Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 24, 1989, Image 46

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    86-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 24,1989
Some On The Range flfe
Make It With Milk
“We live on a dairy farm and
milk 50 Jerseys. They are such
sweet animals. We also have one
black cat who’s my favorite pal.
We live in central Pennsylvania,
and have two boys."
Joy, Cerrato
1 loaf frozen bread dough
Vi stick butter, melted
'A cup sugar
Raisins or chopped nuts
Let bread dough thaw; knead
well. Cut into 12 pieces. Roll into
balls. Mix sugar and cinnamon to
taste, using about 1 teaspoon of
cinnamon. Dip each ball into
melted butter then roll in cinnamon
sugar. Place into 8-inch baking
dish. Pour left over butter and cin
namon sugar over top. Sprinkle
with raisins or nuts if desired. Let
rise until deisred size. Bake at 325
degrees for 45 mintues. Let stand 5
mintues. Turn upside down onto
serving plate.
2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 stick butter, melted
2 A cup chopped peanuts
A cup peanut butter
8 ounces cream cheese
1 cup confentioners’ sugar
2 cups whipped cream
1 package vanilla instant
1 package chocolate instant
3 cups cold milk
Whipped cream
'/] cup chopped peanuts
8 ounce chocolate bar, shredded
Press mixture of crumbs, melted
butter, and peanuts into bottom of
pan. Cream peanut butter, cream
cheese, and confectioners* sugar.
Blend in whipped cream and
spread over crust Mix puddings
and milk. Spread ova* whipped
cream layer. Cool until set Top
with remaining whipped cream
followed with peanuts and
Donna Brant
'A cup butter
'A cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
VA cups confectioners’ sugar,
Boil butter and sugar for 2
minutes. Add milk. Bring to a boil;
remove from heat and add sugar.
Mary E. Brown
Chestertown, Md.
If you have recipes for the topics listed below, please
share them with us. We welcome your recipes, but asti
that you include accurate measurements, a complete
list of ingredients and clear instructions with each
recipe you submit. Send your recipes to Lou Ann Good,
Lancaster Farming P.O. 609, Ephrata, PA 17522.
"We've been farming all our
lives. My husband is 50 and Tmso.
We haven’t been blessed with any
children and must do farming by
ourselves. We have 70 acres of
nasty hills. We have Jersey cows:
30 cows, 6 heifers, and 3 steers.
It’s enough for two people."
Laura Jane M. Leiby
New Tripoli
VA cups sugar
2 cups flour
3 eggs
'A cup butter
3 /« cup sour cream
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon cream of tarter
Mix ingredients as listed. Bake
at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
Check for doneness with toothi
pick. Cake can be baked in a
greased and floured cast-iron fly
ing pan.
2 cups sugar
3 eggs
1 cup butter
'A teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup buttermilk
2 teaspoons baking soda
4 cups flour
Mix first five ingredients and
add buttermilk, baking soda, and
flour. Mix well. Drop by the
spoonful! on greased and floured
cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees
until slightly brown.
Donna Marie Reilly
1 bunch celery, with leaves
removed and chopped finely
V* cup chopped onion
Salt pepper to taste
'A to V* cup sour cream
'A cup salad dressing
Mix ingredients. Can be used
the first day, but better the next
3 pounds white American
cheese, sliced
'A pound processed cheese
IA sticks butter
2 cans sweetened condensed
2 cups milk
, Melt butter and add both milks.
Heat until hot enough that it won’t
turn sour. Turn off heat Add
cheese to milk while it’s cooling.
Stir to combine.
Mrs. Henry D. Stoltzfus
Ice Cream.
Summertime Salads
Mew & Old Ways With Potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs separated
2 tablespoons flour
V* teaspoon salt
TA cups milk
2 tablespoons cocoa or 2 squares
unsweetened chocolate
Cream butter; add sugar gradu
ally and cream together until fluf
fy. Add vanilla and egg yolks, one
at a time. Add chocolate and dlour.
Add milk and stir until smooth.
Beat egg whites and salt; fold into
chocolate mixture. Place in pan of
hot water and bake at 42S degrees
for 2S minutes.
Katie Beiler
Mill Hall
l'/j cups brown sugar
V* cup water
4 tablespoon butter
" Vi teaspoon salt
Lottie Kuhtanan
Owego, N.Y.
1 cup instant rice
1 cup* water
Vi cup raisins
1 package instant vanilla
3 cups milk
'A cup whipped cream
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Make it with milk—Pennsylvania’s official beverage.
'/i teaspoon baking soda
6 cups milk
3 eggs, beaten
V* cup flour
1 tablespoon vanilla
Combine first four ingredients
and cook for 2 minutes. Add bak
ing soda. Mix remaining ingre
dients and add to hot mixture and
boil until thickened, stirring con
stantly. Cool. For extra creamy
pudding, whip 1 cup heavy dream
and add to cold pudding.
Marian Hurst
Microwave rice, water, and rai
sins on- high for 4‘A minutes. Let
set 5 minutes. Add remaining
ingredients. Stir and refrigerate.
. Deb Allayer
1 package (3 ounces) lime
VA cups boiling water
'A cup lemon juice
'A cup dairy sour cream
2 cups finely chopped
A cup finely chopped green
'2 teaspoons finely chopped
'/• teaspoon salt
'A cup instant non-fat dry milk
% cup water
Dissolve gelatin in boiling
water. Add lemon juice. Cool
slightly and fold in sour cream.
Chill until partially set Add veg
gies and salt. Beat together dry
milk and-water until stiff peaks
form. Fold into gelating mixture.
Chill until firm. Serves 6-8.
M. Lucille Hoover
Mary Click of Gap submitted this recipe.
Chocolate Bar Pie'
Chocolate Petal Crust:
154 cups butter or margarine
I cup sugar %
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
114 cups unsifted all-purpose flour
'A cup powdered cocoa
y* teaspoon baking soda
'A teaspoon salt
Cream butter or margarine, sugar, egg and vanilla. Combine
flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture. Shape
soft dough into two VA -inch rolls; Wrap in wax paper and plastic
wrap; chill until firm. Cut one roll into '/• -inch slices; arrange,
edges touching, on bottom and up side of greased 9-inch pie pan;
(Small spaces in crust will not affect pie.) Bake at 375° for 8 to 10
minutes. Cool. Makes 2 crusts. NOTE: Leftover dough may be
1 Giant Milk Chocolate Bar ('A Lb.)
'A cup milk r
VA cups miniature or 15 regular marshmallows
1 cup heavy cream
Prepare pie shell; set aside. Break bar into pieces; melt with
milk in top of double boiler over hot water. Add marshmallows,
stirring until melted; cool completely. Whip cream until stiff; fold
into chocolate mixture. Spoon into crust: Cover; chill several
hours until firm. Garnish with whipped topping or chilled cherry
pie filling. : >
'A cup uncooked rice
1 cup water
3 cups milk
4 eggs, separated
2 teaspoons vanilla
Cook rice in water for 10
minutes or until water is cooked
up. Add milk and cook until rice is
tender, about 45 minutes. Beat egg
yolks well; add scant 'A cup sugar
and 'A teaspoon salt. Stir some of
rice mixture into egg yolk, then
add remaining hot mixture and
cook 2 minutes. Stir constantly.
Remove from heat and add vanilla.
Beat egg whites until stiff; add
V* cup sugar. Fold into rice mix
ture. Pour into saving dish and
sprinkle with nutmeg. Eat while
Mabel Horst
(Turn tJ Pag* B 8)