816-L«ncaster Farming, Saturday, May 1, 1993 ■■■l R|j I HAPPENINGS 4-H Leaders’ Scholarship Crawford County 4-H dairy leaders announce that applications for the 4-H Dairy Scholarship Award are now available. The dairy leaders have estab lished a scholarship fund from which scholarship awards are made. Eligibility requirements include: • Applicant must be a member or past member of Crawford County 4-H Dairy and must have been in the program for a mini mum of five years. (All five years need not be in Crawford County.) • Applicant may be currently enrolled or planning to attend a four year school, two year school, technical school, short course, breeding school, computer school, etc. • Applicant must have com- ALUMINUM GRAIN BODIES & ALUMINUM REPAIRS by 4* These ultra-light bodies are designed for strength through engineering, not strength with bulk. For example, a 16* grain body with tailgate and 4P sides weighs only you any length or any side height up to 60”. • Double swinging hay • Diamond flooring hauling tailgate • Pull out panel tailgates • Barn door type tailgate • Any size grain chute • Slide out cattle chutes HEWEY WELDING Box 2312, RD4 Lebanon, PA 17042 (717) 867-5222 PREMIUM ALUMINUM ROOF COATING SOQ99 mm w s Gai. aluminum ASPHALT PISPATCf COATINU SB Ephrata East End Mart, Inc. Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.*Fri. 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Paint - Wallpaper - Hardware - Auto Supplies 711 E. Main St. 733-8040 • 733-4388 pleted a 4-H dairy scholarship application and be available for a personal interview, which may be conducted at the Scholarship Review Committee’s discretion. • Applicant must be at least a senior in high school. • Applicant must submit a high school transcript or college grade point average to date. This scholarship was estab lished to recognize the achieve ments of Crawford County youth and to encourage their continuing education. Last year’s winners of the $5OO scholarships were Dana Slusser, Centerville; Alan Bly, Titusville; and Kellie Kunz, Centerville. For more information and applications, contact Alan Travis at the Crawford County Coopera tive Extension Office, (814) JUDI Also available; III i nil i ii ■ m LADDERS TO 50% OFF I ALUMINUM > FIBERGLASS WOOD $11" Gal. Exterior Oil Base White House Paint 336-1151. ext. 260. or (800) 982-9019. ext. 260. Rough Riders The April meeting of the Rough Riders 4-H Horse and Pony Club was held at Kroener’s recently. Committees reported on their activities in the month of March. Nancy Winning, VMD, talked to the club on the subject of colic and when to call the vet. Club members of the month were Brianne Grumbling and Samantha Hunter. Brianne, 13, has been a Rough Riders member for three years. This year, she is in charge of the club newsletter. Pleasant Fire, a 9-year-old dark bay Thor oughbred, is her project horse. They enjoy eventing and jumping. Samantha, 11, is beginning her first year with the Rough Riders. Her project for the year is a 7-year-old gray Welsh- Chincoteague pony named Licorse. Together, they like to trail ride and jump. The Rough Riders welcome visitors at any time. Call John Henry, club leader, at (717) 284-2046, for more information. We’ll build i&szygs AnMtoctwil II ElMir Houm 4 trim QIOU ■ Oil Quality • Beauty • Affordability • 6 Styles To Choose From • Pressure Treated or Cedar • In Assembled Or Kit Form • Sizes From 8’ to 18’ • Delivery Available CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE LITERATURE Lyßetts 1/aCCey Qazebos dealer R.D. 2. Box 59C, Millers burg. PA 17061 INQUIRIES (717) 692*2645 Answering Service NO SUNDAY CALLS WELCOME W (6* For AH . r-—x IT 3 * \\ \E> Your Concrete \Ci vQ\ \CZ%J) ' Walts Aid xafiju^' ® ,C ‘ Construction * ™ Weeds '•mmercial Virginia Style Heifer Barn With 8’ Deep, 180’ Long, 12’ Wide Slatted SCS Approved Concrete Manure Pit Invest In Concrete, Quality Work That Will Last A Lifetime CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES CONTACT AND SEE HOW AFFORDABLE ’ STEVE PETERSHEIM CONCRETE WALLS CAN BE 717-355-0726 n © e concrete Jr ini E 1] Q) E WALLS, INC. 601 Overly Grove Road, New Holland. PA 17557 month are Samantha Hunter, left and Brianne Grumbling. A Cust m ;»jpr G s f - R 1 I I I - C 4** - * as£6*'/'. if if '>? v ‘V T" I
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