AUCTION SALE GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT TRUCKS, TRACTORS, MOWERS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2-10 A.M. ON PREMISES LOUIS SHULMAN FARM RTS. 206 & 537 MT. HOLLY, NEW JERSEY DIRECTIONS: From Exit 7 New Jersey Take Route 206 South for Approx. 7 Miles to Route 537 (Esquire Diner) Turn Left, Sale Site Is First Farm on Right. THIS COMPLETE INVENTORY OF GOLF COURSE MAIN TENANCE EQUIPMENT WAS UTILIZED AT THE McGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE GOLF COURSE IN WRIGHTSTOWN, N.J., PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF MAINTENANCE CONTRACT. ALL EQUIPMENT WAS PURCHASED NEW BETWEEN 1885 AND 1987. GREENS MOWERS, AERATORS, SAND PRO The Following Maintenance Equipment was Pur chased New Between 1985-1987, 2 Jacobsen Greenskmg IV Greensmowers, 2 Jacobsen Trim King Tee & Collar Mowers, Jacobsen F-10 Fairway Mower, Jacobsen 5 Gang Blitzer, 3 E2-Go Utility Vehicles, National Triplex 84" Mower, Jacobsen 595 Aerator, FMC John Bean Sprayer, Toro Sand Pro Trap Rake, Safeco Greens Aerator, Jacobsen Model 40 Blower. TRACTORS I COMMERCIAL MOWERS 8 Toro 72" Mowers, 7 Jacobsen 48" - 72" Mowers. 3 Toro 21“ Mowers, 3 Woods 15' Batwing Mowers, 2 Jacobsen Hydraulic Brushes. 2 Snow Blowers. 2 - 1985 35 HP Ford 3910 Tractors, 1 Ford 70 HP 7600 Tractor, 2 Kubota 1987 2850 Tractors. 1 - John Deere 1983 Tractor/Loader, 3 Woods RM-90 3 Pt. Mowers. DUMPTRUCKS, PICK-UP TRUCKS, TRAILERS 1985 Ford F 350 Dump Truck 4WD, Ford F 350 1987 Stake Truck, Ford F 350 1987 Utility Truck, 2 Ford Ranger 1987 Pick-Up Trucks. 1 Ford F-150 1987 Pick-Up Truck, 1 GMC 1985 Chevy 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck, 2 Utility Trailers, 1 - 35' Town & Country 1983 Trailer. TERMS: CASH OR CERTIFIED CK. - COMPLETE PAY MENT DAY OF SALE. INSPECTION: MONDAY, OCTO BER 31 -10 A.M. to 3 P.M. PA. AUCTIONEERS LICENSE NO. AUOOOI7SL C ESTABLISHED IN IKH OMP 1825 BAST BOSTON AVBNUB PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19125 (215) 634-2500 KNAPPRIDGE i HOLSTEINS A COMPLETE DISPERSAL j THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1988 4 12:00 Noon a 110 Registered Holsteins 4 58 milking age, 20 bred heifers, 32 calves & A yearlings. * Over 'A of the herd fresh within 60 days due within 60 days after sale. Over 'A are Ist N and 2nd calf. 4 Herd is 100% by A.I. proven sires - 11 Cedric. 6 Frosty, 6 Golden Oak, S Segis, Dolan, 4 Mandingo, 4 Baltimore. 4 Stoney.N Hlectra, Gold Valiant, Jerry Willow, Mars, Triple Threat & Monitor. Top Production Selling - Current 17,892 3.5 629 Individual records to 28.874 M 10 more from 20,000 to 26,898 M 12 from 18,000 to 20.000 M ] Semen tank sells with contents including -1 4 Pete, 1 Jerry, 2 Sexation, 1 Gold, 2 Bootmak- j er, 1 Ned Boy, 1 Mandingo. 8 Willow. 