7,143 Heifers are presently being fed #545 Hi-Yield Grow-R w/Rumensin®. This special “Hi-Yleld” concentrate is fed at the rate of 1 lb. per head per day and lets the dairyman grow big deep bodied heifers by using his forages. Free Choice Forages Cost: Total Purchased Feed - $69.36 per year #5OB #50820 #533 Pellet #528 Pellet 16% Golden Flake 20% Golden Flake 32% Dairy Cone. 28% Hi-Yield Cone Fat Added/Buffers $159.60 Ncl/Ton CDB'r'TAT UWO OQ TO ABDTT OO Ju/ i/Vlv Jk JT JC/J& m H/JeS• w JL ViP XjLI, JfcCJUL# mmmm I FREE WITH 10 $ FREE WITH 40 Get One 50 lb. Bag of #545 Heifer Grower Get Five 50 lb. Bags of #545 Heifer Grower Concentrate FREE When Yon Buy 10 Concentrate FREE When You Buy 40 Bags 50 lb. Bags of #545. of #545 $180.38 Net/Ton Includes 8 ton volume discount and cash discount of 2'A % due 15th following month. Prices effective March 7, 1988 and subject to change with grain markets. Deduct additional $3.00 per ton if paid in 10 days. From 8 Months To Fresh FEED 1 lb. Per Head Per Day $240.05 Net/Ton $255.65 Net/Ton iter Fai #578 Maximum Density Beans-Bect Pulp Top Dress $215.09 Net/Ton 1988-A5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers