B2fi-Lancnt*r Farming, Saturday, May 22, 1993 Sale Reports MONTGOMERY ESTATE SALE An Estate Auction of real estate and antiques was held May 1 for the estate of Henry J. Mont gomery and others at 281 Old Zion Road, North East, Maryland. The 1.4 acres with a large commercial build ing has 2 large garage bays and it was sold for $97,000. Other prices received ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUCTION VALUABLE BUCKET TRUCKS COMPUTER, OFFICE FURNISHING, HYDRAULICS, TRUCK A MOTOR VEHICLE ACCESSORIES MAY 28. 1993 9:00 ajm. Located Just South of Bernville Berks County, Pa. at the Blue Marsh Ski area. Just off Rt 183. The following items have been removed from former location for this auction- 9 trucks I.H.C. hook & ladder fire truck appr. 75’ ladder, Ford truck with high hyd. scissors lift, I.H.C. Rl9O chassis. Dodge D6OO with bucket lift, Ford bucket lift truck. Ford with construction box. Fordline truck D4O custom Dodge 400 bucket truck, Chevy boom truck, pole trailer, 12’ flat bed trailer w/ramps, 10 heavy duty winches hyd. and P.T.O. Arrow & Tulsa manufacturer, Baker slide top 7’ tool bed for pick up, bed liner mats, hyd. rams, rail road track guides for trucks, track jack, steel storage racks, lift forks, assortment of iron & steel pcs., electric feed line track, power feed reels, pole augers, electric motors, elec, cable. Beardsley-hyd., test tank, Onan engine, reduc tion box, truck fuel tanks, Onan generator 120V-2.SKVA, hyd. packs, plate glass, metal tables, electrical parts, barrels of hyd. fluid, Audi engines formerly used with testing, V. W. engine gasket kits, door seal, adhesives, numerous hyd, items, 2-hyd. power units, wire, 3 ph 25 amp. Line, welder, scale, flex pipe, poly plastic items, flex pipe, new gauges, reflectors, seat belts, water proof recess-heavy duty, grote lamps, jack hammers, exhaust pipe hangers for trucks, hundreds of new items not listed stored in boxes, SURPLUS GOLF EQUIPMENT INCLUDES: 7 gang F-10 Wirthington 16* mower; various small mow ers; assorted turf maintenance equipment; (16) 480V-240V-120V transformers 3KVA thru 100 KVA. COMPUTERS: 1.8. M. PC(8088 version) Hewlett Packard oscilloscope mdl. 1701 A, Hewlett P. digitizer tablets mdl. 460888, Hewlett P. 2601 desk printer, Hew lett P. 2631 A printer, Hewlett P. 2645 A termi nal, Hewlett P. disc file cab, magnetic tape storage cab 72”x36”, 2 drawer fireproof file cab, 1.8. M. Selectric typewriter. 72”x36” Soud dead partitions, 30”x60” general purpose table, executive desk 30”x60”, elec, chairs, guest chairs, secretary desk, left return, 36” circular tables, 4-4 drawer legal size file cabinets, work station table 24”x30”, 40”x72” conference table, secretary chairs, Sauder PC work station hutch 24”x28”x58”, general pur pose tables 24”x60”-30”x48”-30”x60”, refrigerator, microwave oven, dictation machine, also items of value not listed. 12’ tag along trader has railroad track guides. Auction for: Berks County Bank Secured Party S^.^uU^Jl^odak 10 S. IroadSt U|*i.WU7M3 Elmar Murry 626-26 M Richard Murry C2MI7S Kan Millar Professional Auctioneers, Appraisers and Advisors Since 1953 AIHN)64S>L were: bow-front china closet $lOOO, oak roll top desk $7OO, pine dough box $7OO, duck decoys $5O to $95, Remington 12 gauge model 12 shotgun $9OO, Parker Bros, double barrel shotgun $9OO, A.C. 12 h.p. lawn trac tor $9OO and aluminum boat, motor & trailer $675. George L. Gibney was the auctioneer. Public Auction Register Of 1-83 Exit #1 Along Route ii A v 851. Tractor, New Equip •"AT ment, New And Used SAT. MAY 22 - B:3OAM. Parts, Pick-Up. Bowling Absolute Public Sale. Own- Alievs For Work Benches er Retiring Warehouse And Office Equipment. Sold. Located: The Former Owner, Dean F. Mider. Mel- Miller'a Salas 8 Service vin Haines & Ralph Bran- Ino., Approx. 