PUBLIC SALE OF ANTIQUE TOOLS BLACKSMITH ARTICLES CHILD’S HAY WAGON SAT., APRIL 3, 1993 AT 10:00 A.M. Sale to be held at Al Starr Firemen’s Building, Village of Willow Street, Lan caster Co., PA (South of Lancaster, along Rt. 272, behind fireball) Sale by Mrs. Lloyd Dombach Howard Shaub, Inc. (717) 464-3541 Auctioneer (AU-000831-L) Food served. 7th ANNUAL PIEFFER HILL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT SAT., APRIL 10, 1993 Auction Time 9 AM Direction: From Exit #2l PA Turnpike, teke Rt 272 South to first traffic light. Turn left onto Church St. thru Reamstown to Red Run Rd. Turn left go 1/10 mi. turn left onto Steffy Rd. go approx. ’/» mi. to auction on left. Watch (or auction signs. LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT NEW & LIKE NEW & USED J.D. F 930 DIESEL HYDRO; J.D. F 915 HYDRO; J.D. F9lO HYDRO; J.D. F 525 Hydro; J.D. 430 Diesel Hydro; (2) J.D. 420 HYDRO; J.D. 400 Hydro; J.D. 332 Diesel Hydro; J.D. 330 Diesel Hydro; (5) J.D. 318 HYDRO (3 LIKE NEW) 2 W/BAGGERS; (2) J.D. 317 Hydro; (3) J.D. 316 Hydro (1 W/ONLY 119 HRS.); J.D 312 Hydro; J.D. 300 Hydro. J.D. 265 Hydro; J.D. 185 Hydro; (3) J.D. 165 Hydro; J.D. 140 Hydro; (2) J D 111 Hydro; J.D. 120 Hydro; (2) J.D. 240 (1 LIKE NEW); J.D. SIX 38; J.D. 180; J.D. 160; J.D. 130; JO. 214; J.D. 212; J.D. 112; (2) J.D. 110; J.D. 110 WHITE 81-CENTENNIAL MODEL; J.D. 111; J.D. RX 75, (2) J.D. 592 Riders w/Baggers; J.D. SB2 Rider; J.D 68 Rider; J.D. R7O Rider; J.D. 66 Rider w/ Bagger; J.D. 70; J.D. 60, (2) Cut) Cadet 682 Hydro; Cub Cadet 1650 Hydro; CUB CADET 1620 HYDRO; Cub Cadet 383 Hydro; Cub Cadet 107 Hydro; Cub cadet 1200; Cub Cadet 1105; Cub Cadet 12 HP; (2) Cub Cadet 7 HP; Grasshopper 1622 w/Bagger; DIXIE CHOPPER 5018 W/BAGGER; Dixion 361 w/ Bagger; Duetz Allis 1242 H Vanguard Hydro; Kubota Tl6OO Diesel Hydro; New Ford YT 12 Hydro; New Ford HT 10; New Ford 16 HP; Ford LGT 100; New Ford 10 HP & 8 HP Riders; MF 1655 Hydro w/Blade; MF I2; AC 912 Hydro; AC 416 w/Trao/Vac; New Hol land 5514 Hydro w/Blade & Rototiller; Craftsman 11 HP w/Bagger; Lawn Chief Tractor; Jacobsen GT 10; Honda, Snapper & Simplicity Riders; Clark 4 Ton Forklife; 1988 EzGo Golf Carts; (2) J.D. 110 Parts Tractors; (2) J.D. 112 Parts Tractors; J.D. 214 Parts Tractor plus many more Parts Tractors. MICS. ITEMS J.D. 300 & 400 Series Hydraulic Tiller (like new); J D. 3 pt. Tiller; Ford Tiller; (2) Troy-Bilt Tillers; (2) Ariens Rear Tine Tillers; Lawn-Boy, Mighty Mac & several more Front Tine Tillers; J.D. Bagger 3 Bags w/Eng. & Blower: Trac/Vac; 8 New J.D. Lawn Trail ers; 2 New Chipper Shredders 3 & 5 Hrs.; New J.D Seats: (2) 3 pt. Woods Mowers; Brinly 3 pt. Plows, Bnnly Cultivators; plus Other Cultivators & Plows; Lawn Roller; (5) New J.D. Power Mowers; SNAPPER SELF-PROPELLED W/ELECT. START (LIKE NEW); J.D., Snapper & Other Used Push Mowers; (5) Commercial Mowers; Bush Hog w/Eng.; (2) Hi- Pressure Washers; J.D. 200 & 300 Series Blades & Others; (2) J.D. 72" Decks; Blpwers. (8) NEW ECHO WEED EATERS; NEW ECHO CHAIN SAWS; NEW ECHO HEDGE TRIMMERS; NEW ECHO SPRAYER; (16) Lawn Trailers - Some Heavy Duty; Lawn