F4O-LancMt«r Farming, Saturday, March 12. 1988 Dairy and Livestock Sales EASTER LAMB AND GOAT SALE Tuesday, March 22nd 7:00 P.M. PENNS VALLEY LIVESTOCK AUCTION Centra Hell, Pa. More Information Call: Scott L Yocum (814) 364-9096 (814) 466-3150 FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUES. EVE. MAR. 15 Approx. 7:45 150 Hd. Expected Buyers & Sellers Welcome WESTMINSTER Livestock Auction Phone 301-848-9820 301-857-1179 HAY SALE Every Tues. at 12:30 PM vmc/'viiiyvtwy Mm/ vmk<- 'jMC vm/ v^MHi PUBLIC AUCTION g TRACTORS - TRUCKS - FARM & jj ORCHARD EQUIPMENT I The undersigned, having sold fruit farm, will sell at public | auction, located taking PA Route 34 just North of Blglervllle, PA J? (at Sandoes Fruit Market) - on MONDAYMARCH 14 - 10.00 AM. Q Landini Model 6530-F - 4 wheel drive, 65 HP - like new 14.9x24 rubber, * 3 pt, spray cab, 1291 original hours; like new FMC Model 252-F 500 gal- | lon PTO seed spreayer - 2 years old; Swartz Omni Trac tractor w/diesel g engine, Edwards fork-lift and pruning tower; Hydra-Ladder with Kohler i engine; John Bean 125 gallon, 3 pt., PTO, high pressure sprayer w/boom; 0 like new Woods Model 112110 ft rotary mower w/cylinder; Holland 3 pt. S Transplanter -1 row with strawberry pockets; Howard 4'A ft, 3 pt, heavy u duty roto-vator, like new Danuser 3 pt post hole auger w/18” auger; LN Vicon 3 pt. fertilizer spreader; New Idea No. 100 pull-type fertilizer | spreader; John Deere 8 ft. Kilfer orchard disc; Bft single roll cultipacker; « 2-11 ft. weed hog harrows; 3 pt - 3 section spring tooth harrow; Oliver I 1 Superior 13 disc grain drill w/grass seed; 3pt 2-row cultivator; 3pt sub- v soUer; 3-2 wheel orchard trailers; f Hale 4” PTO irrigation pump; 29 pcs. 4” irrigation pipe - 20 and 30 ft. long; 15 pieces 3” irrigation pipe - 30 ft. long; 12 quick connect sprinklers; 1980 Ford F-250 series pick-up - Custom cab, auto, trans., gas, 85,000 ' miles; 1948 Chevrolet truck w/500 gal. refill tank and pump; front mounted brush rake; large lot strawberry picking trays; lot wood berry crates; 4-cast {hog troughs; post vise; assorted lumber; lot picking buckets; 25 - 5 to 8 ft. 'picking stepladders; 10 orchard picking ladders; pruning equipment; pick ing bags; Jami-glide 6'A ft. by 8 ft. refrigeration room doors; Kline auto matic floor furnace w/blower, grinder; lot small hand tools; chicken crates. Auctioneer’s Note: All equipment bought new and many pieces in new condition. Sale Inspection: During business hours. Sandoe’s are continu ing their complete wholesale and fruit packing operation. TERMS: Cash or check with Bank Letter of Credit Refreshment Rights Reserved RALPH S. & SARA SANDOE Owners 304 Carlisle Road • Blglerville, PA Ph: 717-677-8310 C. David Redding - Auctioneer - PA License No. 742-L Gettysburg, PA - Ph: 717-334-6941 or 334-6598 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday bOO P M ol each week s publication SAT. APR. 9 - Farm SAT. APR. 9 - 2 Tracts of Estate 1 a^Estote^Sale 6 ©} Crossing.ChesterCo. Nick Estate a * Estate Sate of & Service, auct. Eastern Shore Showcase Sale 55 Reg. Holstein Calves & Heifers Sat., March 19, 1988 11 A.M. Hunters Sale Barn, Rising Sun, MD Featuring March 87 Big A 1 from a GP-83 Dam with 30.552 M & 1002 F. March 87 Kirk Boy from a GP-82 Dam with 26.078 M & 1073 F. Sept. 87 Valiant Sammy from VG-88 Dam with 22,31 OM & 1014 F Feb. 87 Mandingo from GP-83 Dam with 26.740 M & 1022 F Sept. 87 Mark from VG-87 Dam with 22.740 M & 795 F Dec. 87 Dlxlccrat from