5 Miles East neman, Aucts. Marvin G. Amsley AU-002323-L Auctioneer “FARM SALE” Locatod At 2833 New Franklin Rd., Chambaraburg, Pa. Franklin Co., 3 Miles S.E. Of Chamberaburg, Pa. Off Route 316 On SATURDAY. JUNE sth, 1993 AT 10 A.M. International 574 Diesel Tractor w/Cab Having 739 Hours; Farmall 340 Tractor w/ Loader; Britlion Brush Hog Mower; Scrap per Blade; Flat Wagon; New Idea Horse Manure Spreader w/Tonq.; Portable Air Compressor; HD Bench Grinder; JD Rot ary Mower; 40 Ft. Double Ladders; Hay Bunk Feeders; Platform Scales; Corn Shelter w/Motor; Echo Chain Saw; Cow Clippers; Feed Carts; 2 Wheelbarrows; Turkey & Chicken Waters; Jacks; Blacks mith Tools; Yokes, Single Tires, Spread ers; Fence Posts; Roll Barb Wire; Ameri can Wire Fence; Feed Scales, 2, S.S. Milker Pail Type; Chains; Forks; Shovels; Hand Tools; Vises; Axes; Electric Drills; Planes; Rope; Hay Hooks; Hammers; Rakes; Leather Knife And Tools; Harness; Bridles; Butcher Kettler; Meat Planks; Meat Saws; Gas Cans; 8 Ton Of Ear Corn; 1500 Bate Of Timothy Hay, Etc. Automobile* 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera w/36,000 Miles w/Minor Damage To Body. Terms: Cash Or Good Check Owner- RUSSELL WILKISON George E. Wenger Jr.- Power Attorney . . . Lunch Stand LOCATED: 14 Miles west of ALPENA, Ml on M -32 to M-65, then 16 miles north to Metz Hwy (at Polka Inn), then 2 miles west to the auction; OR 2 miles north and 2 miles west of POSEN, Ml. (7) TRACTORS* JD COMBINE ♦ SKID LOADER ♦ (2) FORKLIFTS ULLAGE EQUIP. ♦ PLANTER ♦ DRILL ♦ STONE RAKE ♦ POTATO EQUIP MENT ♦ EDIBLE BEAN EQUIP. ,♦ (2) VALLEY CENTER PIVOTS ♦ BAUER TRAVELER ♦ HALE PUMP ♦ 8" A 6“ IRRIGATION PIPE IH 5088 FWA * 1H 1586 * 1H 1486 * Case 1835 B skid loader *sbtmlH 735 ASR plow * 24' C-IH 496 cushion gang disk * 22' Krause 1925 rock flex disk * 27' C-IH 4600 vibra shank field cultivator * Cameo LPC 650 planter * Dahlman PH-2020 harvester * Hesston 445 harvester * Dahlman SR2IO windrower * Dahlman WE windrower * FMC sprayer * 40' Lockwood telescoping bln pller * 20' Singer bin piler * potato grader line * Eskel Better Built seed potato cutter w/2-3-4-6 cut * 1990 Eskel Better Built screw type seed potato treater * (2) Lllliston Hl-Cap 6200 edible bean combines * Lockwood 835 pto bean windrower * RB 8' x 18' bean drying wagon * (2) 1991 Valley 4-tower center pivots * 1/4 mile of 8" A 3/4 mile of 6" alum, circle lock irrigation pipe * Bauer Rain Star 1320 hard hose traveler * Hale pto Irrigation pump * (7) potato trucks. This Is an abbreviated listing. Call 219-244- 7606 for detailed brochure. TERMS: Cash or negotiable check. Not responsible for accidents. AIRPORTS: Alpena 517-354-2907 Rogers City 517-734-7037 OWNER: LEROY WOLOSZYK S CHRADER/BR OKERA OE LAND CO. 219-244-7606 NORTHERN VIRGINIA CONTRACTORS' AUCTIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1993 9:30 am. HAYMARKET, VIRGINIA, JCT. RTBS. IS A 55 PAKTIAL LIQUIDATION OF EQUIPMENT AND TRUCKS NO LONGER NEEDED IN BAR DICK CONSTRUCTION CORP.’S CURRENT OPERATION DIRECTIONS: From D.C. toko 495 to Route 56 Wot to Haymarket Exit (Rt 15 S.), from overpan of Route 66 to light at the Junction of Route 15 & Route 55, turn left Sale on immediate right TRACK LOADERS & DOZER JOHN DEERE 855 track loader with enc. cab, OP