fcli-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, JuFy 2, 1988 _ , , before and immediately after spoons ground cinnamon. Use as Joyce Battcher is an indepen microwaving. Store any leftover above. dent home economist specialist, mixture in tightly covered jar. Wheat Germ Topping: Stir She is author of “Microwave Brown Sugar Topping: Stir together!4 cup wheal germ and 1 Family Favorites” and editor of WAV JCs together 14 cup packed dark (or teaspoon ground cinnamon. Use as “A Batch of Ideas” newsletter light) brown sugar and VA tea- above, but store leftover mixture in ©l9BB Extra Newspaper refrigerator. Features MINUTES — ______ PHONE; 717*626-1164 or 717-394-3047 BY JOYCE BATTCHER 'A cup grated unpceled apples • Mon. f TdOS., 8 AM tO SPM - Muffins have been popular for A cup chopped nuts Wstli, THlirS, & Frl. 7AMtO 5 PM years, but Hannah Glasse-author A cup grated or flaked coconut - ■ of a 1747 American cookbook - A cup raisins (chop, if desired) would never recognize them A cup all-purpose flour BA LIVESTOCK a b __ iHG BOtt&r Spia?:l7bS E S wwdS * Sp Hotline ELECTRIC FENCING taste. They baked for 25 minutes in teaspoons baking powder a 400 degree oven. Today’s muf- teaspoons cinnamon 1 r . fins are moist with a natural sweet- A teaspoon salt ree e,very OSSI * /HHV9H ness from fruits and nuts. They CU P ntargarine or butter KENCOVE I micro-cook in about four minutes. A CU P P ac kcd brown sugar f + - ~ I I Microwave muffins can be 3 eggs new NOW IMPROVED made in small custard cups, wither 2 teaspoons vanilla strong • lasting v a.. without a paper cupcake liner. But Muffin Topping (below) ' economical „ for convenience, a microwave 1X together carrots, apples, w Lightning KiSIStOIIM muffin pan is best. Most pans arc nuts, coconut and raisins; set aside. • round with si* muffin rims On waxed paper or in separate pa= 800-442-6523 • men powered . all-weather cnon- -EmciEm id«i For round wun six muiim cups stir together flours bran utimMSAMI wall models rust) very strong Electrified sh«p Neum £ arranged in a circle. In some DOWI ’ Mir lOgemer Hours, Oran USA. •00-243-0902 12 VOLT AND POLYCARBONATE ,nd Boundary Forces brands muffin cups have holes in cereal, baking powder, cinnamon FREE GUIDE 110-120 v case ■no moving parts the bottom to allow excess mois and salt; set aside. Melt margarine 111 Kendall Lane • over voltage input -covered by (SoEd sum) tne Bottom, to allow excess mois • f howl- Blairsville, PA 15717 protection guarantee • powerful tow ture to escape after cooking. With m microwave-saie mixing oowi, . competitively priced -replaceable impedance, shock these, muffins can cool in the pan. st ' r in brown sugar, eggs and vanil- - local service printed circuit will go miles Muffin cups without holes should * a unl *l smooth. Stir in flour mix- - be lined with two cupcake papers ture until well mixed. Stir in fruit CENTAUR DEALER INQUIRIES Over A QUARTER OF a century to help absorb excess moisture; or mixture, mixing well; do not beat. FENCING INVITED or Manufacturing Eicctm Fencer, after two minutes standing lime, Prepare microwave muffin pan SYSTEMS muffins should be removed from by lining each cup with a paper Distributed By the cups. Fill cups half to two- baking cup. Fill each cup about A The Safetv Coated -iwrvraxmn 7¥#~ , ¥7 thirds full depending on the recipe, full. Sprinkle top at each muffin HOOVER DIESEL SERVICE If cups arc fuller, muffin batter generously with a topping (below) aI« n%«all a h I a ,255 Mascot Rd. Honks, PA 17572 cooks over the sides. With a thick For each panful ol 6 muffins, Board Fence 4 (717) 656-3322 or (717 ) 295-1729 batter containing a large amount Of microwave (High) 2 to 2'A Fence Palntlna All Authorized Hotline Sales & Service Dealers fruit and moist ingredients, like minutes, rotating 2 turn, 1 ncccs- material & work paul b lykensvaliey hoover ditsii, behxr engine Minnesota Muffins (below), fill sary, after 1 minute. Cool about 2 marranionH zimmerman, inc engine rlpair service service cups two-thirds full. With a thinner m.nutcs before rcmov.ng (rom ' w”ow°w ZS batter, like Pumpkin Apple Muf- cups. Repeat with remaining bat- (717 > 738 n2l gt.b, pa nms am ?s6 2m pa 17540 fins (below), fill cups only half ter. Serve warm. Makes about 22 rope In stoltztus nickel mine muncy iiui winter road full muffins tA M t evtoa harness shop sharpening repair diesel service lUII - „ mullins. SOME EXTRA ’i h 4 RW4, Box 13 323 E White Oak Rd RD «3 B<» 493 R. 1 Box 7 Most microwave muffins need a Each muffin- 172 calorics, 3g CASH! #Q n.