AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 10,1988 OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC Ludwig van Beethoven pays 19 cents in Vienna for his first music lesson from Franz Joseph Havdn, Dec 12, 1792 Jane Austen born, Dec 16, 1775 First quarter of the moon,Dec 16 (Fn) Wnght brothers first flight, Dec 17 1903 Average length of davs for the week 9 hours 6 minutes They who give have all things they who withhold have nothing Ask the Old Farmer: Mv tather used to forecast the number of snowstorms we d have All 1 remember about his formula was that he would count how mam davs there were from the first snow deep enough to track a cat in until the full moon Can vou tell me how he figured 7 KMP, Mass Oh. urtamlu he figured as many snowstorms as there wen ifai/s until the moon tullcu it we why he hod to ust tat tnu *•> Our looked foru fox Home Hints: Coffee giounds are good tor compost but too strong for houseplants Use crushed eggshells in putted plants instead OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Severe snowstorm to start > leaning and mild mid week, followed bv more cold and snow Greater New York-New Jersev. Sunnv and mild at tirst then a sold wave with intermittent snow Middle Atlantic Coastal: Sunn\ and mild early on *hen turning very cold, snow and flumes follow Piedmont & Southeast Coastal; Sunnv and milder then changing to \er> cold and some sncm, storm at week s end (All Rights Reserved Yankee Publishing Incorporated Dublin N'H 03444) Belknap Livestock Auction Dayton, Pa. Wednesday, December 7, 1988 CATTLE 105...PDA. .Compared with last Wednesday’s market: Few Select slaughter steers 63.25-66.00, few Standard 57.75- One Choice si. heifer 65.00, few Standard 52.75-57.75. Few Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 45.25-48, Cutter and Boning Utility 42 00-46, few Canner & Low Cutter 37.50-42, Shells down to 30.00 One Yield Grade No. 1, 1280 lbs. si. bull 59.25. Feeder Cattle. Medium & Large Frame No 1, 335/660 lbs. steers 65.50-76, few 670//865 lbs 58.50-63.75, few Large #2. 595/745 lbs 52 00-57.50. Med & Large Frame #l, 305/585 lbs. heifers 57.00-69 50, few 750/855 lbs 53.75-56 75 Few Med & Large Frame No. 1, 505/725 lbs bulls 50.75- CALVES 90.. One Good vealer 94.00, few Standard and Good 90/110 lbs vealers 59.00-73 00, 60/85 lbs. 5000-69.00, few Utility 50/70 lbs. 40 00-50 00. Farm Ualves- Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs 3000-138, one 15100, one Hoi Heifer 140 lbs. 82.00. Beef cross bulls & heifers 75/95 lbs 68 00-80 00 HOGS 160 Barrows and gills $2 50 to 53 higher Couple Lois US No 1-3 i KING’S AUCTION " 1 KIRKWOOD J Hay, Straw and { Grain Auction j j EVERY TUESDAY 1 I 12:00 i Located Rt. 472 5 mllaa aouth } of Ouarryvllla or 6 mllaa north ) of Oxford comar of Rt. 472 and I Nobla Road at Rouaa Tobacco I Station, Lloyd H. Kraldar Auctlonaar AU-000513L No out of state checks ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME OUR BUSINESS IS SERVICE TO FARMERS Let us help you build a successful Call: 717-761-2740 800-382-1356 Grain • Forward Contracting • Hedging Services CFS PFA^COMMOC^ THE DEC. 12-18, 1988 One joy scatters a hundred griefs. 145/250 lbs. 39.50&40.25, 1-3 240/260 lbs. 39-39.75, one lot 265 lbs. 41.50, 2-3 240/275 lbs. 36.50-39, 1-3 175/220 lbs. 36.50- Sows $2 to $5 higher. US No. 1- 325/495 lbs. sows 26.25-37.00, few 2- 350/465 lbs. 25.75-26.75. Boars 20.00-24.00. FEEDER PIGS 112... US No. 1-3 15/30 lbs. feeder pigs 7.50-10.00, 35/50 lbs. 9.50- 80/100 lbs. 26 00-30.00, one lot Utility 20 lbs. 4.50 all per head. SHEEP 31... Choice & Prime 80/85 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 70.00-77.00; few Good & Choice 55/60 lbs. feeder lambs 61.00- Slaughter sheep 14.00-30.50 Few Yearlings and two year old 38.00- GOATS 1 No Market Test. Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, Pa. Wednesday, December 7, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 316...PDA .. Supply included 48 head feeder cattle Compared to last Wednesday’s market Slaughter steers about steady, Cows .50 to mostly 51.25 to $1.75 lower Choice 1000/1400 lbs si steers 66 50-71 85, couple to 72 85, Select 59 50-65 75, Choice holstems 62 75-67 75, one 69 25, Select 55 00-61 75, few Standard 53 25-58 75 MARTIN’S HAY & STRAW SALE Public Auction Every Wednesday, 12 Noon Sharp Location: John Primus & Son, Buck Run Road, Coatesville, PA Coordinators: Harvey Z. Martin John Martin Primus 215-445-5303 215-383-6686 Leon Kurtz, Auctioneer Mulch Contract* Also Available marketing programl Liv sto Choice si. heifen 65. 50-71.25, few Select & Choice holsteins 61.75- Sleeking Ul. & Commercial si. cows 45.25-48.50, Cutter & Ben. Utility 43.75- one 49.00, Carmer & Low Cutter 41.00-44, Shells down to 39.50. Few Choice si. bullocks 61.25-66.50, one 70.00, few Select 57.00-58.75. Yield Grade No. 1. 1050/2000 lbs. si. bulls 53.75- one 63.50. FEEDER CATTLE: Medium Frame No.l, 440/800 lbs. steers 60.00-73.00, few Large #2, 750/970 lbs. 55.50-57.00. Few Medium Frame No.l, 450/770 lbs. bulls 54.00- CALVES 195... Few Choice 104.00- Standard & Good 70/100 lbs. 60.00-70.00, Utility 60/85 lbs. 40.00- Faim Calves; Holstein Bulls 90/130 lbs. 75.00-136.00, mostly 100.00- Holstein Heifers 90/110 lbs. 70.00-130.00. HOGS 475... US No. 1-2 220/260 lbs. barrows and gilts 37.75-39, few lots 40.00, 1-3 245/265 lbs. 36.00-37.50, few 2-3 260/290 lbs. 31.50-35.00. US No. 1-3 320/600 lbs. sows 27.00-30.50, 2-3 400/650 lbs. 25.00-28.00. Boars 21.00- few Light weights to 28.00. FEEDER PIGS 315...Tw0 Lots US No. 1-3 23/25 lbs. feeder pigs 80.00&82,30/65 lbs. 50.00-66.00, couple lots 85 lbs. 48.00&51.00, one lot 146 lbs. 37 00 all per hundredweight. SHEEP 47... Few Choice 60/65 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 93.00-105.00, Choice 85/145 lbs. 67.00-79, few Good 50/80 lbs. 64.00- few Good 110/150 lbs. 48.00- Slaughter sheep 15.00-26.00. GOATS 22... Large 45.00-67.50, Medium 32.00-46.00 all per head. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, December 7, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction CATTLE 127...REP0RT SUPPLIED 717-687-0990 Why do we have to take prices less than the Burley? If you allow auction to continue someday 609 prices will match Burley prices. Farm buying will not push prices to where they should be!! Market prices moved to $1.27 per lb. and some $1.30 per lb. at Paradise on Wednesday sale. Did you get these prices on the farm? If you did, we are doing our job. BUT we NEED tobacco to continue to do our job. There have been more company men in our ware house than ever before. They are wondering where all our nice tobacco is. PLEASE BRING IT ON!! You bring us a warehouse full of mouth watering tobacco and we will SHOW YOU SOMETHING! These companies are only used to one thing and that is looking at rows of tobacco on a warehouse floor. It’s ridiculous for you to worry about a 2t per lb. commission. You more than make up for that by honest weight, better averages over all grades of your tobacco, no docking, and long term gain of the auction system. CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING FOR YOU? DO YOU WANT US TO CONTINUE? Who else will keep you informed of up to date tobacco news? Who will establish a market for all grades of your tobacco for every year? Who kept you abreast of the Burley markets enough that you would not even con sider prices under $1.25 per lb. this year? Who processed and piled tobacco to get you higher prices in the tough years? We don’t understand why you farmers don’t support us when in fact we had 12 buyers support us this week! Our local X-auctlon people are all of a