Saturday, Marclf 19," 19&8 Dewart Livestock Dewart, Pa. Mon., March 14, 1988 CATTLE 183...PDA...Compared with last Monday's market: Slaughter cows SO to $3 higher. Few Select si. steers 60.00-65.75, couple Choice holstems 63.50, few Standard 55.75-5775. Few Choice si. heifers 65.00-69.25, few Select holstems 56.50-60.25. Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 47.50-62, couple 54.00, Cutter & Bon. Utility 45.00-49.50, Canner & Low Cutter 42 00-46, Shells down to 39.00. Yield Grade No. 1, 800/2000 lbs. si. bulls 56.75-65 00. Feeder Cattle; Few Medium Frame No. 1,600/715 lbs. steers 75.00-80.00. Fee Medium Frame No. 1. 330/750 lbs. heifers 60.00-75.00. CALVES 215... Few Choice vealers 117.00- few Good 100.00-105, Stan dard and Good 75/95 lbs. 83,00-89, Utility 60/80 lbs. 75.00-84, few dowm to 65.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90/130 lbs 90.00- Hoi. Heifers 90/120 lbs 100.00- HOGS 71... US No. 1-3 210/250 lbs. bar rows and gilts 42.90-43.80. US No. 1-3 300/540 lbs. sows 32.00-34.75. Few Boars 27.00-28.50. FEEDER PIGS 60.. Few Lots US No 1-3 20/40 lbs. feeder pigs 36.00-39.00, lot 50 lbs. 45.00 all per head. SHEEP 7... Few Choice 75/95 lbs. spring t cope Co NEEDED / /4 r Additional Sweet Pea I eßin U. Marlin CtFOWCFS \tiriiultural inpmiMir To Plant Expanded Sweet Pea Acres in Western Berks, Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster, and York counties to supply our modern processing plant in Rheems, Pa. We Will: 1. Provide the seed 2. Supervise the planting and growing 3. Harvest with Modern “Self-Propelled” Pod Stripper Combines. Advantages: 1. Short Growing Season - Double-Crop Soybeans Or Late Corn 2. No Harvesting or Hauling Problems 3. Competitive Prices Per Ton - Additional Bonus For Irrigation Contact: Leßoy Martin Jerry Keperling John F. Cope Co. 717-367-5142 717-653-8075 WE ARE GROWING 10,000 ACRES ALFALFA HYDROSEEDING Forry’s Ag Service Inc. is entering their sixth season of alfalfa hydroseeding. Our goal is to reach the 10,000 acre mark. You can help us reach this goal. Listed below are some of the remarks most commonly made. 1- is a time saving procedure 2- method of hydroseedmg is far ahead of the field 3- 3-10-30 fluid fertilizer gives me my total plant food need for the first year in one trip 4-1 have quicker starts hydroseeding than my old conventional way 5-1 like the one-call operation The list goes on to prove this method is truly a success Give us a call today; for we are the leader * ALFALFA -we provide The Best -Big Ten Magnum Plus Edge Dynasty — 1 sL lambs 90.00-98.00. GOATS 12...C0up1e Urge 57.50, few Kids 25.00-34.50 all per head. New Wilmington Livestock N. Wilmington, PA Mon., March 14, 1988 CATTLE 283..PDA ..Compared with last Monday’s market: Slaughter Cows steady to strong. Choice si. steer, one 65.508, few Select 61.50-64.50; few Select holsteins 58.50-61.50, few Standard 56.00-58 50, few Utility 49 5 050.00. Few Select si. heifers 6064.50, few Standard 52.5057.75. few Utility 48-49 00. Break ing Utility & Commercial si. cows 48.0051, couple 52.50&53.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 45-49.50, few High Dress ing 50.25, Canner & Low Cutter 40.0045 25. Shells down to 29 00. Yield Grade No. 1, 1150/2010 lbs. si. bulls 57.0060.50, one 64.00. Feeder Cattle: Few Medium & Urge Frame No. 1,380/465 lbs steers 80 0 090.00. Medium & Large Frame No. 1,250/370 lbs. heifers 80.0089, 375/540 lbs. 66.0079, 550/890 lbs. 59.0068.00. Medium & Large Frame No. 1, 350/530 lbs. bulls 77.0082.50. CALVES 357...Pnmee vealer, individu al 134.00, few Choice 125 00-128, few Good 90 00l 10. Standard & Good 90/120 lbs. 80.0090,65/85 lbs. 70.0080, lot Ulih- a Sorry'6 11 tSii 311 iIN H wHuyLßidiMuyfeA Xancaktm.'PvL 2020 Horse Shoe Rd., Lancaster, PA Resistance to five major diseases - The Proven Champions ty 56 Iba. 59.