farm Philosophy * Newton Bair THE 16 BILLION YEAR-OLD UNIVERSE The Earth we inhabit is only a tiny speck of dust in the Cosmos. If someone in the center of our Galaxy would try to find the Earth with the most powerful telescope that exists, our Earth could not be seen. Since life began, Man has looked outward to the heavens and wondered. The Stars seemed to be fixed in space, never moving in relation to each other, but moving as a single body from East to West across the night sky. He wondered about a few of those “stars” that seemed to move about among the LOOKING FOR HOG BUSINESS! You, The Family Farmer.., Consider a 250 sow farrow to feeder pig or farrow to finish operation. Your Inputs: Buildings, equip., labor Our Inputs: Animals, Feed, Risk mgt. Our supervision and risk management combined with your dedication will make an excellent cash flow for the family farm. INTERESTED? Please Call Us Today! 6 S. Vintage Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 (717)442-4183 (717)768-3301 * Registered trademark of Ralston Purina Company others at an almost predictable rate and direction. Planets differed in size, brightness and color. At first they seemed to revolve about the Earth, with Earth as the center of everything. It is a part of our ego that makes us the center, with all else revolving about us! We now know how silly that is. Or is it? Well, we are learning that the Universe is much more complex than we thought. Cosmic space can no longer be measured by the simple math used by Sir Isaac Newton and Gallileo. Our units of time and distance must be expanded to accommodate its greatness. Distance is measured in YOUR kssMus M | PURINA CHDWS | Light Years. The Universal Con stant in nature is the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per second. If the nearest star to the sun should explode or disappear today, we wouldn’t see it happen until four years later! The Super Nova or exploding star that was recently observed by astronomers, actually blew up over two thousand years ago, but the light just got to us now. The Milky Way Galaxy, of which our Solar system is a small part, is hundreds of thousands of light years in diameter. On a dark night, with no city lights to inter fere, we can see the bright glow from the billions of stars and suns that inhabit the far reaches of the Milky Way. Some of those stars are bigger than our entire solar sys tem, but they are so distant that we see only their collective glow, rather than single points of light. There are many thousands of Gala xies similar to ours. Some are so vast in size that they can be seen with binoculars, even though they are unbelievably distant. Space travel, as imagined by Science fiction writers, is unthinkable, by all the laws of nature we presently understand. It would take the span of many generations, not single lifetimes, to travel to other parts of our galaxy. And many more mil lennia to try to reach another Rt. 82 Unionville, PA 18375 (215)347-2377 galaxy. Assuming, of course, that we could travel at a speed approaching that of light, which we have little hope of doing. Now, another amazing truth is that all of these heavenly bodies are in motion. The sky never seems to change, yet every star and every galaxy is moving at incredible speed. Yes, we can see the moon encircle the Earth every month, and the Earth complete its orbit around the sun every year. But what we find hard to believe is that our star, the Sun, also travels about the Milky Way. The distance is so great that it takes about 200 million years to make one complete circle! Scientists who study the Cos mos, and who made these marvel ous observations, have concluded SOUTHAMPTON—The Mor gantown and Kimberton Locals of Adantic Dairy Cooperative Dis trict 8 will hold their annual dinner meeting March 24 at 7 p.m. at the Ridge Fire Hall near Bucktown. Dr. Paul E. Hand, Atlantic’s secretary and general manager, will be the guest speaker. Dr. Hand will report on cooperative business The NEW durable 330 belt system CONVEY - OR - FEEDER Ji_i i—JL ■ VERSATILE AND ADAPTABLE TO ANY FARM SITUATION ±_ ‘ | For over a quarter of a century, the name FEATURES: Van Dale has symbolized quality feed . a simple, handling equipment Used as a con- reliable drive veyor or feeder or both, the economical system 330 Belt CONVEY-OR-FEEDER provides • plow system the high performance and long life with continuous you've come to expect from Van Dale loop • Versatile For a high performance conveyor- installation for feeder, look to the 330 Belt CONVEYOR- economical OR-FEEDER from Van Dale the com- feeding pany that made its name in feed handl . High capacity mg operation in length to 210 feet Lancaster Silo Co. 2008 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster, PA 717/299-3721 VAN DALE Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 19, 1988-Al9 Atlantic Locals To Meet that there are indeed other dimen sions to the Universe beside length, width and height. One dimension is time. There may even be other dimensions as yet undis covered. One intriguing theory is that ever since the Big Bang, the Creation indeed, the whole Uni verse is expanding at a tremendous rate. It appears that the galaxies farthest removed from ours are traveling the fastest It further appears that there may be a curve in their trajectory, like the surface of a sphere. Try to recapture the wonder and glory of the Shepherds, who named the stars and planets and constellations. Look at the sky, and savor the beauty and wonder of Creation! District and dairy issues. During the meeting, elections will be held for officers and dele gates for the coming year. In addi tion, 25-year membership awards will be presented to the Titus S. Kurtz family, Elverson, and Dis trict 8 Director Andrew D. Stolt zfus, Morgantown.
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