A22-Lancastar Fanning, Saturday, March 6 1993 Grange Sponsors Farm Safety, LEBANON (Lebanon Co.) Three farm safely seminars are to be held through March at various locations in Lebanon County. Sponsored by the North Jackson Grange, those for whom the seminars are designed include emergency medical technicians, para* medics, fanners, and firemen. The seminars are being offered out of con cern for the lives of farmers and live-saving personnel, but it should also be of interest to farm owners who may be liable for damages resulting from accidents on their farms. On March 8, at7;3op.m., at the North Jack son Grange Hall, located at Kutztown and Woleber roads, Kenneth Winebaik, county extension agent, is to talk about what can be done to safeguard a farm from a safety standpoint On March IS, a split-day seminar is to address issues of concern on the farm and is to include a demonstration of equipment Held at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, the demon stration seminar is to run from 9 a.m. to noon and from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Equipment to be demonstrated is being donated and operated by Lebanon County equipment dealers. Those whose company has a piece of special equipment that would be of interest to those attending, should call Bet ty Light at (717) 865-5148 and specify which of the two March 15 programs and what time attendance would be requested. To date, the equipment being demonstrated includes manure pits and silos, a forage box, a regular baler, a haybine, a emit picker, small equipment, forage harvester, combine, round baler, and a manure spreader. Participating implement dealers include Star Silos, of Myerstown; Lebanon Valley Implement Inc., Richland; Wengers Farm Machinery, Myerstown; Zimmermans Sales and Service, Bethel; Keller Bros. Inc., Buffa lo Springs; Evergreen Tractor Co., Lebanon; Shuey’s Sales and Service, Ono; and Umbcr gers of Fontana Inc., of Fontana. Guidelines for demonstrating the equip ment has been set by the Grange Safety Committee. Those who wish to demonstrate equipment should identify the machine, how it operates, how it handles the crop, how the crop moves through the machinery, etc. They should also point out the most hazard ous areas of the equipment For example, with a compickcr, the snapper rollers and husking bed would be considered hazardous; with a combine, the cutler bar and auger in the grain box would be the hazardous areas. With the group standing away from the machinery, start die equipment and demons trate it actually working. Shut off the equipment and hand feed a dummy into the hazardous area to simulate a trapped victim. Demonstrators may be albel to turn PTOs or fly wheels enough to help make the demonstration as real as possible. And lastly, demonstrators should then tell rescue people to go to work. Be prepared to answer questions about to release tension, or MARCH SPECIALS 2 Cylinder 912 Deutz Diesel, Good Condition, 28 HP $1,750 4 Cylinder 912 Deutz Diesel, Like New, 65 HP $3,500 40 HP Air Compressor With Almost New Deutz Diesel $3,800 New Cummins 45 HP Diesel $1,950 250 Amp Lincoln Belt Drive Welder $350 Large Angle iron Shear $650 Large Double Drill Press $575 2 Compartment 6 Ton Feed Bln $375 HA 1000 Gehl Grass Head, Rebuilt w/New Wheels $750 Portable and Stationary Also Carrying A Full Line Of Browning Pulleys, Belts and Bearings In Stock Georgetown Hydraulics 343 Christiana Pike, Christiana, Pa. 17509 1 Mil* East Of Georgetown on Chriatlana Pike Closed Sunday how to reverse an auger, or how to dismantle some parts. The most common question starts out with, “What if I do this?” If possible, allow participating rescue workers team by doing, rather than by telling them the answer. stemi The yield stopped here in 1992! Doebler's 73XP= 1992 Master Corn Growers Association WINNER: Larry Moyer, Brookview Farm, Lehigh County Highest Corn Grain Yield Overall Categories Silage yield! Doebler's delivers top tonnage 1992 Penn State Late Medium Season Silage Test Doebler’s is #1 and #2 1« 75XMOD2 = 27.3 T/A, 2"d 82XP = 26.2 T/A BRAND-HYBRID DOEBLERS 75XMOD2 27.3 DOEBLERS 82XP ASCROW RXB97 NC+ 7507 EASTLAND E 799 NORTHRUP KING X 748 25.6 ACWAY AC EXP 711 25.2 PIONEER 3394 25.0 ACWAY AC 797 PIONEER 3241 PIONEER 3140 ACWAY AC 788 PIONEER 3293 DEKALB DK646 ACWAY AC 824 HALSEY H 2116 ACWAY AC 710 DEKALB DK677 HALSEY Hll2O HARDY H 86407 Doebler’s “Simply high performance varieties of corn and alfalfa, selected exclusively for their ability to excel in the mid-Atlantic Region.” See your Doebler’s Dealer today! Main Office (717) 753-3210 DOEBLER’S Hybrids Rescue Clinics On March 22, at 7:30 p.m., at the North Jackson Grange Hall, Dennis Murphy, Penn State University farm safety expert, is to dis cuss first response actions that emergency rescue personnel should take. For more information call Betty Light at (717) 865-5148. DOEBLER'S Hybrids FOR INI CAST YIELD %H 2 0 DRY MAT (T/A) PLANT PLANT (T/A) 26.2 26.1 26.0 25.8 24.4 23.8 20.2 20.2 19.0 18.8 214.1 BU./A 67.9 9.5 70.9 9.2 70.7 9.1 69.9 9.1 69.2 9.0 70.4 9.0 70.8 8.8 65.9 8.8 71.4 8.5 68.1 8.3 71.1 8.3 69.6 8.2 67.7 8.1 69.7 7.6 73.6 7.5 70.1 7.1 71.1 _ 7.1 71.6 7.1 69.8 6.6 70.0 6.6
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