AB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, May 28, 1988 OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC , May 30-june 5, 1988 '' Sprouts surprise gardeners' eyes. Average length of days for the week 15 hours, 5 minutes Memorial Day May 30 (Mon) Benny Goodman born May 30, 1909 First reindeer born m the U S Ma\ 31, 1929 at North Beverly Mass Full moon May 31 (Tues) USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence cried Don t give up the ship 1 June 1 1813 Maim became first state to enforce prohibition June 2 1851 Wallis Simpson wed the former Duke of Windsor June 3, 1957 Ht is unworthy to live who live* only for himself OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Showers at beginning ol week midweek raim with seasonable tem peratures end ol weekcloudv and cold Greater New York-New Jersey: Beginning of week raim and cool, midweek rams and warm, end of week cool north Middle Atlantic Coastal* Beginning of week raim and cool midweek ram end of week hot south Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Week begins cloudy v\ ith hea\ \ ram west midweek sunny and hot showers north end of week rainy and mild {All Rights Reserved Publishing Incorporated Oubhn NH(H444) Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Mon., May 23, 1988 CATTLE 206 PDA Compared with last Monday’s market Slaughter cows $1 50 to $2 lower. Choice si steers 72 00-74, Select 68 00-72 50, few Standard 62 00-65 00 Few Standard si heifers 56 00-60 00, few Utility 51 00-56 00 Breaking Utility & Commercial si cows 51 50-56,fewt057 00,Cutter*Bon Utih ty 49 00-53, Canner & Low Cutter 43 00-49 50, Shells down to 30 00 Yield Grade No 1, 1000/1800 lbs si buUs 58 00-66 50, No 2. 900/1200 lbs 51.00-56 00 Feeder Cattle Medium Frame No 1, 360/500 lbs steers 77 00-96 00, Large #l. 500/700 lbs 70 00 76 00 Few Medium & Large Frame No 1,400/550 lbs heifers 75 00-83 00 CALVES 211 .Few Choice vealers 112 00-120, few Good 100 00-110, Stan dard and Good 90/120 lbs 94 00-108, 60/85 lbs 87 00-98. few Utility 50/70 lbs 70 00-80 00 Farm Calves Holstein bulls 90/125 lbs 115 00-195 00, few Hoi Heif PLEASE NOTE! Change of Location to Home Farm On Hill Rd. FRIDAY, JUNE 3-1:00 PM ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 4 miles east of former loca tion, 1 mile off 472 midway between Quarryville & Oxford, PA, 1 mile south of Kirkwood, turn west off 472 at Union Church (Street Rd.) 1 mile to crossroad turn left, 2nd farm on right. Hill Road. Watch for sale signs. 20 Head due between June 5 & 12 25 Head due between June 12 & 25 Plus 10 York Hamp cross & they’ll be close Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 50 to 60 Head We will no longer have White Dia monds, It will be the next generation or F2’s crossbred to Chester White. Very nice gilts. Vaccinated for Lepto, Eryslplas, Rhinitis, E’Coll, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Truck Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. f, Kirkwood, Pa. Abe Diffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT-SALE FRI., JULY t, 1:60 P.M, THE Ask the Old Farmer: Wh\ do we have what is called plum pudding when to m\ knowledge no plums are included in the recipe 7 LT Wil mington Vt Old turn Vi re ahi'iiu* mlliii tatsni s plum's Home Hints To revive deflated U nm*'balls wrap them in toil and bake at 200°f for 20 mmuti s ers 90/110 lbs 100 00-130 00 Beef cross bulls* heifers 80/110 lbs 105 00-130 00 HOGS 235 Barrows and gilts steady US No 1-2 220/245 lbs 49 80-50 20, 1-3 220/250 lbs. 49-49.85, 2-3 230/260 lbs 48-49 10,2-4 250/300lbs 45 00 47 00 US No 1-3 300/600 lbs sows 37 00 39, 2-3 350/650 lbs 35 00-37 50 Boars 28 00-34 50 FEEDER PIGS 22 US No 1-3 30/40 lbs feeder pigs 30 00-37 00, 50/60 lbs 39 00-49 00 all per head SHEEP 246 Spring slaughter lambs S 8 to $lO lower High Choice 75/85 lbs 70 00-74 50, few 45/55 lbs 80 00-85, few Choice 20/34 lbs 83 00-90 00, Good & Choice 35/65 lbs 70 00-78 00 Slaughter sheep 20.00-29.00. GOATS 15 ..Urge 37.00-43.00. few Kids 14 00-30.00 *ll per head. New Wilmington Livestock Auction N. Wilmington, Pa. Mon., May 23, 1988 CATTLE 264 PDA Compared with last Monday’s market Slaughter Cows $1 50 lower One Choice si steer 70 75, couple Select 68&69 50, one holslein 64 25, few Standard 59 25-62 75, few Utili ty 53 75-57 00. Few Select si. heifers 51 50-64 00, Standard 56 00-61 50, few Utility 53-55 50 Breaking Utility & Com mercial si. cows 50 00 55, couple 56 00&56 75. yield grade 4-5, 45 48 25, Cutter & Boning Utility 48 00-53, Canner & Low Cutter 40-48 50, Shells down to 14 00 Yield Grade No 1.1200/1925 lbs si bulls 56 75-62, one No 2 1380 lbs 53 50 Feeder Cattle Few Medium & Large Frame No 1, 350/560 lbs steers 77 50-84, few 725/1040 lbs 58 00-70 00. Medium & Large Frame No 1. 310/490 lbs heifers 71 00-82, 480/645 lbs 63 00-73, few hols tems 665/915 lbs 57 75-61,50 Medium Frame No. 1, 505/795 lbs bulls 58 50-65 00 CALVES 322 Choice vcalers 114 00-124 00, few Good 100 00-109, Standard & Good 90/120 lbs 93 00-112 50. 65/85 lbs 85.00 94 00, lot Utility 57 lbs. 80 00 Farm Calves Holstein Bulls 85/135 lbs. 120.00-168 00,1 10l Heif ers 85/125 lbs 115 00-145.00. Beef cross bulls & heifers 65/120 lbs. 100.00-170 00 HOGS 60S Barrows and gilts $1 to $2 lower US No 1-2 225/250 lbs 50 00-50 75,1-3 210/260 lbs. 48 75-50.25, 2-3 215/265 lbs 47-48 75.2-3 220/280 lbs 44 00 46, 1-3 180/205 lbs 44 75-48 50 Sows $2 lower US No 1-3 310/650 lbs sows 32 00-37 00 Boars 32 00-35 00 FEEDER PIGS 14 Few US NO 1-3 30/35 lbs feeder pigs 33 00-40 00 - per head SHEEP 220 High Choice & Prime 60/95 lbs spring si. lambs 62 00-75, few MELHORN SALES, SERVICE, TRUCKING CO. A SOUND GROWING PROGRAM INSURES TOP PERFORMANC LET US GROW YOUR NEXT FLOCK The only full service company, in this area, to handle the total needs of poultrymen. For More Information Phone: vW / 717-653-1102 Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM 1010 W. Main Bt, Mount Joy. PA X7SS2 QUALITY GROWN PULLETS 82.00, Choice & Prime 35/85 