fuel Tank Frame Our Price FOB 25P8 Briggs 5 Stratton STD NO $395.00 25PH Honda is It Stratton 6.6 Gal. Yta $539.00 25P8-6 Bril 25PH-8 Honda Specializing In custom building and rapowerlng of small Irrigation pumps with gas or dlesal anginas. Sarvlca and repairs tor most makes of pumps up to SO hp. Mfg & Distributed by G D EQUIPMENT 385 WT Matzlar Rd. Ephrsta, Pa. 17522 (717) 859-3533 Wa Ship With R.P.S. or F3R [ation Model 25P8-6 STD NO $469.00 ».«Gal. Yea 8625.00
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