Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00- P.M. oT each week’s publication PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1993 5:00 P.M. 29 Pfautz Ave., Litltz, Pa. Take West Orange St., Beyond Warwick High School And Turn Left Onto Pfautz Avenue. Auction Is On Left. Real Estate 6:30 P.M.- Brick And Frame Constructed 3 Bedroom Rancher, With Kitchen, Living Room, Bath, Full Base ment And Attached Garage, Erected On Nice Lot Of Ground In A Good Neighbor hood. For Further Information Attend Open House Sat. May 22,1:00-2;30 P.M., Sat. June 5, 1:00-2:30 P.M. Or Contact Auctioneer. Personal Property 5:00 P.M.- Camel back Trunk, Portable Dishwasher, GE Refrigerator, Dinette Set, Livingroom And Bedroom Furniture, Kenmore Sweeper, Treadle Sewing Machine, Kitchen Cabinet Base, Lamps, Desk, Air Conditioners, Lawn Cart, Sled, Cypress Wagon, TV Set, Spinett Desk, Park Bench And Other Items Not Mentioned. Auction For Estate Of MARY JANE KROECK Glbbel, Kraybill And Hess Attys. 10 8. Broad St. Utils, PA 17543 Elimr Murry S2S-2536 Richard Murry Ufr-3175 Kan Millar Professional Auellonaara, Appraisers and Advlsora Slnea 1053 AU-00648-L -i-J PUBLIC AUCTION j June 12, 1993 11:00 a.m. j Valuable Farm ( 110 Acres +/■ Farm In Windsor Town ship, York County, Pa. Attention Investors, Developers, Farmers Here is a farm with outstanding potential. The land is mostly all clear and rolling with a view for miles. There is 20 acres or so sur rounding the house & bams. The pasture has a stream. Very nice setting. Road frontage galore. Approximatley 1673 , feet on White Oak Rd. Approximately 880 feet on Craley Rd. and approximately 400 feet on Blacksmith Rd. Public sewer is along these roads on the South on a downhill grade. Public water is closeby on the West and Northwest. Other developments are popping up all around this property. The farmstead has a 2 story frame home in good condition. The huge bams were used for ; beef cattle. There are 2 mobile homes on the property presently used as rental units. The valley with the farmstead would make a beaut iful setting for a farmette. If you are looking for a farm to farm this is a good one as there is very little unuseable land. The cropland is in good condition with good conservation practices. Call for an appointment to see the boundaries. Terms: 10% day of auction balance in 60 days. Balance of terms by Rob Lloyd of Stock & Leader • Attorney. Balance of terms day of auction. Owners RALPH L. & SHIRLEY P. JOINES RR 1 Box 265, Felton, PA 717-244*9686 Auctioneer: Martin Heaps. Fawn Grove, PA 17321 717-382-4725 AU-002762-L THUR. JUN. 3 - 7PM, Woodcrest Ratreat Benallt Auction. Located Herat Auction Center, Rt. 322, Approx. 2 MHes West Of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Woodcreat Retreat Association. Horst Aucls. FRI. JUN. 4 -10 AM Doll auction. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Holloway Estate collection of Dover. Route 34, 14 mile N of Gettysburg, PA - bear right at Y (at car wash) & POBCRTAOefrON Estate of Emma V. Hoch Wednesday, June 9,1993 At's:oo P.M. Location: 1 mllo Eaat ol Herndon, PA, 12 mllo So. of Sunbuiy. Turn off Route 147 at Hamden Pizza A Sub Shop In contar of town. Wjjelj N»| aala algna. 1-STORY FRAME HOUSE W/ALUMINUM SIDING situ ate on 1.736 acres, more or less, in Jackson Township, Northumberland County - Consisting of LARGE KITCHEN W/BUILT-IN FRIGIOAIRE CERAMIC-TOP RANGE & DOU BLE OVEN. LIVING ROOM WITH W/W CARPET. 