A26*Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 24, 1993 Pennsylvania Dixie L. Burris, membership development, Call 1-800-DHI-TEST for information. Dairy Hi Improvement Association How Does Your Herd Compare? STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —This data is pulled from Pennsyl vania DHlA’s mainframe computer each week. It is a one-wcek sum mary representing approximately one-fourth of the herds on test, as they are tested monthly. These data are valuable from a business management standpoint and can be used for comparing your operations to the averages from almost 1,400 herds across the state. DHIA Averages for all herds processed between 3/27/93 and 4/03/93 Number of Herds Processed Number of Cows Processed Number of Cows Per Herd Milk Per Cow (Lbs) %-Fat Fat Per Cow (Lbs) %-Protein IN LANCASTER, WESTERN H* YORK & WESTERN W CHESTER COUNTIES Are You Paying Too Much For MASTITIS TUBESI TODAY and TOMORROW ALBACELLIN & ALBADRY $12.00 Per Box Only From Your RFD American Route Person When He Stops At Your Farm (Limit 4 Boxes Per Stop) R.F.D. America Dairy farm route sales and service. West Agro, Conklin, and other fine products. Specials During March & April 10% OFF All West Agro Products. If there is No RFD AMERICA Route Service person calling on your farm and you would like to take advantage of our low price & quality products, drop us a card or give us a call during normal office hrs. bet. 8:30 AM & 4 PM 1-800-262-7331 717-786-1304 (Local) R.F.D. America P.O. Box 632 Quarryville, PA 17566 Proudly Made in America For information contact your NuPulse® dealer. Fisher & Lucas _ Thompson Barn Equip. 717-656-3307 814-326-4496 Oregon, WI 53575 (608) 835-9848 FOCUS Air Power Pumps The NuPulse* Air Power Pump is designed for extreme high vacuum service. Quiet, oil free operation eliminates contamination. Efficient power consumption and minimum maintenance adds up to long trouble-free life. The NuPulse* Air Power Pump’s rotary positive displacement blower has two figure eight impellers rotating in opposite directions trapping the air four times per revolution. The impellers are machined from cast iron and are permanently fastened to steel shafts. They are synamically balanced to operate without vibration in any assembled position. Fancy Furrow p e nn York Refrig. 215-252-8828 814-326-4496 1,066 61,941 18,343 3.70 680 3.19 Protein Per Cow (Lbs) Average Days in Milk Per Cow ♦Value for CWT Milk(s) ♦Value for CWT Grain(s) ♦Value for CWT Hay(s) ♦Value for CWT Silage(s) ♦Value for Pasture Per Day(s) ♦Value for Milk Per Cow Per Year(s) ♦Feed Consumed Per Cow Per Ycar(Lbs) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Day Pasture ♦Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) A: Grain B: Hay C: Silage D: Pasture ♦Total Feed Cost Per Cow Per Year(s) ♦lncome Over Feed Costs Per Year(s) ♦Grain to Milk Ratio ♦Feed Cost Per CWT Milk(s) Avg Level For 929 SCC Herds ’Member generated figures SOMETHING JO CROW ABOUT-. LOW CLASSIFIED RATES WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS! • Banks • Farm Toys Vlntaga & Precision Series • Collectible Cars PAUL S. SHIRK AND SON 881 W. Main St. Maw Holland, PA 17557 (717) 354-5733 586 318 13.08 7.84 4.27 1.55 .29 2,399 7,292 2,310 15,323 66 572 98 238 19 929 1,470 1:2.5. 5.07 343,592 Average Farm Feed Costs For Handy Reference To help fanners across the state to have handy reference of com modity input costs in their feeding operations for DHIA record sheets or to develop livestock feed cost data, here’s this week’s average costs of various ingredients as compiled from regional reports across the stale of Pennsylvania. Remember these are averages so you will need to adjust your figures up or down according to your loca tion and the quality of your crop. Com. No. 2y - 2.42 BU. 4.33 CWT. Wheat, No. 2-3.31 BU. 5.53 CWT. Barley, No. 3 - 1.92 BU. 4.10 CWT. Oats, No. 2-1.65 BU. 5.15 CWT. Soybeans. No. 1 - 5.64 BU. 9.42 CWT. Ear Com - 64.86 TON 3.24 CWT. Alfalfa Hay - 102.25 TON 5.11 CWT. Mixed Hay - 94.25 TON 4.71 CWT. Timothy Hay - 101.00 TON 5.05 CWT.
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