AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 5, 1988 Belleville Livestock Auction Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, March 2, 1988 Report Supplied by PDA CATTLE 98. ,PDA...Comp»red with last Wednesday's market: Slaughter cows .25 to $1.25 lower. Breaking Utility and Commercial si. cows 46 50-49, couple 51.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 45.00-48.75, Canner and Low Cutter 41.50-44 75, Shells down to 37 00 Few Yield Grade No. 1. 925/1575 lbs. si bulls 55.25-58.00. CALVES 107... Standard and Good 70/95 lbs vealers 89 00-96 00, few Utility 60/80 lbs. 80 00/87 00 Farm Calves- Hols Rutherford Receives Dairy Service Award SYRACUSE, NY Clyde E. Rutherford, president of Dairylea Cooperative, Inc., was presented with the Service to Dairying Award at the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council (ADADC) held February 17,1988 at the Sheraton Inn in Liverpool, New York. The Service to Dairying Award is presented once a year to an indi vidual or organization that has made a significant contribution to the dairy industry. Rutherford is a dairy farmer from Otsego County, New York whose leadership and credibility in the dairy industry has been recognized on a regional and national scale. In New York State, he is chairman of the Milk Advis ory Committee, appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets to assist him in dealing with the many problems associated with milk laws and regulations. Nationally, Rutherford has been New Holland m i4n v V * I OCATION On Rt 340 East of White Horse P> tem Bulls 90/125 lbs. 110.00-141, few down to 96.00; few Hoi. Heifers 100/115 lbs. 10000-122.50. HOGS 107... Barrows and gills $175 lower. US No 1-3 210/245 lbs 44.10-55.10 US No. 1-3 330/570 lbs. sows 32.00-4000. Few Boars 25.00-28.00. FEEDER PIGS 240... US No 1-3 20/351bs feeder pigs 29.00-39.50, 35/50 lbs. 39.00-51,50/75 lbs 49.00-55 00 all per head. SHEEP 13.. Couple Choice 60 lbs. new crop lambs 105.00&106 00. Few Slaughter ewes 20.00-29.00. GOATS 0...N0 Market Test. HOLS TEIN DAIRY COWS $550 00-$! 100 00 PER HEAD appointed to the National Com mission on Dairy Policy, created under a provision of the 1985 Food Security Act ADADC s annual meeting con cluded with guest speaker Philip Lempert as he focused on the theme, “Reaching Regional Markets.” ADADC is a dairy promotion organization representing 20,000 dairy producers from New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. OPEN HOUSE DAYS MARCH 16-17-18-19, 1988 Wed., Thurs., Fri.: 7 AM - 8 PM Sat.; 7 AM - 3:30 PM Horn v Brook I A F I S Whlt * HAKNFgIIi H y K E ortip^siK ATGLEN - The Special PA Tour will feature five outstanding Holstein farms in the Chester County area. The tour is scheduled for Friday, March 11, following the East Coast 500 Holstein sale being held Wednesday, Thursday and Thursday evening, March 9 and 10. Those interested in the tour should meet at the farm of Harold and Esther Bare, Swann Rd., off Route 30, just east of Route 41. Tour will begin at 9 a.m. and should be concluded by 2 p.m. For information contact Harold Bare at (215) 593-6577. Joy-Wil Farms is owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hostetler and his sons Barry and John. The latest herd average is 19,437 lbs. in milk production with 724 lbs. of fat with 631 protein and a BAA of 105.9. It was Joy-Wil Millie Glendell Padst which sold at the 1987 state Holstein Conven tion sale for $15,000. According to Barry her new owner said she just hit over 1,000 pounds of bulterfat. The foundation of their herd comes from an Ivanhoe daughter, EX-94 4E, which had 5 EX daughters. They have four Valiant daughters out of Patsy and one is classified EX as a 3-year-old. Pat sy has a lifetime record of 167,410 lbs. with a 4.1% test. Her record at eight years is 29.192 M, 4.3 % test and 1250 F and protein at 3.5% and 1027 lbs. Several Patsy bulls have gone into AI in Canada. See 5 Pages Of OPEN HOUSE SPECIALS In Next Weeks Paper LAFF S BAKiM ttyUIFX Sales & Service •s&j? im “s- '*■ (717) 442-8134 We Service What We Sell • Check Our Prices Before You Buy Special PA Holstein Farm Tour BY PAT PURCELL On the tour agenda are; Joy-Wil Farms Welcome To Our Her Valiant daughter at 3-years old has 26,093 lbs. of milk, 4.3% fat, 1112 lbs. fat, 3.8% protein, 1004 lbs. protein. Pinta Lane Farm Tim Barlow and Ben Beiler will be welcoming the tour to Pinta Lane Farm. With a milking herd of 90 Holsleins, the herd average is 19,451 lbs. of milk and 741 lbs. of bulterfat. Ben and Tim have two Walkway Chief Mark daughters and quite a few Valiant and Tradi tion daughters. The two Mark daughters produce 75 lbs. of milk at 2-years-old. Pinta Lane Farm follows the Animal Analysis Association (AAA) recommendations. According to Tim, their BAA of 104.7 reflects their success with that program. In July a Polygon Mixer was added to the farm. The more pre cise feeding system has improved overall production and test figures, but the greatest benefit has come in overall improvement in herd health. Closed circuit TV cameras in the calving area for the past five years have cut down on calving problems in the middle of the night. “With the farm economy the way it is, you need all the help you can get,” said Tim. Glen Valley Farms There are seven generations of homebred milking cows on the Ken and Marilyn Umble farm with 60 head in the milking herd. Their herd average is 20,500 lbs. of milk, 750 lbs. of butterfal. This was the home of Glen Valley Star which went into the young sire program of Carnation Genetics. Star was COFFEE AND DONUTS 15% CASH DISCOUNT On Parts the highest type index bull for two years. Umble’s Bell Petra is index ed at 1713 M, 45P and 45F and good enough for three contracts. Umbles sell nearly 15 cows a year to local farmers looking for good, sound milk cows. The Glen Valley Farm BAA is 105%. Swann Road Holstein Farm The Swann Road Holstein Farm is a 142-acre, 70-cow dairy farm which also has a broiler house on it, operated by Harold and Esther Bare and family. The rolling herd average is 20,180 lbs. of milk with 756 lbs. of butterfat. The BAA is 105.4%. Their sires include five milking daughters of Rotate and also milk ing daughters of Walkway Chief Mark one of the most popular sires on today’s AI market. The Bares also have milking daughters of Memorial and Swann Road Kryp ton. Krypton is a newly released sire at Atlantic Breeders which has a PDT of 2.79 and this places him as the second highest living type bull in top 100 on the TPI list, according to Harold. Fountain Hill Holstein Farm This 150-acre farm, owned by Tom Lapp and family, has a milk ing herd of 65 cows. The rolling herd average is 20,600 lbs. of milk with 750 lbs. of butterfat. The BAA is 102.4. Fountain Hill Holstein Farm has strong cow families with only one cow not carrying the Fountain Hill prefix. Most are Atlantic Breeders sires with a few by Chairman, Cavalier, Achilles and Krypton. This is home to Fountain Hill RA Achilles at Eastern Breeders. The Lapps feed TMR and some baled hay. DOOR PRIZES DAILY 15% CASH DISCOUNT On Whole Goods
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