3 BED ROOMS W/CLOSETS A W/W CARPET. LARGE BATH ROOM. FINISHED BASEMENT W/KITCHEN & LARGE SITTING AREA. LAUNDRY ROOM W/HALF-BATH & STORAGE ROOM. ELECTRIC HEAT. For additional infor mation or Inspection of this well-kept home with a great view of the Susquehanna Valley, phone 750-2059, 362-8252 or 758-6004. TERMS: 10* DOWN. FURTHER TERMS A CONDITIONS TO BE GIVEN WHEN REAL ESTATE IS OFFERED AT 7:00 P.M. . ... Household ft Misc. Items Whirlpool 14 cu. ft. Frost-Free Refrigerator, Frigidaire-GM Refrigerator, O.E. Stove; Signature Deluxe 23 Chest-Type Freezer, Maytag Automatic Washer, Kenmore Dryer, White Zig Zag Sewing Machine; Zenith Floor-Model AM-FM Stereo w/Tum-Table; Silvertone Chord Organ; Weatinghouae Deluxe 14 Dehumidifier; Maple Table w/6 Chairs; Two 7-Pc. Breakfast Seta (1 Wooden); 3 -Pc. living Room Suite; Sofa Bed; Lane Wall- Saver Rocker-Rediner (new); Boston Rocker, 4-Pe. Ornate Mod em Bedroom Set w/Springa A Mattress; 2 Single Beds w/Springa A Mattress (1 in Extra-Long Length); Pine 3-Drawer Dresser, 4-Drawer Dresser, 2 bfight Stands A Storage Bench; Oak Rocker, End Tables A Coffee Table; 3 Casco Folding Chairs; Selection of Wall Decorations; Floor A Table Lamps; Selection of Milk Olass; Service for 12 Keaainglon China; Stainless Steel Cookware; Lg. Selection of Guardian Service Cookware; Miae. Dishes, Pots, Pans A Sm. Appliances; Murray Push Mower, Homelitc Trim mer, School Bus Body for Stonge; Miac. Garden Tools; Etc. ALLIS CHALMERS 810 GARDEN TRACTOR w/42” CUT MOWER, SNOW BLADE A PLOW; CUB CADET HYDRO 14*0 LAWN TRACTOR W/44” CUT MOWER; 1915 FORD LTD STATION WAGON (35,500 ORIGINAL MILES). TERMS: CASH. PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED iONLY FROM PERSONS HAVING AN ESTABLISHED AC COUNT W/AUCITONEER OR PRIOR APPROVAL. DONALD G. HOCH & LESTER L HOCH, Co-Exseutors J (717) 7SS-2059 or (717) 302-8252 f Gregory M. Ksrwln 5 Ksrwln It Korwln, Attorneys \ Auctioneers: Docksy AU22BL, Dockay-Rombargar AUISB3L & Dappan AUI9S7L “Horst Auction Center” Public Sale OUTSTANDING HUMMEL COLLECTION SAT., JUNE S, 1993 SALE TIME 10 A.M. Preview at 7 A.M. Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Cen ter located at the corner of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd. (appox. 2V» miles West of Ephrata), Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA. HUMMEL FIGURINES - APPROX. 400 Many Large Sizes: Many Smaller Sizes, Various Markings & Ages. HUMMEL COLLECTOR CLUB SPE CIAL EDITION FIGURINES: HUMMEL ANNUAL PLATES (1971 Through 1990); HUMMEL ANNUAL BELLS (1971 Through 1990); HUMMEL MUSIC BOX ES: PLAQUES: FIGURINE CLOCKS; ASH TRAYS & WALL VASES; GOEBEL LORE FIGURINES: GOEBEL GLASS BELLS: GLASS PLATES; COLLECTOR PLATES & PAPERWEIGHTS. This outstanding Hummel collection col lected by private collector and are in excel lent condition. For listing send $2.00 to Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 c/o Hummel Auction. NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A CUR RENT BANK LETTER OR PRIOR ARRANGEMENT WITH AUCTION SERVICE. SALE FOR MARGARET BURRIS Horst T. Glenn (717) • (Tin TSMoao Timothy G. fci i pti) liuw Thomas A. ■VOICES OF EXPERIENCE continue 2 milae on Table Rock Road to auction alto. C. David Redding, auct FRI. JUN. 4 - OAM, Tre mandoua Quantity Of Elec trical Supplies. Located Paradise, Pa. Take Route 30, 10 Miles East Of Lan caster, Turn Left On Mea dow Lane To Paradise Sales Bam. For Informa tion, M.B. Glick Co., 2190 Pequea Lane, Lane. Pa. 17602. 