(Continued from Page A 3) die overnight Light boxed beef movement yesterday limited hefty gains along with expectations for lower cut out values. A decline in the latest cash index closed feed ers lower in the front two options with additional selling tied to reports of steady to lower cash prices for replacement feeders at auction bams. CME FEEDER CATTLE SET TLEMENT PRICE: 12/05/88- $82.76 dn $ .04 ACRES NEXT DAY OUT LOOK; cash - steady to weak futures-steady to mixed. ACRES HOG UPDATE: Live hog futures closed out the day mixed to mostly higher registering gains in the front months of 20 to 25 and losses in the June and July Count On Cargill! Lx "^ A^ months of 13 points. Support came from late commission house buying, thought to be short covering along with ongoing spe culation that futures had found their bottom and were on the verge of a seasonal rally. Declining wholesale ham prices midday lim ited further gains. ACRES NEXT DAY OUT LOOK; cash - steady futures - steady to mixed. Westminster Livestock Auction Hagerstown, Md. Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1988 Report supplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS; HIGH YIELD 46.00-47.00; UTILITY 43.00-46.00; CAN NERS 39.00-43.00; SHELLY 39.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG #1 54.00-56.25, YG#2 50.00-54.00, 2 DRY FED 62.00 AND 63.00. FED STEERS: SELECT 58.00-65.25; STANDARD TO SELECT 48.00-57.00. FED HEIFERS; SELECT TO CHOICE 58.00- STANDARD TO SELECT 48.00- VEAL CALVES 200-300 LBS. GOOD AND CHOICE 80.00-95.00; KILLERS 80-120 LBS. 68.00-75.00, 50-80 LBS. 62.00- WEAK AND ROUGH 55.00 ■ * * & v < - v* 'v DOWN. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 100-120 LBS. 100.00-125.00,90-95 LBS 80.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 85.00-95.00; BEEF X CALVES 90.00-107.00. BUTCHER HOGS: US#l AND 2 215-260 LBS. UP TO 39.25; US#l AND 3 38.00- 230-270 LBS. #2’S AND 3’S 35.00- 300-350 LBS. 29.0a35.00. SOWS: 30a400 LBS. 25.00-29.75, 400-600 LBS. 25.00-26.00; THIN 22.0a25.00. BOARS: 24.0a25.00. STOCK CATTLE; STEERS 20a400 LBS. 90.00-99.00. 400-500 LBS. 75.0a86.00, 50a700 LBS. 70.0a80.00, 70a950 LBS. 64.0a71.50. HEIFERS: 20a400 LBS. 73.00-80.00, 40a600 LBS. 62.00-74.00, 600-900 LBS. 55.0a65.00. BULLS 300-600 LBS. 66.0a80.00, 60a800 LBS. 55.0a63.00,900-1000 LBS. 52.0a63.00. LAMBS: CHOICE 95-120 LBS. TO 56.50, 7a90 LBS. 64.0a69.00, 4a70 LBS. 70.0a77.00, MEDIUM AND GOOD 57.0a62.00. SHEEP: 22.0a30.00, SOME 30.50. GOATS; LARGE 58.00-75.00; MEDIUM 40.0a55.00; FLESHY KIDS 31.0a40.00. PIGS AND SHOATS BY THE HEAD. 15-30 LBS. 8.0ai5.00, 35-50 LBS. 10.0a20.00,5a70 LBS. 15.00-22.00; BY THE POUND 15a200 LBS. 34.0a35.50, STOCK BOARS 26.00-29.50. J 27 10-115 Days/2550 H.U.) .W RELEASE - was 75048. Top yielder in many Stage IV plots. Has an excel lent stalk, root quality, and stress tolerance. 6927 will show excellent yield stability > Pennsylvania. Exhibits fast •town. Harvest moisture srages drier than most of ; 112-115 day hybrids, tal Population: 20-26,000+ ids 12-115 days/2620 H.U.) iptable hybrid with excel tl tress tolerance and yield ibility. Excellent plant Ith, stalk and root quality. * top performing hybrid in Pennsylvania. Project (hit hybrid to be our leading selling hybrid. Final Papulation: 19-26,000 f 4227 100-105 Days) N i« shorter. early hybrid has client yield potential and idability. Performs well in environments and really ices on well drained soil. .ays green and taker the stress. 