Sweeper; Ag Tires; Garden Way Cart; Express Wagon; Seeders; Wheelbarrows. New Bikes Mountain - Cross • Road - Childrens. Hand & Elect Tools; Nylon Rope. Note: This Is only partial list of Hems. Items being added daily. What you need will probably be here on sale day) Lots of good dean tractors & equipment. Call Eivin at 215-267-7949 or Noah at 215-267-3695 for consignment information or questions. Some Items subject to prior sale. Terms are cash or good PA check. Out of state buyers must have cash or cur rent bank letter of credit addressed to this specific auction. Food stand. Terms by Pieffer Hill Consignment Auction Auction conducted by Randal Kline, Uoyd Kreider Roy Good Jr. Auctioneers - AU2II6L 215-445-4309 KUNE, KREIDER.& GOOD AUCTIONEERS Ir Belleville Livestock Market Wednesday, March 31, 1993 1:30 P.M. Selling a central Pa. herd of 50 Holstein dairy cattle including; 40 cows 6 recently fresh 8 dry or springing the rest in all stages 10 heifers 4 bred - 6 open Herd is not well fed but has some potential. Pregnancy checked, health charts provided. Also, 35 head of open heifers breeding age and 35 smaller ones. Good clean heifers from several local farms health charts, inter-states available. Plus many other local consignments. For more information call: Gene Click 717-667-2703 PUBLIC AUCTION 2 ACRES OF COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE NURSERY STOCK - LANDSCAPING EQUIPMENT - TRUCKS - FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS - PLANTERS - YARD FERTILIZER - ETC. MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1993 1:00 PM LOCATED: Off Rt. 30 W«st of York on Rt. 116 - 2 Mile, Auction on right. Walnut Valley Farms. TRACTORS ~ TRUCKS J.D. 850 w/75 Loader. Turf Tires & Back hoe Brackets; J.D. 1250 w/100 Loader, Bar Tires & Backhoe Brackets; J.D. #8 Backhoe; J.D. 2155 with 146 Loader; 8’ Preseeder w/3 pt. hitch; 1984 CMC 6000 w/12’ Dump Bed, 45,000 Mile. 24000 GVW; 1973 GMC 6000 w/12’ Dump Bed. 21000 GVW; 1989 Chev Ex Cab 'A Ton Pickup, 8’ Bed; 20’ 6 Ton 2 Axle Trailer, 2-18’ 6 Ton 2 Axle Trailers; 12’ Farm Trailer. 3 Pl Spinner Broadcaster, 8’ York Rake w/ Gauge Wheels, 2 -6’ Rakes, Goosen 3 pt. Straw Mulcher, 400 gal. Polyester Tank, Gill Pulverizer 6’ 3 pt., J.D. 660 3 pL Rototiller, Bush Hog 6’ 3 pt. Rotary Mower, Work Sav ers 3 pt. Round Bale Carrier, 6’ 3 pt Disc, Cement Mixer, Ditch Witch Trencher 36”; Bobcat Trencher Only 80 Hour (24” & 36”) Sears 10XL Lawn Tractor & Mower, 3 hp. Edger, 21” Mowers, Brush Trimmers, Chain Saws, Gas Drill, Gas Trimmers, 15 hp Gas Water Pump, 1 hp. Electric Water Pump, Micro Fish, Toro Engine Parts & Shop Tools, 2 Walk Behind Seeders, 2100 BTU Header, 30x96 Greenhouse, Long & Short Handled Gardening Tools, 7x16 McCormick Deering Drill, Roll Over Scoop. SHRUBS - PLANTS - TREES Arborrilaes, Hues, Azaleas, Junipers, Brad ford Pear, Flowering Plum, Evergreen - 6’ & B’, Perennials, Holly, Hot House Plants, Hang ing Baskets, Fertilizer, Flower Arrangements, Silk Flowers, Ribbon, Dried Flowers, Garden ing Supplies, Pottery, Polling Soil, Chemicals, Seeds. Display Cases, Double Door Ref. with Glass Doors, Counters, Cash Registers, Key Machine & Blanks, Candy Case, 2 Box Sleds, 4 Wheel Wooden Wagon, Counter Top Scales, Bird Bath, Electric Drills, Misc. Tools. 