lbs. feeder lambs 55.00-70.00. Slaughter ewes 5.00-19.00 GOATS 24 Medium 20 00-32 00, Kids 9.00-20.00 all per head Oklahoma City Feed Cattle Weekly Wed., May 25, 1988 FEEDER STEERS 2 00 LOWER THAN LAST WEEK. FEEDER HEIFERS 1 00-2.00 LOWER. EXODUS OFF THE GRAZE OUT WHEAT PASTURES ALONG WITH DRY WEATHER RESULTING IN CONTINUED LARGE RUNS SOME BUYERS NOTE THAT DESTINATION LOTS ARE PRESENT LY FULL OR FILLING RAPIDLY THESE FACTORS ALONG WITH UNCERTAINTY IN GRAIN PRICES HAMPERING DEMAND DECLINES ALSO OBSERVED ON SLAUGHTER CATTLE AND DRESSED BEEF PRICE LEVELS SLAUGHTER COWS 3 00-5 00 LOWER FOR THE WEEK SLAUGH TER BULLS 1 00-2 00 LOWER BOTH SLAUGHTER AND FEEDER CATTLE DEMAND FAIR FEEDER STEERS AND HEIFERS FROM 600 900 LB FORMING BULK OF SUPPLY COWS AND BULLS 4% RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK 33,300 HEAD FEEDER STEERS MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1, 275-375 LB FEW 105.00-119 00, 425-500 LB FEW 93 50-100 00; 500-600 LB FEW 84 50-88 00, 625-700 LB 80.75-86 00, 700-750 LB 77 00-82 00, 750-800 LB. 76 00-78 75, 800-850 LB 74 00-77.50, 850-900 LB. 73 00-76 25, 900-1000 LB 72 00-75 25 HOLSTEIN STEERS LARGE FRAME 2, 650-675 LB 70 00-73 50, 725-775 LB 68 25-70 00, 800-950 LB. 63.75-68 75, 1000-1075 LB 61 00-62 75 FEEDER HEIFERS- MEDIUM AND LARGE FRAME 1. 300-350 LB 89 00-99.75; 400-500 LB SCARCE. 500-600 LB. 80 00-86.50; 600-650 LB ■t ji^ 73.50-81.00, MOSTLY 74.00-79.00 650-700 LB. 73.00-77.00, 700-800 Lli' 71.75-75.00; 800-900 LB. 69.50-73 00 SLAUGHTER COWS- BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 3-5 42 75-46 50, CLOSING 42.75-45.50’ CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 1-2 43 00-125, CLOSING 43 00- 47 50 CAN NER AND LOW DRESSING CUTTER 37 00-45 50, MOSTLY 40 50-43 00 SLAUGHTER BULLS Y.G 1 1000-1500 LB 56 00-64 00, MOSTLY 56 00-61 50, 1500-2000 LB 59 00-65 00 Lebanon Valley Livestock Auction Fredericksburg, Pa. Tues., May 24, 1988 CATTLE 163.. PDA Compared with last Tuesday's market. Slaughter cows SO to $1.50 lower Few Low Choice 975/1285 lbs si steers 69 25-71, Select 63.75-68 50, Choice holstems 66 00-68 75 Few Choice si heifers 66 25-70 25 Breaking Utility & Commercial si cows 51.00-54 25, few 56 00, Cutler & Boning Utility 51-52 75, Canner & Low Cutter 47 00-51, Shells down to 44.00 Yield Grade No 1, 1200/1700 lbs si. bulls 61.75-67 50 Feed er Cattle' One Lot Medium Frame No 1, 370 lbs. steers at 92.00 CALVES 221. Few Choice vealcrs 99 00-130.00, Standard and Good 75/100 lbs. 100 00-110, few Utility 60/85 lbs 85.00- 00 Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90/130 lbs 120 00-180.00, few down to 104.00; Hoi. heifers 85/125 lbs 112.00- 00 HOGS 177... US No. 1-3 210/250 lbs barrows and gills 50 25-52 00 US No 1-3 330/570 lbs. sows 34 00-37 50 Two Boars 29 00-32 00. FEEDER PIGS 1 . No Market Test SHEEP 1 . One Choice 65 lbs spring slaughter lamb 94.00. GOATS 0 ..No Market Test. Jn X- LiliLLUiltjUJ |)|KAB»I t UflftMil.
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