717-464-5460. Dif fonbachs, Auct. FRI. JUN. 4 -11 AM, War ren Bros. 2 Day Complete Dispersal Auction. Located On The Farm On Rt. 41 North, Just Out Of The Vil lage Of Afton. Use 1-88, Exit #7 To Afton, Take Route 41 North To Farm. Owners, Warren Brothers, Lloyd A Gary. Wm. Kent Inc. & Mel Manasse, Aucts. FRI. JUN. 4 -I:3OPM State graded pig sale. Westmin ster Livestock Auction, Westminster, Md. Public Auction 40 ACRE FARMETTB TRACTOR - BACKHOE - TOOLS - ANTIQUES - HOUSEHOLD GOODS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1993 3:30 P.M. LOCATED: North of York, PA, approx. 6 mile on Susquehanna Trail, turn left on Copenhaffer Road at Zions View, go to Washington Church continue straight 3/10 mile to Wltmer Road, turn right go 3/10 mile to Kennedy on Sign & turn left In lane OR Off interstate 83 at Exit 12, come south on Susquehanna Trail to Zions View & follow directions from Zions View, Watch for Signs! 6:00 PM REAL ESTATE 6:00 PM 40 Acre farmette with frame house having 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, pole building 40 x 60, fully insulated with central air & heat pump, pole building with open front 20 x 30 approx., frame barn & other out buildings. Approx. 10 acres tillable, balance In buildings & wooded, stream goes through proper ty, very good for horse lovers. Zoned Conservation, Conewago Township, Northeastern School District. TERMS: 10% DOWN, BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 266-1118 OR 266-2021 TRACTOR—BACKHOE— CAMPER—TOOLS Ford 800 w/Backhoe & Loader, Massey Ferguson 35 Diesel, 5’ 3 pt. Rotary Mower, 3 pt. 6’ Scraper Blade, Homemade Tractor w/Model A Motor, Homemade Tractor w/ Mott Mower, 1948 Ford Bus Camper, Cushman 3 Wheel Scooter, Case 2 Row Cult!., 1951 Frazer Auto-Restorable, Cut- Off Saw on Wheels, Saw Buck & Blade, Compressor, Tool Craft Band Saw 2/12"' Throat, Electric Drills, Table Power Hack saw, Post Drill Press, Barn Jack, Hydraulic Floor Jack, C Clamps, Electric Welder, Platform Scales, 1 Horse Corn Planter, Wooden Wheels, Pipe Threaders, Wrenches of Descriptions, Iron Piles, Cross Cut Saws, Sled, 5 hp. Shreader. HOUSEHOLD GOODS & ANTIQUES York Fair Adv. 1929, Old Valentines, Post Cards, Wooden Print Set & Cases. 45 Records, Ice Cream Scoop, Candy Cases, Coke Case, Cuckoo Clock, Jars, Crock Jar, Oak Dresser, Oak Chest of Drawers, 30's Bedroom Suite, Lanterns, Kitchen Cabinet Napanee, Oak Beds, Wooden Chest, Camel Back Trunk, Record Cabinet, Knitting Machine, Smok ing Stand. Coffee Table, Wine Bottle & Glasses, Misc. Glassware, Table & Floor Lamps, Cane & Plank Bottom Chairs & Rockers. Quilt, Metal Wardrobe, Chiffer obe, Gas Grill, Large Safe, Pots & Pans, 4 Drawer File Cabinet. Baby Carriage. Books, Guardian Service, Blender, Break fast Set, Like New Whirlpool Electric Stove, J.C. Penny Refrigerator & Freezer, J.C. Penny TV w/Tape Deck. Air Condi tioner, Luggage, & Many More Items of Interest. