Produce Markets Philadelphia Vegetable Market Wed, March 23, 1988 PARTLY CLOUDY 31-45. ARTICHOKES CA carton 24s few 23.00 48s few 22.00 60s few 18.00. ASPARAGUS ABOUT STEADY CA 30-lb crate & carton jumbo 23.00-25.00 large 26.00-28.00 mostly 27.00 standard 26.00-28.00 Long Green Urge 27.00-30.00 standard 29.00 13-1/2 lb carton bunched 6s jumbo 10.00. BEANS SLIGHTLY LOWER FL vari ous bushel containers Round green type 17.00-18.00 handpicked 20.00 CA 1-1/9 bushel carton Fava type 18.00. BEETS TX carton bunched 24s 850 topped 25-lb film bags 500 FL crate bunched 12s 500. BROCCOLI ABOUT STEADY carton bunched CA 14s 14.00-15.00 18s 15.00- 17.00 AZ 14s 15.00 18s 15 50 TX 14s 13.00. CABBAGE ABOUT STEADY 1-3/4 bushel crate & carton medium green unless otherwise stated FL 600 Savoy type 700-800 Red 700-900 TX 6-650 Red 850- 900 NY 50-lb sacks Urge 5-550 mostly 550 Red 50-lb sacks 550-600. CARROTS ABOUT STEADY 48-1 lb film bags in film sacks CA medium-large 9-950 FL medium 650-800 50-lb sacks loose jumbo CA 900 FL 750-800 mostly mostly 800. CAULIFLOWER SUPPLIES LIGHT carton film wrapped CA 12s 25 00 16s 23 00 AZ 12s 22.00-23.00 16s 22 00 FL 12s few 21.00. CELERY ABOUT STEADY CA carton 1-1/2 dozen 850 2 dozen 750-900 2-1/2 dozen 7-750 FL crate & canon 2 dozen 750-800 2-1/2 dozen 750 TX carton 2 dozen 700. CHINESE CABBAGE FL celery crate 800-10 00 CORN SUPPLIES LIGHT FL approxi mately 4-1/2 dozen wirebound crate Yel low 14.00 White too few sales to quote car ton iced Yellow 14.00. CUCUMBERS LOWER 1-1/9 bushel crates & cartons Waxed medium unless MARKET RISK A Farming Option Talk To Us About: ■ Earnings ■ Removing Feed Cost Fluctuations - Based On Production Levels ■ Boar, Sow, And Pig Ownership In 5 Years ■ Replacement Boars And Gilts Provided ■ On Farm Computer With Production And Financial Records ■ Comprehensive Farm Management And Financial Management Guidance ■ Complete Project Management And Guidance otherwise stated FL fair quality 14.00 small 14.00-15.00 MEXICO 18.00 fair quality 16.00 ordinary quality 10.00 small 15.00 BAHAMAS 18.00. EGGPLANT SUPPLIES LIGHT FL too few sales to quote MEXICO 1-1/9 bushel crate 24s 18.00. ENDIVE STEADY FL 1-1/9 bushel crate 500-600. ESCAROLE STEADY FL 1-1/9 bushel crate 550-600 mostly 600. GREENS ABOUT STEADY crate & carton approximately 1-1/2 bushel bunched unless otherwise stated GA Col lards 6-650 Mustard, Turnip Tops & Rape 6-650 mostly 650 Kale 650-700 TX 24s Collards 650-700 Swiss Chard & Dande lion 700-800 FL Kale 7-750 NJ 1/2 bushel basket Dandelion loose 600-700 CA 20-lb carton Broccoli Rabe loose one label 13.00. LEEKS carton bunched 12s CA 12.00-14.00 MEXICO 11.00-12.00. LETTUCE-ICEBERG LOWER carton 24s unless otherwise stated CA 800-900 film wrpd one lot 8-850 AZ 800-900 mostly 900 film wrapped 900-10.00 30s 800. LETTUCE-ROMAINE ABOUT STEADY CA 24s crate 10.00-10.50 carton 700-800 AZ 24s carton 600-800 crate 10.00 FL 1-1/9 bushel crate 500. LETTUCE-OTHERS Big Boston carton 24s CA 500-650 AZ 5-550 crate 24s FL 500 Bibb FL carton 24s 60016-quart basket 20s SOO-600Leaf CA carton 24s