OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC National Procrastination Week. Alexander Graham Bell received patent for telephone March 7, 1876 Average length of days for the week 11 hours, 40 minutes Battle between the Monitor and Merrimack March 9,1862 Johnny Appleseed Day March 11 Last quarter of the moon March 11 (Fn ) Blizzard dropped 40 inches of snow, 400 people died, on the Planet Uranus discovered March 13,1781 The absent OLD FARMER'S WEATHER FORECAST New England: Beginning of week warm with showers, midweek sunny, end of week ram, snow north Greater New York-New Jersey: Beginning of week mild with light ram, midweek ram and sleet, end of week partial cleanng, showers Middle Atlantic Coastal; Sunny at beginning of week, midweek ram, heavy west, end of week showers and seasonable temperatures Piedmont & Southeast Coastal: Beginning of week ram north, cloudy south, clear and mild midweek through week s end (All Rights Reserved Yankee Publishing Incorporated Dublin NH 03444) Keister’s Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, Pa. Tuesday, March 1, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 477.. PDA ..Compared with BAGGED PEANUT HULLS At $6B/Ton Delivered* LESTER SMUCKER 215-445-6019 * Cash and quantity discount includsd - Dellvsry within 30 mllss of Nsw Holland PLEASE NOTE! Change of Location to Home Farm On Hill Rd. In Heated Shed FRIDAY, MAR. 11 ■ 1:00 PM ON THE FARM MONTHLY BRED GILT SALE Sale To Start Promptly Every 4 Weeks Snow Date Following Tuesday same time. Located 4 miles east of former loca tion, 1 mile off 472 midway between Quarryville & Oxford, PA, 1 mile south of Kirkwood, turn west off 472 at Union Church (Street Rd.) 1 mile to crossroad turn left, 2nd farm on right. Hill Road. Watch for sale signs. Validated Brucellosis Free Herd #169 Qualified Pseudorabies Free Herd #55 50 to 60 Head We will no longer have White Dia monds, it will be the next generation or F2’s crossbred to Chester Whi'e. Very nice allts. 20 Head Due between March 13 & 22 24 Head Due between March 22 & April 2 Plus we'll have around 15 head of a 3 way cross York & Landrace & Duroc. They’ll be close, you will want to try these too when you see 'em Vaccinated for Lepto, Erysiplas, Rhinitis, E’Coli, Pasteueralla Hand mated with Breeding Dates Local Truck Available No Hogs Sold On Commission JOHN B. STOLTZFUS R.D. 1, Kirkwood, Pa. Abe Dlffenbach, Auctioneer AU22SL NEXT SALE FRI., APRIL 8, 1:00 P.M. THE MARCH 7-13,1988 Ask the Old Farmer: I have an old oak trunk with a paper picture on the inside of the lid The paper is detenoratmg Is there anything 1 can do to make it more durable 7 88, Greenfield, N H Try brushing on a coat of clear varnish, and keep the trunk away front heaters paper ages faster in warm places Home Hints. Use a wine rack as a magazine holder Roll up the magazines to fit into the bottle slots last week’s market: Slaughter Steers uneven, about steady; Cows mostly .50 to $2 lower. High Choice & Prime si. steers 69-72.25. Choice 1000/1500 lbs. 66 00-71, Select 62,50-66; Choice holsteins 63.00-66, Select 58.75-63, few Standard 56.00- Choice si. heifers 64.50-68.50, Couple to 69.00, few Select 60.00- Breaking Utility & Commer cial si. cows 45.50-50, couple 55.50, Cutter & Boning Utility 45.00-50.50, Canner & Low Cutter 41.50-45, Shells down to 37.25. Few Select & Choice si. bullocks 61.00- Yield Grade No. 1,1200/2180 lbs. si. bulls 57.75-64.75. one 66.50. Feeder Cattle: Few Medium Frame No. 1,500/800 steers lbs. 67.00-82.00. Few Medium Frame No. 1, 450/850 lbs. heifers 60.00- CALVES 237... Few Choice vealers 121.00- few Good 106.00-109, Standard and Good 70/100 lbs. 90.00-97, Utility 65/85 lbs. 78.00-88.00. Farm Calves: Holstein Bulls 85/125 lbs 94.00- mostly 110.00-140; Hoi Heifers 80/120 lbs. 94.00-120.00. HOGS 713...8arr0ws and gilts steady US No. 1. 