Belknap Livestock Auction Dayton, PA Wed., March 9, 1988 CATTLE 78...PDA...Comp*red with last Wednesday’s market; Few Breaking Utility and Commercial slaughter cows 47.00- Cutter and Boning Utility 45.00- 50, couple High Dressing 51.25&52, Canner and Low Cutter 40.00- Shells down to 32.50. One Standard si. bullock, individual 58 00. Cou ple Yield Grade No. 1. 1320/1365 lbs. si. bulla 61.50&62.50, few No. 2 1155/1640 lbs. 54.00-55.75. Feeder Catlle; Few Medium Frame No. 1, 515/685 lbs. steers 75.00- few Med. & Large #l, 785/1030 lbs. 60.75-63.25. Few Medium Frame No. 1, 280/565 lbs. heifers 74 00-79 00. Few Medium Frame No. 1-2 350/590 lbs. bulls 64.00-76.00. CALVES 119.. Standard and Good 90/120 lbs. vealers 80.00-92, 60/85 lbs 60 00-85 00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90/130lbs. 100 00-135, few down to9l 00, few Hoi Heifers 90/160 lbs. 85.00-145 00. Beef cross bulls & heifers 60/110 lbs. 86 00-142 50. HOGS 166 Barrows and gilts steady US No. 1-2 230/240 lbs. 42.10-43.10, lot 250 lbs. 42.00, 1-3 215/250 lbs. 41 50-42.10,2-3 235/285 lbs. 39 50-41.75, 1-3 210/215 lbs 40 00-41.50. US No. 1-3 280/510 lbs. sows 34 00-37.50. Few Boars 22 50-25.50. FEEDER PIGS 51... US No. 1-3 20/30 lbs feeder pigs 19.00-28.00, 35/50 lbs. 37.00-48 00. few Utility 30 lbs. 13 00-19.00 all per head. Introducing four ways 0 MORE PROFITABLE FORAGE 1 jfe iuv muvmaa Chemical conditioning improves your odds of beating the ram by cutting your drying time in half Fast, even drying means you can cut and bale more hay at peak maturity, for in creased yield, higher protein content and greater profitability (Effective on legumes only) 3.«fe. ■NZYMIADOITIVI Our new, 25% more concentrated enzyme group controls fermentation faster, by quickly reducing heat and pH Water soluble and easy to apply, it ensures enzyme activity throughout the ensiled matter for maximum quality and optimum feed efficiency Call your Farm Enterprise Salesperson today, and give mother nature and your profits a Fresh boost! -a ■'A SHEEP 18...Sm*U Lot Choice 105 lbs. spring si. lambs 81.00. Slaughter ewes 24.25-28.00. GOATS 11... Medium 25.00-40.00 all per head. Mercer Livestock Auction Mercer, PA Tues., March 8, 1988 CATTLE 251.. PDA . Compared with last Tuesday’s market' Slaughter Steers .50 to $1 higher. Cows .50 to SI lower. Choice si. steers 66.50-72.60, Select 63-63.50, Standard 56.50-62.00. Choice si. heifers 64.50-67.70, Select 60.50-64.50, Standard 54.00-58, few Utility 49 50-53.00 Breaking Utility & Commer cial si. cows 48.50-51. Culler & Boning Utility 45-49.50, Canner & Low Cutter 38.50-45.50, Shells down to 27 00 Yield Grade No. 1, 1300/1935 lbs. si. bulls 55 00-63.75, few No. 2. 1100/1400 lbs. 51.00- 00. Feeder Cattle: Medium Frame No. 1,540/650 lbs. steers 67 00-80, Large #l, 1000/1115 lbs. 65-66 35. Medium Frame #l, 350/650 lbs heifers 64 00-74, few Large #2. 600/1000 lbs. 45.00- 00. Medium Frame No. 1, 250/500 lbs bulls 77 00-85 00 CALVES 138. .Few Good vealers 89 00-94, Standard and Good 90/120 lbs. 79.00- 60/85 lbs. 68.00-82, few Utility 50/70 lbs. 40.00-60.00 Farm Calves Hols tein Bulls 90/125 lbs 95.00-140 00 Few Beef cross bulls & heifers 85/110 lbs 90.00- HOGS 200... Barrows and gills .75 to $1 lower. US No. 1-2 225/250 lbs. 42.85-44, 1-3 210/255 lbs. 41.50-42.85, small lot 2-4 m Working for people who work the land (agway) Agway Farm Enterprise Service 260 lbs. 38.25, 1-3 170/195 lbs. 38.00- US No. 1-3 300/550 lbs. sows 40.00- few 2-3 325/600 lbs. 35.00- Few Boars 26.00-31.00. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 Market Test SHEEP 2...C0up1e Slaughter ewes 16.00 and 25.00. GOATS 0...N0 Market Test. Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, PA Wed., March 9, 1988 CATTLE 92...PDA...Compared with last Wednesday's market; Slaughter cows steady to .50 lower. Select holstein steer, individual 58.85. Select si. heifer, one 61.00. Breaking Utility and Commercial si cows 46.00-49.75, Cutter and Boning Utili ty 45.0048.75, Canner and Low Cutter 41.0044 50 Yield Grade No 1, 1620 lbs si bull, individual 58.85. Feeder Cattle Few Medium Frame No. 1, 300/600 lbs. heifers 58.00-69.50. CALVES 99.. Choice vealer, individual 108 00, Standard and Good 75/95 lbs 84 00-89, few Utility 60/80 lbs. 75.0085.