Carlisle Livestock Market CarlMe, Pa. Tuesday, July 26, 1988 CATTLE: STEERS: ACTIVE I--LOO HIGHER. CHOICE 67.85-68.85; GOOD LOW CHOICE 62.75-67.50; MEDIUM 57.50-61.75. HOLSTEINS- MEDIUM GOOD 51.50-59.75. HEIFERS: GOOD-LOW CHOICE 61.25-65.00; MEDIUM 56.75-59.00; MEDIUM HOLSTEINS TO 58.00? COWS: ACTIVE 1.00 TO 1.50 HIGH ER. EARLYBIRD PENS 2.00 TO 2.50 HIGHER. HIGH YIELD 48.25-49.60; GOOD 46.25-48.00; MEDIUM 44.00-46.00; BIG MIDDLE 42.00-45.50; COUPLE SHELLY 4 LOO & DOWN. FAT BULLS- 1.00 HIGHER. MEDIUM GOOD 54.0058.25. FEEDER CATTLE; MOSTLY HOLS TEINS OFFERED; STEERS 400-900 LBS. GOOD 72.00-73.00; MEDIUM GOOD 53.00-66.00. HEIFERS (ALL WEIGHTS) GOOD 60.00-66.00; MEDIUM 51.00-59.00. BULLS (ALL WEIGHTS) CHOICE 71.00-80.00; PROFITABLE SWINE PRODUCTION |o) pennfield feeds WE ARE LOOKING FOR SWINE FINISHING FLOORS. CONTRACT OR CASH! NOW OPEN FOR OUR 49TH SEASON Marketing Fresh Produce Through Mid-September Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Sugar Babies, Tomatoes and More “No buyer too big or small- Pickup loads to tractor trailer loads sold- Buy your own - No fee for buying No broker needed” Please call for more information 302-875-3147 302-875-5136 MEDIUM-GOOD 47.50-64.00. VEAL CALVES: CHOICE 90.00- GOOD 80.00-89.00; MEDIUM 70.00-79.00; LIGHT/WEAK 69.00 & DOWN; FARM BULLS 90.00- HOGS: BARROWS & GILTS 2.00 HIGHER US NO. 1-3 210-250 LBS. 46.50-48.00; OVER 260 LB. 44.00-46.00, 2 & 3’S (ALL WEIGHTS) 41.00-46.00. SOWS: MOSTLY STEADY, SPOTS 1.00 HIGHER UNDER 450 LBS. OVER 450 LB. 28.00-29.75; UNDER 450 32.00- 2 & 3’S 22.00-27.25. BOARS: HEAVY 21.50-22.00, UNDER 300 LBS. 28.00-35.00. FEEDER PIGS: (BY THE HD) (15-20 LBS. 14.00-15.00); (25-35 LBS. 22.00-26.00); (35-45 LBS. 28.00-32.00). SHEEP: LAMBS GOOD DEMAND ESP. FOR 60 TO 70 LBS. CHOICE (50-85 LBS.) 70.00-76.00; GOOD 61.00-67.00; GOOD 85-110 LBS. 52.00-56.00. EWES 16.00- GOATS (HD) SM/MED. 21.00- NOTE: SALE EVERY TUESDAY EVENING 5:30 PM RABBITS, POUL TRY & EGGS 7:00 PM LIVESTOCK. from Lebanon Valley Livestock Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tuesday, July 26, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 162...PDA...Ch0ice 2-4 990/1340 Ibi. (laughter steers 64.50-66.75, one 68.25, few Select 63.00-65.00; few Select & Choice holiteini 53.00-60.25, Standard 52.00-59.50, few Utility & low Standard 45.50-51.50. Two Select d. heif ers 56 50-62.25, two Standard 50.00&51, few Utility 36.50-45.00. Few Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 47.00-49, few Low yielding down to 43.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 43.50-47.75, few 48.25, Canner & Low Cutter 40.00-43.25. Shells, down to 35.00. Two Standard si. bullocks 52 00 and 53.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1. 1520/1825 lbs. si. bulls 57.25-63.25. CALVES 269...C0up1e Choice vealers 92.00&93. Individual Good 58.00, Stan dard and Good 90/120 lbs. 68.00-75,70/85 lbs. 60.00-70, Utility 40/100 lbs. 40.00-57, few down to 30.00. Farm Calves; Hoi. Bulls 95/1101bs. 100.00-128, few down to 90 00, few Hoi. Heifers 100/120 lbs. 75.00-77.00. Few Beef cross bulls and heifers 70/100lbs. P.O. Box 633 I, DE 19956 71.00-84.00. HOGS 145... US No. 1-2 210/260 lbs. barrows and gills 47.75-48.25. small lot 48.75, few 1-3 215/220 lbs. 47.25-47.85, lot 2-4213 lbs. 46.25, lot 3-4 237 lbs. 44.25, lot 