4 Although the herd has not been recently classified, there are many individuals that arc worthy of top scores. Make your plans to attend and buy from a herd that has top pro- 4 duction and has shown well at major shows. . Five bulls from herd sold to A.I. units. herd has never looked better and there is great * potential for future development 4 KNAPPRIDGE HOLSTEINS a Owners * TED & LOIS KNAPP 4 Union Ave. Ext. N Johnstown, N.Y. 12095 A Ph. 518-762-7439 ~ Catalogs at ringside. A Tested for Interstate - nearly all vaccinated. Terms: Cash or good checks day of sale. A Auctioneer - Dale Chambers j Pedigrees • Richard Keene A Auction conducted by; Burton Livestock Exchange Inc. 4 Vernon, N.Y. Ph. 315-829-3105 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 500 P M ol each week s publication SAT. OCT. 29 - Mohawk . ht ■•, . •, .. Valley Feeder Breeder da he Sale at Burton Livestock * Co -PA. sign Exchange Inc., Vemcn. BSStXISKtom. SAT."OCT. 29 ■ B:3OAM SAT OCT pq qam mm Antiques, Collectibles. At ._ t * f niH 9AM HH, Brad Smith Auct. Co. S. of Red Lion take Rt 74 at MeVevtowi' PA on RMO3 square aporox. 5-6 mis. on MCVeytOWn ' PA ’ °" 103 Public Estate Auction N °4?r£ 9BB ps& To be held in the borough of Selinsgrove (Snyder County), PA at 214 N. Water St. Turn east off Market St. onto E. Spruce St. at Rich’s Mobil, then right onto Water St. ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES AND ETC. Prizcr Regal 6 Lid Cookstove Marked Read ing, PA; Dovetailed Blanket Chest; Drop Lid Desk with 3 Drawers on Bottom with Drop Pulls: Wooden 75” Settee; Upholstered Faint ing Couch with Carvings; Wood Box; Dresser with Beveled Mirror and Applied Carvings with 4 Dovetailed Drawers and Original Wooden Pulls; Chest of Drawers with 2 Small Dovetailed Drawers Over 3 Larger Dovetailed Drawers with Turned Feet; Double Spool Type Bed; Double Low Poster Type Bed; 3/4 Size Rope Bed; Pedestal Table with 15”x20” Tilting Top; Wooden Wheel Wheelbarrow with Sides; Ladder Back Rocker; Dresser with 2 Small Serpentine Drawers Over 2 Larger Drawers (dovetailed and painted); (3) Flat Top Trunks; Portable Brunswick Victrola in Case; Small Howe Sewing Machine; Victorian Type Dresrcr wilh 3 Dovetailed Drawers and Fancy Hardware; Round Cane Bottom Chair with Hip Huggcrs; Victorian Type Cushion Seat Chair with Carved Back; Depression Era Dresser; Asst. Pictures and Frames; App. 25 Pcs. of Amber Rose Depression; (3) Buttocks Baskets: Other Nice Older Asst. Baskets; PRR Lantern; AssL Older Records; Finger Lamp; Moore Nichols and Company 1 gal. Crock wilh Blue Rower Marked Williamsport, PA; Sipe Nichols & Company Crock wilh Wide Lip; Other Asst Crocks; American Family Scales pat. Oct 12,1912; Old Philco Radio in Cabinet; 9x12 Oriental Type Rug; (2) 66”x36” Oriental Type Rugs (matches larger one); Dro pleaf 36”x26” Port. Serving Table; Dresser Scarves; Asst. Pcs. of Glassware and Stem ware: Few Pcs. of Bavaria China; (5) Sm. Chi na Butter Pads; Limoges France Finger Dish and more items of interest. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND ETC. Norge Rcfrigcrator/Freezer; GE 40” Stove; Lg. Window Type Air Conditioner, 2 pc. Dia mond Back Living Room Suite; Sev. Uph. Living Room Chairs; (2) Matching Single Metal Beds with Mattresses and Springs; Dou ble Mattress; 2 Pc. Corner Cupboard 84”hx45”w w/2 Solid Doors on Bottom and 2 Glass Doors on Top; 1 Pc. Comer Cupboard 88” h w/2 Solid Doors on Bottom and 2 Glass Doors on Top; Electrolux Sweeper w/Power Nozzle; Floor Lamps; 3 Tier 17” Pie Crust Table; Metal Porch Glider, Misc. Lawn & Garden Items; 5 ft Step Ladder, Asst. Jars; Asst Christmas Decorations; 20” 3 sp. Fan w/ Reverse; Bedding, Pots, Pans, Asst. Books; Air King Elec. Heater, and more items of interest. TERMS: Cash or Pa. Check. ID Required. Aneta & Jack’s Lunch Wagon Estate of: Margaret Benner Burns Executor: James B. Burns DALE L. LONGACRE, Auctioneering R.D.