VG-88 Dam with 17.350 M & 641 F Sept. 87 Steady from VG-88 Dam with 19.125 M & 836 F March 86 Mark from GP Tony with 24,140 & 905 F. Bred to Mandingo. Sept. 87 Ned Boy from' VG-85 Dam with 17.160 M as 2 yr. old. July 86 Chief Stewart from GP-82 Dam with 26.829 M & 1062 F. bred to Rex. Others Sired By: Count, Warden, Royalty, Valiant Don, Arllnda Chief, Sir Arn, Baltimore & SWD Bert • Sponsored by Cecil, Harford, Baltimore, Kent, Queen Anne and Delaware Holstein Clubs. • Co-Chairman: Steve Wilson, Bob Knutsen. For Catalogs and Information: Bob Knutsen, Rising Sun, MD 21911 (301) 658-6325 SAT. APR. 9 - HH Goods. Lawn Equip., Farm Equip., Tractors. New Bridgeville Fire Co., Red Lion, PA, Chance ford Twp., York Co. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Farm Machinery, Lumber & Bldg. Supplies, Household Goods, Antiques, Recrea tion Vehicles, Trucks, Trac tors, Automobiles, Lawn mowers, Etc. Nesoopeck Twp. Vol Fire Co. No. I,At Routes 93 and 239, R.D. 1, Nescopeck, Pa Herschel Hileman, Jr., Merlin L. Smith, aucts. CONSIGNMENT SALE on the Norman Parker Farm Jacobstown-Cookstown Rd. Wrlghtstown, NJ. SATURDAY. MARCH 26,1988 Large Farm Tractors, Combines, Trucks, Cars, Garden & Lawn Tractors, Roto Tillers & Various Lawn Equipment. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1988 Large Farm Equipment Articles will be accepted from March Ist through March 30th. Unloading platform & unloadcr are available. Please phone ahead. 609-758-8603 OUTSTANDING PUBLIC GIGANTIC auction Of Valuable Antiques- Furniture- Automobiles- Dishes- Primitives- Collectibles A Personal Property ON SAT., MARCH 19, 1988 AT 8:30 AM At R.D. #2, Red Lion, Penna. at the comer ol Windsor Road and Kendale Road in Windsor Two., York County, Pa. The undersigned Executors of the Helen M. Warner Estate will sell at absolute auction the following: Furniture Large 1 pc. comer cupboard, 2 pc. dutch cup board, oval front china cabinet, wall-tilt top & drop leaf tables, organ, sideboard, plank bot tom rocker & chairs, music cabinet, inlaid desk, mirrors, odd tables- chairs & stands. Lamps & General Antiques Several parlor lamps, lot of good miniature ker osene lamps, table & floor lamps, 2 butter chums, jugs, crocks, baskets, pocketbooks, umbrella stand, butter scales & molds, buggy robe, bear hide, granny glasses, good primi tives, wood, tin & iron items, picture frames, lots & lots of very good dishes & glassware of all kinds, types & descriptions. Automobiles 1935 Packard 120 sedan straight 8 - a good car to restore, 1974 Ford Thunderbird PS, PB, AUTO, AC, P, Windows, VB, mileage 23,988, 1963 Cadillac 62 sedan, AUTO, PS, PB. Air, VB, mileage 73,549, color black. SPECIAL NOTE: Automobiles will be sold approx. 1 P.M., full settlement on day of auc tion, please come prepared. Also a general line of personal property & household goods and many other articles too numerous to mention. Not responsible for acci dents on day of auction. Refreshments on the premises. Come early, lots & lots to be sold at absolute auction. SPECIAL NOTE: Majority of above listed items in good to very good condition, no auc tion in this family for 3 generations. 2 auction eers selling at one time most of the day. TERMS: Cash, Certified or Travelers checks, NO OUT OF STATE CHECKS. FRED RITTENHOUSE SAMUEL S. LAUCKS, JR. Executors Auction Conducted By GILBERT i GILBERT, AUCTIONEERS R.D.MI, Wrlghtsvlll*, Pm. Brian L Gllbart, Ue. 1225* Jacob A. Gilbert Ue. *33* Samoal S. Laueka, Jr., Attomay SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Surplus-Toois-Equip., Veh icles, Antiques, Old Bar room Furnishings. Located Maple Grove Park, 9 mis. S. of Reading, PA. Off Rt. 10 and 3 mis. E. of Bowmans ville in Brecknock Twp., Berks Co Leßoy S. Horst & Paul W. Horst, Aucts. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM Wolge muth's Annual Consign ment Auction. 4 mi. west of Manheim on Valley Rd. off Hoslerßd., tOminutesfrom Rt 283, Lane. Co., Pa. Bob Wolgemuth, Auct. SAT. APR. 9 - 9AM, Real Estate at IPM. Household Goods, Antiques and Yard Equipment. Along Route 897 Between Reinholds and Swartzville East Coca lico Township Lancaster County, Penna. Hannah Owner. H.H. Laid Auction Gehr Administratrix Of The Service, John, Art and Hen, Minnie Hainley Estate, J. Marlin Shrainer Atty. ESTATE PUBLIC AUCTION EARL “RED” KEENEY SAT., MARCH 19th, 1988 9:00 A.M. SHARP! SNOW DATE - MARCH 26 VILLAGE OF REHRERSBURG, PA. BERKS CO. Carnival Glass, Crocks & Jugs, Glass Basket, China, Stoneware Platters, Hang ing Kero Lamps, Old Blanket Chest with Turn Feet, Marble Top Bureau & Wash stand. Assorted Wooden Stands, Lg. Butcher Kettle, 3 Pcs. Ornate Bedrm. Suit; Oak Pcs. Corner Cupboard, Copper Boil ier, Clothes Tree. Glassware, Much More. AUCTION ORDERED BY: KATHERINE M. HISSINGER EXECUTRIX AUCTIONEER: Dwight D. Miller, AU-002414-L RD #2, Box 2716 Bethel. PA. 19507 (717) 933-5736 Food Available by Ftehrersburg Fire Co Sale Service CHAR-MAR DAIRY PRODUCTION SALE On the farm located near Burkittsville In Frederick Co., Md. (12 miles south of Frederick). From US 340 take Route 17 west to Burkittsville. At stop sign turn left on Gapland Road and go approxi mately one mile. Turn right on Mountain Church Road and follow to farm on right. TUESDAY, MARCH 22- 11:00 A.M. 150 HOLSTEINS 150 50 Registered— 10 VIP — 90 Grades 120 Cows— 7 Bred Heifers— 20 Calves— 3 Bulls MILK MILK MILK MILK Fresh Cows— 35 Due In March Fresh Cows— 60 In January And February 15 Sell milking with first calf— 20 with second calf 26 Milking from 70 to 103 lbs a day 21 Too fresh to test— 45 Due before sale 50 Cows sell with over 18,000 lbs milk TRIADELPHIA JEMINI HOLY COW 3-6 359 22,640 3.4 770 Sells fresh. Dtr. of Shardale Arlinda Chief Jemini. THESE HIGH RECORD COWS SELL: VIP No. 178 4-1 379 28,230 3.2 903 Grade No. 558 5-7 365 27,580 3.3 908 Grade No. 640 4-10 365 24,610 3.2 781 Grade No, 677 6-10 354 23,670 4.4 1050 VIP No. 99 4-3 362 23,130 3.6 825 Reg. No 1079 3-6 359 22.640 3 4 770 Reg. No. 516 3-3 315 22,600 3.4 786 Grade No. 552 3-10 354 21,690 3.9 849 Grade No. 349 4-0 395 21,470 3.9 851 Also several 2-yr olds with 18,000 to 20,540 M Slras Include: Valiant, Chairman, Ned Boy, Starfire, Spirit, Wiseman, Falcon, Jemini, Potts, Marvel, Vanguard and other popular A.I. sires. Sale Note: The Brandenburgs are overstocked at present and have decided to reduce the herd size to a more manageable figure. This group was selected from the top of the herd based pri marily on calving schedule to offer you top qual ity cattle in full flow of milk. Here is a great oppor tunity for maximum return on dollars invested. Tested tor Interstate— Examined tor Pregnancy —Lunch Courtesy of Char-Uar Dairy- Owners CHAR-MAR DAIRY CHARLES & DWIGHT BRANDENBURG 6319 Mountain Church Road Jefferson, MO 21755 Phones: (301) 371- 6898 (301) 371-6981 (301) 371-4258 Sale Manager REMSBURG SALE SERVICE P.O. Box 177 Jefferson, MD 21755 Phone (301) 473-8214 Sellini
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