bucket, S/N 3000224 T; CAT 977 L track loader with 70% unc., new eng., OROPS A iweepi; CAT 955 L track loader with OP bucket, very good unc., S/N 13X2201; (2) Cat 9SIC track loaden with GPbucketi, OROPS, (1) S/N 86J4561; UEBHERR 631 track loader with 70% unc., Drott 4 in 1 bucket with a grapple; 1984 FIAT ALUS FDS dozer with 6 way blade, OROPS. LOADER BACKHOES & RUBBER TIRE LOADER JOHN DEERE 510 loader backhoe with OROPS, S/N 717200; (2) JOHN DEERE 4101oad er backhoei with OROPS. S/N 284156 A S/N 266422 T; JCB 17008 loader backhoe with OROPS; CASE 580 Super E 4x4 loader backhoe with OROPS, standard hoe, S/N 17039030; CASE 580 C loader backhoe; NEW HOLLAND atticulated rubber tire loader with diesel eng. and backhoe attach. SKID LOADERS & ATTACHMENTS (2) NEW HOLLAND L7BS skid loaders. (1) 1990 model with 1,281 hrs. S/N 751229 A (1) 1989 model with 768 hrs. S/N 763658; (2) BOBCAT 743 skid loader (1) S/N SOI9MI77SS; BOBCAT 610 skid loader with gas eng.; BOBCAT 610 skid loader with gas eng. for pans; (2) NEW HOLLAND 8124 backhoe attach. S/N 81M2CL1321 A 1254; STANLEY Model M 8250 byd. hammer attach, for NEW HOLLAND. HYDRAULIC EXCAVATORS & GRADALL CAT 225 hyd. excavator S/N 76003752; 1980 CAT 215 hyd. excavator S/N 96L03575; JOHN DEERE 690 A hyd. excavator S/N 0005201; GRADALL G3WD 4x4 with Cuminiiu eng., 4,000 hn., remote!, S/N 8733236. PETTIBONE CK6O 30-ton hyd. crane with dietd eng., 70' of boom. BLAW KNOX PF6S paver with dietel engine, 4’ hyd. exteniiom. AIR COMPRESSORS & FORKLIFTS GARDNER DENVER 185 dm air compressor with Ford diesel eng., S/N 661056; (2) INGERSOL RAND 175 din air completion with JD dietel eng., S/N 112929U79932 & 127885U82957; INGERSOL RAND 175 dm air comprenor with Deutz dietel eng., S/N 136540U54953; CAT 812 12,000 lb. dual wheel forklift with rebuilt Detroit dietel eng., dual tide thift, 12*6" reach, S/N 66C358; ECONOBILE rough terrain foifclift with gat eng., S/N 6242. 1991 FORD FBOOS/A dump with Ford dietel eng., 5 tp., 2 tp. Irani., air bnkei; 1988 FORD FBOO S/A dump with Ford dietel eng., 5 tp., 2 tp. tram., air braket; 1983 CHEVROLET C6O S/A dump with dietel eng., 5 tp., 2 tp. tram., air brakes, 55,000 milet; 1982 INTERNA TIONAL SI9OO S/A crew cab dump with Cat dietel eng., auto tram., 9* body. FLATBEDS & FLATBED DUMPS 1991 FORD F7OO with 20* flatbed with litigate, Ford diettel eng., 5 tp., 2 ip. Irani., 14,000 milet; 1984 INTERNATIONAL S Seriet S/A flatbed dump with 16* body, DT466 dieiel eng., 5 tp., 2 tp. tram.; 1985 FORD F7OO 16* flatbed dump with dieiel eng., 5 ip., 2 ip. tram.; 1989 FORD F3SO 1 ton flatbed with tool boxei, gai eng., 4 ip. tram., 60,000 milet; 1986 FORD F3SO 12* flatbed with gat eng., 4 ip. tram.: (5) 1968 -1981 FORD F3SO I ton flatbed tnickt. SPECIALTY TRUCKS, CAB & CHASSIS 1992 FORD Super Duty bucket truck with 32* reach dual lift bucket, aervice body, dietel eng., auto tram.; 1982 INTERNATIONAL Sl7OO bucket track with dieiel eng., 5 ip., 2 ip. tram., Venalift Model SHV-36-PI body with 36’ reach, airbrakei; 1983 FORD F7OO lube track with gas eng., 4 ip. tram., 1 yr. bid body with air comprenor, fuel - greaie - oil - hyd. oil reels; 1980 INTERNATIONAL S Seriet track with DT466 diesel eng., 5 sp., 2 ip. Irani., air lift aide, 18’ flatbed with National NBS crane with 34’ reach, 13,400 lb. cap., outriggers; 1981 KENWORTH T/A with 9 yd. mixer body, direct drive, 8 sp. trans., Cummins diesel eng.; 1987 CHEVROLET C6O with gas eng., 4 ip. tram., air comprenor, tod boxes, greaie • oil - fuel reels, 60,000 milei; 1986 FORD E 350 1 ton