sudden hurting your market for personal gain. They have scared you into signing con tracts. One of them said that they could raise prices, but why should they? They are tying up the crop for $1.25 per lb. and YOU ARE LETTING THEM DO IT!! Farmers who have never signed con tracts have always received highest market prices even before auc tions were established. IN A YEAR LIKE THIS, CONTRACTS ARE MEANINGLESS! What would you contract farmers do if ’talked about’ foreign buyers come with new orders and. prices go up? Abe Lincoln said a long time ago “UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!” You say you want auction but you want the other man to support it. Come see our action auction on Monday. Liston to our story! We are now dealers of 3 compartment bale boxes, tobacco seed, and cotton baling twine. BY THE AUCTION: One Select slaughter steer 65.25, Utility 47.25-52.00. Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 46.10-48.00, Cutler and Boning Utility 42.75- Canner and Low Cutter 38.75- Shells down to 31.25. Yield Grade No. 2. si. bulls 50.60-52.75. Feeder Cattle; Steers few 70.00-85.00. Heifers 77.50-80.00. CALVES 119...Couyple Choice vealers 94.00, Standard and Good 85/95 lbs. 70.00- Utility 59.00-65.00. Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 95/110 lbs. 100.00- HOGS 203... US No. 1-3 220/260 lbs. barrows and gilts 39.00-41.10,1-3 190/210 lbs. 37.85. US No. 1-3 sows 23.50-31.50. Boars 20.00-25.50. FEEDER PIGS 171... US No. 1-3 15/25 lbs. feeder pigs 15.50-22.00, 25/50 lbs. 23.50-29.00 all per head. SHEEP 34... Choice wool slaughter lambs 64.00-78.00. Slaughter sheep 12.00- Slaughter sheep 12.00-39.00. GOATS 8...29.00-62.00 - per head. HOLS TEIN DAIRY COWS $560.00-$! 150.00 - ALL PER HEAD. Dewart Livestock Auction Dewart, Pa. Monday, December 5, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 199...PDA...Few Select slaughter steers 59.00-65.50, few Standard 50.00- One Select slaughter heifer 61.50. Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 45.00-48.00, Cutter & Bon. Utility 43.50-48.00, Canner & Low Cutter 40.00- Shells down to 36.00. One Choice bullocks 59.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 915/1430 lbs. si. bulls 48.00-54.75. FEEDER CATTLE: Medium Frame No. 1, 300/550 lbs. steers and Bulls 65.00- Medium Frame No. 1, 300/525 lbs. heifers 63.00-73.50. CALVES 249...C0up1e Choice vealers NEXT SALES MONDAY, DEC. 12 - 9:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14 - 9:30 A.M. 91.00&94.00, Standard & Good 75/100 !br. 68 00-75.00, Utility 60/85 Ibi. 58.00- Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 95/130 lbs. 80.00-145.00, Hoi. Heifers 90/125 lbs. 86.00-126.00. HOGS 35.,.0ne Lot US No. 1-3 237 lbs. barrows and gilts 38.20. US No. 1-3 300/690 lbs. sows 24.75-30.25. Few Boars 25.00- FEEDER PIGS 189... US No. 1-3 30/50 lbs. feeder pigs 14.00-19.00, one lot 75 lbs. 26.00 all per head. SHEEP 7.. .Few Choice 100/110 lbs. wool slaughter lambs 52.00-62.00. GOATS 0...N0 Market Test Valley Livestock Athens, Pa. Monday, Dec. 5, 1988 Report supplied by auction HOLSTEIN HFR. CALVES TO 120.00. VEAL CALVES TO 86.00. BULL CALVES TO 155.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES 65.00-75.00. GRASSERS & FEEDERS 40.00-60.00. LAMBS 55.00-65.00, NEW CROP TO 200.00. SHEEP 18.00-35.00. HOGS, 200 TO 250 LBS. 36.00-40.00. SOWS 18.00-24.00. BOARS 18.00-24.00. PIGS 10.00-24.00. HEIFERS 40.00-57,00. STEERS, FEEDER 48.00-69.00. STEERS 50.00-59.00. COWS, GOOD, 45.00-47.50. COWS. MEDIUM, 43.00-45.00. COWS, POOR OR SMALL 28.00-40.00. CATTLE MARKET MOSTLY STEADY. CALF MARKET STEADY. GOATS TO 70.00. HORSES TO 460.00. PONIES TO 75.00. Office Hours 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 19 Meadow Lane, Paradise, PA 17562 RY-000007-L
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