C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 30, 1993 "" 1 TENNESSEE Ol 9 unoee . „ Team of Belgian mares 7/8 i , nUnstti & yrs old, ready for work. A' on ' MULES (717)776-3930, T J, 3 Saddlebred horses, need i > wnm. <jfSlriji > r .i 1991 AQHA stocky built, more miles, 1 Stan- V flashy mare. Pretty mover dardbred, needs lot of J and quiet. Just started work. (717)768-8577, or \ under saddle (Day) 7-5 ask for Ivan I W fff 1-800-847-0241, Evening (717)768-7599. 1 TO ffM Message 717-865-5258 I U t . _ . n Frank 1 pair grey Jack mules, broke 100%, 16.2 H, 1 year on farm, 4 years old. John J. King, RD2, Box 68, King RD, Honey Brook, PA 19344. 2 seated red surray w/ white trim and fringe top w/pole and shafts, excel lent condition, $l2OO 301-733-6824. 2 year old Morgan Mare Sorrel, light mane, nice size Melvin Fisher, 109 Smyrna RD, Chnstiana, PA 17509 3 year old blonde sorrel molly mule, 16 2H. 1 year on farm. Levi Kauffman, Jr, Honey Brook. PA (along Beaver Dam Road) 4 Yr. Old Registered Quar ter Horse. Saddle Broke, Needs Strong Hand $lOOO 717-432-3869. 5 Year Old Standardised Trotting Horse, sound, good dnver, safe for any body to drive. 717/768-3788. 5 year old standardbred carriage horse, classy trot ter, lots of style, top driver w/snap. Lancaster Co. 215-267-3695. 6 Year Old Saddlebred, Chestnut Color, Has Nice Trott, Safe and Sound Ben Smucker, 49A N. Harvest Road, Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505. Tennessee Mules For Sale Tom Medley’s Mules 1 pair sharp, 2 year olds 1 pair, 4 year old, red sorrels 1 pair, 4 year old, blonde sorrels (broke) Mel King’s Mules 1 pair, 5 year old, sorrels, 17.1 H (broke) 1 pair, 3 year old, mare mules 1 pair, 3 year old, 16.3 H Plus 2 good singles Tobe Rupp Mules from Missouri Broke the best 1 pair, 4 year old, 16.3 H black mare mules 1 pair, 6 year old, 16.1 H black mules 1 pair, 6 year old, blonde sorrels Plus some good singles Special: 1 pr, 5 yr. old, black mare mules 17.1 H Located at Ben K. Kauffman Along Park Road, Honey Brook Call Between 7:30-8:00 AM 215-273-3082 EMM swine NEUTZEL YORKSHIRES | RD #l, BOX 1575, Felton, PA 17322 \ 717-993-6237 \ We are proud to announce our 3rd place tinish at P.S.U. Winter Boar Test. These boars will sell by video at the Keystone Pork Congress Feb. 17th at 3:30. There will be an open house at P.S.U. Test Station on Feb. 7 from 1-4 to view all boars offered for sale. X These boars are sired by Hot Test 364 A, a top tested boar from b Canada. This boar also sired the second high pen at this winter test. with average backfat from .53 to .63 & loineye avg. of 5.28 to 5.75 a per/pen. \ A.D.G. D/230 « 4-8 *2.47 145 0 4-7 2.23 152 A 3-4 2.24 144 1 * Tied for top gaining York on test x •• Second largest lolneye of test (Yorkshire) x For catalog & phone bid contact Glen Eberly | 814-238-2527' Free delivery on ell Hot Teet elred boere to South, Southeeetern, Southeentrel ereee of PA, ell MD, Del. Others delivery evellable. MULES - HORSES Sorrels, Blacks - Bays - Grays Pr. 17 H 3” Sorrel Gelding 7 -16 H & Gelding Sor. and Blk. 6 - 16-17 Sorrel, Gray & Blk Mares Located 8 miles East of New Holland between Churchtown and Morgantown at the Levi R. Stoltzfus Farm (Valley View Construction Co.) on Hwy. 23 Wayne R. Jeffers 215-286-7158 SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 6 Will Start With Outside Sales, Trucks, Traiilers, Etc. At 2 PM New Tack To Follow Horses At 6 PM Team Penning, Reg. Horses, and Trial Horses Expected. Directions I-78 to Exit #l, Lebanon Val ley Livestock Market, Next to Esther’s Diner on Old Route 22. 717-334-7282 Steve 717-865-2881 Day of Sale B.F. 0.79 0.56 0.61 lISJ SHEEPS 14 bred ewes due in March. (412)834-7197. FOR SALE: 2 year old Finn Ram or trade for same age Dorset Ram. 717/872-6036. Pygmy Goats for Sale - 3 Buck - 6 Doe - All colors. Call 215-926-4046 WHILE THEY LAST! Reg. Comdale Rams, One 2 year old, 2 yearlings. All placed well at 1993 Farms now. Good wool and body conformation.' Reasonable Price. Call for details. 717-867-1305. Registered Polled Dorset Ram Yearling, 1992 4-H project, proven breeder, $135. 