OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC MARCH 14-20,1988 May lucky days come your way. Albert Emstem bom March 14,1879 Turkey buzzards return annually to Hinckley Ridge, Ohio, March 15 New moon March 17 (Thurs) St Patrick's Day March 17 Swallows return to San Juan Capistrano March 19 The Dalai Lama left Tibet March 19,1959 . First day of Spring March 20 (Sun) Average length of days for the week 12 hours. Make haste slowly Home Hints; Store olive oil m the refngerator to keep it from getting rancid It will quickly liquify for use at room temperature OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England; Week begins clear and cold, midweek clear and warm, rain at end of week. Greater New York-New Jersey: Beginning of week partial clearing, showers, mid week clear and warm; end of week very warm, showers Middle Atlantic Coastal: Beginning of week seasonable temperatures and showers, and sunny, chance of showers, mid through end of week Piedmont Ic Southeast Coastal: Week begins clear and mild, midweek rain, heavy northeast; end of week sunny and verv warm T (All Rights Reserved, Yankee Publishing Incorporated, Dublin, NH 03444) Leesport Livestock Auction Leesport, PA Wed, March 9, 1988 CATTLE 241...PDA.. Supply included 9 head feeder cattle . Compared to last Wednesday’s market: Slaughter steers fully $1 to $2 higher; Cows uneven, mostly steady to .50 higher. High Choice & Prune, one YG #3 si. steers 73.25, few #4-5 68.25-71.25, Choice 1200/1350 lbs 69.75- one 73.85, Select 63.75- 75; Select & Choice 1200/1600 lbs holsteins 61.75-66 75, few 69.25, few n ru.iGTS» AUCTION KIRKWOOD Hay, Straw and Grain Auction EVERY TUESDAY 12:00 Located Rt 472 S ml tea aoulh df Ouarryviite or • mitea north of Oxford cornar of RL 472 and NoUa Road at Rouaa Tobacco •teflon. Lloyd H. Kioidor, Auctionoor AU-000611L No out of ittte checki ALL TRUCKERS AND FARMERS WELCOME HAY & STRAW SALE 12:00 Noon Every Wednesday Westend of Avondale at the intersection of Baltimore Pike and Route 41. Harvey Z. Martin 215-268-3604 (Office) 215-445-5303 (Residence) | OUR BUSINESS IS 1 I SERVICE TO FARMERS | I successful Let us help you build a Call: 717-761-2740 800-382-1356 Grains | • Forward Contracting • Hedging Services LCFS J>FA COMMODITY FUTURES SERVICE, INC. THE Ask the Old Farmer; How can 1 thoroughly clean a beautiful old model of the US S Con stitution that my friend gave me? It has very delicate threads and tiny detail work RG, Port Washington, N Y Lay the model on its side Using a spray bottle of window cleaner, spray the rigging, deck, etc, and brush with a fine-bristle artist's brush Then, turn the model over on its other side and repeat this process. Standard 57.00-62 50. Choice 920/1450 lbs. >l. heifers 63.75-67.75, couple 71 00, few Select 57.25-61.25 Breaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 47 85-49 25, few 50 25, fewlow Dressing 43-47 75, Cutter & Bon. Utility 44.75-48, few 50 25, Canner & Low Cutter 43 50-45.85, Shells down to 35.00. Few Select & Choice si. bullocks 59.00-65 85. couple 72.50, few Standard 54-57 75. Few Yield Grade No. 1. 1200/1965 lbs. si. bulls 57.00-60.50, one 63.75, one No 2 1115 lbs. 54.50. Feeder Cattle. Few Medium & Large Frame No 1, 650/750 lbs bulls 60 00-70.50. one small lot Large #2, 440 ibs. 63 00. Green Dragon Livestock Sales © Location: Ephrata RD 4. 