5: 00 PM REAL ESTATE 5: 00 PM 2 Acres with 2400 sq. ft. showroom & office area. 223’ road frontage, public water, gas, zoned Commercial in Jackson Township, York Co. Greenhouse 24x30 attached to show-room. This real estate has many possible uses in a Commercial Zone. Highly traveled Rl. 116 only 7 mile from York, PA. TERMS: 10% DOWN, BALANCE IN 60 DAYS. NOTE: Walnut Valley Farms will still be continuing their landscaping business. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Seller: WALNUT VALLEY FARMS 1213 Hanover Road York, PA 717-225-3837 Auction Conducted By: Rentiers Auction Service - PA Lie. #761 Emigsvllle, PA 717-764-6412 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday S:QO P.M, of each week’s publication SAT. MAR. 27 - 9AM Ste phenson Auction, 1005 Industrial Blvd., Southamp ton, Pa. 18966. Absolute Auction for the estate of A J. Lf 'a-Sim'' 1 ’ ’ Deal- -empa-Simplicity Deal er. Lawn & garden machines, tools, parts, machinery. SAT. MAR. 27 - 9AM, Lamb & Webster Annual Inventory Auction Largest Auction Of NH, Case, IH & Other Brands Used Equip. In Western, N.Y. Located Springville, N.Y. Roy Teils worth, Inc. Sales Manager & Auct. ROBERT MILLER COMPANY MAJOR NORTHEAST FARM EQUIPMENT DEALERSHIP •INVENTORY REDUCTION AUCTION* SAT., APRIL 3, 9:30 A.M. NORTH COHOCTON (STEUBEN CO.) NEW YORK Sale to be held at the main office located at the corner of State Route 21 and 371 in North Cohoc ton. New York (6 mile* from either Wayland- Naples-Cohocton). The first auction ever held at the Robert Miller Co. will feature items from the three stores. It is our opinion that this is indeed one of the fanciest lines ever offered at public auction by a dealership. Every item is owned by the Robert Miller Co. and fs pledged to absolute sale! SEVERAL NICE TRACTORS INCLUDING: JD 2640 tractor with 146 }D loader; M.M. G 950 tractor; IH H tractor; Ford 8N tractor; Ford 7600 diesel fender tractor; AC 200 diesel fender tractor; AC 180 diesel fender tractor; AC 7000 diesel with cab; ]D 60; JD A; IH 684 diesel with Allied loader; IH 656 gas, 2 pt. hitch, gear drive; Farmall Cub with belly mower, land plow and blade; Case 2090 with cab, air, heat, new rubber; Case 580 CK industrial with loader; Case 580 CK with backhoe and loader; MF1155 with cab, air, heat and loader; MF 125 with turf tires and triumph mower; MF 202 with loader; Kubota L 235 with loader, only 179 hrs.; White 2-85 with cab; Deutz 4506 diesel fender tractor; JD 125 skid steer loader; Qark hard rubber tire forklift with gas engine. LAWN AND GARDEN: 5 Ford Brand New Un its: (LGIB with 48 in. mower; LG 12 and 40 in. mower; LT 12; LT 10 and YTB all with mowers!); Brand new AC 613 with 42 in. mower; Brand new AC Vanguard 11 h.p. with mower; AC 710; Case 446 with mower; Case 222; Cub Cadet 482 with 44 in. mower; Cub Cadet 1811 needs engine; AC B-110; AC B-410; AC 709; AC 708. HAY BALERS: NH 320 conventional; NH 315 conventional; 2 