A2B-Lancast«r Fanning, Saturday, March 6 1993 (Condnuad from Pago A 1) opposite position when the funds are over bought or over sold. But just by watching the natural yearly price moves and selling part of the crop in advance has merit, accord ing to Bower. Bill Pardee, extension crop spe cialist, Cornell University, empha sized early planting of com. In fact, com planted after the ideal planting time for your area will lose a bushel per day in production. This hap pens because you lose heat and light in a shorter growing season. Pardee said soil temperature is not as important now as it was 20 years ago because the new seedling vigor of modem hybrids makes them adaptable to early planting. While the shoot may not cone up until the soil reaches 50 degrees, roots will work down at 45 degrees and deve lop a system before the plant emerges. Pardee reported on studies that showed ideal plant populations were between 23,000 and 26,000 for grain and 25,000 to 28,000 for silage. In silage harvest, high grain levels are still important And the new hybrids have also offered increased fiber digestability. Gary Snider, farm business con- m B&M FISHER'S PAINTING & mfjSL restoration ■ ALL TYPES OF INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Vj up j PAINTING ■ SANDBLASTING ■ ROOF COATING ■ RESTORATION & WATERPROOFING ON STONE & BRICK BUILDINGS HOUSES - BARNS - FENCES - FACTORIES - ETC. Specialists In Sand Blasting/Spray Painting Farm Buildings, Feed Mills, Roofs, Tanks, Etc. With Aerial Equipment 4056 A Newport Rd., Kinzers, PA 17535 717-768-3239 On Rt. 772 Across From Pequea Valley School 'Brush, r Rs>U Or Spray ■We 'IC T>o It ‘Either Way Tor Jobs Large Or Small - Our Men Will *Do It Sill V VJ mmipmwwwwvWtoMMW M. WillTiWiyillMG with wjlwui mmjmf ..w mmUml Jr JHMta* JEw JP J|rMWmOMR if JII'JIJr Jfc MSf • DRIES WHITE •NO WET FLOORS • IS COMPATIBLE WITH DISINFECTANT AND FLY SPRAYS • DOES NOT RUB OFF EASILY • WASHES OFF WINDOWS & PIPELINES EASILY BARN CLEANING SERVICE AVAILABLE WITH COMPRESSED AIR To have your bam cleaned with air it will clean off dust, cob webs & lots of the old lime. This will keep your bam looking cleaner & whiter longer. Serving Southeastern Pa. And More BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED 32 Years Experience INSURED 5 Trucks For Air Cleaning And Whitewashing RADIO DISPATCHED TRUCKS Barn Spraying Is Our Business, not a sideline. Spraying Since 1961 Com Growers Convene In Western Pennsylvania Albert Parana sultan t, Fann Credit of Western NY, said every farm should have a plan to budget capital and opera tional needs for die future of the fanning operation. If you look what income and savings a new piece of equipment will add to the operation and offset this projection with the added costs of deprecia tion, interest, repairs, taxes and insurance, you can decide if the purchase is a good investment 10% CASH^I DISCOUNT Through Month Of March 1993 On Total Bill Warren Pilgrem Debt to make a good investment need not be feared, but debt to cov er continuing operating losses is not good business. Plaques were presented to the winners in the corn club production contest for 1992. The winners are as follows: 1992 CHAMPIONS SHELLED GRAIN CLASS 1. Larry E. Moyer, Mertztown, Doebler's 73 XP, 214.1; 2 Lloyd Zook, Oey, Pioneer 3293, 202.6; 3. Albert Ferens, Dunbar, Supercross 5461, 198.7. GRAMOXONE' EXTRA herbicide not only works fast, it's low-priced It’ll burn down weeds in just 24 to 48 hours, without burning up your profits To simplify your tank mixing, GRAMOXONE EXTRA is compatible with your favorite residual herbicides, insecticides, ©1993 ZENECA !nc GRAMOXONE* is a trademark of an ICI Group Company GRAMOXONE EXTRA Is a restricted use pesticide /'JLp'3 04 0571 714 Always read and follow label directions carefully IdncS&i 3 ACRE + HARVEST SIZE 1. Clarence A. Keener, Jr., Manhelm, Pioneer 3245, 210.7; 2. Richard C. Krelder, Lebanon, Pioneer 3394, 203.5; 3. Richard '• Fetterman, Catawissa, Pioneer 3293,195.5. EAR CORN CLASS 1. Glenn Bros. Dairy, McConnellsburg, Pioneer 3140, 212.9; 2. Warren Pilgram, Greenville, Pioneer 3527,198.3; 3. Herman Espy, Spruce Creek, Pioneer 3352, 190 3. THREE YEAR AVERAGE AWARDS 1 Paul Lechner, Oley, Avg. 188.7, 2. Donald Lichtenwalner, Macungie, Avg. 187 3; 3 Joseph Matejik, Mechanicsville, Avg. 185 3. 3 ACRE + HARVEST SIZE 1. William Bissmger, Bloomsburg, Avg. 164.9, 2. D. Richard Snyder, Montoursville, Avg. 160 9, 3. Daryl L. Alger, Palmyra, Avg. 155 5 Northeast Dairy SYRACUSE, N.Y. Some 175 daily leaden from throughout the Northeast are expected to attend the Northeast Dairy Con ference, in Corning, N.Y. on Mon day, Match 29. Thii major annual event brings together leaden from all segments of the dairy industry from far mers to food processors to govern ment officials in an area stretching from New England to the Middle Atlantic states. This year’s two-day confer ence, which will lake place in Coming’s Hilton Hotel, is being hosted by Eastern Milk Producers Cooperative and its 3,000 member farms. The purpose is to tackle the concerns facing the industry, according to Lewis Gardner, con ference president and president of Eastern Milk. HERBICIDE IN ALFALFA controls chickweed AND OTHER WINTER ANNUALS The fastest, lowest-cost bumdown you can buy. Gramoxone Extra iSI Waste your weeds Not your money 1. Lester Poust, Muncy, Avg. 187.2; 2. Sidney Lewis, Wysox, Avg. 176.9; 3. Sandy Ridge Farms, Shippenville, Avg. 182.8. Greg Roth, Pom Stale Exten sion agronomist, chaired the prog ram. Grant Troop, association president, presented the awards. (Editor’s Note: More informa tion from several of the presenta tions at the annual meeting is planned for the next “Corn Talk” association news letter to be published in the April 17 issue of Lancaster Farming.) Conference Set “With the dramatic changes our dairy fanners have had to weath er,” Gardner said, “it is critical to once again come together to dis cuss the issues at hand, and exa mine courses of action that can be taken individually and by the industry as a whole.” With a conference theme of “Operating in the New Dairy Environment,” Gardner said that some of the best minds in the industry will lead conference goers in exploring the impact of structural changes in the process ing and production sectors, as well as strategies that will help farmers to survive. Gardner said that anyone inter ested in attending the conference may obtain more information by calling Eastern Milk toll free at 1-800-926-2667. and fertilizers. It's rainfast in just 30 minutes and effective in warm or cool weather And it’s ideal for no-till or any crop residue management program. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ICI DEALER EAR CORN CLASS
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