BY BETH HUBER Maryland Correspondent SYKESVILLE (Jefferson) Although the day began with high temperatures and humidity, a much-needed rainfall, turned it into a pleasant occasion at the Jef ferson County Holstein show. Approximately 200 head*were shown to judge Ransom “Buzz” female while Jim London has the grand champion. ARE YOUR PASTURES GETTING LOW? If SO, kssMiis has the solution for your dry cows and heifers... EASY CARE BLOCKS • Vitamin and mineral requirements are supplied, including vitamins A and D, selenium and magnesium. Please call us for additional information: 6 S. Vintage Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 (717)442-4183 (717)768-3301 Londondale Farms Captures Top Honors Rydell. Returning this year to cap ture top honors in the show was Londondale Farms of Punxsutaw ney. Londondale Matinee Dutch ess, the 3-year-old daughter of Higher View Matinee, bred by Jim London, returned to capture all the top honors in the open show for the •> second straight year. Brett Nesbit of Bra-Mar Farm, Marchand, cap- Improved Breeding And Milk Production Through: • Balanced to the nutrient requirements of dry cows and heifers • Convenient and easy to feed, especially those hard to reach pastures. • Two Sizes 50 lbs. and 500 lbs. • Weatherproof for minimal waste. kssMius so. [ PURINA CHDWS | * Registered trademark of Ralston Purina Company Dan Pi .middle, showed the jui n and reserve Junior chami js. He is holding the Junior champion while Denise Riddle, left, holds the reserve champ ion. At right Is Judge Ransom Rydel. tured the reserve grand champion Elevation very. title with Bra-Mar Very Popcorn, a Londondale Farms also cap 5-ycar-old daughter of Kinaway tured the supreme champion title as well as the premier breeder and H exhibitor awards. Receiving junior champion honors were C. Brucrest Warden Mia, sired by Hilltopper Elevation Warden, and Parkacres Melvin Racqucl, a Mel-Est Valiant Irose Melvin daughter. Leading these two animals was Dan Park of Park acres in Brookville. Dan led his intermediate yearling and senior heifer calf to the junior champion and reserve junior champion posi tions respectively. Following is a complete listing of the Holstein show results. Junior Calf 1. Fairman Farms, 2. Parkacres, 3. Craig Mowrey. Rt. 82 Unionville. PA 18375 (215)347-2377 Intermedia)* Calf 1. William Smith, 2. Michael lydic, 3. Ryan Young. Senior Calf 1. Dan Park. 2. Brent Lmdemuth, 3. Lon dondal* Farm. Summer Yearling Heifer 1 Brett Nesbit, 2. Londondale Farmi, 3. Denis* Riddle. Junior Yearling 1. Londondale Farm, 2. Brenda Nesbit, 3. ■ wiww, *<■». V nuw AVI t L &mmim J 809 Glenwood Drive, Ephrata 5 M & 6” K-Style Seamless Gutters 5” RESIDENTIAL Available In 11 Colors 6” COMMERCIAL Available In 5 Colors 5” & 6” Old Style Half Round Gutters. Galvanize, White & Brown Aluminum Soffit & Fascia Work In Aluminum & Vinyl * FREE ESTIMATES * FULLY INSURED For Free Estimate Call Today (717) 733-7160 m. Lancaster Lee-Ann Dairy. Intermediate Yearling 1. Dan Park, 2. Brant Lindamuth, 3. Bran Nesbit. 1. Londondale Farms, 2. Falrman Farms, 3. Windfall- Run. Dan Park- C Brucrest Warden Mia, Intermediate Yearling Reserve Junior Champion Dan Park- Parkacres Melvin Racquel- 1. Londondale Farm, 2 Highland-H Farms, 3. Mowreys Sprucelawn Farm Junior Beat Three Females 1. Londondale Farm, 2 Bra-Mar Farm, 3. Fairman Farms. Dry Cows 3 and 4 years old 1 Londondale Farm, 2. Fairman Farms. Dry Cows, Aged 5 years or Over 1 Parkacres, 2 Londondale Farm, 3. Fair man Farms. Junior 2 year old 1. Brett Nesbit, 2. Wendy Dixon, 3. Susan Corbin. Senior 2 year eld 1. Parkacres. 2. Brenda Nesbit, 3. Lee-Ann Dairy. 3 year old 1. Londondale Farm, 2 Wendy Dixon, 3. Fairman Farms. 1. Wendy Dixon, 2. Dan Park. S year old 1. Bran Nesbit, 2 Londondale Farm, 3. Londondale Farm. iturday, July 30, 1988-Al9 Sanlor Yaarllng Junior Champion Senior Calf Junior Gat of Sira 4 year old (Turn to Pag* A 22)
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