#3-Box 215, Selinsgrove, PA 17870 Phone (717) 374-4215 Jk #AU-001899-L Roger A. Lauver-#AA-001424-L Dean E. Longacre-#AA-001645-L (Auctioneers Note: Auction to be held in tent. Be prompt, not many small items. Nice selection of antiques.) in village of Mattawana. Evelyn Gates. Mark GKck, Auct SAT. OCT. 29 - 9AM Rancher, Building Lot, Anti ques, HH, Car, Coins. Along Rt. 625 between Rt 23 & Bowmansville (near Lichty Body Shop), East Earl Twp„ Lane. Co., PA. By; Mark & Olive Weaver. HORST Aucts. SAT. OCT. 29 - 9AM Real Estate, Antiques, HH. From New Holland, Rt 23 W., at Good’s Furniture take N Shirk Road approx 3 mi. to property on left. By. Nor man O. Nolt Paul E Martin & John 0. Stauffer, Aucts. SAT OCT. 29 - 9AM Appliances, Coolers, HH, Antiques, Collectibles, Lawn & Outdoor Items, Guns. 2 mis SW of Selins grove, Snyder Co . PA, on Rt. 35 and turn S offßt. 35 / mi. W of blinker light in village of Kantz at Martins Farm Mkt sign and travel 1 mi to site of auction Mrs Fred Yeager, Owner Dale L. Longa ere, Auct SAT OCT. 29 - DAM Lum ber, Grocery Store Inven tory, Irrigation Eq. & Con signments Zimmerman's Farm Market, 6 mis SW of Lewisburg From Lewis burg take Rt. 45 W. tow ards Mifflinburg, watch for Zimmerman's Farm Market signs along Rt. 45. Kenneth E Massinger, Neil A. Court ney, Aucts. SAT OCT. 29 - SAM 4th Annual School Beneficial Consignment Sale approx 6 mis. W. of Dover, DE, on Road #lOO between RD 162 (Sharon Hill Rd.) & 163, '/« mi. N. of Victory Chapel (Rt 8) on the Eli H. Miller Farm. SAT OCT. 29 - 9AM Con signment Farm Machinery Sale off Rt. 118 in village of Lehman, 4 mis. W. of Dal las, PA. Harold Fraley, Auct. SAT. OCT. 29 - SAM Gar- S age Eq., Tools, 40' Storage m Van Trailers, Parts, Misc. R Lesher Trucking, just 25 S minutes N. of Harrisburg, J* PA, on Rt 225. From Mali- g fax take Rt. 225 N. 5 mis. to a site. Mark J. Jones Auct. £ SAT. OCT. 29 - SAM Real 8 Estate, Antiques, CoDecti- JS bles, HH Mrs. Ralph Eber- 5 hart Residence, 633 Front R St, New Berlin, Union Co., ttj PA. Earl Eash, Auct. 5 FARM MACHINERY & CONSTRUCTION DISPERSAL & ANNUAL FALL FARM MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION To be held at the Burch Farm located on NY Rte. 9H, V 4 mile north of Rte. 66 & 9H Intersection, 3 miles east of Hudson, N.Y. Nov. 5, 1988 10:30 a.m. Rain or Shine Tractors • Dozers • Backhoe * AC Gleaner Unisystem Construction Equipment Partial listing includes Int Dresser TD BE, complete rebuilt engine, new pump, 8 ft 6-way blade, ROPS; JD 300 loader hoe w/detachable hoe & 3 pt & PTO, good condition; JD 300 loader hoe w/1984 hoe, like new; 1985 JD 410 diesel w/loader & box blade w/rippcr, like new; 1984 JD 300 industrial loader w/3 pt. & PTO; Hough model HF loader with V* yd. buckeL Farm Machinery Partial listing includes JD 4430 diesel w/deluxe cab, quad shift, new rubber, 1800 hrs., cxc.; AC F-2 Gleaner combine w/5 cyl. diesel & 3-row narrow com head & 13 ft grain head, 1592 hrs. on engine; 1984 Same 4WD mini 60 diesel w/loader, 2225 hrs; NI 702 Unisystem diesel w/3-row narrow com head & shelter, JD 301 gas tractor w/592 hrs. & turf tires; MM 1000 diesel w/new