We’re convinced that these beans are the best we’ve ever developed. Plant some and sec for yourself. We think they’ll convince you, too 3981 Versatility has made this late Group 111 variety one of the top performers in the Pioneer lineup. It can be planted on a variety of soil types, and generally main tains good yields on the soils. 3981 has a 2.5 bushel per acre yield advantage over Williams. Additional traits include: bushy plants that work well in wide rows, high Better Beans. Better yields. Better get some. podding characteristics, very good shatter ing resistance and very good field tolerance to most races of Phytophthora Root Rot. NEW 9361 You’ll be looking at an impressive new soybean variety with this excellent mid-Group 111 variety. 9361 also offers high yield potential, strong emer gence and early vigor. Good tolerance to Phytophthora Root Rot is another desirable feature of 9361. Because of its smaller seed size each unit goes a little farther at planting. PIONEER HI-BRED INTERNATIONAL, INC. Pioneer, brand products are sold subject to the terms and conditions ot sale which are part of the labeling and sale documents. Pioneer is a brand name; numbers identify varieties. 'Registered trademark of Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Dec Moines, lowa, U.S.A. © 1987 PIONEER. BRAND-SOYBEAN SEED Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 1986- 9391 As a new late Group 111 variety, 9391 is the yield leader. It has a wide area of adaptation and performs well under many growing conditions. 9391 gets out of the ground quickly, has good standability, and is resistant to Races 1-3 and 6-11 of Phytophthora Root Rot. It also has good field tolerance to other prevalent races. Smaller seed size and better seed quality gives 9391 additional advantage over the popular 3981 variety. ■A'
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