Multi-County Agents (Continued from Pag* At) sion network to fill some of the positions that had become vacant due to a lack of funding on state and federal levels. ‘The staff was allocated according to where the people are and where the agricul ture is,” Schadler explained. “And a good portion of that happens to be in the southeastern part of the state.” Approximately 19 multi-county agents are slated to work in South east Pennsylvania. Some of the positions have been filled with several agents in place already and others beginning work in April and May. The first agent to fill a posi tion was LeAnna Wheeler, who is based in Chester County. She is a resource-management agent who will be working with families in Chester and Delaware counties to help them make better use of their resources. Bruce Kreider, a farm manage ment specialist, will begin work on April 1 and be based in Lebanon County. He will cover Berks and Dauphin counties as well. On the same day, John DeFassio also will assume his position as farm man agement specialist. Based in Lehigh County, he will go to NEW Hi-O 30 F.F. Another High Performance Dairy Feed From Purina Mills, Inc. 30% Protein - Can Be Used As A Top-Dress Or In A Mix High Energy - Helps Reduce Excessive Weight Loss In Early Lactation Cows. Fermentable Fiber- A Highly Digestable Fiber For Optimum Rumen Function. Maximum Palatability Please Give Us A Call So We Can Explain How Hi-0 30 F.F. Will Fit 6 S. Vintage Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 (717)442-4183 (717) 768-3301 Northhampton and Schukyll counties. Nina Redding and Eleanor Gar ris, home economists, will deliver programs in Adams and Franklin counties. Part of a county pair-up plan, each will specialize in specif ic areas, developing programs, and sharing information and programs. Redding is based in Adams Coun ty, while Garris, formerly with the Adams County extension, has transferred to Franklin County. The multi-county family resour ce management/family strengths agent, Rebecca Wolf begins her duties on March 15. She will be based in Lehigh County and travel to Northhampton County as well. On May 1, William Kliener begins working with people in Adams, York, and Franklin coun ties. His specialty is fruits, and he will be based in Adams County. Patricia Huff, a family living/ resource management agent, also starts work on May 1. She will travel throughout Dauphin, York, Lebanon, and Cumberland counties. Schadler reported that if all goes well, a poultry agent and a farm management agent will start work within the next couple of months. Into Your Program. KSSMUiS X | PURINA CHOWS | * Registered trademark ol Ralston Purina Company Both agents will be based in Lan caster. The poultry agent also will go to York, Adams, and Lebanon counties, while the farm manage ment specialist also will serve Chester County. Several positions are as yet unfilled with a search being con ducted for qualified people. Schadler listed two housing and environment specialists; a resour ce management agent to cover Montgomery, Bucks, and Berks counties; and a water quality agent for York, Cumberland, Adams, Lebanon, Franklin, and Dauphin counties as the main positions yet to be filled. “We hope that by summer we’ll have people for these positions,” Schadler said. Schadler and her associates have high hopes for the new multi county agents, believing that it is a trend whose time has come. But, they also are realistic enough to know that they’ll have their share Rt. 82 Unionville, PA 18375 (215) 347-2377 of wrinkles to iron out “It’s not going to be without growing pains,” she predicted. “We’ll have Atlantic District 20 To Meet SOUTHAMPTON, Pa. Atlantic Dairy Cooperative Dis trict 20 will hold its annual dinner meeting March 24 at 7 p.m. at the Williamsburg Elementary School. Robert M. Dever, Atlantic’s assistant general manager, and Laura E. England, public relations manager, will be the guest speak ers. Dever and England will report on cooperative business, dairy issues and milk promotion Insure against the jl unexpected Kids and farm animals, both unpredictable. And both can cause accidents on or off your property. That’s why you need the protection of an Old Guard farm insurance policy. Call us today. Old Gmrd MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 2929 Lltttz Pike, Lancaster, PA 17604 717-569-5361 ROBINSON-CONNER, INC. B.G. BALMER & CO., INC. 4750 Delbrook Road 1436 W. Lancaster Avenue P.O. Box 1220 Box 1010 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Paoli, PA 19301-1010 (717) 761-1919 (215) 647-8880 ALBRIGHT INSURANCE AMOS J. BALSBAUGH, JR. AGENCY P.O. Box 323 14 S. 4th Street Schaefferstown, PA 17088 Hamburg, PA 19526 (717) 949-6534 (215) 562-7818 HORSEH GENUINE HOR; Barnyard Acid Rr AMERICAN Made of tough, long wearing shoes stand manure, silage, < better than cowhide. Shoes fe: Goodyear welt, nitro cork sol not track, steel shank, paddet collar, cushion insole and arcl support. Ideal for barn use. Siz< 7-13 including 'A sizes. Ist quality. Our experience show:. that horsehide outlasts good cowhide by 50% or more for farm use, WIDTH STYLE 6 Inch D, EE, EEE $47.95 D, EE, EEE $49.95 8 inch 8” Steel Toe EE Only $54.95 We ship in 24 hours We pay shipping W-R SUPPLY CO. RD #4, Box 155 NORWICH, NY 13815 (607) 336-6987 TOW 1-800-533-1675 VISA Phone orders shipped same day Mastercard Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988-Al9 to build teams. But we’ll build a team that will deliver a stronger, meaningful program.” activities. Kenneth Brubaker, District 20 president, will conduct the busi ness meeting. During this time, a 25-year membership award will be presented to Dennis A. and Mar garet J. Smith of Martinsburg. Atlantic Dairy Cooperative rep resents 4,100 dairy farm families in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Vir ginia and West Virginia. READ LANCASTER FARMING FOR COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE MARKET REPORTS PRICE SIZE TOTAL NY Add 6% Tax Grand Total CUSTOMEI ADDRESS. STATI
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