Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication MON. MAY 31 • 9:3OAM, Antiques & Household Goods, 12:30PM, Real Estate, Fafmette 27.1 Acres. Located Off Rt. 220, 3 Miles South Of Port Matil da, Pa., Centre Co. Turn At Hannah Furnace (Bus Gar age). Go Up Bell Hollow 2.7 Miss To Sale. Watch For Auction Sigh Along Rt 220. Sale Consisting Of: 27.1 Acre Farmotte, Diamond Ring, 1978 Travellall 4x4, Many Antiques A CoUecti blas. Sale By, David ft Pat ricia Kilmartin. Ronald J. Gilligan, Auct. JUNE TUBS., JUN. 1-7 PM Stuc co dwelling, reale state. Located at 130 Old Mill Rd„ Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. By Lydia M. Martin. Horst aucts. WED. JUN. 2 - 9AM Real estate & personal properly. Located Off Susquehanna Trail, 5 mile north of York, turn north on Copenhaffer Road, 1 mile to sale on left. Glen E. Meyers. Rentzel's Auction Service & public AUCTION OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, ANTIQUES, BARBARA EBERSOL PAINTINGS, TOOLS, & WINROSS TRUCKS SAT., MAY 29, 1993 Sale at 9:00 A.M. Located 12 miles east of Lane, in Village of Intercourse at 6 Queen Rd. across from Best West ern Motor Inn, Intercourse, Lane. Co., PA. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1918 Dovetailed Blanket Chest, Oak Drop Leaf Table, Modem Comer Cupboard 46' W x 72’ H, Old Jelly Cupboard, 4 Cane Seated Chairs, Oak Rocker, Oak Granny Ladder back Rocker, Old Ladder-back Chair, Large Cedar Chest, Cane Seat & Back Rocker, 4 Small Chests, Cane Seated Chairs, Old Hanging Magazine Racks, Coat Rack, Old Shelf Clock, Chime Clock, Medicine Cabinet, Warm Morning Gas Heater, Mini- Trampoline, 8-Drawer Fruit Dryer, Perfection 2-Bur ner Kerosene Stove. CENTER DIAMOND AMISH QUILT, Bed ding, Old Linens, Dated Show Towels, Embroidery Pillowcases, Bolster Cover, Hooked & Braided Rugs, Hooked Cushion Top, Horse Blanket. BOOKS 1870 German Martyr’s Mirror, 1839 German Family Bible, Ist & 2nd Edition Fisher Family Book, Intercourse 200 Anniversary Book, Bird-in- Hand Anniversary Book, 1864 Song Book decorated by Barbara Ebersol, 1912 Song Book signed 8.8.5., 1912 Bible Hand Painted, Others, Magazines, Men nonite Cookbook, Large Print German New Testa ment. WINROSS TRUCKS Rough & Tumble, Wit mer Fire Co. Tanker, Hess Mills Purina, Esh Eggs, Greiner Ind., Couder Port. Ertl Kauffman Fruit Farm, Priority Mail, Grauets. GLASSWARE 6 pc. Set of Flow-Blue Oxford w/Crown, Candy Dish, Johnson Bro. China Service for 6, Pink Sugar & Creamer, China A Glass Berry Sets, Depression & Carnival Glass, Salt & Pepper Shakers, Premium Plates, Fruit Dishes, Compote, Tier Plate, Glassware Cake Cover, Juice Set - 6 pc., 7 pc. &11 pc. Sets, Crown China Service for 6, Pie Plates, Sherbets, Pitcher, Creamers, Qordonville Fire Co. Plate, Tupperware, Crocks, Corona Com Mill, Victorio Strainer, Cooking Utensils, Coal Oil Light, Bracket Light, Gas Iron, Old Diper Basket, Repro. Iron - ‘John Deere Engine, Iron Tractor, Horse & Coal Wagon,’ Roll'n Thunder Train & Track battery operated, Mamod Steam Tractor, Bean Bag Game, Miniature Covered Wagon. TOOLS Electric Hedge Clippers, Chain Saw, Sabre Saw, Circular Saw, Drill, Sander, Bolt Cutter, Pipe Wrench, Hand Tods Small Table Saw, Bench Grinder, Metal Miter Saw, 18‘ Craftsman Jigsaw, 4' Handy Man Jack, Wagon Jack, Bag Wagon, Old John Deere Engine Cart, Generator, Battery Char ger, Engines, Hillard Drawing Knife, Shovel Harrow, Garden Worker, Wheelbarrow, Tanaka 160 Gas Weed Eater, Cow Clippers, Horse Shoe Outfit, Frank Bentz Furnace & Iron Kettle, many other items not mentioned. Terms by MARY S. CLICK MENNO R. CLICK (DECEASED) Auct. Robert E. & Jeffrey R. Martin. 