1 . mile N. on North State St., Ephrata. C o* s COWS X SALE EVERY FRIDAY Lots of good Northern Feeder & Stockers. Slaughter Cows - Bull Steer, Veal-lamb 11:00 A.M.-Beef Sale 200-300 each week, 1:00 P.M.-Dairy Sale. 7:00 P.M>.-Small Animal Sale. For Special Sales and Herd Dispersals on farm or at our barn or other market information call: Office 717-733-2444, Home 717-838-4318. WALTER H. RISSER, Proprietor All out of state and new buyers must have cash or certified check or current letter of credit from bank. marketing program! • in • M» <v>eV Livestock CALVES 146... Few Choice vealers 101.00- few Good 95.00-96, few Stan dard and Gdhd £5/105 ft*. 88.0^89.dew 70/85 lbs. 75.00*85, few Utility 90/105 lbs. 79.00- few 55/80 Iba. 45.00-70,00. Fami Calves; Holstein Bulls 85/140 lbs. 120.00- some down to 96 00, few 75/85 lbs. 75.00-80.00; few Hols. Heifers 100/125 lbs. 147.50-150. few 90/100 lbs. 90.00- Few Beef cross bulls & heif ers 70/110 lbs. 85.00-129 00. HOGS 331. .Barrows and Gilts steady to .50 lower. US No. 1-2 225/245 lbs. 44.25-45.75,1-3 200/260 lbs. 42 75-44,2-3 210/270 lbs. 41.50-42 25, few 2-4 290/295 lbs. 39-39.35, few 1-3 145/190 lbs. 36 00-39 25 Sows 50 to $1 higher US No. 1-3 330/530 lbs. sows 31.50-34 50. couple 35 50, 2-3 450/700 lbs. 29 50-31, few Medium 300/450 lbs. 28-31.50 Few Boars 29.00-30.75, few light weights 32 50-38.00. FEEDER PIGS 176. .Few US No 1-3 20/25 lbs. feeder pigs 132.50-142 50,30/50 lbs. 92.00-106, few 50/60 lbs 74 00-91 00 all per hundredweight SHEEP 88 ..Few Choice 25/45 lbs new crop lambs 140.00-152.50, one 167.50. few 50/60 lbs. 110.00-125, few 75/90 lbs. 96.00- few Choice 85/120 lbs. wool lambs 72 50-85; few Good & Choice 115/165 lbs 60.00-67.50. Slaughter sheep 10.00- mostly 17 00-26.00. Few Year lings 50 00-52.00 GOATS 7... Few Large adult 44.00-55.00, one Large Kid 37 00 all per head. Lebanon Valley Livestock Auction Fredericksburg, PA Tucs., March 8, 1988 CATTLE 175 ~PDA...Compared with last Tuesday's market; Slaughter cows mostly steady to .75 lower Few Choice si. steers 69.25-7050, one yield Grade #4, 67 00, one Select 65.50, one Standard 58 00, Select & Choice 1205/1440 lbs holstems 61 00-63, Utility & Low Standard MELHORN SALES, SERVICI, 1010 W. Main St., Mount Joy, PA 17852 DEKALB Breeder Flocks Managed Under The DEKALB Certified Breeder Program. Capable of filling large order requirements in two consecutive days that insures uniformity and top quality chicks. The only full service company, in this area, to handle the total needs of the poultrymen. / For More Information Phone: \W) 7 17-653-1102 HI Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM 50.50-57.25. Few Choice si. heifers 58.75-62,75, few Select 56.50-60, Standard 50.25- few Utility 46.50-50.00. Bieaking Utility & Commercial si. cows 47-48.75, few 52.75, few Low Dressing down to 45.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 44.25- few 49.25, Canner & Low Cutter 41.50-45.50, Shells down to 35.00. Two Select si. bullocks 60.25&60.50, few Standard 55.75-58, few Utility 53.75&54.25. Few Yield Grade No. 1, 1225/1490 lbs. si. bulls 56.75-6075, one No. 2, 1915 lbs. 55.25. Few Medium & Large Frame No. 2, 515/760 lbs steers 56.00-63, one 66.00, one Large #1,570 lbs. 79.00. One Medium Frame No. 1,765 lbs. heifers 61.00. CALVES 225...Vealers mostly steady. One Choice vealer 113.00, two Good 106.00&107; few 220/360 lbs. si, calves 52.00- Standard & Good 80/115 lbs. 85.00- 60/75 lbs. 73.00-86, Utility 45/80 lbs. 40 00-69, few down to 30.