including Red 500-700 AZ carton 24s including Red 500-600. LETTUCE-PROCESSING No supplies OKRA Too few sales to quote. ONIONS-GREEN ABOUT STEADY carton bunched 48s MEXICO 500-600. PARSLEY ABOUT STEADY bunched 5 dozen Curly unless otherwise stated FL crate 800 TX crate 800-900 Plain 800 CA carton 850 AZ carton few 700. PEAS-GREEN Too few sales to quote. PEAS-SOUTHERN No Supplies. PEAS-SUGAR SUPPLIES LIGHT 10-lb carton per lb CA 140 GUATEMALA 150- 160. PEPPERS HIGHER 1-1/9 bushel carton California Wonder type green unless other wise stated FL extra large 900-10.00 mostly Free Of Market Fluctuations Call: 800-873-5300 Purina Mills, Inc. Serving The Needs Of Agriculture 900 Urge 800- 900 mostly 800 medium 600-700 mostly 600 Mixed Red large 550-600 medium SOO. RADISHES ABOUT STEADY carton Red 30-6 oz film bags unless otherwise slated FL 550-700 mostly 600-700 bunched 24s basket 500 MEXICO bunched 24s 600. SPINACH SUPPLIES LIGHT Savoy type NC 1-1/4 bushel crate 10.00 Flat type carton bunched 24s CA 800. SQUASH ABOUT STEADY FL 1/2 bushel carton Zucchini small-medium 11.00-12.00 Yellow Straightneck supplies insufficient to quote MEXICO lug Zuc chini medium 10,00-12.00. SWEET POTATOES NC 50-lb carton Jewel type cured 15.00 large 10.00. TOMATOES ABOUT STEADY 25-lb carton Pink to light Red 85% or better US#l quality unless otherwise stated Sales by Repackers FL sx6s 10.50- 12.50 6x6s 950-11.50 6x7s 9-950 mostly 900 Sales by Others FLsx6s 10.00-11.00 mostly 11.00 6x6s 900-10.00 fair quality sx6s 900-10.00 Red 8-850 6x6s 700-800 Red 650 Cherry type 12-1 pint flat MEXICO one label 14.00. TURNIPS topped NJ 25-lb mesh sacks medium 600 1212. Keister’s Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, PA Tu«f, March 22, 1988 CATTLE 381... Report supplied by Auction... High Choice A Prime sL steers 72.00- Choice 69.00-73.75, Select 65.00- Choice holsteins 66.00-69.00, Select 60.00-65.75, Standard 58.00-59.75. Choice si. heifers 68-71.10, Select * Trad* Mark Ralston Purina Co MARCH & APRIL SUPER SPECIALS 3T Belt Dfive WitM M* Bell mw H HF 3s** Direct Dove Wi& ’M0t0r....™.., $170,911 48” Belt Drive Without Mato $196.00 1 • AH Pbb Have Certified Alt’ DtßwiW limpl .' * * S j* * \z V <i ' By AMCA ;. ' ;.. ' •' - ; v. * Fans Have Gelvanixed Fan & Blade -.V - /" yy\ voriopive Kesitiatii mmx -t . *■«■- *,» »*»..»,- a-aJI /Lata »«K*U 4«WV» /iuLt ♦ peae veeie l» FWise »oBw otto- wite l fßte- Intake Audi Diich«se Screen Wfcicfc May Bc JUkxJ For Mooming. • Cut Bee Mve Sheave And Belt Meted '* ■■>. ~ - .—■■>■■< . U is Slaymaker ! SLATMAKED I fwJS« ElCCtllC »X 146 Pann St. Waohlngton Boro, P«. 717/684-5050 WE ARB GROWING 10,000 ACRES ALFALFA HYDROSEEDING Forty’s Ag Service Inc. \& emertng th«ir sixth stason alfalfa hydroseeding. Our goal Is to w«ch t*lo,ooo acre mark. Voucan help us reach this goal. Ustfd below are some of the remarks most commonly made. 1 -Hydroseeding is a time saving procedure 2- method of hydroseeding is far ahead of the field 3- 3-10-30 fluid fertilizer gives me my total plant food need for the first year in one trip. 4- have quicker