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 95/135 lbs. 100.00-147, lot 90 lbs. 90.00; Holstein Heifers 85/125 lbs. 85.00-137.50. Beef cross hulls & heifers 70/125 lbs. 75.00-137.50. HOGS 465...8arr0ws and gilts about steady. US No. 1-2 230/250 lbs. 43 40-44, few 44 50-45 50, 1-3 210/265 lbs 42-43 50, 2-3 220/270 lbs 40 00-42 00. Sows $5 lower US No 1-3 340/605 lbs sows 40.00-43, few 2-3 385/585 lbs 34 00-37 25 Boars 30 00-32 50 FEEDER PIGS 16 Few US 1-3 40/60 lbs. feeder pigs 31 00-36 00 all per head SHEEP 121.. Choice & Prime 60/90 lbs. spring si lambs 82 00-92, few to 96 00, 95/120 lbs. 79 00-86 00 Slaughter ewes 15.00-24.00 GOATS 21 ..Large 40 00-48 00, Medium 30 00-40 00, Kids 20 00-30 00 all per head Keister’s Livestock Auction Middleburg, PA Tucs., March 15, 1988 CATTLE 510. REPORT IS SUPPLIED BY AUCTION...High Choice and Prime slaughter steers 73.00-75.25, Choice 68-73.75, Select 63-67.75; High Choice & Prime holsteins 66-68.75, Choice 64-65.85, Select 58-63.75, Standard 60-62.85. Choice si. heifers 68-71.50, Select 63-67.75, Standard 58-62.75. Breaking IKJ m a Quality Feeds To Fit Your Operation Agent For PIC Breeding Stock m ip m m Clean & Sanitized Livestock Trucks Pigtales - Computer Sow Records m Sow Unit m Designs Cash Flows Feeder Pig Purchase Agreements m Farrow to Feeder Pig Unit Contracts Farrow to Finish Unit Contracts m Finishing Unit Contracts m m * l i ult r MrllV* R »I *I( im I\ir i f m ( on ip lM v Utility & Commercial si. cows 48 00-53.75, few 55.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 46-52.75, Canner & Low Cutter 43-45.75, Shells down to 40.00. Choice si. bullocks 63-65.75, Select 58-62.75. Yield Grade No. 1. 1200/2035 lbs. si. bulls 58.00- 25, No. 2. 800/1200 lbs 53.00- 75. Feeder Cattle- ALL WEIGHTS 350/750 LBS. Steers 65.00- 50 Heifers 60 00-73 00. Bulls 58 00-82.00. CALVES 186.. Prime vcalers 120 00-125, Choice 11000-120 00, Stan dard ana Good 90/110 lbs. 80.00-90,60/90 lbs. 70.00-80 00. Farm Calves- Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 100 00-135.00, 90/125 lbs. 95.00-13200. HOGS 551., US No 1,225/240 lbs. bar rows and gilts 45.00-46 25, 1-2 210/245 lbs. 44.00-45, 2-3 200/250 lbs. 43 00-44, 2-4 190/270 lbs. 40 00-43.00. US No. 1-3 280/650 lbs. sows 32.00-36.50, 2-3 270/550 lbs. 25.00-32.00. Boars 28.00-30.00. FEEDER PIGS 310... US No. 1-3 20/35 lbs. feeder pigs 30.00-48 00, 35/50 lbs. 48 00-56.50 -- all per head. SHEEP 53.. Choice 80/110 lbs. wool si lambs 90.00-102 00, few Choice 25/50 lbs. spring lambs 125 00-155.00. Slaughter ewes 28.00-38 00. - GOATS 26. Kids 12 00-25 00 - head. Mercer Livestock Mercer, PA Tues, March 15, 1988 CATTLE 297...PDA. .Compared with last Tuesday's market: Slaughter steers .50 to 72.00-73.85, one High Dressing 77.00, Choice 67.00-72.50, Select 63.50-67, Stan dard 57 00-62.50. Choice si. heifers m 2 Locations To Serve Your Hog Needs KEYSTONE MILLS m ■Smjuui AqrdeMttu/u — Si/ttf 1&94- R D 3 Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 354 4616 - per DO m Unit Management Guidance Finishing Unit Designs •S’. 111 „Tr fe-'--iiti 65.00- one High Choie 70.00, Select 61-64.70, Standard 54.00-58, few Utility 49.50-54.00. Breaking Utility & Commer cial si. cows 49.00-53, one High Dressing Commercial 55.25, few Low Dressing Commerc. down to 45.00, Cutter & Boning Utility 46.00-50, Cannes & Low Culler 40-46 50, Shells down to 30.00. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1300/1600 lbs. si. bulls 58.00- No. 2, 930/2050 lbs 48 00-54.10. Feeder Cattle: Medium Frame No 1, 400/500 lbs. steers 70 00-8000, Large #l, 325/420 lbs. 89.00-93, Urge #2, 450/600 lbs. 63.00-67.00. Medium Frame No. 1,400/500 heifers 62.00-70, Large #I. 340/500 lbs. 75.00-80.00. Medium Frame No. 1, 400/600 lbs. bulls 65.00-75.00. CALVES 145...C0up1e Choice vealers 120.00, few Good 99 00-104.00, Slanard & Good 90/120 lbs. 76 00-88, 60/85 lbs 68.00- few Utility 45/60 lbs 31.00- Farm Calves; Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 100.00-135.00. Beef cross bulls and heifers 85/105 lbs. 100.00-131.00. HOGS 218...Batrows and gilts steady to strong. US No. 1-2 lbs. 43.00- 1-3 218/255 lbs. 42.50-43.10, 2-3 230/270 lbs. 41.50-42.60, lot 1-3 182 lbs. 37.75, one lot 2-4 265 lbs. 40 50. Few US No. 1-3 400/650 lbs. sows 36.00-38, couple 2-3 400 lbs. 35.00. Few Boars 26.00- FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 Market test. SHEEP 12... Three head High Choice 65 lbs spring si. lambs 90.00, few Choice 80 lbs. shorn lambs 80 00. Few Slaughter sheep 19.00-30.00. GOATS 0...N0 Market Test. DO 1975 Route 336 Romulus. NY 14541 (315)549-2578 m
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