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 85/130 lbs. 90.00- lew 148.00; Hoi. Heifers 85/120 lbs. 90 00-132, few to 161 00 Beef cross bulls & heifers 65/100 lbs 87 00-105 00. HOGS 230 . Barrows and gilts steady to .50 higher. US No. 1-2 220/240 lbs. 44 20-45, 1-3 205/260 lbs. 43.60-44 50. few 2-3 200/290 lbs. 43 25-43 85, few 2-4 270/275 lbs. 38.25-40 60. US No 1-3 335/645 lbs. sows 32 00-34, few 35 50, few 2-3 480/680 lbs 31 50-32.50, few Medium 275/395 lbs. 35 00-30 50 Few Boars 25 00-28.25, few light weights 33 50-36 50. FEEDER PIGS 7 . Lot US No 2-3 52 lbs feeder lambs 55 00 per hundredweight SHEEP 2 Two Slaughter sheep 11 00 and 17 00 GOATS 0.. No Market Test Keister’s Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, PA Tucs., March 8, 1988 CATTLE 433 REPORT SUPPLIED BY AUCTION , High Choice & Prime slaughter steers 72 00-74 50, Choice 70 00-73.75, one 80.25, Select 65 00-69 75; Choice holstems 63 00-66, Select 58-62.75, Standard 58 00-64.75 Choice si. heifers 69 00-71 25, Select 62-68 75, Standard 55-61 75 Breaking Utility & Commercial si cows 47-52 25, few 55.25, Cutler & Boning Utility 46 00-51.25, Canner & Low Cutter 42-45 75, Shells down to 38 00 Choice si bullocks 62.00-66 25, Select 58-61.75 Yield Grade No. 1, 1200/1870 lbs si. bulls /> s*s■%&''*' 1 «* Four 50,000 Size Single Age 5500 64, one 68.00, No. 2, 800/1200 lbs 50.00- Feeder Cattle' ALL WEIGHTS 3?50/750 LBS. Steers 69.00- Heifers 60.00-76.00. Bulls 52.00- CALVES 219... Prime vealers 118.00- Choice 100.00-112.00 Farm Calves; Holstein .Bullk 90/125 lbs, 100 00-142.00, Hoi. Heifers 9,0/125 lbs 95.00- 00. HOGS 571.. US No. 1,220/240 lbs, bar rows and gilts 45.50-46.50, 1-2 210/245 lbs. 44.00-45, 2-3 200/250 lbs. 43.25-44, 2-4 190/270 lbs. 42.25-43.25. US No. 1-3 270/650 lbs. sows 32 00-38, 2-3 270/575 lbs. 25.00-32.00. Boars" 28 - FEEDER PIGS 260... US No. 1-3 20-35$ lbs. feeder pigs 39.00-44.50, 35-50vlbs.A 45.00-57.00 aU per head. SHEEP 38... Choice 80/110 lbs. wool si - lambs 85.00-98 00. few Choice spring lambs 105.00-110.00. Slaughter ewes’* 24.00-38.00. GOATS 14. .No Market Test. Morrison Cove Livestock Martinsburg, Pa. Monday, March 7, 1988 Report supplied by auction STEERS; HIGH CHOICE & PRIME 67 00-68 75; CHOICE 65.00-66 25; GOOD 61.00-64.75. STANDARD 54.00- HEIFERS CHOICE 64.00- GOOD 54 00-61.75. COWS UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 48.50- CUTTERS 47 00-49 75; CANNER AND LOW CUTTER 40.50- BULLOCKS. GOOD AND CHOICE 61 00-64 75. BULLS. YIELD GRADE NO. 1 56 00-62.75. CALVES. PRIME 112 00 121 50; CHOICE 104 00-110 50; GOOD 91 00-102.50; STANDARD & GOOD 85.00- 90-110 LBS. 83 50-98 50, HOLST. BULL CALVES. 90-130 LBS 112 00-152.52; HOLST HEIFER CALVES, 90-130 LBS 90 00-136 00 HOGS- US #l-2 42 50-43.75; US #l-3 40 50-42 75; SOWS 35.00-40 25, BOARS 27.75-34.00. FEEDER PIGS: 20-35 LBS PER HD 22 50-36 50 HD., 35-50 LBS. PER HD 38 00-44 50 SHEEP. CHOICE LAMBS 82 00-86 50. GOOD 78.00-81 50; SLAUGHTER EWES 18.50-46 50. GOATS: PER HD. 29 00-68 00 MIXED HAY: PER TON 40.00-93.00 STRAW PER TON 50.00-62. pa "I ' ; •»»"* in ' • \ * 7
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