starts hydroseeding than my old conventional way 5- like the one-call operation The list goes on to prove this method is truly a success. Give us a call today; for we are the leader * ALFALFA -we provide The Best -Big Ten Resistance to five major Magnum Plus diseases - Edge The Proven Champions Dynasty — 1 - e Ti'H'ru'A i T X&naiden/RBL 2020 Horse Shoe Rd., Lancaster, PA Ph. 717-397-0035 * Other Provided E 9 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 26, 1988-Al3 63.00- Standard 58.00-62.75. Break ing Utility A Commercial si. cows 47.50-54.75, few 57.25, Cutter A Boning Utility 47.00-52.75, Canner A Low Cutter 44.00- Shells down to 42.00. Select si. bullocks 63.00-66.50. Yield Grade No. 1, 1200/2065 lbs. si. bulls 53.50-62.50. Feeder Cattle; Medium Frame No. 1, 350/850 steers lbs. 65.00-82.50. Medium Frame No. IA2 350/750 lbs. heifers 55.00- Medium Frame No. IA2 3SQ/800 lbs. bulb 56.00-77.50. CALVES 178... High Choice and Prime vealers 120.00-124, Choice 100.00-118.00 Standard and Good 90/110 lbs. 80.00-95, 60/90 lbs. 70.00-80. Farm Calves; Hobtein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 100.00-141.00. Hobtein heifers 90/125 lbs. 100.00-156.00. HOGS 677...8arr0ws and gilts, US No. 1, 215/240 lbs. 46.00-47.25, 1-2 240/245 lbs. 45.00-46.00, 1-3 200-250 lbs. 44.00- 190-220 lbs. 41.00-44.00. US No. 1-3 270-650 lbs. sows 32.00-35.00, 2-3 270-575 lbs. 30.00-32.00. Boars 29.00- FEEDER PIGS 402... US No. 1-3 20/35 lbs. feeder pigs 35.00-45.00, 35/50 lbs. 45.00- Utility 110-150 lbs. 48.00- all per head. SHEEP 97... Choice 80/1 lOlbs. spring si. lambs 85.00-105.00,25/60 lbs. 125.00- Good 60/80 1b5.65.00-80.00. Slaughter ewes 20.00- GOATS 0...N0 Market Test Dewart Livestock Auction Dewart, PA Monday, March 21, 1988 CATTLE 136...PDA...Compared with Utt Monday's market: Slaughter cowi .50 to $2 higher. One Choice tL steer, 1150 Ibt. 70.00, few Select 64.5046.75. One Choice tL heifer 68.00, few Select 61.75-66.00. Breaking Utility A Commercial tL oowt 48.00- couple 53.75, Cutter A 800. Util ity 46.50-S2, Ctimer A Low Cotter 43.00- Shells down to 40.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1170/2060 Ibt. tL built 57.00- Feeder Cattle: Few Medium Frame No. 1, 440/760 Ibt. heifen 60.00- CALVES 232... Few Choice vealert 105.00- Standard and Good 70/95 Ibt. 82.00- Utility 60/80 Ibt. 65.00-80.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Built 90/130 Ibt. 100.00- few down to 90.00; Hoi. Heif ers 90/125 lbs. 100.00-150, mostly 125.00- HOGS 19. ..Few US No. 1-3 215/250 lbs. barrows and gilts 43.60-43.90. US No. 1-3 33Q/670 Ibt. sows 3200-32.50. Couple Boars 25.00A28.75. FEEDER PIGS 76.,.Few Lots US No. 1-3 20/45 lbs. feeder pigs 31.00-41.00 all per head. SHEEP 51...8u1k Supply spring slaugh ter lambs sold to Easter Trade. Choice 35/90 lbs. spring si. lambs 95.00-155, few Good 50/60 Ibt. 62.00-101.00; few Choice 75/105 lbs. wool lambs 71.00-82.00. Few Slaughter ewes 14.00-21.00. GOATS 19... Few Large 44.00-52.50, few Kids 28.00-36.00 - all per head.
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