822-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993 Sale Reports Klinger Estate Sale A Public Auction of real estate was held March 27 for the estate of Mary A. Klinger between the villages of Fearnot and Erdman along the Sacramento to Klingerstown Road, Western Schuylkill Co., Pa. The #1 parcel of 13% acre farmette with a house, large carport and small bam was sold for $76,000. The #2 parcel of 11% acres mountain land on the south side of Mahantongo Mountain brought $7OOO. Mike and George Deibert were the auctioneers. AMISH HOMESTEAD SALE A Public Sale of an tiques was held at the Amish Homestead of Lane. Co., Pa. by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flory, 2 miles cast of Lancas ter, 2034 Lincoln High way East. The tourist attraction was in busi ness for 31 years and now has new properly owners. Some items sold were; goal wagon SIBSO, 36 x 24 ft. red bam SI2OO, spring wa gon Sl9O, utility shed $350, cast-iron cook stove SBOO, 3 bedroom Massey Ferguson 2775 (180 HP), Cab, WFE, 900 hours, like new. MF 1105 Cab, WFE, DP. MF 1105 Cab. WFE, DP. MF 1100, Cab, WFE, DP. MF 285, DP, EW Front End Loader, 1200 hours. MF 50, WFE. IH 400, WFE, EW IH 2000’ Loader. IH 400 Diesel. IH M Gas, IH W 4 WFE, Ford 861 WFE/Ft. Bucket, David Brown 1200, DP, WFE. Oliver 1800, 4 Wheel Drive, WFE. Allis Chalmers 5050, DP, Loader (Hydraulic). New Holland 445 Skid Steer. IH 5500 Chisel Plow. Ford 5 Bot tom 16” Automatic Reset Plows. MF 4 Bottom 3 Pt. Hitch Plows. Oliver 4 Bottom Plow 2 Pt. Hitch. MF 3 Bottom 3 Pt. Hitch Plow. Brillion 24’ Vibroshank Transport. MF 18’ Transport Disc. AC 2300 14’ Transport Disc. Brillion 6 Row Vibroshank Cultivator. JD 220, 22’. Oliver 12’ Transport Disc. 8’ Disc. JD 15’ Transport Cultipacker. Case IH 8200 16 Run Grain Drill/Broom Grass Attachment (Like New). IH Cyclo 800 4 Row Corn Planter (Excellent). Hesston 645014; Self Propelled Haybine, Gas, Cab. Gehl 880 Haybine, 9’. MF 12 Baler/Kicker. NH 268 Baler/Kicker. NH 268 Baler/Kicker. 40’ Hay Elevator. Hesston 5140 Round Baler (5X4 Bale). JD 336 Hay Baler/Kicker. 42’ Elevator. JD 32’ Elevator, 6-Kicker Wagons (Mostly JD Running Gears) Running Gear. Feeder Wagon. 3-Gravity Wagons. New Badger Self Unloading Wagon, 2 Axle. 3 Beater/Roof. 2-Badger 2 Axle SUW 3 Beater/Roof. Bader SUW Single Axle 3 Beater/Roof. Kasten suites $925, $1775, & $1550, 2 oil lamps $17.50, $lB & $55, 3 blanket chests $250, $4OO & $l7O, table $260, ornate lamp table $260, oak bed $575, crocks $l7 to $3B ca., Windsor chair $725, 2 copper kettles $lBO & $l5O and 2 gingerbread clocks $165 & $l7O. The auctioneer was Twilight Auction Farm Equipment for Mr. Julio Martin Friday, May 7, 1993 Time 6:00 P.M. Harrlsonville, Rlchwood Rd. Mulllca HIM, NJ (Off Rt. 77) 1983 Ford F-100 P.U. Truck (Motor Rebuilt) Model 4000 Ford tractor w/wide axle, Mod el 273 New Holland Hayliner baler, Model 477 New Holland haybine, New Holland side del. rake, 2 hay elevators, 3 hay wagons, 3 pth 3 bottom plow, Brush Hog subsoiler, 3 pth. scraper blade, 3 pth lift boom, Massey Fergu son 3 pth cut harrow, hay tedder, tipo fert. spreader, Lincoln welder, table saw, paint sprayer, sm. air compressor, ex. ladders, lad der jacks, fence gates, hand tools, old bath tubs, lumber. Auctioneer’s Note: Owner having sold farm, everything sold to highest bidder, most all equipment garage kept. Ralph D. Hughes - Auctioneer 589-6454 Terms: Cash or good check. Food Available COMPLETE LIQUIDATION FARM MACHINERY, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION LAZY ACRE FARMS CAPE VINCENT, NEW YORK (JEFFERSON COUNTY) SATURDAY MAY 1, 10:30 A.M. LOCATION: 25 Miles West of Watertown, 3 miles South of Cape Vincent, just off Rt 12E, on County Rt 4, Arrows, Lunch 15 TRACTORS 15 FARM MACHINERY Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication APRIL SAT. APR. 24, Nursery Stock. Located Village Of Spring Grove, 1 Mile East Harold Keller and there were 200 registered bid ders. ALEX LYON AND SON SALES MANAGERS & AUCTIONEERS INC. BRIDGEPORT, NY - (315) 633-2944, (315) 633-2872 SYRACUSE, NY (EVENINGS) - (315) 637-8912 JACK’S MOBILE - (315) 427-0041 I 1 Sons, Auct. SAT. APR. 24 - BAM, Real Estate, Antiques, House hold Goods, Guns & Farm Machinery. Located In Mt. Pleasant Mills, Snyder County, Pa. At Selinsgrove Take Route 35 South 9 Of Terre Hill. Owner, For- Miles To Crossroads, Make merly Spring Grove Left Onto Route 104 And Nursery. Nevin Z. Martin & Travel South 2 Miles, Make TRACTOR AUCTION ANTIQUE & MODERN TUESDAY, APRIL 27,10:00 AM ■ 10:00 A.M. To Be Held At Dlffenbach’s New Holland Auction Center -100 W. Jackson St.. New Holland, Pa. PARTIAL LISTING: 1930 Fordson Tractor- Restored; JD GW/PS; 1942 J.D. “B”- Ex. Cond.