717/284-5911. SPECTRUM SHEPHARD ING SERVICES, INC.. C. Soth." 410/557-9362, shearing, foot trimming, lambing, etc. Wool class ing, baling, marketing. P£ L.eye “6.5 H 6.13 V 5.58 J Avg. 2.55 BROKE MULES me Load Broke By Jack Strode 2Pr -17 H Black Molly Mules ■e Loed Indiana - All Broke Mute* 1 Pr • 17H Red Sorrel - Virginia io Loads From Rupp Mule Farm - Missouri Look For Quality ;NRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Ball Road. Christiana, PA 17509 (Naar 9 Points) 717-529-2614 Wsidman-Laava Mss saga SWINE (2) Yorkshire and (2) Duroc gills, ready to farrow from registered stock. 717-837-7586. Bennecoff Hogs- Boars for Sale: Hampsnires, Berk shires, Poland China, Ser vice Age, Bred Guilts. (215)285-6582; (215)285-6581. Durock Bred Gilts, due early Februaiy thru March. Same breeding as Farm Show winning gilts. Clyde McConaughey, 412/286-9671. Duroc, Yorkshire, Spotted, Chester White & Landrace Boars, Open Gilts and Bred Gilts. Calvin Lazarus and Sons, 4290 Bridge Street, Whitehall, PA 18052. 215-799-3375 or 3831. FOR SALE-Yorkshire Service Boars. Elwood E. Houser, 2150 Quentin Rd., Lebanon. PA 17042. 717-272-5798 or 273-2921. Hog Farm Wanted to rent/ lease. We have clean, healthy herd currently in production Prefer nouth central PA. Would consider elsewhere. Call after spm 717/633-5662. Quality Feeder Pigs from tested herd. 215/562-2090 Berks Co. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall, RD#l, Box 263, Ju lian. PA 16844. Centre County. (814)355-1647. ARNOLD S 82 nd HOG SALE Saturday Afternoon 1:00 P.M. February 6, 1993 Lebanon Fairgrounds, Lebanon, Pa. Auctioneer • Harry Bachman - (717) 867-1809 AU-000033-L CROSSBRED - DUROC - HAMPSHIRE - LANDRACE - YORKSHIRE 40 B Handmated due February thru April. Registered & Crossbred. Bred to produce high quality project show pigs. TESTED B Growth, backfat & loin eye figures will be furnished on ail boars. REAL TIME ULTRASONIC SCANNING by Mike Cherchuck (717) 258-1056. Averages on 740 Boars scanned July ’9O thru November ’92 - 247 pounds, .76 backfat, 5.41 loin. (All figures actual). ** Attention commercial producers. AWESOME 50-2 Ranked 7th in the. nation for decreasing backfat in his offspring. 156 sons sold to date average 257 pounds, .70 BF, 5.99 loin, $469.27 daughters average 285 pounds, .86 BF, 6.31 loin.' ISO OPEN GILTSI Registered & crossbred. All animals vaccinated for rhinitis, erysipelas, lepto & parvo. Validated brucellosis & pseudorabies free herds. Tested monthly. Herd health Dr. Tim Trayer. 1 >BOO-222-4084 PA Only. . 717-733-0513 Others. Selling kshln Leon L. Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 717-273-5880 FOR SALE AT THE FARM: 20 Boars January Service. Scan Figures Available. Also Crossbred & Registered Open Gilts. ’ (Quality * FEEDER PIGS - For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 HOLLOWAY DUROCS Your local source of the Nations, Top Duroc Genetics Available De livered to your door. DAVE 717-235-6966 RD 2. BOX 323 A-1 GLEN ROCK. PA. 17327 For Sale: Chester White & Duroc Boars & Gilts. Boar’s With Excellent Scan Fig ures By Real Time. Jim Parlett & Son RD#2 Box 176 Airville, Pa. 17302 (717) 862-3610 Purebred Hampshire and Yorkshire Boars and Gilts Guaranteed to work, free delivery, Clark Farms P.O. Box 362, Houstontown, PA 17229 717-987-3273 (3272) ED GILTS 83rd Hog Sale, Saturday, April 10, 1993 Prefect Feeder Pigs. Bred Gilts. Boars & Oi Catalogs Available Call or Write Thank Ton To Our Buyers At The Pa. Farm Show Hampshire and Yorkshire Bred Gilts For Sale Validated Herd, Delivery Available DONNA & J.C. STRAWBRIDGE 717/246-2732 Tlie Mg Of Tomorrow At Our Place Todapl apM. 40 yurt ol TmM Ganitlea rA. r ivr s BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. CarlKlad Bruealloala and Paaudorablaa Fro Hard Rjno Thom** Park Thomaa Mark Slahr (M 7) Ha-5421 (717) (SI-1544 (717) 6S*-7007 HO *l, Box 220 ■ Baavtrtown, PA 17813 'Km M P S Jay Horst fCM Yorkshire, 1960 South sth Ave. I dtdnl HAMPSHIRE, Lebanon. PA 17042 OUROC^ D RACE & 717-274-6640 BREEDING STOCK CANADA'S LARGEST PUREBRED ROP TESTING HERD B TREAT YOUR SOWS! • Performance Tested Boars Poland China And Landrace • York x Landrace, Purebred Gilts • PRV, Brucellosis Validated • Delivery Available • Call For Availability Kent Strock 717-697-2824 729 Williams Grow Rd., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Hampshire-1 Lawrence Arnold R.D. 1, Box 309 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-933-8153 Landraca Duroc Yorkthlrat Urga Whlla* Fl Cmtbrada ion Gilts
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