rubber, IH 300 tractor, QH & full hyd.; 2 MF 50 tractors w/3 pt.; Ford 8N w/loader, Ford 8N; Farmall 1-4 tractor; AC D-15 c/culti; Handke 360 mixer mounted on Int 1800 chassis, very good; 1986 NI 362 manure spreader; 1987 Uebler 810 elec, silage cart; Patz 16-24 silo unloader; 2 blowers; Hesston 2-row narrow forage harves ter, NI 325 & NI 324 2-row com pickers, both w/narrow heads; IH 250 bu. tandem manure spreader; Sunmastci 15’ stalk shredder w/new knives and bearings; large qty. of lawn & garden tractors from ! 2 to 16 h.p.; large qty. of used chain saws. Terms of Sale: Cash or good check day of sale. New buyers must have a bank letter guaranteeing payment. Consignments accepted until 9:30 a m. sale day ra nuT D- LUTHER r AUCTIONEER-SALES MANAGER h Amenta New York 12501 E (914) 373-9900/8215 R| NVS Toll Free I &oo D LUTHER ■ j" USA Toll Free 1 800 372 0099-East ol the Rockies { \ juTHEin Lancaaty Faming Saturday, October 29, 1988-D23 SAT. OCT. 29 - BAM Anti ques a Household Rmrmh ings, Antique Toys, Crocks, Jugs, Glassware, Two Large Hanging Lamps. Located 254 Miles North of Lewisburg, Pa., 3 Miles South of Route 80. turn off Route 15 at C.V.C. Con tractors, Kelly Road. 2V4 Miles to Fairchilds Road at Rear Entrance to U S Penitentary, R.D. 3, Lewis burg. Pa Mr. & Mrs. M 8 0O O* ?RVZtS 0OO;? PRIZesI 5 W 3RD ANNUAL PRE-CHRISIMAS B 1 FARM TOY AUCTION g m 'Do Your Christmas Shopping Where 5 « Santa Claus Does His' B « Friday & Saturday, 8 « November 25th & 26th, 1988 8 8 Lancaster Farm & Home Center 8 J 5 1383 Arcadia Road » m South on Route 72 off 283 to Service S 8 Road, left one block 5 fi "este - P' v|' Lancaster, Pennsylvania This auction will consist of approximately 500 items ranging from current issue 1/64 scale farm toys and 1/16 scale Ertl Co. tractors and implements currently available, to out of production toys plus some very choice, rare and hard to find tractors. FRIDAY - TIME 7:00 P.M. Until Approximately 9:00 P.M. Approximately 250 Toys "Ail toys sold Friday night will bo for Santa Claus shoppers. Moaning, all toys sold will bs currant and In tha box of all scalas and colors.” SATURDAY - TIME 5:00 Toys, Toys, Toys of all kinds in all conditions. Current toys new in the box, old toys new in the box, original old toys, repainted old toys & some of all brands in need of restoring. Parts Will Be Available From 2:30 PM B Saturday by Cabin Toys & Parts m Food by Andy's Catering Service 8 Friday & Saturday I Plan on joining us for a fun filled toy | auction. An excellent opportunity to purch- 5 ase new toys at wholesale prices. Everything w sells without reserve. Also some excellent old S tractors available. « Owner: K Coleman Wheatley j Laurel, Delaware 302-875*3389 I Auction Conducted By $ "Your Farm Toy Auction Specialist" | Wally Hooker - Auctioneer $ AU-001866-L PA License S Francesville, Ind. 219-567-2457 1 Owen Fairchilds, Owner. George H. Deitrick. Auct SAT. OCT. 29 - 9AM Valu able Antiques, Furniture, Glassware, Old Printing Press. 844 Main St in the Village of Vemfield, Pa., Montgomery Co. 2 mi. W. of Harteyswlle, Pa. along Route 63. (Off street park ing). Raymond G. & Esther Musselman, Owners. Hen ry K Freed & Sons, Aucts Trucking available S. Burch 518-828-1969
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