model 75 NH pan type bale throw ers; NH 276 with kicker; NH 2/6 conventional; NH 68 conventional; JD 336 with ejector; JD 347 wire tie with ejector; IH 435 with thrower; NH 847 round baler with hyd. tie; Deutz 3.2 round baler (700 lb. bales). HAYBINES: NH 1495 self propelled. Ford gas engine, no cab; NH 907 self propelled; NH 114 hydroswing; NH 411 discbine; NH 489; 2 NH 488's; NH 479; IH1190; 1H 990; JD 1520 hydroswing with windrow merger, JD 1209; 2 Hesston 1010; 2 Hes ston PT-10; Hesston PT-7; Hesston 6450 self prop elled; AC 829. RAKES: 2 NH 256; JD 894; 2 AC rakes, newer style. FORAGE HARVESTERS: 2 NH 892; 2 NH 890; 2 NH 880; Various hayheads and com heads for NH choppers; Hesston 7165 with 3-row corn head; Hes ston 720 with 1-row com head; Hesston 720 with hay pickup head; 2 Ford Forage harvesters with 3 heads. GRINDER MIXERS; NH 353; Case IH 1350. UNI-SYSTEMS: NI 705 with 3-row corn and grain head, set up as a combine unit. SPREADERS: NH 520; 2 NH 519; NH 513 with upper beater; NH 680 tandem; NH 679 tandem with end gates; NH 791 tandem; NH 795 tandem; IH 540 with upper beater; IH 595 with end gate; NI 213; Martin liquid spreader. ROTARY MOWER: 3 brand new 3 pt. Bush Hog 4 ft.-5-ft.-6ft. mowers; 2 brand new 3 pt. Ford 5 ft. and 6 ft.; Woods 210 offset mower; 8.M.8. 5 ft. 3 pt.; 8.M.8. 4 ft. trailer type with 8 h.p. gas motor. TILLAGE: Wilricn 9 bottom 18 in. on the land trailer plow; Case 8 bottom 16 in. model 800 trailer plow; DMI 5 bottom semi-mt; DMI 6 bottom semi nal.; 2 AC 5 bottom model 2000 semi-mt.; BtiUion 15 ft. cullimulcher; Brillion 21 ft. hyd. fold cultimul dier; Ammco 21 ft. hyd. fold transport disk; Miller 16 ft. hyd. fold offset disk; Pittsburg 3 pt 5 ft. disk; 3 pt. 5 ft. cultivator; Taylorway 17' offset disk. MISCELLANEOUS: New and used loader buck ets; new spreader apron chains; pallets of current, obsolete, rare and unusual parts: NOTE: First Ever Auction Here Many Sur prises! Due to daily business, items may be added and deleted up until March 31, at which time every item will be pledged .to absolute auction! CREDIT AVAILABLE to qualified parties by contacting the dealership at least three (3) days prior to sale date. Lunch Available! Portajohns on Site! TERMS; CASH or honorable check day of auc tion! Acceptable ID required! Owned By: Robert Miller Co. 716-534-5935 Auction Conducted By: PIRRUNG AUCTIONEERS, INC. Wayland, New York 716-728-2520 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 27, 1993-825 SAT. MAR. 27-SAM Annu al spring consignment sale held ’/« mile west of Reist ville Pa., Route 501 South of Myerstown, 4 miles. Farm Machinery, house-, hold, quilts. SAT. MAR. 27 - SAM Real estate, antiques, house hold goods, doll collection, riding tractor, tools, boat & trailer. At 315 Laurel Rd., Brecknock Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. By Gary R. & Deboray K. Styer, Horst, aucts. SAT. MAR. 27 - SAM, Real Estate, Antiques, House Goods. Located 1806 Lam peter Rd., Lampeter, Pa. Terms By. Mark & June Myer. Kreider, Kline & Good, Aucts. SAT. MAR. 27 - SAN Penns Valley Livestock, Centre Hall, Spring Con signment Side. Ron Gilli gan, auct. SAT. MAR. 27 - SAM Real estate V< acre farmette, antiques, personal proper ty, tools, tractor. Southern York Co, south of Red Lion, Rt 74, turn onto Burk holder Rd., Rd. 425, go to New Bridgeville and keep straight on Rt 425, approx. 5 mile to Shenks Ferry Rd. on left, Ist place on left. Blanche D. Kline estate. Rentzel's Auction Service. SAT. MAR. 27-SAMTrac tors, farm equip., lawn & garden, trucks, sleigh, horse tack. Located 1 mile West of New Oxford, Pa. turn S. off Rt. SOW onto the Bon-Ox Road and go IV4 miles, or from Bonneauvil le, turn N. off Rt. 116 E onto the Bon-Ox Road (Cedar St.) and go 3V4 miles to sale site. Dennis J. Plunk ed. auct. SAT, MAR. 27 - SAM 2nd Annual Whitley County Antique Tractor Auction, Columbia City, Inc. King Auction Service. SAT. MAR. 27-9 AM. Com bine, Tractor & Farm Machinery. Located At 9283 Blue Spring Road, Mercersburg, Franklin Co., From 1-81 Exit 3 At Green casde Take Route 16 West To Traffic Signal In Mer cersburg, Left On Park Ave., Take Out Of Town Approx. 2 Mi. Right On Blue Spring Road. 2nd Lane On Right. Watch For Signs. Katherine (Mrs. John) Shives. J. Lester Egolf, Auct. SAT. MAR. 27-9 AM 11th Annual Consignment, farm machinery, trucks, con struction equip, tools, lawn & garden, etc. Hay and straw. Located at the Per kiomenville Livestock & Sales, Inc., on Route 29, Perkiomenvillo, Pa. Owner Robert Landis. N.C. Weidenbaugh, auct. SAT. MAR. 27 - 9AM Real estate, car, tools, house hold goods, antiques, coins. At 184 Reading Rd , East Earl, East Earl Twp, Lane. Co Pa. Amos H. Hahn. Nevin Z Martin, aucts. SAT. MAR 27 - 9AM Nation Capital Area Toy Show and Sale, Hager stown, Md Cochran, aucts. SAT. MAR 27 - 9 30AM, Auto, Pick-Up Truck, Farm Equip . Power Tools, Anti ques & Collectibles, Guns, Books, Furniture. Located 716 Marticville Rd (Route 324), Martic Twp , Lancas ter Co., Pa (Dir Just South Of Village Of Marticville) Sale By, Paul Miller Estate Roy & Eric Probst, Aucts SAT. MAR 27 - 9 30AM Antiques, collectables, household, sporting goods, tools. Rt. 54 - 4.3 miles south of the traffic light in Elysburg, between Bear Gap and Natalie For David F. Burrell Estate. George J.. George R. Henry, aucts. SAT. MAR 27 - 9 30AM Antiques. Removed from Historic Chester Co resi dence; sold at Rt 272 & Rt. 1 Nottingham, PA 1 mile N of Mason-Dixon Line By Order: Donna Lee Ewell Jeffrey E. Whiteside, aucts SAT. MAR 27 -9.30 AM, Our First Spring Auction Of ‘93. Located At J.R Meats, 1509 Ryan Road, Fallston, Harford Co., Md. Rt. 152 To Oakmont Rd„ 6/10 Mi. To Ryan Road, Rt. 4/10 Mi. To Sale On Left. Ryan Aucts. SAT. MAR 27 - 9:3OAM Foley Saw sharpening & setting equip., tools, farm machinery, hay, straw & some household & butcher ing eq. At 12203 Keymar Rd., at the comer of Key mar & Good Intent Roads, just East of Ladiesburg, Rt 194 Free. Co., Md For Mary A. Remsburg. Austin Bohn, aucts. SUN. MAR. 28 -10 AM Doll toy teddy bear show and sale. Gilbertsville Fire Hall, Rt. 731 mile E. of Rt. 100,6 miles N. of Pottstown. R&S Enterprises
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