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK SELLER: Estate of David J. Kennedy EXECUTORS: Robert, James, Kenneth, Kennedy AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel’s Auction Service Emlgsvllle, PA 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 29, 1993-829 FRI. JUN. 4 - OAM, Wood & Metal Working Equip., Forklifts And Welders. Located At Diffenbach's New Holland Auction Cen ter, 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. Sale By Stoltzfus Hardware. A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. FRI. JUN. 4 - 4:3OPM & SAT. JUN. 5 -B:3OAM Val uable antiques, collecti bles, sleigh, horse wagon, crawler, farm equip, trucks, tools, misc. Jacobus, PA. From 1-83 exit 3 (LoganvH le) go west to Rt. 11l (Old Trail) 8 turn R. Proceed to Valley Rd. in Jacobus 8 turn L. Go approx. 0.8 mi. to sale site. Rober Innerst, owner. Melvin Haines; Ralph Brenneman, auct. FRI. JUN. SPM Emita Farm Complete Farm Dis persal, Cattle - Machinery. Greenwood (Steuben Co) New York, Pirrung Auct, Inc. FRI. JUN 4 - TPM. Horse Sale. Located At New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa. FRI. JUN 4 & SAT. JUN 5 9AM Antiques, furniture, glassware, collectables, woodworking sculp, tools & household gooes. Rt. 10 N. of Parkesburg, Chester Co., Pa. From Rt. 30 & Rt. 10 take Rt. 10 S. approx. 1 mile to auction on right past church. Maurice J Hare. Barr Davis, aucts. FRI, JUN. 4 & SAT. JUN. 5 - Estate Of Ira J. Esh Located 2 Miles East Of Allensville, Pa, Along Front Mt. Road Executors. Robert Esh & Marjorie Shilling Mark Click & Dale Gibboney, Aucts. SAT. JUN. 5 ■ 9AM, Tools. Located Box 155 Hlghspire Rd., Glenmoore, Pa. Ches ter Co. Take 322 East Of Rt. 82 Turn Unto Highspice Rd Or West Of Little Washington On Rt. 322 Turn Onto Highspire Rd. & Follow To Sale Sale By, Virginia Reber. Kenneth Griest & John Stoltzfus, Aucts. SAT. JUN. 5 - 9AM Leader 4 cyl. farm tractor, H.H., Lawn/Garden Equp. East on Ist St. to T R. 486 turn left, follow auction signs Huntingdon, PA. Hill Valley Auct> SAT. JUN 5 - 9AM Valu able real estate, 6 94 acres, E. Earl Twp, Per sonal Property, antiques 1432 Union Grove Road, East Earl From Rt 23 take Rt 625 N approx. 2 mi. to Union Grove Rd at the Bethany Mennonite Church, turn right to Auc tion on right By Edna Ziemer Estate Kline, Kreid er & Good, aucts SAT. JUN 5 - 9AM, Valu able Real Estate, House hold Goods, Quilts, Anti ques & John Deere Riding Tractor 2PM- Quilts 12Noon- Tractor Located 12 Miles East Of Lancaster In Village Of Intercourse Turn Off Rt 772 On Everg reen St To 3622 Holly Dr,, Leacock Twp, Lane Co, Pa. Terms By. Clair B & Verna R. Eby. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin, Aucts. SAT. JUN 5 - 9AM, Very Pine Antiques, Firearms, Clocks, Indian Artifacts, Coins, Stamps, Jewelry & Household Goods. Located Farmersville Fire Co., 74 East Farmersville Road, Farmersville, Pa Take Far mersville Road From Rt 322 East Of Ephrata From Square In Brownstown Auction For, Mr. & Mrs Benjamin Frey. E M Murry Assoc., aucts SAT. JUN 5-9 AM, Wood Natural Restorations Of 18th & 19th Century Architectural Items, Anti que Furniture, Antique Tools, Lumber, 1968 Cam aro SS. Located Just NW Of Allentown, Pa Take Rt. 309 N From 1-78 Or Rt 22. Pass Parkland High School, Turn L At Traffic Light, Park Your Car In Tri- Clover Fire Co. Lot & Walk 1 Block To Woodlane Rd. Orefield, Pa. Selling For Wood Natural Restora tions. Ralph W Zettlemoy er Auction Co , Inc SAT. JUN 5 - 9AM, Real Estate, H H. Goods, Anti ques, Tools, Farmall H Tractors & 12'x14’ Wooden Utility Shed Located Along Milton Grove Rd., Mt Joy, Pa. Mt, Joy & Manheim Rd. At Stauffortown Turn N. At Hollister's Garage. Stanley Shearer Estate. Harold (Abe) Shaffner & Mark Dif lenderfer, Aucts.
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