220/240 lbs. 47.00-48, 1-2 210/245 lbs. 46.00-47, 2-3 200/250 lbs 45 00-46, 2-4 200/270 lbs. 42.00-45.00. US No. 1-3 300/650 lbs. sows 33.00-36, one 38.50, 2-3 275/575 lbs. 29 00-33.00 Boars 28.00-32.75. FEEDER PIGS 302., US No. 1-3 25/40 lbs. feeder pigs 33.00-43.00, 40/55 lbs 40.00- 00 all per head. SHEEP 16... Few Choice 40/45 lbs. new crop si. lambs 120.00-145 00, few 65/105 lbs. wool lambs 85.00-96 00. Few Slaugh ter ewes 24.00-37.00. GOATS 13... Few Urge 41.00-65 00, few Kids 27.00-43.00 all per head MELHORN SALES, SERVICE, J. it V o£kals ij The American Bird „a -**t Backed By Research And Performance. The Most Consistent And Reliable Bird On The Market Today Please Review These Local Records Of Lancaster, York And Lebanon County Flocks. 20 Weeks of Age Peak Production # Weeks Over Livability 12-23-85 Over 93% - 9 weeks Over 90% -16 3% at 56 weeks Over 93% - 2 weeks Over 90% -18 at 70 weeks 6 weeks 8- 9- 9-17-86 9-17-86 9-22-86 9-24-86 9- 10- 10-21-86 11- 12- 12-29-86 1-30-87 Average; 18 Farms with 909,553 layers averaged over 93% for BVz weeks, over 90% for 16V2 weeks. Records like these are a result of superior genetics, a sound growing program, and excellent management in the laying house. We would welcome the opportunity to be of service to you in your production needs. The only full service company, in this area, to handle the total poultrymen For More Information Phone: Ifjjf ) 71 T-fi'll-l 102 UM.liL.liH yflBV J § m. § VF <3 A ■ Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM 1010 W. Main st.. Mounts. PA 17552 DEKALB XL v Over 93% 62,226 Over 93% -10 weeks Over 93% - 8 weeks 27,664 85,619 Eighty-Four Livestock Auction Eighty-Four, Pa. Monday, February 29, 1988 CATTLE 343...PDA...Compared with last Monday's market: Slaughter cows mostly steady. Few Select si. steers 62.00- Standard 54.50-60.25, Uulity 49.50-53.50. Few Select si. heifers 61.00- few Standard 55.00-58.50, few Uulity 48-53.50 Breaking Uulity & Commercial si. cows 48.00-51.50, Cutter & Bon. Uulity 45.50-49, Canner & Low Cut ter 40.00-46, Shells down to 22.00 Yield Grade No. 1. 1200/1900 lbs. si. bulls 54.00- few No. 2, 980/1300 lbs. 48-53.75. Feeder Cattle: Few Medium & Large Frame No. 1, 320/425 lbs. steers 80.00- few to 101.00, Med. & Large #l, 500/800 lbs. 69.00-75, few Large #2. 800 lbs. 57 50. Few Medium Frame No. 1, 250/300 lbs. heifers 80.00-103, Med. St Large 450/650 lbs. 60.00-74.00. Few Medium Frame No. 1, 350/500 lbs bulls 80.00- CALVES 223... Few Choice vealers 119.00- 112. few Good 94 00-109, Standard and Good 90/120 lbs. 80.00-95, 60/85 lbs 71.00- few Utility 50/80 lbs 41.00- Farm Calves: Holstein bulls 90/120 lbs. 100.00-150, couple 160.00. HOGS 113... Barrows and gilts .50 to $1 lower. US No. 1-2 215/240 lbs. 43.50-44, 1-3 225/260 lbs. 43.00-43.60, 2-3 215/245 lbs. 42.00-42.75, few 2-4 250 lbs. 41 00. Few US No 1-3 380/600 lbs. sows 36.00- few 2-3 400/600 lbs 33 00-35 00. Few Boars 26.00-28 00. 4 weeks Over 90% -16 weeks Over 90% -15 weeks FEEDER PIGS 2...C0up1e US No. 1-3 30 lbs. feeder pigs 34.00 per head. SHEEP 79... High Choice & Prime 75/85 lbs. new crop lambs 90 00-93, Choice 80/95 lbs. wool lambs 80 00-86.00. Slaugh ter sheep 27.00-34.00. GOATS 10... Large 35.00-40.00, few Medium 24.00-28 00 all per head. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland Dairy Wednesday, March 2, 1988 Report supplied by auction REPORTED RECEIPTS OF 128 COWS, 93 HEIFERS, AND 5 BULLS. MARKET STRONGER. LOAD OF PERRY FRESH COWS, 750.00- LOAD OF PA FRESH COWS. 850.00- LOAD OF CANADA FRESH COWS. 860.00- 120.00; SPRINGERS 850.00- HERD OF 33 HD. PUREBREDS, ALL STAGE COWS, 850.00-1975.00 HERD OF 31 HD. PUREBREDS, ALL STAGE COWS, 570.00-130000. LOCALLY CONSIGNED COWS 660.00- SPRINGING HEIFERS 820.00-1030.00. SHORTBREDS 610 00-870.00, OPEN HEIFERS 410.00 640 00 BULLS 510.00-690 00 % at 62 weeks % at 49 weeks % at 56 weeks % at 52 weeks % at 59 weeks % at 55 weeks % at 53 weeks % at 52 weeks % at 47 weeks % at 41 weeks 97 0% at 41 weeks 95.9% at 43 weeks 95 9% at 38 weeks needs of ?
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