™ y Brook, pa 19344 p.r.d..c, pa 17542 Muncy, pa 17754 Log-on, pa 17747 bit of added color on top. Before protein, lOg fat, 20g carbohydrate, Adven.se was a i a country side fencing barlow engine . , , . , r IAI j t Lancaster Farming * Rt 1 Box 170 Bructlh Rd WHITE HORSE MACHINE RfPAIR microwaving, sprinkle with any of lOlmg sodium, 32mg cholesterol. i classifieoad * pa wn 5566 oid fm. ptke fiB(M church Rd the Muffin Toppings below or Pumpkin Apple Muffins Phone 7173943047 ] ' <717)459-5099 o ap , pa 17527 \ c »bur R pa 17240 with finely chopped nuts. The 'A cup sugar <*7l7 626 um A 1 plain Sugar-Cinnamon Topping 2 A cup all-purpose flour MMl^***^**— — ■ when sprinkled on both before and 'A cup whole wheat Hour m DOWN COW & m Your assurance after microwaving makes an A teaspoon baking soda HORSE REMOVAL MHEAIM of a real attractive almost-glazed topping. 3 /< teaspoon cinnamon . , . Wheat Germ Topping is a good 14 teaspoon nutmeg Ha for dog food ||| oairy tood, it y»Vc vying io ca. Icy, '/. imjxxm alhp.ee _ Mond 3 y Saturday y .*|P- Microwave muffins on High. A cup oil BH C *I U P HI L od Fence/Good Neighbors” a Time varies according to the recipe 2 eggs Call Wayne Taylor ’ m and to your microwave’s wattage. 14 cup cooked mashed pumpkin 717-866-6289 or BOOVGf rGVYCG SySTGII 16 Generally, cooking lime for six 'A cup finely chopped unpceled 215-286-9400 Rail n muffins is 114 to 214 minutes m a apples Lebanon, Berks, Lancaster I Fence ,SSii Pa °!2 . « 625 to 725 watt microwave. Figure A cup raisins (chop, if desired) & Chester Co “ rence about half that time for two or three 'A cup chopped nuts Specializing in High Tensile Wire Installation” muffins. For a lower wattage Muffin Topping (below) ', HORSE FENCES • CATTLE ft SHEEP FENCES , micro f oven, lime for six muf- In mixing bowl, combine all dry aoo«o*oOQ»«o*wuuuuuuoonooooticiooQt < f DEER CONTROL FENCES A TRELLISES | fins ib 'Ut 2to 3/4 minutes, ingredients; mix well. Make a well I FOR SALE iIRD 1 BoxlB7C I are done when the tops in center of dry ingredients. Add . CUAWIKir'C f I Beaver Springs, PA 17812 717-658-6269 ' iust barelv lose their moist look, oil, eggs and pumpkin; mix until WUUU onAVIINIaO - ft 1 L With a muffin like Minnesota ingredients arc just combined. KILN DRIED I ■*-*y*R* , M* Muffins (below), pieces of fruit on Gently stir in apples, raisins and J- I apoooooooCMioooooouuiiiuuu. juuobboboqb lop may sail be slightly moist nuts; mixing unul just combined. .. $2.00/Baa $2.80/Bale : 8 PFMTRAI 8 when removed from the micro- Prepare microwave muffin pan _ _ “ Jl |ft Vl " n 1 nMI " 8 wave. Muffins continue to cook by lining each cup with a paper 8 LUKE L. MARTIN, JR. 8 g >. HIGH-TENSILE 8 for a minute or two after micro- baking cup. Fill each cup about /j ij a | inQ * f , wn I jr 1 9 waving, so allow for that. Expcn- full. Sprinkle top of each muffin , c u ♦ oh < 7 coo 9 I S* S. 9 ment with the first panful, cooking generously with a topping (below). tpnrata, PA 0 X 8 the least amount of time. F « r each panful of 6 muffins, 8 (717) 733-0653 Bft Joseph H. X A If you have a favorite conven- microwave (*8 ) 2 ‘ ooaoocooooooQßiOOOOoooooooooßOOOOgl /814-632-8489\ Jr tional muffin recipe, it may or may minutes, rotating A turn, if ncccs- ■ I . - I L not adapt well to microwave cook- sary, after 1 minute. Cool about 2 f I I * *|» 'X ing. Not all conventional muffin minutes before removing from | DfIRIIFP MATS i l \« ■ r.—i / j/ \ recipes are the best when micro- cups. Repeat with remaining bat- j A.UOOMA I \ / / waved some are dry tasting, *er. Serve warm Makes about 18 | tor * I——X fci f even if they aren’t cooked too muffins. X Comfort Stalls, FrCC Stalls, I | long. Some have a very light cake- Fac b muffin; 139 calorics, 3g I Stalls, HorSC & Cattle j 1 CCKIf'C PAKICTDI IOTIAM like texture, or a pastry or undone protein. 8g faL 17g carbohydrate, j Trailers. Ho£ Houses. I HUU !~ taste. But whenever you bake muf- 120 mg sodium, 33mg cholesterol. ,1 Used Belting Material f #l-Servicing PA & Surrounding Stateb fins, try two or three in your micro- Muffin Toppings - __ - I \ Warranty wave. If they’re good, vou-can Sugar-Cinnam-- l opping: I Paill N. BrUDaCllCr ( #3. Guaranteed Estimates save time and keep cooi next time Stir together 2 tablespoons granu- ! 215-286-5298 Or i Nine Years Experience by microwaving the'whole batch. laled sugar and 2 teaspoons ground i oik ooi 0168 1 ' #5. Strong, Long Lasting, Economical Minnesota Muffins •> cinnamon. Sprinkle on muffins, | ZAO ° j ; Call NOW For Spring Of 1988 2 cups gratcd~carrots coffcccakps and quick breads oeeeoeoeooeeoeooeoeoeoooooeeaeeoc
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