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 90/125 lbs. 100 00-125, couple 133 00. few Hoi. Heifers 95/120 lbs. 123 00148 00 HOGS 160. .Barrows and gilts $1 lower US No. 1-3 210/250 lbs. 4275-44 10 US No. 1-3 360/760 lbs. sows 31 00-34, couple 36 00. Few Boars 22 00-25.50. FEEDER PIGS 149... US No 1-3 25/45 lbs. feeder pigs 35.00-45.50, few lots 75/100 lbs. 47.00-67 00 aU per head SHEEP 6... Few slaughter ewes 23.0a29.00. GOATS 3... Few Urge 38.00-41.00 2, HAT PRESERVATIVE Now you can bale from dawn to dusk Because our 80 20 blend preservative permits safe baling at moisture levels up to 30% Proven to save time and money, Field Fresh im proves profit potential by increasing dry matter recovery as much as 15% 4.JORL •ACTBRIALINOCULANT The newest in forage preservative technology, our water soluble moculant supplies the beneficial bacteria needed for fast and efficient fermentation It improves silage digestibility as well, resulting in increased production and profit per ton of ensiled forage Economical, a 200 gm jar treats 50 tons of silage \|/ -vM kr. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 12, 1988-Al3 all per head. HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS $575.0051000.00, COUPLE $1200.00 PER HEAD. Valley Livestock Athene, Pa. Monday, Mar. 7, 1988 Report supplied by auction HOLSTEIN HER. CALVES TO 127 50. VEAL CALVES TO 97.00. VEALER BULL CALVES TO 142 50. SLAUGHTER CALVES 65 00-85.00. GRASSERS & FEEDERS 40 00-65.00. LAMBS 70 00-89 00. TOP 215 00. SHEEP 20 00-39 00. HOGS, 200 TO 250 LBS. 38 00-45.00. SOWS 28 00-32.00 BOARS 25 00-35.00. PIGS EA. 27.50-5000 HEIFERS 44 00-53 00. STEERS 46 00-51.00. STEERS, FEEDER 56 00-70 00 BULLS 50 00-58.75. COWS 44.00-47.75. COWS. MEDIUM 42 00-45 00. COWS, POOR OR SMALL 35.00-42.00 CATTLE MARKET STEADY. CALF MARKET STEADY GOATS TO 62.50 FEEDER SALE IST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH. DAIRY SALE 3RD EACH MONTH THURSDAY OF Frederick Livestock Sales Frederick, Md. Monday, March 7, 1988 Report Supplied by Auction BUTCHER COWS: MOSTLY STEADY. GOOD 48.00-49.75; STAN DARD & UTILITY 43.00-47.00; CAN NERS 40.00-43.00; SHELLY 39.50-DOWN. BULLS: MEDIUM 48.00- HEIFERS- DAIRY CULLS MEDIUM TO GOOD 48.00-52.50. BUTCHER HOGS: 1.00 LOWER. 220-245 LBS. 41.25-42.25; 250-265 LBS. 40.00- SOWS: 350-550 LBS. 31.75-34.50. VEAL CALVES: MOSTLY STEADY. GOOD-CHOICE 180-250 LBS. 90.00- STANDARD 86.00-89.00; STOCKY & THIN 75.00-85.00; LIGHT CALVES 90.00-97.00; WEAK & ROUGH 89.00- DOWN. CALVES RETURNING TO FARM: VERY ACTIVE-STEADY WITH LAST WEEK. HOLSTEIN HEIFERS: 90-120 LBS. 98.00- HOLSTEIN BULLS: 95-115 LBS. 125.00- LAMBS: GOOD & CHOICE 79-92 LBS. 90.00-96.00; GOATS LARGE 50.00- 00; MED. 34.00-50.00. STOCK CATTLE; STEADY PRICES. STEERS- GOOD 300-400 LBS. 70.00- 700-750 LBS. 64.00-67.50. HEIFERS- GOOD 300-500 LBS. 70.00- 700-800 LBS. 59.00-63.50; BULLS- CHOICE 300-400 LBS. 80.00- MED. 75.00-79.00. • GWALTNEY of LTD RECEIVING HOGS! LANCASTER COUNTY FARMERS MONDAYS- McCoy's Branch Office, Bareville WEDNESDAYS: (Next toßawells Butcher Shop) A FRIDAYS: on Butler Rd. 717-656-9668 TUESDAYS. BAR Cattfe THURSDAYS Marietta 717-426-3258 YORK COUNTY FARM MONO, tewartstown 717-993-2564 Thomasville 717-792-2248 or 9836 Contact for information. Ed Herrmann, 717-284-3203 or Charlie Kauffman, 215-593-5674 Future forward contracts available TUESDAY! PLEASE NOTE! Change of Location to Home Farm On Hill Rd. In Heated Shed FRIDAY, APRIL 8 - 1:00 PM ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Located 4 miles east of former loca tion, 1 mile off 472 midway between Quarryville & Oxford, PA, 1 mile south of Kirkwood, turn west off 472 at Union Church (Street Rd.) 1 mile to crossroad turn left, 2nd farm on right. Hill Road. Watch for sale signs. Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 50 to 60 Head We will no longer have White Dia monds, it will be the next generation or F2’s crossbred to Chester White. Very nice gilts. Vaccinated for Lepto, Eryslplas, Rhinitis, E’Coll, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Truck Available
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