- Runs; JD GM; JD A; Case 400 Diesel; AC WD4S w/PS; Case 600 LP; 1939 F-14 Farmall; JD R; Case 900; MM M-5; JD 2955-4WD; Ford 8N; AC WD- Restored; Many Fordson Tractor Parts; Oliver 70; JD 820 - 2 Cyl. - Diesel - Ready For Paint; Case SC; 806 Farmall - Gas; Ford 2600; Ford 9N; JD B; IH T-9 Crawler; Case O-D; IH 0-4; Farmall F-12; AC WD; JD 2010; Farmall A; Case 400-Diesel; Case 830; Case 900 Diesel: JD 2030; 1940 JD H-W/PTO; JD B-Restored; Case SC-Restored; Ford 8N; MM 5 Star; Massey Harris 22 w/3 Pt.; Massey Harris 81; Farmall Cub & Sickle Bar Mower; Oliver 88 Original w/ Shields & Hyd. Cylinder; Cockshutt 20 For Parts; 1 Ton Roller- No Engine. All Items Subject To Prior Sale- Next Farm Machinery Sale- May 14,1993- 9 A.M. A. & C. DIFFENBACH AUCTION, INC. 100 W. JACKSON ST., BOX 186 NEW HOLLAND, PA. 17557 PHONE: (717) 355-7253 FAX. #: (717) 355-9547 ALAN DIFFENBACH AUCT.-AU2258-L SUW Tandem, Roof. Kasten SUW Roof. JD Chuck Wagon 3 Beater. Hesston 7150 1000 RPM 2 Row Chopper, Elect. Con trols (Corn-Hay Heads). NH 3 Pt. Hitch Chopper. JD Chopper (Parts). Kasten shorthop Blower. Hesston 7012 Short Hop Blow er. Bearcat Roller. New Idea 364 Manure Spreader, T/A, (Like New). 2-3 Pt. Hitch Carriers. Woods 9’ 3 Pt. Hitch Ditching Blade. Winpower 45000 Portable Generator. Harvestore Roto Mill. 2-Sets 38” Duals 20.8X38 Snap Ons. Nl Wood Wagon. ARPS Scraper Blade. 1984 Ford F 250 4X4, Diesel. 1976 GMC 6600 12’ Twin Cylin der Hoist. 1969 Chevy C5O, 15’ Flatbed. 1967 Ford C7OO 15’ Flatbed. 1963 Ford F6OO 10' Flatbed. 1970 Ford Cab & Chassis Selling at same time for secured creditor The Following: John Deere 544 A Rubber Tired Loader, 1989 Case 1845 C Skid Steer. Case 18458 Skid Steer. Bobcat 825 Skid Steer, DP. Bobcat 632 Skid Steer Gas. JD 3508 Crawler Dozer. JD 2010 Crawler Doz er. IHTD 500 Crawler Dozer. Case 310 Crawler Dozer. Interna tional 2626 TLB. Case 5808 Tractor Loader Backhoe. 1987 Ford F 350 Stake Rack Dump, Gas. 1983 Chevy Single Axle Dump, Gas. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK WITH PROPER ID. Right Onto Buckwheat Val- sharpening machines, ley Road Arri Travel 16/10 power tools, misc., garden Mile And Make Left Onto tractors. Approx. 50 miles Dirt Road, Travel 6/10 Mile n. of Harrisburg, Pa. at RD To Auction Site. Wateh For #1 Richfield, Pa, Juniata Auction Signs Day Of Auc- C o. Turn S. off Rt. 35 at the tion. Estate Of Hulda P. County Line Restaurant in Mengle. Roger A. Lauver & Richfield. Travel IV4 miles, Dean E. Longacre, Aucts. turn right and approx i SAT APR 24 - SAM Real mile to sale site. The estate estate, collectibles and of Clair J. Carved. Robert L antiques, household items, Leitzel, Tim L. Kline, aucts ♦ j | AUCTIONS ! • IN YORK - SAME DAYI ) RAY GARDEN CHINESE RESTAURANT I Rt. 30 West, York, Pa. ! j MONDAY, APRIL 26, 1993 . Beautiful Equipment And Decor - Most Only 2 Years Old, 2 Pan Gas Wok, 3 Pan Gas Wok, Garland Range, (2) Pltco Fryers, Smoker, Slicer, Beautiful Small Service - China, Stainless Steel, Metro Shelving, Decor ADDED- 30 Pcs. Quality Equipment Inc. Modern Pizza Shop Equip. Hobart 60 Qt. Mixer, Baker's Pride Electric, Groen Kettle. Reach In Refrigera tion, Bain Maries, Henny Penny, Much More. | Equipment, 426 So. George St., York, (3) I ' Refrig. Retail Boxes- Modern, Slicer, | | Fryer, Hood, Walk-In Cooler/Freezer ! i Combo, All Excellent Condition. I ' Will Fax Or Mail Pictured Flyer. ) ) MARK BARANOWSKI AU 2570 J J (717) 657-2317 I V Restaurant Equipment Specialist - | | Consignments Of First Quality ! Equipment Always Welcome | 6 TRUCKS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 12 NOON SAME DAY... NDAY APRIL 26. 1993 MO * 5 P.M. Restaurant And Convenience Store
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