656-7770, AUOOOSBOL Randall L. Ranck App. No Out of State Checks. Lunch Available. WED. JUN. 2 - 3PM Anti ques, Household Goods, Appliances, Lawn Mowers ft Tools. Held at the Horst Auction Center located at the comer of Rt 322 ft Dur lach Rd., Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. For Charles Young Estate. Horst Aucts. WED. JUN. 2 • 6:3OPM, Consignment Auction Of Win roes, Erti, Hess Trucks, Misc. Nascar Items, And Mlsc. Toys. Located At A ft C Diffenbach Auction Inc., 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. 17557. Alan Diffenbach Auct THUR. JUN. 3 - I:3OPM Valuable real estate, 7 acre poultry farmette. Located at 2459 Fisher Rd., Cham bersburg, Pa. By Daniel ft Esther wadel. Harold "Abe* Shaffner, Mark Diffender fer, auct. THUR. JUN. 3 -3PM, Farm Machinery, Tools, Furni ture & (2) John Deere Trac tors (A & B). Located 1611 N. Whitehall Rd.. Norris town, (Between Rt.#73 And Germantown Pike, Wor- caster Township). Terms By. Caroline Hargrave ft Jane Huston. Richard J. Moyer, Auct THUR. JUN. 3 - 3:3OPM Real estate ft Personal Property located at 303 Reading Ave., West Read ing. Inspection: May 16th from 2-4 PM. Terms by; Estate of Elmer E. Moser, Fradric L. Moser, executor. Homing Farm Agency, Inc. THUR. JUN. 3 - 7PM, Woodcrest Retreat Benefit Auction. Located Horst Auction Center, Rt. 322, Approx. 2 Miles West Of Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. Terms By, Woodcrest Retreat Association. Horst Aucts. PUBLIC SALE OF ALUMINUM SIDED DWELLING, 2 CAR GARAGE & STABLE, 1.5 ACRE REAL ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS, TRACTOR EAST EARL TOWNSHIP THURS., MAY 27, 1993 AT 4 P.M. Real Estate At 7 P.M. Located at 341 Red Well Road, East Earl Township, Lancaster County, PA. Directions: Rt. 340 East of Inter course, turn North onto New Holland Road, right onto Red Well Road. 1 ACRE PLUS 2 STORY ALUMINUM SIDED DWELLING FIRST FLOOR: LIVING ROOM, Wood Burning Stove Area, KITCHEN w/ Cabinets, G.E. Stove w/2 Ovens, Dis hwasher, DINING ROOM, DEN Or OFFICE. FAMILY ROOM w/BricK Fire place, FULL BATH. SECOND FLOOR: 3 BEDROOMS. CLOSETS. MASONRY 2 CAR GARAGE & STABLE WORKSHOP AUTOMATIC DOORS, 2 STABLES This home located in country setting. Features: electric heat, replacement win dows, wall to wall carpet & vinyl flooring, plenty of garage space. FURNITURE FINE CHERRY DINING ROOM SUITE; 6 Fiddle Back Chairs; Fainting Couch; Baldwin Elec. Organ; Living Room Suite; Oak Rocker; Crib; Desk; Benches; Bunk Beds. APPLIANCES Ashley Wood Stove; 2 Air Conditioners: Freezer: Nu-Tec Auto. Coal Burning Stove. CHINA & GLASSWARE Mekin China; Salt & Pepper Shakers; Pressed & Pattern Glass; Pots & Pans; Canning Jars. NEW HOLLAND MACHINE MEMORABILIA Skid Loader; Hit & Miss Engine; Fry Pan; Tumblers: Truck Bank; Ertl Trucks: PA Game News. Banjo; Violin; Records; Hunting