Is£(jncas6r flfnrtlhg, SAiriUif, / ' Wiy’ t tW3' If you are looking for a recipe but can’t find It, send your recipe request to Lou Ann Good, Cook’s Question Comer, In care of Lancaster Farming, P.O. Box 609, Eph rata, PA 17522. There’s no need to send a BASE. If we re ceive an answer to your question, we will publish it as soon as possible. Answers to recipe requests should be sent-to the same address. QUESTION Mae Pugh would like a recipe for chicken rice soup like that served at Ponderosa. QUESTION Mrs. Kenneth Ulmer, Waymart, wants a recipe to can a mixture of mushrooms, onions, green pep pers, and oil in pint jars. QUESTION R. Smith, Jonestown, heard about hunter green pumpkins, not squash or gourds, sold at a roadside market in Lancaster County and would like to know where to buy the seeds. QUESTION Mary Lehman, Mifflintown, would like a brownie recipe that uses mashed potatoes. QUESTION—Mark Kopp, Tower City, would like to know what happened to sauerkraut. She said today it is shredded cabbage rather than the kraut she remembers. QUESTION—May Ozinek, Flemington, N.J., wrote that on a recent trip to Florida, she and her husband ate at Shoney’s the whole way down and back. At the breakfast buffet, Sho ney's serves a delicious sheet cake that is spicy and filled with raisins and chunks of apples. The cake has a crumb topping and is very moist. Does anyone have a recipe? QUESTION Gloria Fready, Mount Joy, would like to know how to make French fried sweet potatoes. She tried making them, but they tasted soggy. QUESTION—EveIyn Reinfeld, Halifax, would like recipes using buckwheat flour without yeast. QUESTION Patricia Corked, Henderson, Md., would like a recipe for pickled garlic. QUESTlON—Patricia Davis, Dillsburg, would like a recipe for hard sugar cookies like those made by Archway. QUESTION Patricia Davis, Dillsburg, wants to know where to buy pasteurized egg whites. QUESTION Alverna Martin, Wellsboro, would like a recipe for mock pecan pie made with dried beans. QUESTION A reader from Potter County would like a recipe for fudge made out of goat's milk. QUESTION —Pauline Sensenig would like to know where she may purchase Washington’s Golden Seasonings and Broth. QUESTION Mary Snyder, Manheim, writes that she planted hot Senano peppers by mistake. She froze them but has not used them. She would like recipes using this type of pepper, which could perhaps be used for gift jars of sauces, relishes, etc. QUESTION Roland Kamoda, R.D.I, Box 282 Mono ngahela, PA 15063, would like names of favorite cookbooks and where to purchase them. Write directly to him with your suggestions because we do not have room to publish the information. QUESTION Karen Yourga is looking for a recipe to can strawberries in a glaze that can be poured right from the jar onto a cake. She has tried several recipes that bleed and turn pink. She would like one with a dark red color in which the strawberries are not mushy. QUESTION Edith Vuxta, Elizabethtown, would like a recipe for red velvet whoopie pies. QUESTION Sue Pardo, Jarrettsville, Md., would like recipes to use in a bread machine. QUESTION Barb Hicks, Hawaii, would like a recipe for homemade beef jerky, the spicier, the better. QUESTION—Sherry Craner, Bridgeton, N.J., would like a recipe for chocolate pasta, made with wheat flour. It is used for a dessert topped with sauteed strawberries and white chocolate. QUESTION Cissy McKeon, Birdsboro, would like a recipe for hand-dipped chocolate-covered strawberries such as those sold at Kaufman’s in Pittsburgh. Cissy writes that it appears as if a layer of cream is between the strawberry and the chocolate. QUESTION Ralph Johnson, Sewell, N.J., would like a recipe for green tomato pie with raisins and a top crust. QUESTION Lisa Kerrigan, Bath, would like a recipe for Kosher Dill pickles that taste like the Claussen pickles that are stored in the refrigerator. QUESTION Peg Koser, Lancaster, wrote that in this col umn she learned how to make a tea concentrate using spear mint leaves and freezing for later use. She asks if there is a similar way to make a concentrate using fresh blue grapes? QUESTION Mary Lehman, Elizabethtown, would like recipes for rhubarb and a cookbook on rhubarb. One, that I'm aware of is "Rhubarb Cooking for All Seasons." For a copy, send $6 to Rhubarb Cookbook, Box 392, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343. It is small, but has 150 recipes in It. Cook’s Question Comer QUESTION L. Weaver, Ephrata, would like fdbipes or ideas to prepare cubed steak. QUESTION Fay Leslie, Woodstown, N.J., would like a recipe for spoon bread, which is soft and of pudding texture. ANSWER—J. Waring Stinchoomb, Suitland, Md., wanted a recipe for making barbecue with beef and with pork. Thanks to Deborah Risser, Hershey; Linda Howell, Waymart, and others for sending recipes. Pork Bar-B-Que 2 cups diced cooked pork roast or turkey 1 onion, chopped finely 'A cup catsup Vi cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon mustard 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste Water, to keep meat from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Combine all ingredients. Simmer for 20 to 30 minutes. Serve on rolls. Deborah writes that this is a wonderful way to use left-over pork roast or turkey. Country Fair Barbecue Sandwich 2Vi pounds boneless chuck roast 2'A pounds boneless pork shoulder 2 quarts water 2 ribs celery, cut In large pieces 1 large onion, cut in large pieces 2 carrots, cut in large pieces 2 small bay leaves 8 whole cloves 1 teaspoon salt V* teaspoon pepper 12 buns BARBECUE SAUCE: 2 tablespoons butter 1 cup chopped onion I'A cups meat stock 1 cup catsup Vi cup cider vinegar 'h cup sugar 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon brown sugar 2 teaspoons celery salt 2 teaspoons paprika 'A teaspoon chili powder V* teaspoon cumin 'A teaspoon pepper 'A teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place meat, vegetables and seasonings in large roaster. Cover and bake for 3 hours. Remove pork and continue baking beef another hour or until tender. Shred and cut meats into bite-size pieces while still warm. In large heavy saucepan, saute butter and onion for sauce until the onion is transparent. Add remaining ingre dients and mix well. Add shredded meats. Simmer over low heat until mixture is quite thick but still juicy. This will take about 15 minutes. Don't stir too often so the meat stays in good-sized pieces. Serve on hot buns. Linda Howell writes that this recipe requires time to prepare but is worth the effort because it tastes wonderful. ANSWER Mrs. Wilmer Moyer, Bechtelsville, wanted to Know how to make fireplace starters made from sawdust or wood shavings? Thanks to Ralph Johnson, Sewell, N.J., who writes that he uses cardboard egg cartons to make fire star ters. Mix a small amount of parafin wax with sawdust, place a string for a wick in each egg compartment and fill with the wax and sawdust mixture. Works great to start fire when camping. ANSWER Diane Cruzan, Bridgeton, N.J., wants a recipe for macaroni pizza. Thanks to Janice Haas, Monocay Station; Doris Noll, Lititz; Pam Liner, Port Matilda, and others for sending recipes. 2 cups macaroni 14-16-ounce jar spaghetti sauce 1 egg Vi teaspoon salt !A cup milk 3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese 'A pound ground beef Vi green pepper Vi cup onion, chopped 4-ounce can mushrooms 8-ounce package mozzarella cheese, grated Cook macaroni. Beat eggs, milk, 1 teaspoon parmesan cheese, and salt. Add to macaroni and spread in 9x13-inch greased pan. Pour spaghetti sauce over mixture. Top with raw ground beef (may brown, if desired). Sprinkle with pep per, onions, mushrooms, and remaining Parmesan cheese. Top with mozzarella cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. Pizza Casserole 3 10-ounce cans pizza sauce 1 pound ground beef 1 pound shredded mozzarella cheese Sliced pepperoni Fresh sliced mushrooms 2 cups macaroni Cook macaroni and drain. Put in casserole dish. Cook together ground beef and mushrooms; drain and add to macaroni. Add pizza sauce and half of cheese; stir in maca roni. Put remaining cheese on top of casserole, layer peppe*- roni on top. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 1 Jiour. Serve. (Turn to Pag* B 8) MACARONI PIZZA Recipes (Contlmwd from Pago B 6) SOUR CREAM CHICKEN QUICHE 9-inch pie shell, unbaked 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup chopped cooked chicken A teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon nutmeg ‘A teaspoon fresh ground pepper 'A cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese 'A cup shredded Swiss cheese 2 eggs, beaten V i cup whole milk V* eup sour cream Heat oven to 400 degrees. Pre pare pastry shell and set aside. In a medium skillet, heat olive oil and saute ones and green pep per for 3 minutes or until tender but not brown. Add flour, cook and stir for 2 minutes. Stir in chicken, salt, nutmeg, and ground pepper. Spread chicken mixture over bottom of pie shell. Top with both cheeses. In a small bowl, combine eggs, sour cream and milk until smooth. Pour over chicken mixture. Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake 30 to 35 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Let cool 10 minutes before cutting into wedges. Serves 6. SPINACH CHEESE PIE 2 10-ounce packages frozen finely chopped spinach 6 eggs 12 ounces cottage cheese 1 pound Monterey Jack or muenster cheese, J/% pound butter, melted 8 ounces cream, cheese 8 ounces sour cream Thaw and squeeze water from spinach. Beat eggs well. Add cream cheese and sour cream. Beat. Add melted butter, cottage cheees, and finely chopped spi nach. Beat. Fold in grated Monte- rey Jack or muenster cheese. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons flour if cottage ' cheese is watery. Pour into 9x13-inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. Pa. Dairy Promotion RASPBERRY TRIFLE In large dish: Place broken pieces of yellow, sponge, or pound cake Spread pieces with 'A cup rasp berries or any flesh canned fruit, jam or jelly and 'A cup slivered almonds. Prepare custard: In double boiler, mix: V* cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch ’/• teaspoon salt Gradually stir in: 1 cup milk 1 cup medium cream Cook, covered over hot water for 8 minutes without stirring. Uncover and cook 10 minutes more. Add: 4 well-beaten egg yolks 2 tablespoons butter Cook 2 minutes longer. Cool, stirring occasionally then add VA teaspoons vanilla. Fold in I cup whipped cream. Chill completely. Spoon over the cake. Top with whipped cream. “Yummy." Jenna Gilpatric Island Falls, Maine (Turn to Pago B#) BJ.Light Lebanon
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