4227 perform best when populations ate slightly higher than average for the area. Final Populations: 20-26,000+ *V-:v SAVE UP TO 12% OR MORE 1. QuantHv Discount Plan Total Dollar % Value all Seeds Savinas $ 0-900 0% $ 901-2000 2% $2OOl-3000 3% $3OOl-5000 4% $5OOO plus 5% All spring planted crops including Corn, Alfalfa, Grass Seed, Sunflowers, Sorghums can be totalled by June 15 2. Early Payment Discounts If Payment Early Postmarked Pay Jan 16 7% March 15 6% April 14 2% 3. PIK Certificate Redemotl Cargill, Inc will maintain an aggressive daily cash bid for generic PIK certificates This bid price is available through your Cargill Hybrid Seeds dealer Farmer customers may apply PIK certificates to Cargill Hybrid Seed purchases and realize additional savings CARGILL HYBRID SEEDS V PO Box 5645 Minneapolis, MN 55440 All products subject to CARGILL’S warranty limitations -s >' .V V ' ■*' ' •&< A, y For Mor» Information On: yj CARGILL HYBRID SEEDS Call 1400>UM497 or complete Ihla coupon O Yea. Send nw mom information <n Cargill Hybrid Seeds □ I'ta maraud m kaaaag dml a Cargill Daalar Opportmiy ■ ay ra CfIUMV *ui« CARGILL HYBRID SEEDS M>«, Uncmt. pa 17601 717-285-4227 Frederick Livestock Auction Frederick, Md. Monday, Dec. 5, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction BUTCHER COWS: UTILITY 44.00-46.25; CANNERS 39.00-44.00; SHELLY 39.00 DOWN. BULLS: GOOD 56.0a57.00. STEERS: GOOD 62.0a66.50; STAN DARD 52.0a59.00. HEIFERS: COMMERCIAL 45.0a50.00. BUTCHER HOGS; 215-250 LBS. 36.00-38.00, FEW TO 40 50; 250-270 LBS. 35.0a37.50; 1 HOG 360 LBS. AT 42.00; 3 HEAD. 310 LBS. AT 37.00. SOWS: 300-450 LBS. 28.00-33.00; 400-700 LBS. 25.00-28.00; HEAVY BOARS 23.50-24.50. VEAL CALVES; 130-180 LBS. GOOD AND LOW CHOICE 89.00-97.00, STAN DARD 70.00-80.00; 80-120 LBS. 68.0a75.00; CULL CALVES saBo LBS. 62 0a70.00, WEAK & ROUGH 55.00 DOWN. CALVES RETURNING TO FARM BEEF X BULLS 80-100 LBS. 75.00-80.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-120 LBS. 80.00-111.00, HOLSTEIN BULLS 85-95 LBS. 75.00-110 00; 10ai25 LBS. 115.00-140.00. LAMBS; GOOD & CHOICE 100-125 LBS. 52.0a58.00. SHEEP: 23.00-29.00. tt-'ffbwHf Bit»t y SMk mmmil thjL' IMiwIP <UM|«tt fH ; < **» rnmh'' 'WWWf'«T» 4 / |kWV- N s "T* - Unctmr Farming, Saturday, Dcctmber 10,19W-Al5 STOCK CATTLE: STEERS- FEW HOLSTEIN X 500 LBS. 56.00-63.00; HEIFERS- 300-700 LBS. 60.00-66.00; 700-900 LBS. 50.00-60.00; BRED BEEF HEIFERS 53.00-63.00; BULLS 300-500 LBS. 75.00-57.00, 500-700 LBS. 58.00-72.00; DAIRY COWS FRESH 550.00’& 660.00; SPRINGING HEIFERS 60000-725.00. PIGS AND SHOATS; BY THE HD. 40-60 LBS. 20.00-30.00. CATTLE AND CALVES: 1,225 ( 25 SLTR, UOO FDRS). SUPPLY CONSISTS OF FEEDER CATTLE AND COWS FOR REGULAR THURSDAY AUCTION. SLAUGHTER CLASSES: COWS; CUTT, UTIL, COMM BULK SALES HI DRESS % LO DRESS % BREAKING 2-4 NO TEST. BONING 1-2 NO TEST. CANNER & CUTTER 1-2 NO TEST. SHELLY CANNER 1-2 NO TEST. RECEIPTS THIS WEEK 2,700; WEEK AGO 2,800: YEAR AGO 2,200. AS COMPARED TO LAST WEEK’S CLOSE. SLAUGHTER STEERS FULLY 1.00 LOWER. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS .50 LOWER. COWS FULLY 2.00 LOWER. BULLS STEADY. SLAUGHTER SUPPLY MAINLY SELECT AND MIXED SELECT AND CHOICE STEERS AND HEIFERS. AROUND 10% COWS. OPEN TO RECEIVE YOUR MARKET HOGS AT THE GREEN DRAGON MARKET RD 4. EPHRATA, PA 17522 1 MILE NORTH OF EPHRATA ON NORTH STATE STREET.. HOURS: MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY 7:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M 215-458-5677 Residence 717-733-9648 Office YOU ARE PAID FOR YOUR HOGS IMMEDIATELY Ken & Lois Emery, Proprietors OUBLEAN GENET* sptdallzlng In Belgian Blues and Piedmontese Breeds With "Lean’ Genes Low Fat, Low Cholesterol, Good Taste Excellent for Crosses to Beef or Dairy Cattle Selected for Cajving Ease, High Yield COURAGE, A BELGIAN BLUE BULL SEMEN, EMBRYOS, CATTLE AVAILABLE CALL OR WRITE DR. DON SILVERT DOUBLEAN. INC. P.O. BOX 547, NORWALK, CT 06852 203-846-9359 GOATS: LG. 45.00h63.00. St. Louis Cattle, Hogs Thursday, December 8, 1988 EMERY'S BUYING STATION
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