License. TOOLS FARMALL CUB FARM TRACTOR, Plow, Disc, Harrow & Mower; 1958 Dodge Pickup (Parts); Echo Weed Eater; Mower; Levels; C-Clamps; Wrenches; Hand Saws; Drills; Socket Sets; Saw; Sump Pump: Bench Grinder; Work Bench; Remington Chain Saw; Hedge Trimmer; Garden Cart; Milk Cans; Garden Tools; Ext. Ladder; Fishing Rods; Reloading Out fit; Bicycle; Sled. No Out Of State Checks Unless Accom panied By A Current Bank Letter Or Prior Arrangement With Auction Service. TERMS BY PRISCILLA HUYARD 717-354-7021 ORST aucts. ! Hr.Gl.nn (717)7W4M0 I'! >(717)799-5351 ll I T,mo,h y G - F “ * ” W 132 * I George R. Henry - AA-001968-L Mi SjhomHA. EXPERIENCE J !„ . FRI. JUN. 4 - 9AM, Tre mendous Quantity Of Elec trical Supplies. Located Paradise, Pa. Take Route 30, 10 Miles East Of Lan caster, Turn Left On Mea dow Lane To Paradise Sales Bam. For Informa tion, M.B. Click Co., 2190 Pequea Lane, Lane. Pa. 17602. 717-464-5460. Dif tenbachs, Auct. FRI. JUN. 4 -11 AM, War ren Bros. 2 Day Complete Dispersal Auction. Located On The Farm On Rt. 41 North, Just Out Of The Vil lage Of Afton. Use I-88, Exit #7 To Afton, Take Route 41 North To Farm. Owners, Warren Brothers, Lloyd & Gary. Wm. Kent Inc. & Mel Manasse, Aucts. FRI. JUN. 4 -10 AM Doll auction. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Holloway Estate collection of Dover. Rout* 34, Vt mile N. of Gettysburg, PA - bear right at Y (at car wash) & continue 2 miles on Table Rock Road to auction site. C. David Redding, auct. FRI. JUN. 4 -I:3OPM State graded pig sale. Westmin ster Livestock Auction, Westminster, Md. FRI. JUN. 4 - 4:3OPM & SAT. JUN. 5-B:3OAM Val uable antiques, collecti bles, sleigh, horse wagon, crawler, farm equip, trucks, tools, misc. Jacobus, PA. 29, 1993 harp 15 Vine Street, Danville, Pa. REAL ESTATE to be offered at 12:30 p.m. FINE DIAMOND JEWELRY 14k White Gold 2.34 ct. total 20 stone Diamond Ring; 14k White Gold, Filigree Style Diamond Bar Pin with 3 Diamonds; 14k White Gold & Platinum, Filigree Style Link Bracelet with 15 Diamonds; Platinum Diamond Waltham Watch; Also Costume Jewelry. ORIENTAL RUGS Three 9x12 Karastan - Kirman Rugs (marked); Matching 2x4 Throw Rugs; Two 9x12 Oriental Rugs (not marked); Matching 2x4 Throw Rugs. Rugs to be paid for in Cash Only as soon as sold. CLOCKS Gilbert Oak Jewel No. 12 Pressed Shelf Clock; Strathmore Water bury Clock Co. for Sears Roebuck Pillar Clock; Seth Thomas Chime Clock; Seth Thomas Electric Alarm; Gilbert Ornate Metal Case Alarm Clock; Hump Back Mantle Clock; Sessions Wall Clock. ANTIQUE and MODERN FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - HOUSEHOLD Large Oak Cabinet or Bookcase with 3 Glass Doors above and 3 Small Drawers below; Oak Wash Stand with Towel Bar; Oak Drop Leaf Table; Oak Stand; Green Wicker Set (Sofa, St. Chair, Rocker, Table); 2 High Back Wicker Rockers; Columbia Grafonola; One Drawer Stand; O.A. Type Cherry Bedroom Suite (Double Poster Bed, Chest Dresser, Vanity & Bench, Mirrors); Cherry Double Post er Bed; Mahogany Single Bed and Vanity with Wall Mirror; Cherry Dresser; Maple Dresser, Vanity & Bench, Chest and Nightstand; Plank St. Chair and Rocker; Cherry Dining Room Suite (Table, 6 Chairs, Buffet, China Closet, Server); Cherry Breakfront Secret ary; Maple