dual wheel cargo van with gas eng., auto tram., 47,000 miles; 1988 FORD F 350 dual wheel service body track with gas engi, 4 ip. tram.; 1980 FORD F 250 dual wheel service track with enclosed body, gas eng., 4 sp. tram.; 1979 CHEVROLET C7O with concrete form body track with new brakes ft drums, gas eng., 5 tp., 2 tp. tram.; 1986 FORD CF cab-over C7OOO with dietel eng., 5 sp. tram., air brakes, P/S, 189” wheelbase, 18* cdd plate body with roll up door, 1981 INTERNATION AL cab ft chassis with DT466 dietel eng., 5 tp., 2 tp. tram., long wheel bate. ROAD TRACTORS 1953 PETERBILT T/A with 3SO Cummins diesel eng., 10 sp. trans., Budd wheels; 1981 KENWORTH T/A cab-over with 400 Cummins diesel eng., 13 sp. trans., double sleeper, 1981 KENWORTH T/A with 350 Cummins diesel eng., 13 sp. trans., P/S, A/C; 1968 AUTOCAR T/A with Cummins diesel eng., 13 sp. trans.; (2) 1978 CMC Brigadier S/A with Cummins diesel eng., 10 sp. trans,; 1981 INTERNATIONAL S Series S/A with Detroit diesel eng., 10 sp. trans. (2) 1989 EAGER BEAVER HDB 12 ton tag-alcng trailers; 1987 ROAD HOG 9 ton tag along; 1987 EAGER BEAVER 9 ton tag-along; 1990 CENTREVILLE 6 ton tag-along; 1983 EAGER BEAVER 20 ton trader with air brakes; 1979 HUDSON BROS. 18 ton tilt deck equipment trailer; 1971 HEIL 28' alum, dump trailer; 40* & 45' flat trailers; box & storage trailers. PICKUPS, VANS & CARS 1993 FORD FISO Extend scab pickup with gas eng., auto trans., A/C, loaded; 1987 FORD F 250 pickup with cap A tool boxes, gas eng., auto trans.; 1991 FORD Explorer 4x4 4-door with V-6, auto trans., A/C, 28,000 miles; 1986 FORD Bronco lIXLT with V-6 eng., auto Irani., AfC; 1990 FORD E2SO van with gas eng., auto trans., A/C, 70,000 miles; 1981 FORD E 350 van with 3 seats, gas eng., auto trans.; 1981 FORD E 250 van with 3 seats, auto trans., gas eng.; 1985 OLDSMOBILE Cutlass Ciera with V-4 eng., auto trans., P/S, P/B, power lodes, front split bench seat, luggage rack, orig. miles. MISCELLANEOUS CLIPPER walk-behind concrete nw with |ii eng.; (4) SANDPIPER tir operated water pompa; upright air operated plat farm lift; lawn mowen; port hole diggen; mite, garden equip.; plate steel; tampen; jack hammen; mite, water pumpa; contractora' tools too numer ous to mention. TERMS OF SALE; COMPLETE PAYMENT SALE DAY. Payment for all Item* mint be made In full on tale day with CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK, CERTIFIED CHECK, PERSONAL OR COMPANY CHECKS ACCEPTED WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY A VALID BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEED PAYMENT. Items sold “As-ls, Whee ls” with no warranties expressed or Implied. Immediate removal. Not responsible for accidents. This listing subject to additions and deletions. FINANCING: Financing can be arranged through the following company. Call before 72 hours of sale to make arrangements for financing on items $20,000 or more. Call Kathy Wdhora, Credit Alliance Corp. (410) $59-2300. LOCAL AIRPORT: Dulles International Airport INSPECTION: Tuesday, May 25,1993 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Sale site phone (703) 754-0761. STILL ACCEPTING EQUIPMENT * TRUCKS FOR MORE INFORMATION OR COLOR BROCHURE CALL ($01) 60-0644 or Evenings Randy Ruby (301) 271-2321 M . A INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONS. INC. 10510-A Woodoboro Piko, • (301) 663-8644 W Walksrsvlll *> MD 21793 AU-002335-L VA AT. #l2B VA DLR #8929 Randy Ruby, President CRANE PAVER DUMP TRUCKS TRAILERS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers