ut FFA Awards Honorary Chapter Membership was bestowed upon the following: Mrs. Pat Newcomer, secretary, Guidance Dept. Garden Spot High School; Mrs. Judy Russell, secret ary, Guidance Dept. Garden Spot High School, and Mr. Chris Herr, PA Dept, of Agriculture, director of economic development. Certificates of Appreciation were presented to the following: Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., New Holland Farmers Day Association, Musselman Lumber, Star Greenhand awards go to Jess Weaver, left, and Korey Weaver. LEHIGH AG MILLER'S EQUIPMENT POLE TAVERN SMITH’S WALTEMYER'S EQUIPMENT RD#i Rt 66 EQ. SALES CORP. IMPLEMENTS, INC SALES A SERVICE Wateotvllla, PA ' CKy p A Elmar, NJ Marcarsburg, PA Rad Lion, PA 215-398-2553 814-764-5159 609-354-2880 717-324-2244 717-244-4164 lone maple scheffel equipment sollenberger UIIIICI LIES & SERVICE MILLER-LAKE INC. CO. EQUIPMENT WINELAND EQUIPMENT, i»*l»x«ndrl«, PA Bsllsvills, PA Somsrsst, PA 15501 Evsrstt, PA .. '"c -412-668-7172 717-035-2335 614-445-5500 514-552-5223 Msrllnsburg, PA 514-793-2100 LOST CREEK ______ IMPLEMENT ..,SE Jakland Mills, PA EQUIPMENT INC. 717-463-2161 Olsy, PA 215-957-5277 750: TRUE NO-TILL DRILL ■ Seeds into virtually any condition with minimal soil disturbance. ■ New low-speed drive ideal for soybeans. ■ Exceptional accuracy and depth control. ■ New adjustable 3-positi seed/fertilizer divider. ■ 10- and 15-foot widths, full 48- inch clearance. Grain or grain/fertilizei Two-unit hitch available Inc., Stauffers of Kissel Hill, Mar tin Limestone, Inc., Rotary Club of New Holland, Old Heritage Real Estate, Inc., Penn Dutch Sportsman’s Club, Mr. Donald Robinson.... Adult Education Instructor, ELANCO School Disl, Mr. Gary Nelson Engineer for Conestoga Building Supply, Mr. and Mrs. Darryl E. Weav er. FFA Supporters. Top Citrus Salesman award went to Ronda Ringler. Scholarship recognition and 11l GEORGE V. SEIPLE TOBIAS EQUIPMENT M.S. YEARSLEY _* so l CO-i INC. & SONS PA Wsst Chsstsr, PA 215-255-7145 717-352-3132 215-596-2990 pins were presented to the follow ing qualified members; Jason Heft, Wade Esbcnshade, Lisa Homing, Sherry Marlin, Ronda Ringler, Andrea Snader, Kim Thornton, Darrel Weaver, Carl Gonzalez, Linda Huber, Connie Zeisct, Mike Nepi, Angie Weaver, Jess Weaver, Anita Wenger, and Gerald Wenger. Also recognized but not present were: Jason Rcifs nyder, Kirby Marlin, and Tanya Saudcr. Rough Riders 4-H Horse and Pony Club members of the month are Gabriel Bowman, left and Dallassa Bowman. AT YOUR NEAREST DEALER Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-829 County and stale record book medals went to: Sherman Stolizfus-Silver Med al in County; Wade Esbenshadc- Gold Medal On-Farm Work Experience County and Slate Bronze Medal in County Wildlife. Silver Medal at State; Megan Frederick-Bronze Medal Stale, Silver in County for One Enter prise Bronze Medal in County Off-farm Work; Wendy Weaver- Gold Medal County and State for Off-Farm Work Experience; Lin- The Dauphin County 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Club meets the second Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Agricultural Building located at 1451 Peter’s Mtn. Road, Dauphin. The club will be meeting April 15 because of the Easter holiday. Anyone interested is welcome to join in the meetings. Seven puppies are in the club. There are four German Shepherds, two yellow labradors, and one chocolate labrador. The puppies range in age from two months to one year old. The club gets the puppy when it is about two months old. When the puppies are about 14 months old, they are relumed to the Seeing Eye, and the club receives a new puppy. From the time the club gets the puppy, they begin socia lizing him. That is, bringing him to stores, malls, chur ches, and of course to monthly meetings. In addition to these places, the 4-H club has one outing a month in which the puppies and the 4-H’ers take the puppies out. In January the club went to the Farm Show and display ed dogs. Later that month the club also attended the Extended Care Unit of the Polyclinic Hospital and allow ed the patients to meet the puppies. In March the club was planning to go to Chocolate World to tour the facilities and display the dogs; however, this was canceled due to the weather. In April the club is planning to go to the Colonial Park Mall with their dogs to further experience them. All of the puppies are very gentle and can be pelted by anyone. However, if you see a dog with a harness on, u may not be petted since it is guiding a blind person. The club’s puppies can be easily rccogm/cd since they arc usu ally wearing a green handkerchief around their necks. This project is very rewarding for blind people as well as thc4-H’ers.The4-H’ersgctthe satisfaction of knowing that the puppy they raised is now giving a blind person almost total independence. If you would like to meet the puppies; Garbo, Hank, Vasco, Dakota, Lewis, Jamie, and Lincoln, please plan to attend club meetings or contact Cathy Ymgst 4-H leader. da Huber-Gold Medal County for 3 enterprise book, Gold Medal State for work experience and swine finishing, Silver Medal for dairy calf; Jason Heft-Silver Med al for county and state off farm work experience; Andrea Snader-, Gold in county wildlife and bronze at state; Andy Homing- Gold Medal County, Silver Medal slate off-farm work experience; Lisa Homing-Gold Medal Coun ty, Bronze Medal State off-farm work experience. happenings Rough Riders 4-H The March meeting of the Rough Riders 4-H Horse and Pony Club was held at Krocncr’s on March 11 at 7 p.m. Each committee reported on their activities in the month of February, and teen leaders report ed on their first meeting with their groups. Tina Henry did a demonstration on bandaging. Club members of the month were Gabriel Bowman and Dal lassa Bowman. Gabriel, 12, has been a Rough Riders member for three years. This year, he is club president, as well as a teen leader. A 6-ycar-old gray Quarter Horse named Blue is his project horse. Together, they like to trail ride and jump. Dallassa, 11, has been a Rough Riders member for three years, serving this year on the Trail Rid ing Committee. Cupid, a 5-year old Paint, is her project horse. To gether, they enjoy dressage and jumping. Call John Henry, Club Leader, at (717) 284-2046, for more infor mation. Dauphin County 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Club m
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