Table and Chairs: Victorian Stand, St. and Arm Chair; Sofa and Chairs; Wingback Chair; Platform Rocker; 2 Cherry 2 Drawer End Tables and Coffee Table; Round Ornate Carved 3 Leg Stand; Old T.V. in Closed Wood Cabinet; Love Seat; 2 Tier Stands; Wall Table; Cherry Tea Cart; Sewing Machine; 2 Cane Seat & Back Rockers; Glider; Yard and Porch Chairs; Ornate J. Van Sclver Cedar Chest; Sewing Box on Legs;,Hat Tree; Small Kitchen Appliances: G.E. Custom Frost Guard Refrigerator with Top Freez er; Pots and Pans; Hand and Yard Tools; Misc. Dishes; Glasses; 2 Card Tables; Floor and Table Lamps with Painted Shades; Dresser Lamps; 19” Color T.V.; 2 Upright Cleaners; Flower Urns; Metal Cof fee Set; Blankets and Linens; 19 in. Power Mower; Other Items Not Mentioned. ANTIQUES - GLASSWARE - COLLECTABLES • PAINTINGS Large Gone with the Wind Lamp (shade repaired); Large and Small Ornate Gold Mirrors; Signed Painting in Large Ornate Gold Frame; Oil Lamps; Student Lamp; Brass Bucket; Crock Jugs; John son Bros. Friendly Village Dishes; Sears Scale; Crystal Candela bras with Prisms; Occupied Japan Items; Fenton Birds; Rabbit and Hen on Nest; Painted Milk Glass Dresser Sets; Pairs of Blossom Bottles; 2 Metal Banks; Many Frames and Prints; Needle Point Chair & Foot Rests; Small Brass Cast Anvil; Cast Horse Door Stop; Wicker Baskets; Sad Irons; 20 Book Set of Charles Dickens; Set of Shakespeare; Painting on Glass; French Metal Hunter with Stag and Girl with Wheat; Service for 8 Meito China; Fancy Handwork Linens; Bisque Pieces; Oil Painting Signed M. Schammer 40; Uni versal Statuary Corp. Grape Boy and Girl marked 1973 #291 and 1974 #292; Music Boxes; Cut and Pressed Glass; Glass Baskets; Tea Set; Silver Plate Tea Set; Many, Many Figurines and Vases with some marked Czechoslovakia, Spain, China, Germany and Japan; Hand Decorated Parrot (Italy): Stemware with Gold Trim; Other Items Not Mentioned. TERMS: Personal Property: Cash Real Estate: $5,000 Down Day of Auction, Balance In 30 Days. SELLER: CORDELLA Y. SCHROEDEL By First National Bank of Danville, Pa. Trust Department P.O.A. To View Real Estate Call Auctioneer Evenings at 799-5351 Statements Made Day of Auction Take Precedence Over Written Material AUCTIONEERS: George J. Henry - AU-001528-L From 1-83 exit 3 (toganvil le)goweetto Rt 111 (Old Trail) 8 turn R. Prooaad to Valley Rd. in Jaoobue « turn L. Go approx. 0.8 mi. to tale alto. Rober Innerst, owner. Melvin Haines, Ralph Brenneman, auct FRI. JUN. 4 - SPM Emita Farm Complete Farm Dis persal, Cattle - Machinery. Greenwood (Steuben Co.) New York, Riming Auct., Inc. FRI. JUN 4 • TPM, Horse Sale. Located At New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc., New Holland, Pa 4 PUBLIC AUCTION FRI. JUN 4 « SAT. JUN 5 9AM Antique*, furniture, glaseware, collectablee, woodworking equip, tools & householdgoods. Rt. 10 N. of Parkesourg, Chester Co., Pa. From Rt. 30 & Rl 10 take Rt. 10 S. approx. 1 mile to auction on right past church. Maurice J. Hare. Barr Davis, aucts. FRI. JUN. 4 & SAT. JUN. 5 • Estate Of Ira J. Esh. Located 2 Miles East Of Allensville, Pa., Along Front Mt. Road. Executors, i Robert Esh & Marjorie J Shilling. Mark Qlick & Dale Gibbcney, Aucts.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers