Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 05, 1992, Image 22

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    A22-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 5, 1992
l)«iiry Herd **
Improvement Aswculion
New Ration
A new ration recommendation
program is now offered by
PaDHIA to provide additional
assistance to dairymen and their
nutritional consultants in the feed
ing of dairy cows. The overall for
mat now applies to most currently
used methods of feeding and
includes recommended nutrient
contents for balancing concen
trates fed to producers or dry
cows. In addition ration evalua
tions are automatically included
for major items in the diet.
Dairymen or their consultants
may choose from five levels of
forage intake and three levels of
net energy lactation (NEL) in the
concentrate portion of the ration.
Amounts of concentrate to feed
may be provided as a single grain
mixture or as two feeds (primarily
energy and protein sources). In
addition levels of top feed may be
indidicated using rates provided
by the client.
Nutrient specifications are
given on an air-dry or as-fed basis
for crude protein, calcium, pho
sphorus, magnesium, salt and the
chosen NEL content Concentrate
mixtures are not formulated in this
initial DHI nutritional package.
These may be developed by the
client or nutritional consultatnts
using the recommended nutrient
specifications and additional ones
not included, such as trace miner
als and fat-soluble vitamins. The
nutrient specifications also may be
used to help dairyment select
manufactured dairy feeds that
most closely meet the needs of his
animals at a given point in time.
A balancing forage should be
indicated to enable adjustments in
forage intake which may be
needed to attain the forage intake
Management Information For Bam Uao
levels indicated by the client or
meet reasonable minimum or
maximums. The' recommended
intake of the balancing forage is
reported. Intake for any forage fed
may be indicated by the client on a
“same amount” for each animal or
free-choice basis. Average intakes
should be accurately determined
and indicated whenever possible.
However, it is possible to enter the
balancing forage at unknown
intake. The average amount of
such forage recommended to meet
needs will then be indicated.
Another option will force intakes
of forage at the levels indicated by
the user.
A ration which includes a top
feed at appreciable levels may be
more accurately balanced when
the top-feed contains some
amount of mineral supplementa
tion rather than just energy and/or
protein ingredients. This is parti
cularly true on rations containing
primarily forages with a low pro
tein and mineral content, such as
com silage and average grass for
ages. Amounts of top-feed to use
for individual cows are printed out
according to the instructions given
by the client.
The amounts of concentrate
recommended on an individual
feeding basis are those needed to
meet nutritional requirements for
maintenance, production, fat test,
growth and gestation. Generally
they need adjustment only to meet
desired flesh scores or offset
excessive drops in production or
last test day. When a sound TMR
is properly fed, animals may
adjust intakes on their own to meet
flesh needs. If necessary they also
may be moved from one TMR to
another according to flesh needs,
as well as milk production.
Beiler Hydraulics
252 N. Shirk Rd., New Holland, FA 17557
Whether feeding is on an indi
vidual or group basis,
amounts of concentrate are
designed to meet protein as
well as energy needs whenev
er concentrate maximums
allow. This should help pro
duction and health at both
ends of the milk production
Proper use of a two-feed
system has been shown in
some studies to increase
returns over feed costs by $55
per cow yearly over feeding a
single concentrate mixture.
This option is available in the
new DHIA ration program.
For example seperate feeding
levels can be provided for a
12% dairy feed and a 32%
concentrate, or high-moisture
grain and a high-protein
While it is important to
obtain good production peaks
in early lacation cows by use
of a well-balanced ration,
major losses in milk produc
tion may be attributed to lack
of ration balance for cows
past peak of lacation. Recom
mendations in the new DHI
nutrition package attempt to
improve feeding at all stages
of lacation. Improvements in
health and production from
routinely balancing rations for
cows throughout the dry per
iod can further add to returns
upon subsequent freshening.
Sound utilization of the
new DHIA ration evaluation
and recommendation prog
rams do not eliminate the
need for nutritional assistance
on most farms, but provides
dairymen and their consul
tants with additional tools to
use in improving feeding
programs, production effi
ciency and returns. Contact
your DHIA Supervisor, Dairy
Extension Agent or the State
DHIA office at Penn State
(814-865-1517) for further
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