2-4 340 lbs. 33.50. US No. 1-3 295/630 lbs. sows 27.00-31, few to 33.50, few Medium 290/390 lbs. 22.00-25.50. Lot Boars 32.00. FEEDER PIGS 5...L0t US No. 1-3 51 lbs. feeder pigs 62.00 cwl SHEEP 5... Few High Choice & Prime 105/145 lbs. spring slaughter lambs 54.00-59.00. Individual 42.00. GOATS 2... Large 33.00 and 38.00 per head. Philly Potato & Onion Wednesday, July 27, 1988 ONIONS-DRY SLIGHTLY LOWER 50-lb sacks US# I or generally good quality Yellow unless otherwise slated CA Grano type jumbo 600-700 repacker size 10.00 medium 800 Red 40-lb carton jumbo 15.00 medium 14.00 25-lb sacks jumbo few 13.00 TX Grano type jumbo 600-700 Red 2S-lb sacks jumbo 12.00 medium 11.00 NY Globe type Red 2S-lb sacks large 12.00. POTATOES ABOUT STEADY 50-lb sacks US#l size A washed or brushed unless otherwise stated Round Whites new crop VA 375-400 mostly 400 DE 4-450 mostly 400 large 6-650 10-lb paper tacks 115 baled 5-10 lb paper tacks 650 10-5 lb 700 NJ 400 one label 450 small 350 large one label 700 Round Reds AL 800 size B 12.00 WIB-850 size 811.50-12.00 Russets 50-lb carton count ID 70-80 s 14.00-15.00 mostly 14.00 90s 13.00-14.00 mostly 13.00100 s 12.00-13.00 mostly 12.00 baled 10-5 lb film bags non size A 900 CA Cen tennial 70-80 s 10.50-11.00 90s 950-10.00 100 s 900 Norkota 70-80 t 12.50 90s 11.50 100 s 10.50-11.00NMCentennial lOOtfew 900. Pounce on leafhoppers. Introducing new Pounce 3.2 EC Insecticide from •FMC. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a potato leafhopper insecticide and more. Pounce controls potato leafhopper fast. The high tech pyrethroid chemistry in Pounce provides excellent control of leafhopper and seventeen other alfalfa insects including alfalfa weevil, aphids and loopers. And you can spray Pounce right up to the day you harvest for maximum yield protection. Pounce is effective at rates as low as four ounces per acre so it’s competitively priced compared to what you have been using. That’s Pounce 3.2 EC insecticide for effective, quick and economical potato leafhopper control right up to the day you harvest. It’s just been cleared for use and it’s available at your chemical dealer now. B 13 2EOi»ncm« 1 •FMC Pounce and «MC are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation. Pounce is a restricted-use pesticide Always read and follow label directions © 1988 FMC Corporation. 'IOC (1C I .ft.-, (o') r~ «•< , . , I Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 30, 1988-Al3 Buffalo Produce Mlffllnburf R 3 July 26 & 28, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction APPLES: LOWDI 6.00-7.50/BU. BLUEBERRIES: 16.00-20.00 8 QT. FLAT. CANATLOPES; 9 & 12- .80-1.80 EA.. 15- .50-1.00 EA. SWEET CORN: 2.15-2.50/DOZBN. CUCUMBERS: 5.00-9.00/BU. EGGPLANT: 5.50-7.00/BU. PEACHES: 5.00-9.00 M BU. PEPPERS: LARGE 6.00-11.00/BU.; MED. 4.50-7.00/BU. PLUMS: 4.50-6.00/PECK. RED RASPBERRIES: 17.50-21.00 12 PT. FLAT. RED BEETS: 35-.50/BUNCH. STRING BEANS- GREEN 8.50-1 LOOM BU. TOMATOES; LG. 900-18.00/25 LB. BOX; MED. 4,50-15.50/25 LB. BOX. WATERMELON: CRIMSON SWEET 2.10-2.90 EA. SQUASH: YELLOW .60-1.75 EA.; 4 00-10.00/BU.; ZUCCHINI 2.00-6.00 M BU. NEXT WEEK WILL BE RUNNING MONDAY. TUESDAY. THURSDAY & FRIDAY. alfalfa growers SEARCHING 1 a I GOOD | HMD IT * CLASSIFIIDS For
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